NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.
Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
Last month we informed you of Commissioner Brannan’s decision to authorize contested case
hearings to be held in the Metro Center Building, a.k.a., “Austin Central.” The expansion of
hearings sites was initiated as a “quick fix” to the surplus of recent work comp claims in the Austin
area and the Division’s inability to set disputes within the statutorily-mandated 60-day deadline for want of docket space. Officially, Austin has just one Hearing Officer, and the field office has only
one hearing room. Originally this temporary solution was to have extended only into September,
but because the high volume of cases has continued without abatement, the project has been
extended through at least December. How much longer this “temporary” remedy remains temporary
is anyone’s guess.
Maximum Attorney Fees Rate MIGHT Increase. The proposed rule would establish a new
maximum rate of $200/hour for attorneys and $65/hour for legal assistants. The proposed change
serves as the Division’s recognition that the cost of goods and services has increased significantly
in the last quarter-century. However, the Division’s hourly rate for legal services, which it adopted
in 1991, has not been updated until now. The low rates were beginning to discourage attorneys from
taking workers’ compensation cases when other, higher paying work is available. The increased rate
will provide injured workers with greater access to quality representation which is important to the
health of the system. The proposed new attorney fee rules will be found at DWC Rules 152.3, 152.4,
and 152.6.
DD Requests to be Attached to the DD Orders . . . Finally. Over the last few years, the DWC has
more than once reminded (admonished?) system participants to exchange the DWC 32 with the
opposing party when a DD request is made to the Division so that all are informed of what
information is being asked of the DD. The reminders were ineffective. Frequently, Carriers would
receive an order for a DD exam on extent of injury, for example, without having received the DWC
32. In the absence of the DWC 32, the Carriers were left without an understanding of what was the
injury the DD was asked to address. To resolve the “failure to exchange” problem, the Division has
elected a practical solution. Effective September 1, 2016, the Division will attach the DWC 32 to
the DD Order. Despite this practical solution, system participants are reminded that DWC 32s must
still be exchanged with all parties.
The Hearing Officer determined that the claimant, a truck driver, who stopped to assist a motorist
injured in an accident that did not involve the claimant sustained a compensable injury when his
knee later began to swell. The road on which he had been traveling was still blocked by the
accident, so after he rendered his aid, the claimant turned around and followed an alternate route to
his office. The Appeals Panel disagreed with the Hearing Officer’s determination that the claimant
had remained in the course and scope of his employment when he stopped to assist the motorist.
Although such aid rendered in the event of an emergency could arise during the course and scope
of employment if the employment is not deserted and the claimant’s actions are reasonable for
advancing the employer’s work interests, there was no evidence in this case that the claimant was
performing any action that he thought necessary for the employer’s business interests. His assistance of the motorist did not serve to clear the road, and an alternate route was available to him
to proceed with his work duties.
No Way Around it: Evidence of Impairment is Limited on Judicial Review is Limited to that
Presented to Division
The long-running litigation related to injured worker Daniel Samudio’s correct impairment rating
continues following the Texas Supreme Court’s decision in American Zurich Ins. Co. v. Samudio,
370 S.W.3d 363 (Tex. 2012) (Samudio I). TEXAS LABOR CODE § 410.306(c), provides, “Except as
provided by Section 410.307, evidence of extent of impairment shall be limited to that presented to
the division. The court or jury, in its determination of the extent of impairment, shall adopt one of
the impairment ratings under Subchapter G, Chapter 408.” In Samudio I, the Court held that if on judicial review a trial court finds that no valid impairment rating was presented to the Division in
the underlying contested case, the trial court may remand the claim to the Division to determine a
valid rating. Samudio I, at 368. The case was remanded to the trial court following Samudio I.
On remand, Mr. Samudio filed a motion for summary judgment on the issue of the correct
impairment rating. Attached to the motion was an affidavit and medical report supporting the 20%
impairment rating awarded by the Division in the contested case. The Carrier objected that this
evidence of impairment was not admissible because it was not presented to the Division. The trial
court overruled the objection, admitted the evidence, and granted summary judgment for Samudio.
The Houston Court of Appeals reversed and rendered explaining, “the evidence that Samudio
presented at summary judgment is precisely the type of evidence that the statute forbids, and
therefore, the trial court could not consider it.” American Zurich Ins. Co. v. Samudio, No. 01-15-
00478-CV, 2016 WL 4485818 *6 (Tex. App.–Houston [1st Dist.] Aug. 25, 2016) (Samudio II). The
court held that the Carrier had established as a matter of law that the 20% impairment rating was
invalid. Id.
An analysis by the Texas Department of Insurance shows that Texas’ use of the closed formulary
for prescription drugs in the workers’ compensations system is having a positive impact on both
Carrier’s wallets and on injured workers. Reporting on the study, www.workerscompensation.com
noted that total drug costs fell by 15%, N-drug costs fell by 80%, and prescriptions for N-drug
opioids fell 81%. The combination of lower costs and better care through less addictive prescriptions
shows the closed-formulary is working in Texas. For more information, visit here. In regard to
states which legalized marijuana, reports are that although opioid use is down, accidental poisonings
of children are on the rise.
The 2016 Rio Olympic Games brought the Zika virus to the forefront of national worry. The tropical
disease can cause brain damage and birth defects to infants of mothers infected in the womb, and
new studies suggest that Zika may cause brain damage in infected adults as well. As Zika creeps its
way into the United States from the tropical climates to our south, employers and carriers will likely
be presented with claims from injured workers alleging they contracted the disease in the course and
scope of employment. These claims will likely be very fact specific and require a challenging
causation analysis showing if, when and how the claimant contracted the disease while working.
On Monday May 23, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court denied lien claimants’ petition for certiorari in the case ofAngelotti v. Baker. The denial effectively ends the litigation over the constitutionality of the lien activation fee imposed by SB 863, now Labor Code section 4903.06.
Labor Code section 4903.06 required payment of an activation fee of $100.00 to the Division of Workers’ Compensation prior to January 1, 2014 if the lien was filed prior to January 1, 2013. If the fee was not paid, the lien was subject to dismissal as a matter of law as of January 1, 2014. Due to litigation in the Angelotti case, the final day to pay the activation fee was extended to the end of December 31, 2015.
In Angelotti, several medical providers filed challenges to the constitutionality of the activation fee at the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They argued that the activation fee was a forfeiture penalty and a governmental deprivation of their right to be paid. However, the circuit court found that a lien is only an expectation of payment, so there was no governmental “taking” with the imposition of a fee. The expectation of payment was not property subject to governmental taking. The DIR argued that the fee was akin to a user fee. The circuit court found that the activation fee was constitutional.
The plaintiffs requested reconsideration by the Ninth Circuit, which was denied. The only option remaining was to file a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court, which they did. The California Department of Industrial Relations submitted a waiver of its right to respond, but the U. S. Supreme Court requested a response, which was filed. After receipt of the response, the Court issued notice on May 23, 2016 that it was declining to hear the case. Thus, the circuit court decision stands.
What does this mean in practical terms? Lien claimants subject to the activation fee who did not pay by the end of December 31, 2015 are deemed dismissed by operation of law without further action by the parties. Select medical liens are exempted from the activation fee as follows:
Additionally, non-medical lien claimants are not subject to the activation fee, including liens for attorneys’ fees, living expenses, burial expenses, spousal and child support expenses, Employment Development Department liens, and Victims of Crime liens.
Questions? Find your local Hanna Brophy attorney: www.hannabrophy.com/offices/
The new EEOC Guidance issued on May 9, 2016 upsets many of the assumptions employers routinely make in regard to leaves of absence. The EEOC states, “An employer must consider providing unpaid leave to an employee with a disability as a reasonable accommodation if the employee requires it, and so long as it does not create an undue hardship for the employer.” The Guidance adds that this is the case when:
The employer does not offer leave as an employee benefit;
The employee is not eligible for leave under the employer’s policy; or
The employee has exhausted the leave which the employer provided as a benefit (including leave exhausted under a workers’ compensation program or the FMLA or similar state or local laws).
The EEOC provides that reasonable accommodation does not require an employer to provide paid leave beyond what it provides as part of its paid leave policy. The employer can deny requests for unpaid leave when it can show that providing the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on its operations or finances. This may sound comforting but in reality it is hard for an employer to show undue hardship as is seen below.
The following examples come from the May 9, 2016 Guidance, and this Guidance clearly may cause employers to revise their leave policies:
Example Five from the EEOC Guidance
“An employer’s leave policy does not cover employees until they have worked for six months. An employee who has worked for only three months requires four weeks of leave for treatment for a disability. Although the employee is ineligible for leave under the employer’s leave policy, the employer must provide unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation unless it can show that providing the unpaid leave would cause undue hardship.”
Example Six from the EEOC Guidance
“An employer’s leave policy explicitly prohibits leave during the first six months of employment. An employee who has worked for only three months needs four weeks of leave for treatment of a disability and the employer tells him that if he takes the leave, he will be fired. Although the employee is ineligible for leave under the employer’s leave program, the employer must provide unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation unless it can show that providing the unpaid leave would cause undue hardship. If the employer could provide unpaid leave without causing an undue hardship, but fires the individual instead, the employer will have violated the ADA.”
Example Seven from the EEOC Guidance
“An employer’s leave policy does not cover employees who work fewer than 30 hours per week. An employee who works 25 hours per week and who has not worked enough hours to be eligible for leave under the FMLA requests one day of leave each week for the next three months for treatment of a disability. The employer must provide unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation unless it can show that providing the unpaid leave would cause undue hardship.”
The EEOC further states that when an employee informs the employer that an accommodation is needed for a disability, the employer should promptly engage in an interactive process with the employee. The employer may need additional information to confirm that the condition is in fact a disability under the ADA. With the employee’s permission, the employer may obtain additional information from the employee’s health care provider to understand the need for leave.
These three foregoing examples will surprise most employers. Example seven defies conventional logic because the employer is not subject to FMLA but is still required to offer unpaid leave. Examples five and six are also surprising because in both instances the employer’s leave policy is disregarded.
Tha interactive process may be very burdensome for reasons that the EEOC provides in Example 9:
Example Nine from the EEOC Guidance
“An employee with a disability is granted three months of leave by an employer. Near the end of the three month leave, the employee requests an additional 30 days of leave. In this situation, the employer can request information from the employee or the employee’s health care provider about the need for the 30 additional days and the likelihood that the employee will be able to return to work, with or without reasonable accommodation, if the extension is granted.”
The EEOC also warns employers not to ask an employee on leave with a fixed return date for periodic updates, although it says that the employer may reach out to an employee on extended leave to check on the employee’s progress. This is at best a subtle distinction: the employer may ask about progress but not about periodic updates.
Another area that the Guidance attacks is maximum leave policies. It states that although employers are permitted to have leave policies that establish the maximum amount of leave an employer will provide or permit, this policy must be flexible when someone with a disability is involved.
Example Eleven from the EEOC Guidance:
“An employer covered under the FMLA grants employees a maximum of 12 weeks of leave per year. An employee uses the full 12 weeks of FMLA leave for her disability but still needs five additional weeks of leave. The employer must provide the additional leave as a reasonable accommodation unless the employer can show that doing so will cause an undue hardship. The commission takes the position that compliance with the FMLA does not necessarily meet an employer’s obligation under the ADA, and the fact that any additional leave exceeds what is permitted under the FMLA, by itself, is not sufficient to show undue hardship. . . “
This is one of the most alarming aspects of the Guidance because it creates an open-ended period of leave beyond the FMLA requirement. It also makes it extremely difficult for HR Managers to make intelligent decisions on when to take action in the event that an employee has used up all FMLA leave time.
Example 12 from the EEOC emphasizes that it does not matter whether the employer is covered under the FMLA:
Example Twelve from the EEOC Guidance:
“An employer is not covered by the FMLA, and its leave policy specifies that an employee is entitled to only four days of unscheduled leave per year. An employee with a disability informs her employer that her disability may cause periodic unplanned absences and that those absences might exceed four days a year. The employee has requested a reasonable accommodation, and the employer should engage with the employee in an interactive process to determine if her disability requires intermittent absences, the likely frequency of the unplanned absences, and if granting an exception to the unplanned absence policy would cause undue hardship.”
The burdens on employers are significant under this Guidance. The Guidance suggests that the employer must consider the following issues:
The specific accommodation that the employee requires
The reason an accommodation or work restriction is needed
The length of time an employee will need the reasonable accommodation’
Possible alternative accommodations that might effectively meet the employee’s disability-related needs; and
Whether any of the accommodations would cause an undue hardship
The only defense an employer has to a request for reasonable accommodation for additional leave is undue hardship and that is a very vague standard. The Guidance says that in assessing undue hardship an employer may take into account leave already taken by the employee, whether or not that leave is for FMLA or workers’ compensation. The undue hardship considerations include:
The amount and/or length of leave required
The frequency of the leave
Whether there is any flexibility with respect to the days on which leave is taken
Whether the need for intermittent leave on specific dates is predictable or unpredictable
The impact of the employee’s absence on coworkers and on whether specific job duties are being performed in an appropriate and timely manner
The impact on the employer’s operations and its ability to serve customers/clients appropriately and in a timely manner
Employers will have to exercise great caution in denying unpaid leave requests in the future based on this Guidance. It is true that the Guidance is not law, but practitioners and judges do refer to Guidance regularly. The job of an HR Professional has becomes even more challenging given this new Guidance.
John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group. Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at jgeaney@capehart.com.
I received an excellent question today from a reader of this blog. The question was this: “I’m looking for some information on whether it is acceptable to bring an employee back for light duty at a wage that is lower than their pre-accident wage provided that they are paid at least at the temporary total rate. So for instance, would it be acceptable to return a construction worker to a desk job at a reduced wage?”
Let me begin by stating that there are no published cases in New Jersey which answer this question. There are also no unpublished appellate level cases that provide guidance. Decisions have been handed down within the Division of Workers’ Compensation that address this issue but they are not binding on any other court. As a result, I can only provide guidance with my answer. There is simply no case or statutory law which answers this question.
Two observations should be made at the outset. The first is that most employers pay the normal wage when someone is on light duty. The second is that no employer wants to be the first test case on the question posed above! The reason there are not published or unpublished appellate division cases is that employers recognize that if they push this issue all the way to the appellate division, they may make bad law for all employers.
Having said that, let me provide some guidelines. Temporary disability benefits replace lost wages from a work injury or occupational disease. They are non-taxable, which means that someone who earns $1,300 per week but is receiving $871 per week in temporary disability benefits is nearly made whole when one considers the non-taxability of temporary disability benefits.
The issue raised by the reader above is often discussed in workers’ compensation courts around the state. The consensus among practitioners and judges is that Judge Cox was right in his opinion in Soto v. Herr’s Foods, Inc., 2012 NJ Work. Comp LEXIS 4 (September 7, 2012). That case involved an employer who reduced an employee’s wages on light duty below the amount of temporary disability benefits. The petitioner had been earning $976.15 per week at the time of his injury. His temporary disability benefit rate was $683.31 per week. The doctor approved four hours per day of light duty initially, but the employee received a net payment of $329.43 per week, which was substantially less than his temp rate. Judge Cox wrote:
It seems rather obvious to this Court that if Respondent is responsible for the payment of temporary disability benefits, and, in this case, the amount to which Petitioner is entitled is $683.31 per week, to allow Respondent to provide minimum light duty and only pay the Petitioner an amount less than the $683.31 to which he is entitled defeats the purpose of both the temporary disability and the light duty provisions of the workers’ compensation statute.
The employer did not appeal the decision of Judge Cox. There is no doubt that the decision would have been affirmed had it been appealed. The Workers’ Compensation Act is social legislation, and courts certainly recognize that injured workers need to live on the amount of temporary disability benefits, which are capped in 2016 at $871 per week and will rise to $896 per week in 2017. Temporary disability benefits are paid at 70% of wages subject to the annual cap.
One can conclude from Judge Cox’s decision that employers would be unwise to pay someone on light duty an amount less than the temporary disability rate. For employers who do not wish to pay the full wage on light duty, they should, in this practitioner’s opinion, take into account the tax impact of earned wages to make sure the employee is getting an amount after taxes equal to the amount of temporary disability benefits. If an employee is being paid $800 per week on non-taxable temporary disability benefits and returns to work light duty at $800 taxable income per week, the employee will argue that he or she is being penalized because earned wages are taxable.
The best way to answer the reader’s question is this: an employer who pays an employee on light duty an amount less than the full wage but equal to or higher than the temporary disability rate is doing something consistent with the decision in Soto, so long as the tax impact is considered. The Soto decision did not say that the employee must receive the full wage before the injury. The philosophy behind Judge Cox’s decision is that light duty should not result in a financial penalty to injured workers. While Judge Cox’s decision is not precedential, the vast majority of judges and practitioners agree with the reasoning in the case.
What is clear is that employers who reduce pay while on light duty below the temporary disability rate run the risk of getting hit with a motion for temporary disability benefits along with penalties. Our office does not recommend reducing pay on light duty below the temporary disability rate for this reason and most of our clients pay the pre-injury wage while an employee is on light duty.
The other part of the reader’s question is whether an employee who does one type of work can be assigned to another type of work while on light duty. This is a common practice in New Jersey, and unless there is a collective bargaining agreement prohibiting temporary reassignment to another job on light duty, employers can make such temporary reassignments. After the light duty, the employee is returned to his pre-injury position.
John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group. Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at jgeaney@capehart.com.
By: Kevin L. Connors, Esquire
In a recent Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court decided on June 14, 2016, in Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board, the Commonwealth Court addressed an issue often unique in workers’ compensation practice, being whether the an order that is clearly marked “Interim/Interlocutory”, further specifically providing on the face of the Decision cover letter, that “This Interim/Interlocutory Order is Not Subject to Appeal”, is actually appealable, in which case a party may ultimately be precluded from appealing a final Decision if it did not previously take an appeal from the Interim/Interlocutory Order.
In the context of compensation litigation, it is sometimes necessary for a workers’ compensation judge to dispose of certain interim issues, such as an employer’s request for Supersedeas, or the request of a Claimant for the imposition of a Section 410 order, with workers’ compensation judges addressing these ancillary issues by issuing Interlocutory Orders that are not subject to appeal, as an Interim/Interlocutory Order is not a final order under the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure.
However, in the byzantine universe of workers’ compensation procedure, there are unique instances where an order, initially described as “Interim/Interlocutory”, is one that, if not appealed, cannot later be appealed when a final decision issued by the workers’ compensation judge disposes of all litigated issues in the claim.
If there is some confusion as to what the heck we are talking about, welcome aboard.
Perhaps some facts might help cut through this procedural fog.
The UEGF case involved the Claimant filing a Claim Petition against an uninsured employer, in response to which the UEGF filed a Joinder Petition against the uninsured employer’s prior insurance carrier, Somerset Insurance..
The uninsured employer’s prior insurance carrier, in the course of answering the Joinder Petition, also filed a Motion to Strike/Dismiss, on grounds that its coverage with the uninsured employer had lapsed prior to the date of the work injury claimed by the Claimant.
Issuing a docket cleansing “Interim/Interlocutory” order, the workers’ compensation judge dismissed the Fund’s Joinder Petition, concluding that the uninsured employer’s prior insurance carrier did not provide insurance coverage to the employer on the date of injury claimed by the Claimant, with the face sheet of the decision specifically indicating that the order was Interlocutory only, and specifically indicating “this order does not constitute a final disposition of Claimant’s petition but is only a determination of the Motion to Dismiss the Joinder Petition. These Interlocutory findings of fact and conclusions of law will be incorporated into the final decision for purposes of potential appeal to the matters decided herein.”
Pretty explicit and exacting language nonetheless, the “Interim/Interlocutory” order also indicated: “This order is not subject to appeal.”
Guess who did not file an appeal?
Skipping ahead to the workers’ compensation judge’s final decision on the merits of the Claimant’s Claim Petition, in the course of which the workers’ compensation judge reaffirmed the prior Interlocutory Order regarding the Joinder Petition, the UEGF filed an appeal of the Judge’s decision to the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board, with the Board holding that the “Interim/Interlocutory” order issued by the workers’ compensation judge to dismiss the Joinder Petition was actually a final order that should have been appealed, consequently resulting in the Appeal Board finding that UEGF’s appeal was untimely, resulting in its denial and dismissal.
The Appeal Board based its decision on Knish v. WCAB (Jerome Enterprises), 536 A.2d 856 (Pa. Cmwlth.), setting forth the elements of a final order, held to be one that “ends litigation, disposes of the entire case, puts a litigant out of court or precludes a party from pressing the merits of his claim.”
What the?
The Appeal Board also cited to the Commonwealth Court’s Decision in 3D Trucking v. WCAB (Fine), 921 A.2d 1281 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2007), holding that an order granting a Joinder Petition is not interlocutory in nature, as it resolves all issues raised by the Joinder petition.
In the case at issue, the Appeal Board drew a distinction between a Joinder Petition and an underlying Claim Petition, as the Appeal Board noted that a workers’ compensation judge is not required to necessarily consolidate a Joinder Petition with any other pending petitions, as the Joinder Petition can be granted or denied on its own merits.
In that context, an unconsolidated Joinder Petition is a procedural dispute in its own WCAIS context.
Applying that logic to the instant case, the Appeal Board held that the “Interlocutory” order granting the uninsured employer’s prior insurance carrier’s Motion to Dismiss the Joinder Petition effectively “ended the litigation against Somerset, resolved all issues raised by the Joinder Petition, and disposed of the entire case against Somerset.”
For that reason, the Appeal Board determined that the Interlocutory Order was, in actuality, a final order as to the Joinder Petition, and issues raised thereunder, notwithstanding that the Interlocutory Order had specifically said that it was not what it ended becoming, a final order.
The Appeal Board also held that the declaration by the workers’ compensation judge in the Interlocutory Order was “not subject to appeal” actually had no procedural bearing on the outcome of the Joinder Petition, being its final dismissal.
Appealing to the Commonwealth Court, the UEGF argued that the Appeal Board incorrectly dismissed its appeal as being untimely, with the Commonwealth Court holding, that an order from a workers’ compensation judge dismissing a Joinder Petition is a final and appealable order, as it addresses all issues in the Joinder Petition with finality.
However, the Commonwealth Court carefully considered the “apparent confusion” that resulted from the workers’ compensation judge’s Interlocutory Order being described as “not subject to appeal”, as a basis for considering that the UEGF might be entitled to an appeal nunc pro tunc, with the Commonwealth Court remanding the case back to the Appeal Board to determine whether the elements necessary to support a nunc pro tunc appeal were present.
Believing that the requisite elements for an appeal nunc pro tunc were present, the Commonwealth Court remanded the appeal back to the Appeal Board, directing the Appeal Board to determine if the UEGF was entitled to appeal the workers’ compensation judge’s incorrectly described “Interim/Interlocutory” order dismissing the UEGF’s Joinder Petition.
Is there a takeaway?
If there is, it is that “not subject to appeal” might not always be an accurate description of the appealability of a decision otherwise described as being “Interim”, meaning that an “Interim” order needs to be carefully reviewed to determine the issues being decided, as well as their finality.
ConnorsO’Dell LLP
Trust us, we just get it! It is trust well spent!
We defend Employers, Self-Insureds, Insurance Carriers, and Third Party Administrators in Workers’ Compensation matters throughout Pennsylvania. We have over 100 years of cumulative experience defending our clients against compensation-related liabilities, with no attorney in our firm having less than ten (10) years of specialized experience, empowering our Workers’ Compensation practice group attorneys to be more than mere claim denials, enabling us to create the factual and legal leverage to expeditiously resolve claims, in the course of limiting/reducing/extinguishing our clients’ liabilities under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.
Every member of our Workers’ Compensation practice group is AV rated. Our partnership with the NWCDN magnifies the lens for which our professional expertise imperiously demands that we always be dynamic and exacting advocates for our clients, navigating the frustrating and form-intensive minefield pervasive throughout Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation practice and procedure.