A Network
Of Law Firms
To Protecting
Employers In
Because many clients have a multi-state or national presence, we wanted to create a group that mirrored our clients. We carefully selected the top workers’ compensation defense firms across the country, but, more importantly, we found attorneys who are committed to partnering with other attorneys to provide clients with expertise, education and guidance that is perfectly tailored to their needs. From that, the NWCDN was born.
The NWCDN hosts an invitation only annual seminar that covers cutting-edge legal and claims management issues. Through our website, our attorneys can be contacted individually and can also coordinate a group response to answer questions about the latest trends. We are frequently asked to complete questionnaires for clients so they can create internal guidelines for handling claims nationally. With members located in major cities throughout the United States, the NWCDN takes each member's hands-on, local approach to workers' compensation law and combines it into a national perspective. It is like having your favorite workers' compensation defense firm in every state in which you do business.
“Workers' compensation is a very important field of the law, if not the most important. It touches more lives than any other field of the law. It involves the payments of huge sums of money. The welfare of human beings, the success of business, and the pocketbooks of consumers are affected daily by it.”
Judge E.R. Mills, Singletary v. Mangham Construction,
418 So.2d 1138 (Fla. 1st DCA, 1982)
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