State News : Nebraska

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Caswell, Panko & Westerhold, LLC

In case you missed the updates from the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court for 2025, here’s what you need to know.

Effective January 1, 2025, the mileage rate for travel to seek medical treatment or to participate in an approved vocational rehabilitation plan will be 70.0 cents per mile. Please note that this change in mileage reimbursement rate took effect on January 1, 2025. Information on the historical mileage rates is available on the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court website under “Benefits.

Also, effective January 1, 2025, the maximum weekly income benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $1,130.00. This amount applies to work-related injuries and illnesses occurring on or after January 1, 2025.

For more news updates for Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court, click here.

If you have questions, please contact any of the lawyers at CPW by phone or email. Want to ensure you don’t miss out on the next post in the CPW compendium series? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court will hold the swearing-in ceremony for Judge Brynne Holsten Puhl today at 2 p.m. The public is invited to the ceremony, which will take place in the Warner Chamber of the Nebraska State Capitol, located off the Rotunda on the 2nd Floor, 1445 K St., Lincoln, NE. The newly appointed judge will be the guest of honor at a reception following the ceremony at the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court.

Select this link to view the news release.

Select this link to view the event's live video stream, provided by Nebraska Public Media.


Due to the retirement of Judge James R. Coe on April 15th, there is a judicial vacancy on the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. On Friday, March 29th, the Judicial Nominating Commission for the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court submitted two names to Governor Jim Pillen: Jill K. Hamer Conway of Omaha and Brynne Holsten Puhl of Lincoln.  Six Judges serve on the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court and hear cases across the State of Nebraska.

Effective as of January 1, 2024, the maximum weekly income benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $1,094.00. This amount applies to work-related injuries and illnesses occurring on or after January 1, 2024 (

Also, effective January 1, 2024, the mileage rate will become 67.0 cents per mile for travel to seek medical treatment or while participating in an approved vocational rehabilitation plan. See related news release (

Historic mileage reimbursement rate information is available in the Tables of Maximum / Minimum Compensation Benefits, Burial Benefits, and Mileage Reimbursement Rates on the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s “Benefits” web page (

After serving the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court for 27 years, Judge Fitzgerald retired on May 31, 2023. In a fond farewell to a nearly three-decade long history of serving the bench, it’s fitting that Judge Fitzgerald’s last decision involved one of the most disputed and complex injuries in the workers’ compensation setting: complex regional pain syndrome (“CRPS”).

On May 26, 2023, Judge Fitzgerald authored an Award in Howell v. Transit Authority of the City of Omaha. The central dispute in the case was whether the employee had CRPS. At trial, the employer offered the live testimony of Dr. Massey. During direct examination, Dr. Massey pointed to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment which he noted comprised the diagnostic criteria for CRPS. Dr. Massey testified that the employee did not have the necessary criteria to be diagnosed with CRPS. In contrast, the employee offered the deposition testimony and report of Dr. Carlo Ponti. Dr. Ponti alternatively found that the employee did have CRPS as a result of her work-related accident and injuries.

Before discussing Judge Fitzgerald’s ultimate decision, it’s important to note that CRPS, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, is one of the most litigated injuries in workers’ compensation cases across the country, not just Nebraska. The difficulty usually lies in attempting to separate a true CRPS diagnosis from malingering. In the last five years alone, over 21 different cases have been decided by the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court involving CRPS. It is evident in these cases that the judges demand persuasive reports from medical providers that detail and explain the expert’s underlying rationale for believing that an employee’s condition is or is not CRPS. Unlike a fracture or disc bulge, CRPS isn’t typically confirmed or contradicted by objective imaging. It is therefore imperative in a disputed CRPS case to develop strong, persuasive evidence to present to the judge.

In case you’re still wondering about Judge Fitzgerald’s decision, he ultimately disregarded Dr. Massey’s opinion writing that “all patients do not read by the book.” Having found the employee suffered from CRPS, Judge Fitzgerald likewise held that she was entitled to ketamine as it had previously helped improve her function.

With Judge Fitzgerald’s retirement and the passage of LB 799, the number of Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court judges has been reduced from seven to six. CPW Law wishes Judge Fitzgerald the best in his retirement and thanks him for his years of service.

If you have questions about a case involving CRPS, please contact any of the lawyers at CPW by phone or email. Want to ensure you don’t miss out on the next post in the CPW compendium series? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

by Jenna Christensen | Jun 21, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

In law school, one of the first concepts taught is the proverbial “eggshell” Plaintiff. The doctrine means that you take the victim (or in workers’ compensation cases, the employee) as you find him or her. In real world terms, some employees may be hired with absolutely no pre-existing problems while others may have a number of comorbidities that make them more susceptible to injury. However, the employee’s susceptibility to injury is not a defense to an otherwise compensable workers’ compensation claim.

The vast majority of workers’ compensation cases in Nebraska involve an employee with some extent of a pre-existing medical condition. However, the law is very clear: An injury, disability, or death that is solely the result of the normal progression of a preexisting condition or that is due to natural, idiopathic causes, although occurring while the employee is at work, is not compensable. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 48-151(4). Alternatively, if the work-related accident combines with, accelerates, or aggravates a pre-existing injury, the entire resulting disability is compensable. Heiliger v. Walters & Heiliger Electric, Inc., 236 Neb. 459, 461 N.W.2d 565 (1990).

Unlike some other states, Nebraska does not look for primary or secondary causes of an injury. Stated another way, if the employment was a “contributing factor” to the employee’s injury, the entire disability is compensable. Miner v. Robertson Home Furnishing, 239 Neb. 525, 531, 476 N.W.2d 854, 859 (1991). This is even true if the employee would not have been injured but for the pre-existing condition.

Because nearly every disputed case in Nebraska involves a pre-existing condition, it is not difficult to find cases from each of the six judges discussing the concept of aggravations. However, several recent decisions reveal an important factor that the judges routinely consider when deciding an aggravation case – honesty.

Often times, for whatever reason, an employee will misrepresent or significantly downplay the extent of his or her past medical conditions. For example, an employee with a work injury to his back may claim he’s never seen a doctor for his back prior to the work accident, only for that statement to be discredited by a neurosurgeon’s records from just weeks before the alleged accident. Alternatively, an employee may admit to prior ankle problems “years ago,” but her records show her ankle surgery occurred in the month before the work accident.  It is abundantly clear that the workers’ compensation judges value when an employee is honest and forthcoming about his or her prior problems.  In 2020, Judge Block specifically highlighted an employee’s honesty with his medical providers when deciding to award benefits for an aggravation to the employee’s back. Similarly, in 2022, Judge Stine awarded benefits to an injured employee who had been seeking medical treatment for his disputed knee claim just a few weeks before the alleged accident. In making that decision, Judge Stine highlighted that claimant was always forthright about his prior problems and how the accident made it worse.

Contrast these opinions with cases where employees aren’t forthright about their prior problems. In 2020, Judge Hoffert entered an Order of Dismissal in part because the employee was dishonest about her lack of prior back problems. He highlighted the voluminous records presented by the employer showing that the employee had been on a leave of absence for prior back problems right up until the day before her alleged accident. This evidence, he noted, was in stark contrast to the employee’s testimony on the stand.

While it may be somewhat obvious that judges value honesty from employees, these cases show the vital importance of securing employee’s prior medical records. When evaluating new cases, it’s important to pay attention to the parts of the medical records discussing an employee’s past problems or past medications. These portions of the treatment notes can be easily glanced over, but may contain information that sheds an important light on the employee’s prior medical history that he or she is unwilling to share voluntarily. Additionally, in cases where a recorded statement is taken, it’s necessary to ask the employee about his or her past medical problems. If an employee acknowledges a relevant past history, securing those records could be a major development in the case. While it’s true that employers take employees as they find them, to evaluate whether the eggshell plaintiff rule applies, one needs to know what “cracks in the shell” even existed before the accident.

If you have questions about a case involving an employee with a pre-existing condition, please contact any of the lawyers at CPW by phone or email. Want to ensure you don’t miss out on the next post in the CPW compendium series? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.

The burial benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $11,300.00 effective July 1, 2023. This benefit applies upon the death of an employee, resulting through personal injuries as defined in NEB. REV. STAT. § 48-151

Please select this link to view the latest news from the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court (