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Written by: Scott Farwell

Following North Carolina’s July 2017 legislative change to the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, one might have put aside concerns over Wilkes v City of Greenville; resting assured that the slippery slope within NC Workers’ Compensation claims as to compensability of late-reported and or ‘new’ injury conditions remained merely that, a slippery slope, rather than the cliff face suggested by the Wilkes’ ruling. Unfortunately, the specter of Wilkes is not so easily vanquished.  Indeed, it remains alive and well as it relates to issues of disability.

Recall, first, the North Carolina Court of Appeals in Wilkes found plaintiff’s self-serving testimony regarding the ‘futility’ of any return to work effort was sufficient to support a finding of disability. They did so despite the Commission’s detailed ruling which highlighted Plaintiff’s failure to conduct any form of reasonable job search.  Translation: the claimant in Wilkes took the stand and testified that his age, limited work experience, and low level of education would render even a hypothetical job search pointless.  By testifying in this manner, Plaintiff was found to have satisfied one of four acting litmus tests for disability in Workers’ Compensation claims, otherwise known as, the Russell prongs. Russell v Lowes Prod. Distribution, 108 N.C. App 762, 425 S.E.2d 454 (1993)

While disturbing enough, that a claimant’s own testimony can satisfy such a burden of proof within a field of law already designed to interpret every fact in a light most favorable to the claimant, the North Carolina Supreme Court not only failed to find fault with this result, but instead, seemed to reduce the burden on Claimants even further by stating,

“Here we emphasize that this Court has not adopted Russell, and that the approaches taken therein are not the only means of proving disability. See id. at 422, 760 S.E.2d at 737 (stating that “Hilliard was grounded explicitly in the statutory definition of disability in section 97-2Russell expanded upon, and perhaps diverged from, that grounding” and that the Russell methods “are neither statutory nor exhaustive” (emphases added))… Because we have held that Russell does not apply here, [Defendants’] argument is misplaced; however, we have never held, and decline to do so now, that an employee is required to produce expert testimony in order to demonstrate his inability to earn wages. A plaintiff’s own testimony, as well as that of his lay witnesses, can be quite competent to explain how a plaintiff’s injury and any related symptoms have affected his activities. See Kennedy v. Duke Univ. Med. Ctr., 101 N.C.App. 24, 31, 398 S.E.2d 677, 681 (1990)   .”

Wilkes v City of Greenville, ____ N.C. ____, 799 S.E. 2d 838, 849-850 (2017)

The factual scenarios within which this type of testimony and outcome prove problematic are truly legion.  Take, for example, the case wherein a claimant is terminated (from a job for reasons unrelated to their presumably active and compensable claim) and, without conducting a reasonable job search, without following up with the Employer-Defendant, without putting forth any effort to identify, search for, or otherwise attempt to return to work, testifies it was futile to find work elsewhere, and, in doing so, satisfies the burden to establish disability.  Again – if the Supreme Court’s application of this issue were applied, it would not even be necessary for the Plaintiff’s self-serving testimony to address whether that futility arose out of the claimed injuries/conditions – only that they were 1) out of work, and 2) personally felt it was pointless to even attempt to return to work given claim and/or non-claim related factors.

Highlighting that such unsubstantiated testimony at the earliest stages of a claim could result in a finding of disability is the subject to which this post is dedicated – that, and providing a potential solution.

It should not be surprising to the reader that this issue is not a new problem within the Workers’ Compensation arena.   While the general rule is that expert testimony is required where complex questions of medical causation, disability, or otherwise, are in dispute, where common sense would suffice, lay testimony is sufficient.  McCrary v King Bio, Inc., ___ N.C. App. ___, 737 S.E. 2d 761 (Feb 2013).[1]    This principle has been applied specifically in the context of disability within workers’ compensation claims. Church v Bemis Manufacturing, ___N.C. App. ___, 743 S.E. 2d 680 (June 2013).   In Church, the Plaintiff returned to work following a compensable injury by accident to her shoulder.  She worked for some time, and her work restrictions were limited to a set period (through August 9).  On August 18 she experienced a stroke, and was taken out of work as a result of that stroke.   Plaintiff testified her shoulder continued to make it difficult for her to return to work, or find other work.   The court found that, regardless of a prior medical release to return to work followed by an actual and continuously successful return to work, Plaintiff’s own recitation of facts as to difficulty performing the job supported a finding that the job offered and filled was not suitable and that her disability continued beyond the unrelated stroke.

Thus, Wilkes, while perhaps adding some additional confusion as to whether causation is a necessary element to establish disability, did not introduce any new concepts on the topic of disability.  It did, however, serve to remind Defendants of a crucial strategic choice to be made early in any workers’ compensation claim wherein disability is at issue – whether, how, and at what time will an expert be retained such that their testimony will be available to rebut the only other voice in the room talking about disability – that of Plaintiff.

Imagine the impact in McCrary if an expert had been available to testify that the medical condition Plaintiff faced was complicated, therefore requiring Plaintiff to offer testimony beyond his own lay opinion.   Imagine, too, the impact in Church if a labor and/or vocational expert had been retained to conduct an ergonomic evaluation of Plaintiff’s post injury job and/or return to work prospects beyond her separation from employment.   In those instances, Plaintiff’s testimony, later found to have met the burdens of proof as to disability, would have been weighed/measured against the testimony of experts, and likely found lacking.

Now, imagine, in Wilkes, if a vocational expert had been retained to conduct a labor market survey in/around Plaintiff’s residence – locating even some potential work.   By their own accounting, the Defendants would have been better positioned to overcome the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Rulings on the disability issue.[2]  The scope of this issue was played out within Medlin v Weaver Cooke Constr., LLC, __ N.C. App. __, 748, S.E.2d 343 (September 2013), a case most known for its conclusions regarding ‘economic downturn.’

In Medlin, Plaintiff worked for Defendant as a project engineer, project manager, and estimator. In May 2008, Plaintiff injured his right shoulder in a compensable accident. Plaintiff continued working with Defendant-Employer until he was laid off in November 2008. The parties stipulated Plaintiff was laid off because of “reduction of staff due to lack of work.” In January 2009, Plaintiff began receiving unemployment benefits. In February 2009, Plaintiff began receiving temporary total disability benefits. For a little more than two years, Plaintiff received overlapping unemployment and TTD benefits. Plaintiff eventually was placed at MMI and assigned permanent work restrictions, which included no lifting greater than 10 pounds, no climbing ladders, and no repetitive overhead activities. Defendants filed to terminate benefits on the theory that the only reason Plaintiff could not obtain employment was because of the economic downturn and not based on any physical restrictions related to the claim injuries.

The Full Commission found Plaintiff had not met his burden to prove disability.  The Court of Appeals agreed, stating that the purpose of Russell was to provide channels through which an injured employee may demonstrate the required causal link between wage loss and the work-related injury. Notably, the Court highlighted a labor market study was performed in which two commercial construction companies of similar size as Defendants determined that someone with Plaintiff’s work restrictions was capable of performing job duties required by the estimator position. The vocational rehabilitation expert in the case also opined that Plaintiff would have been able to return to work but for the current economic downturn in the region.

Conclusion: Wilkes brings back to the fore the long standing danger of proceeding to hearing on issues of disability without having retained an expert.   It is all but certain in such matters that the Plaintiff will testify in favor of disability.  Wilkes has now re-established Plaintiff’s own testimony is sufficient to meet Plaintiff’s burdens of proof as to disability/futility.  As such, Defendants do themselves a disservice in failing to proactively take steps to rebut that foreseeable, if not forgone, testimony through the retention of a vocational and/or labor expert.

[1] An expert opinion on the medical causation of claimant’s injuries to her wrist after she attempted to catch a heavy package was not required in workers’ compensation case, even though claimant had suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome 20 years earlier, where claimant felt pain in her wrist immediately after the accident and had continued to feel pain since that time, claimant’s co-worker observed the accident and corroborated her account, claimant promptly reported the injury to employer and sought treatment, claimant did not have any pain in her wrist prior to the accident, and there was no evidence that claimant continued to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome at any time after the conclusion of that treat

[2] In Wilkes, the Supreme Court acknowledged while plaintiff here bears the burden of proof to establish disability, once plaintiff has done so, the burden shifts to defendant “to show not only that suitable jobs are available, but also that the plaintiff is capable of getting one, taking into account both physical and vocational limitations.” Johnson, 358 N.C. at 706, 708, 599 S.E.2d at 512, 513 (quoting Burwell v. Winn-Dixie Raleigh, Inc., 114 N.C.App. 69, 73, 441 S.E.2d 145, 149 (1994) (emphasis omitted)).

Occupational psychiatric claims, like all occupational claims, must be filed within time or be subject to the statute of limitations defense.  The challenge is always whether the employer can prove that the employee knew the nature of his condition and its relationship to work.  That was the issue in Bender v. Township of North Bergen, A-1988-15T4 (App. Div. August 25, 2017) where the petitioner, a former police officer with 25 years of experience, filed an occupational psychiatric claim three years after he retired.

Officer Bender worked for the Township from 1979 to 2004 when he retired as a lieutenant.  He testified that over the years he handled various gruesome assignments and suffered negative psychiatric consequences from his exposures.  He consulted with Dr. Ausberto Mckinney, the police department’s physician, in 2002 before petitioner retired.  Dr. Mckinney referred petitioner to a psychiatrist, Dr. Mercedes Rudelli, who began to see him on a continuous basis.  Petitioner testified that the work stress was a factor in his retirement.  However, petitioner did not report the condition to the Township, nor file a claim petition until 2007.  At that point he filed an occupational psychiatric claim and an occupational orthopedic claim.

The Township made a motion to dismiss the case based on the two-year statute of limitations, which requires a claimant in an occupational claim to file within two years from when he knows the nature of the condition and its relationship to work.  The Judge of Compensation ruled in favor of the Township, dismissing both claims.  Petitioner appealed and argued that there was no showing that petitioner knew that his condition was work related until he filed the claim petition.   Petitioner also argued that the Judge of Compensation did not adequately explain why he dismissed the orthopedic claims.

The Appellate Division affirmed the decision of the Judge of Compensation.  First, the Court explained what is not sufficient for an employer to prevail on the occupational statute of limitations.  “As this court has held, merely experiencing symptoms and receiving treatment for a work-related condition is not sufficient to trigger the statutory time limits.” The Court said that the petitioner “must have knowledge that the condition rises to the level of a permanent disability, since only permanent disability is compensable.”

Having said that, the Court found it pivotal that petitioner himself testified that he was aware as early as 2002 of the relationship between his psychological symptoms and his employment.  That was why he was treating with a psychiatrist. Petitioner had also filed claims in the past for various injuries, and the Court noted that petitioner was familiar with the workers’ compensation process.

Petitioner made a clever attempt to argue that the Township was aware that he was treating with its physician, who referred petitioner to a psychiatrist, and therefore the Township was actually in effect providing workers’ compensation treatment through Dr. Rudelli, even though it was not being billed through workers’ compensation.  He argued that the two-year statutory period should therefore be tolled.  The Court did not buy that argument, stating that petitioner was well aware from filing prior workers’ compensation claims of the requirement to file a formal, written claim petition in a timely fashion.

Where the Appellate Division did agree with petitioner was that there was not sufficient rationale for a dismissal of the occupational claim petition.  Petitioner argued that his orthopedic injuries were “insidiously progressive” and “did not manifest themselves until less than two years before the filing of the claim petition.”  The Appellate Division remanded this part of the case for further proofs on the issue of the statute of limitations on the orthopedic claims.



John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group.  Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at 


The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals recently released its opinion in Ex parteGarrison Trucking Co., wherein it considered the issue of venue.

The Old Rules

In venue disputes, your residence means your permanent home: the place you plan on returning to after an extended absence, as opposed to a place of temporary residence, such as a beach house. In determining where an Alabama employee resides, the Court looks for evidence of the employee’s intent. Typical things that have been considered indicative of where an employee intends to reside are their own representations of their lawful residence on documents, such as where they get their mail and the address listed on bills.

There is one consideration that has always been treated as the smoking gun: the county where someone registers to vote. In the past, registering to vote in a certain county has been considered to answer the question of where someone resides. Put simply, if you register to vote in Mobile County, you reside in Mobile County.

The New Rules

In Ex parte Garrison Trucking Co., the employee claimed he resided in Washington County on the date of the accident and the employer claimed the employee resided in Mobile County. The Court concluded the evidence indicated the employee lived in Washington County.

The employer presented evidence showing the employee received his mail at the Mobile County address, listed the Mobile County address as his residence on multiple documents, including his job application and medical records, he received medical treatment in Mobile County for his alleged work related injury, and evidence that he registered to vote in Mobile County in 2016. The employer’s evidence spanned from March 2014 through May 2016, which presented an essentially uninterrupted timeline. 

The employee claimed that he had lived in Washington County for the past 15 years. However, out of all of the documents he submitted, he did not submit any documents that showed he resided in Washington County in 2014. Rather, the only evidence he submitted were documents from 2011, 2013, and 2015. Furthermore, his evidence consisted of two pistol permits, his drivers’ licenses, a vehicle registration, loan documents, and a Transportation Worker Identification Credential card thatexpired on April 20, 2014. The employee also told the Court he became one of the owners of the Mobile County address when his mother died in 2013, but he did not submit any other evidence showing he owned the property. Considering he claimed it was his residence for the past 15 years, it should not have been difficult to obtain better evidence.

After reviewing the evidence, the Court concluded “other than documents listing an address,no evidence was presented to show that [the employee] resided or intended to reside at the [Mobile County] address.” The Court discounted evidence that has historically been regarded as sufficient for purposes of establishing a person’s residence or a person’s intent to reside (i.e. county of voter registration).

In support of its finding, the Court stated that “there was no evidence from neighbors indicating that [the employee] appeared to be living in [Mobile County] or that he was involved in church or community activities in [Mobile County].”


According to the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, to prove where an employee resides, the employer has to prove the employee actually lives there and that the employee is an active member of that community. Voter registration is no longer a determinative factor.  If the employee is a hermit that merely owns property in another county, or has any recent connections to another county, you may be out of luck.


This article was written by Ashleigh Hunnicutt, an attorney at Fish Nelson & Holden, LLC in Birmingham, Alabama. Fish Nelson & Holden is dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation cases and related liability matters. Ashleigh and her firm are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network. If you have questions about this article or Alabama workers’ compensation issues in general, please feel free to contact Ashleigh or (205) 271-7626.


The National Workers' Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN) is hosting an excellent conference in Atlanta on October 18 and 19.  It is by invitation only, so if you are interested in attending, please contact Jane Stone

Another attorney pled guilty to conspiracy to commit health care fraud, admitting to a scheme under which he received more than $26 million from the US Department of Labor Office of Workers’ Compensation Program.  Dallas attorney, Tshombe “Shaun” Anderson, admitted that he and four family members ran a durable medical equipment billing scheme involving patient information taken from Union Treatment Centers.  Anderson had previously worked for Union Treatment Centers as an attorney.  The scheme involved duplicate billing for unwanted durable medical equipment that was not medically necessary, using outdated medical information.  Anderson faces sentencing on 11/19/17, and faces up to 10 years in prison and restitution.  In addition, $8.4 million was seized from 25 bank accounts associated with him, his firm and his family, as well as two houses, several luxury cars and almost $700,000 in cash seized from his home and that of his sister.  It appears that the powers that be are starting to take workers’ compensation fraud seriously!

DWC has lost two more long-time Hearing Officers. Carol Fougerat is leaving the San Antonio Field Office and Patrice Squirewell-Jean is leaving the Houston East Field Office.  These two ladies have been Hearing Officers for many years.  Their retirement follows a continuing pattern of attrition of experienced Hearing Officers at the DWC.

On 8/1/17, DWC announced changes to the form DWC-45 to allow system participants to request to proceed directly to a contested case hearing.  The DWC explained that parties are not required to participate in a BRC when the DWC determines that mediation would not prove effective to resolve the dispute or that the overall policy of the Workers’ Compensation Act would be advanced by proceeding directly to a contested case hearing.  The stated goal of this change is to “focus BRC time and resources on disputes in which participation is thought to be the most productive.  The revised form can be found at  

On 8/18/17, DWC posted changes to the Designated Doctor Rules and asked system participants for informal comments.  The stated reason for the changes is to “simplify certain DD processes, retain and recruit doctors to continue to ensure the most optimally qualified doctor is selected for an examination, provide transparency, and allow for better monitoring of designated doctors. 
The DWC Designated Doctor List (DDL) has undergone significant demographic changes since Rule 127 was adopted in September of 2012.  Specifically, there are half as many doctors on the DDL and there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of medical doctors on the DDL, while the number of chiropractors has steadily increased.  Of the 540 total doctors on the DDL, 167 of them are medical doctors and 352 are chiropractors.  When Rule 127 was adopted, there were 1247 doctors on the DDL, 929 of whom were medical doctors and 203 were chiropractors.
In an effort to keep designated doctors in the program, and ostensibly to lure more medical doctors back to the fold, the DWC is proposing changes to the selection and qualification criteria that would allow more examinations per appointment and more specialization (in other words, more exams for medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy) for more complex injuries, which have been further defined by the proposed rules.  The current selection process “penalizes” the more specialized doctors by moving them to the bottom of the appointment list when appointed to complex cases.
Of interest is the fact that the DWC has not addressed any increase in the fee schedule to take into account changes in the complexity of the system, the Designated Doctor rules and the kinds of examinations designated doctors are appointed to address.
The informal comment period closes on 9/1/17, but the rules will be posted for formal comment.  

On August 29, 2017, Commissioner Brannan issued a bulletin, which can be read in its entirety at the following:  The bulletin refers to the Governor’s disaster proclamation and directs that, for the duration of that proclamation, Carriers must provide or continue to provide: (1) processing and delivery of benefits checks and medical care, services, supplies and equipment; (2) waiver of penalties and restrictions related to necessary and non-emergency health care provided out of network; (3) coverage of payment for necessary emergency and non-emergency health care services obtained out of network; (4) extended deadlines for medical examinations; authorization of payment to pharmacies for up to a 90 day supply of prescription medications (subject to the number of days authorized by the provider) regardless of the date on which the prescription had most recently been filed; and (5) expedited change of address processing.
In addition to the direction to carriers, the bulletin informs system participants of a tolling of deadlines for participants who reside in the counties listed in the Governor’s disaster proclamation. For the duration of the proclamation, deadlines are tolled for: (1) workers’ compensation claim notification and filing deadlines; (2) medical billing deadlines; (3) medical and income benefits payment deadlines; (4) electronic data reporting deadlines; and, (5) medical and income benefit dispute deadlines.
The DWC also reminded political subdivisions that first responders are on the front lines of the disaster and DWC and those subdivisions shall accelerate and give first priority to an injured first responder’s claim for workers’ compensation medical benefits if that first responder sustains a serious bodily injury in the course and scope of employment.  OIEC has designated a First Responder Liaison, Yolanda Garcia, who can be reached at 512-804-4173  

Governor Abbott issued a disaster proclamation on 8/23/17, certifying that Hurricane Harvey posed a threat of imminent disaster, including severe flooding, storm surge and damaging winds for the following counties: Aransas, Atascosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bexar, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Colorado, Comal, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hardin, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kerr, Kleberg, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Liberty, Live Oak, Madison, Matagorda, Montgomery, Newton, Nueces, Polk, Refugio, San Jacinto, San Patricio, Tyler, Victoria, Walker, Waller, Washington, Wharton, Willacy and Wilson counties.  On 8/28/17, the Governor added Angelina, Orange, Sabine and Trinity counties to the proclamation.