NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.
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Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.
Ritsema & Lyon is hosting a webinar on Medicare set asides. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday July 23, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. MDT. Delores Dafoe will be discussing the ins & outs of preparing and handling MSAs. Check out the Events section of our website, www.Ritsema-Lyon.com, for more information and to register. Please contact Jennie Smith atJennie.Smith@Ritsema-Lyon.com or 303.297.7275 with any questions.
Ritsema & Lyon’s 22nd Annual Workers’ Compensation Seminar will be held on Friday, August 28, 2015, at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Denver. Full itinerary and invitation coming soon. Contact Jennie Smith atJennie.Smith@Ritsema-Lyon.com or 303.297.7275 with any questions.
LB480, discussed in our May 2015 newsletter was passed. The changes are as follows:
Benefits can be denied when an employee knowingly and willfully made false statements regarding his or her physical or medical condition by acknowledging that he or she is able to perform the essential functions of a job based on the employer’s job descriptionwhen such misrepresentation caused further injury.
Employers are not responsible for any finance charges or late penalty payments as a result of medical services rendered by a provider.
The interest rate applicable to late payments is now 6 percentage points above the bond investment yield, as published by the U.S. Secretary of Treasury, which is currently 2.137 percent.
Workers’ compensation trust investment rules were changed to expand investment options.
The case of Canas-Luong v. Americold Realty Trust, 22 Neb. App. 999 (2015), confirmed that an employee is not at MMI until all conditions are at MMI and no permanency is due for one condition until all conditions are at MMI. The trial court found claimant was not at MMI for her psychological injury and awarded ongoing TTD, but also awarded PPD for an upper extremity impairment. The Court of Appeals reversed the award of the member impairment, noting that not only was the employee not at MMI for all conditions, that impairment may be factored into her overall loss of earning capacity once she did reach MMI for all conditions pursuant toBishop v. Specialty Fabricating Co., 277 Neb. 171, 760 N.W.2d 352 (2009), andMadlock v. Square D Co., 269 Neb. 675, 695 N.W.2d 412 (2005).
The Omaha office successfully defended an attempt by a plaintiff to strike a counterclaim filed by the employer. Filing counterclaims is a useful procedural tool to ensure a hearing on the merits is had if either party believes one is necessary, and is very valuable. A different trial judge recently struck a counterclaim, which created some question on whether the practice could continue. The favorable ruling supports its use and stems the concern that the Court as a whole may shift to disallow it.
For more information regarding counterclaims contact Jennifer Caswell in our Omaha, NE office.
Jennifer.Caswell@Ritsema-Lyon.com or 402.505.4630
On June 26, 2015, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals released its decision in Pat Tate as Administrator of the Estate of Michael Traffanstedt v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and Dover Corporation. In 2006, Traffanstedt entered into an agreement to settle his workers’ compensation claim against his employer, Dover Corporation. That settlement left future medical benefits open. In 2011, Traffanstedt and Dover entered into a second settlement agreement regarding his future medical benefits, but the trial court rejected the settlement. In 2013, Traffanstedt and Dover again entered into an agreement for the settlement of his future medical benefits, and scheduled a hearing before the trial court for approval. Dover’s insurance carrier, Liberty Mutual, issued a check in the amount of $70,000 for the settlement, contingent upon court approval. However, Traffanstedt died before the settlement hearing, and Liberty Mutual refused to honor the check. Tate, the Administrator of Traffanstedt’s estate, sued Liberty Mutual and Dover, alleging breach of contract. Liberty Mutual and Dover took the position that they were not bound by the settlement agreement because it had not yet been court-approved prior to Traffanstedt’s death. They also asserted that the exclusivity provisions of The Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act barred Tate’s claims for breach of contract. The Trial Court entered Summary Judgment in favor of Liberty Mutual and Dover, and Tate appealed.
In its analysis, the Court of Appeals noted that workers’ compensation settlements, including the one at issue, are handled differently under the law than other settlements, such as those involving tort claims. The Court also stated that workers’ compensation settlements were different even than settlements involving a minor, in that a settlement contract between a minor and insurer is voidable at the election of the minor, whereas workers’ compensation settlements for less than the amount of compensation provided for in the Act are contingent upon Court approval. Therefore, the Court held that workers’ compensation settlements are not valid for any purpose until approved by the Court.
This article was written by Charley M. Drummond, Esq. of Fish Nelson & Holden, LLC. Fish Nelson & Holden is a law firm located in Birmingham, Alabama dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation cases and related liability matters. Drummond and his firm are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN). The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields. If you have questions about this article or Alabama workers’ compensation issues in general, please feel free to contact the author at cdrummond@fishnelson.com or (205) 332-3414.
Intermittent leave can be extremely difficult for employers. One important point for employers to realize is that an employee on intermittent leave who comes to work in between flare-ups may be held to all customary performance standards. The case ofParks v. UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. 2014 U.S. DIST LEXIS 13538 (E.D. Kentucky 2014) illustrates this concept.
Gene Parks worked for UPS since 1999 as a material handler. He drove a forklift, moved boxes, picked products and controlled inventory. He began taking leave for medical reasons in 2003, and he conceded that UPS never interfered with his leave during his early years with the company.
In 2009, Parks was transferred to a new account. Parks began experiencing severe neck pain and applied for up to 12 weeks of intermittent leave. The company granted this request. In May 2010 the company issued a verbal warning to Parks for failure to meet standard productivity goals in either replenishment or picking. The company noted that Parks had a record of poor quality in receiving, but Parks attributed his errors to a medical condition that affected his ability to concentrate. The HR Director advised Parks that his current FMLA paperwork only authorized intermittent leave and indicated that he could perform all essential job functions between flare-ups. She also spoke to him about additional training opportunities which Parks declined. Parks countered that he himself had asked his doctor not to label him as disabled because he feared losing his job. The HR Director suggested that Parks should update his FMLA paperwork; otherwise he would be held accountable for production expectations.
A few days later Parks received a first written warning for poor quality in picking. By late 2010 the write ups became more frequent. Parks was written up numerous times for errors. He would put cartons away but record an incorrect location in the computer system or fail to enter their location in the computer system, or put boxes away upside down. Parks told his supervisors that his medical condition was impacting his performance. His supervisors advised him again that FMLA only covers missed time, not performance at work. They recommended again that if he could not do his job for medical reasons, he should update his FMLA paperwork.
Parks next was issued warnings for conduct and behavior violations. Around this period of time, Parks began a course of physical therapy and cortisone injections, but this treatment was also ineffective. His doctor told him that he would need surgery some time in the future. He submitted an new FMLA certification in January 2011 stating that he would need continuous leave for neck surgery in the near future. No specific date was given until a medical appointment in May when Parks’s doctor advised that the surgery date would be June 16, 2011. Parks claimed he told his supervisors about the scheduled surgery at the beginning of his shift the following week. The company denied being told any specific surgery date. Rather, they knew only that surgery would take place in the future.
On the same date that Parks says he told the company about his need for surgery on June 16, 2011, his supervisor discovered that Parks had logged an incorrect location in the computer system for a container. Under the company’s progressive discipline system, Parks was already on a final written warning status for performance and conduct. The company met with Parks at the end of his shift and terminated his employment. They offered him COBRA information but Parks threw away the COBRA packet because he felt COBRA was too expensive. Parks then sued under the FMLA for interference and retaliation.
The court noted the timing issue in this case between Parks’ alleged discussion about his upcoming surgery and his termination. It said that the close timing between Parks’s request for leave and his termination established a prima facie case of FMLA retaliation, shifting the burden to UPS to explain a non-discriminatory reason for its actions. UPS produced detailed information regarding the poor performance of Parks in the months leading up to his discharge. The Court was impressed with the company’s detailed documentation:
Defendant has produced thorough documentation of Plaintiff’s performance issues at UPS. Plaintiff received multiple written warnings for his sub-par performance, all of which indicated that he could face termination if his work did not improve. Despite this admonition, Plaintiff declined additional training opportunities. Although Plaintiff’s errors became more frequent as his neck condition worsened, Lovelace, Valdez and Welch repeatedly told him that, while his FMLA paperwork authorized time off to cope with his condition, it did not excuse poor performance. As long as Plaintiff chose to work, he would have to meet the standards expected of all employees. If Plaintiff felt that he could not do so, then he needed to update his paperwork again. Defendant has not only demonstrated that Plaintiff had consistent performance issues, it has shown that Plaintiff failed to heed warnings or take advantage of opportunities for improvement, knowing full well that termination could result from continued errors. Therefore, the Court finds that Defendant has articulated a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for terminating Plaintiff, thus shifting the burden back to Plaintiff.
The court granted summary judgment to UPS and dismissed Parks’s law suit. One important concept which this case demonstrates is that the FMLA provides only for leave. It does not insulate an employee or an exempt an employee from meeting performance standards while at work. The employer has a right to assume that if an employee on intermittent leave comes to work, he or she will be able to meet work requirements. In this case, UPS did an extraordinary job in documenting each and every performance issue, and this excellent documentation was the chief reason that the company prevailed.
John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group. Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at jgeaney@capehart.com.
On June 26, 2015, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals released its opinion in Todd Entrekin, Etowah County Sheriff v. Jerry Frederic Lasseter. At the trial court level, the employee petitioned the court for an order compelling the employer to provide medical treatment for his lower back. Treatment for the lower back had been provided by the employer prior to the settlement. When the parties settled, however, the settlement agreement specified that future medical was to remain available for T-11 and T-8 levels of his back. Despite this language, the trial court granted the petition and issued an order compelling the treatment. On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the trial judge because the language in the settlement agreement specifically limited the employee’s right to future medical benefits to the two specified levels of his spine.
About the Author
This blog submission was prepared by Mike Fish, an attorney with Fish, Nelson & Holden, LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing self-insured employers, insurance carriers, and third party administrators in all matters related to workers’ compensation. Fish Nelson & Holden is a member of the National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network. If you have any questions about this submission or Alabama workers’ compensation in general, please contact Fish by e-mailing him atmfish@fishnelson.com or by calling him directly at 205-332-1448.
On June 19, 2014, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals released its second opinion inGoodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Bush (). The first time around the Court of Appeals addressed several issues. On appeal the first time the Court of Appeals remanded the case to the trial court since it had not issued findings of fact and conclusions of law to support it’s finding that the employee’s knee injury affected the use and efficiency of other parts of his body. On appeal the second time, the only issue was whether or not the trial court’s ruling that the employee’s knee injury should be removed from the schedule, allowing for a permanent and total disability finding, was supported by substantial evidence.
At trial testimony from the authorized treating physician was presented that established the employee would ultimately need a knee replacement and would have continued discomfort. The doctor also testified that the knee injury resulted in the following restrictions: 1) no lifting, pushing or pulling over 20 pounds; 2) no bending at the waist, crouching, kneeling, stooping, or squatting; 3) no climbing stairs, ladders, or poles: and 4) avoid navigating unprotected heights since the right knee had reduced balance and stability. The doctor at no point testified that the right knee affected any other body parts. The doctor also did not testify that the restrictions issued arose from problems the employee was having with other body parts. The medicals records presented at trial also indicated that the employee complained solely of right knee pain and dysfunction during each medical visit. The physical therapy records noted hip flexion and extension of 4/5 and 4+/5 but did not state this was an abnormality nor did it state it was due to the right knee injury. The employee testified that he injured his back in 1978 and would still occasionally experience flare-ups and have to take nonprescription pain medication. He testified that the preexisting condition also caused him to limp prior to the on the job injury. In fact, evidence revealed that the employee told his vocational expert that his occasional lower back pain was not related to the right knee. The employee did testify that he now takes Lortab for pain but only for his knee pain. At no time did the employee testify that the right knee injury affected other parts of his body and, in fact, testified to the contrary. Finally, the evidence was undisputed that the employee could not return to his former occupation due to the permanent light duty restrictions placed on him by his doctor.
Based, on the above testimony the trial court found the employee had a preexisting back condition but now, as a result of the knee injury, he could no longer perform his duties. They also found that the doctor stated the knee injury affected his body as a whole. As such, the trial court found medial testimony sufficiently connected dysfunction to other body parts as a result of the knee injury. The trial court stated that the doctor had no reason to issues restrictions related to the other body parts because the restrictions issued for the knee would encompass the restrictions to the other body parts. Finally, the court supported its decision based on its observation of the employee limping and using furniture to steady himself as he walked around the courtroom.
The Alabama Court of Appeals disagreed with the trial court and found there was not sufficient evidence to remove the knee injury from the schedule. The Court of Appeals stated that the decision comes down to a question of medical causation: Is there substantial evidence that the effects of the injury to the scheduled member extends to other body parts and that those effects cause or contribute to pain, limitations, or other symptoms in those body parts.Boise Cascade Corp. v. Jackson. The Court of Appeals acknowledged that medical testimony was not required to prove medical causation on the issue of the injury affecting or extending to non-scheduled body parts. The Court of Appeals also pointed out that medical causation could be established on this issue based lay testimony and/or observations of the trial court. However, in this case the Court of Appeals found that the medical testimony established that the knee injury did not extend into other body parts and the fact that the doctor gave a rating to the body as a whole did not mean the schedule could be avoided.Ex parte Drummond Co. (Alabama Supreme Court specifically stated an impairment rating to the body as a whole does not remove an injury from the schedule). The Court of Appeals noted that the doctor testified that the restrictions issued were for the right knee only.
Since the medical testimony did not support removing the injury from the schedule the Court of Appeals next examined the lay testimony. The Court of Appeals pointed out that the trial court can find medical causation without direct expert medical testimony, so long the other evidence, lay and circumstantial, is sufficient to support that finding. The Court of Appeals stated that this is to be determined on a case-by-case basis. The Court of Appeals ruled that, in this case, the lay testimony actually established that the knee injury did not affect other parts of the employee’s body and that the knee injury had not worsened the preexisting back injury. The employee himself testified that the knee injury did not affect other body parts or worsen his back condition.
The Court of Appeals next addressed the trial court’s observations, which it used to support its decision. The Court of Appeals pointed out that case law does allow a trial court to consider its own observations when determining extent of disability, to include how the employee ambulates during trial. However, the Court of Appeals stated that nothing in the case law allows the trial court to make a finding of medical causation solely on its own observations without any other supporting evidence, much less when the finding is disputed by other evidence as it was in this case. The Court of Appeals stated "a trial court may not rest a finding on speculation or conjecture, even if arising from its observations, that contradicts the positive evidence in the record."
Finally, the employee argued the Court of Appeals should reconsider its holding that vocational evidence cannot be used to circumvent the schedule. The Court of Appeals stated that this court has applied in past case the rule, which was issued by the Supreme Court in Ex parte Drummond Co., that a trial court cannot consider vocational disability as a factor in determining the exclusivity of the schedule. Therefore, the trial court’s ruling that the employee is permanently and totally disabled cannot be supported by the employee’s inability to return to his former job as a result of the scheduled knee injury.
My Two Cents
The Court of Appeals again established that this is not a chicken or egg situation, since you must first establish that an injury is removed from the schedule before evidence of vocational loss can be considered. As a result, simply not being able to return to work is not an exception to the list of scheduled injuries.
The article was written by Joshua G. Holden, Esq. a Member of Fish, Nelson & Holden, LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation and related liability matters. Mr. Holden is AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest rating an attorney can receive. Holden and his firm are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN). The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields.
By Kevin L. Connors, Esquire
“Just because I don’t care, doesn’t mean I don’t understand”, brilliantly drooled by Homer Simpson.
In the School District of Philadelphia v. the WCAB, in a Decision issued by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on May 26, 2015, authored by Justice Baer, the Supreme Court was asked to decide whether Section 306(b)(3) of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act requires an Employer to provide an injured Employee with a written “Notice of Ability to Return to Work”, utilizing the State Form, identified as LIBC-757, before offering alternative employment where the injured Employee has yet to file a Claim Petition, and, therefore, has never formally proven entitlement to workers’ compensation.
Collectively holding our compensable breaths, the Supreme Court has unanimously held that the Notice provisions of Section 306(b)(3) requiring an Employer seeking to modify the workers’ compensation benefits of a Claimant based on medical evidence establishing that the injured Employee is able to return to work in some capacity, does not require the Employer to provide an injured Employee with Notice of their ability to work when offering alternative employment, when the compensability of the claim has not been established, either through acceptance of the claim, or through the Claimant filing a Claim Petition in the course of seeking workers’ compensation benefits.
This issue arose when the Claimant, Shirley Hilton, employed by the School District of Philadelphia, working as a second grade Teacher, in a School where the Claimant was routinely exposed to misbehavior, which included profanity and physical violence, forcing the Claimant to attempt to teach effectively by speaking louder than the classroom noise that she was attempting to talk over.
Completing an assignment on March 3, 2009, the children in the Claimant’s classroom became unruly, vandalized the room by knocking over desks and chairs, tore down educational charts, and ripped down a window shade.
These events were disturbing to the Claimant, who felt dizzy, could not eat, developed tension headaches, heart palpitations, and nausea.
Concluding school that day, the Claimant then went to a regularly-scheduled appointment with her primary care physician, Dr. Baugh, with the Claimant telling Dr. Baugh of the symptoms she experienced at School that day, also indicating that the anxiety that she was experiencing when working was more than she could bear (no relation to Justice Baer).
Dr. Baugh’s office then called the School District and advised that the Claimant would not be returning to work, due to her overly stressful environment.
Shortly thereafter, the Claimant was evaluated by the Employer’s work physician, Dr. Burke, who concluded that the Claimant could return to work at a regular job, at the School where she was working. The Claimant did attempt to return to work, but only lasted four days, claiming that she could not continue to work under the stress that she experienced.
A Notice of Compensation Denial was then issued by the School District, denying the Claimant’s injury as being work-related, with the denial issued on May 29, 2009.
In June of 2009, the Claimant was then assigned to teach at a different School in the next Fall Semester. The Claimant met with the Principal of that School, toured the facility, and found that the new School would be much less stressful, as the Students were quieter, and the Teachers were apparently able to teach the children effectively.
When the job was offered to the Claimant for the Fall Semester of 2009, the Claimant had not filed a Claim Petition, challenging the claim denial by the School District.
When School was ready to begin in September of 2009, the Claimant indicated that she could not begin employment at the new School, as she maintained that she was unable to return to teaching, because she was still under treatment for the symptoms that had arisen while she was working at the more-stressful School in March of 2009.
One month later, the Claimant filed her Claim Petition, alleging that she had developed stress from an abnormal working condition, and that she had sustained work-related injuries on March 3, 2009, to include a vocal cord injury, as well as aggravation of pre-existing lupus, and a heart murmur. She claimed that her injuries rendered her totally disabled.
In response to the Claim Petition, the School District filed a timely Answer, denying all of the allegations in her Petition.
During the course of hearings before the Workers’ Compensation Judge, the Claimant testified to the events that caused her anxiety and stress, and she presented the testimony of her treating physician, Dr. Baugh. The Employer presented the testimony of a medical Expert, Dr. Lamprakos.
Considering the evidence presented in support of and in opposition to the Claimant’s Claim Petition, the Workers’ Compensation Judge accepted the Claimant’s testimony regarding the conditions of her work environment at her old School, with there being no evidence presented to contradict the Claimant’s testimony regarding the behavioral problems of the Second Graders at that School.
The WCJ also credited the Claimant’s testimony that the stressful work environment caused her physical symptoms, to include the heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness, and nausea, as well as reducing her voice to a whisper.
The WCJ also accepted the testimony of her treating physician, Dr. Baugh, that the Claimant was exposed to a stressful work environment, and that she had developed an exacerbation of her pre-existing lupus, as well as developing oral ulcers, nasal ulcers, and increased hyperpigmentation of her face.
However, the Workers’ Compensation Judge accepted the Employer’s Expert’s testimony that the Claimant’s stressful work conditions did not cause an exacerbation of her fibromyalgia.
In reliance upon the testimony of Dr. Baugh, the Claimant’s treating primary care physician, the WCJ concluded that the stress that the Claimant had been exposed to when teaching the misbehaving Second Graders resulted in the Claimant sustaining physical injuries, to include the exacerbated lupus, the vocal cord injury, and that those injuries rendered the Claimant totally disabled as of March 3, 2009.
So concluding, the Workers’ Compensation Judge awarded her benefits, although the WCJ found that Dr. Baugh’s testimony did not establish that the Claimant was generally disabled from working as a Teacher, but only that she was disabled from working in a classroom with children with significant behavioral problems, like those in the class that she had been teaching on March 3, 2009.
The WCJ then accepted the testimony of the Claimant, that she had been offered a position at a less-stressful School, suspending the Claimant’s compensation benefits as of when the Claimant could have begun working there under the School District’s job offer.
The Claimant then appealed the WCJ’s Decision to the Appeal Board, which affirmed in part, and reversed in part. The Appeal Board reversed that portion of the WCJ’s Decision, which suspended the Claimant’s compensation benefits as of September 30, 2009, the date on which the Employer had provided the Claimant with a Notice of Ability to Return to Work, LIBC-757, pursuant to Section 306(b)(3) of the Act.
Section 306(b)(3) sets forth:
If the insurer receives medical evidence that the Claimant is able to return to work in any capacity, then the insurer must provide prompt written Notice, on a form prescribed by the Department, to the Claimant, which states all the following:
(i) The nature of the Employee’s physical condition or change of condition.
(ii) That the Employee has an obligation to look for available employment.
(iii) That proof of available employment opportunities may jeopardize the Employee’s right to receipt of ongoing benefits.
(iv) That the Employee has the right to consult with an Attorney in order to obtain evidence to challenge the insurer’s contentions.
In reliance upon Section 306(b)(3) of the Act, the Appeal Board held that the Employer’s obligation to issue the Notice of Ability to Return to Work Form was mandatory, and that the School District’s failure to comply with the Notice provisions of Section 306(b)(3) during the pendency of the litigation of the Claimant’s Claim Petition precluded the WCJ from suspending the Claimant’s compensation benefits.
In essence, the Appeal Board concluded that there was insufficient evidence to establish that the Employer had provided the Claimant with the requisite Notice to meet the Employer’s threshold burden to modify the Claimant’s compensation benefits, in the form of suspending her benefits based upon available alternative work.
No surprise, the School District appealed the Appeal Board’s Decision to the Commonwealth Court, which, like the Appeal Board, affirmed in part, and reversed in part.
The Commonwealth Court affirmed the Appeal Board’s affirmation of the Claimant being awarded workers’ compensation benefits, although the Commonwealth Court held that the WCJ had properly suspended the Claimant’s compensation benefits because: (1) Claimant established disability only until September 30, 2009, when the job at the new School was made available to her; and (2) The School District had no duty to issue a Section 306(b)(3) Notice to the Claimant under the facts presented.
Examining Section 306(b)(3) of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, to determine whether an Employer is required to provide a Claimant with a Notice of Ability to Return to Work prior to offering alternative work, when the Claimant was not receiving workers’ compensation benefits at the time that the job was offered, the Supreme Court held that the plain language of Section 306(b)(3) reveals that the focus of the provision is upon the Employer’s receipt of medical evidence of a change in the nature of the Claimant’s physical condition and the Employer’s duty to apprise the Claimant of such evidence, but that this Notice prerequisite presumes that the work-related injury has caused a disability, and that the Claimant is receiving ongoing benefits for that compensable injury, in the course of which the Employer seeks to utilize medical evidence that it has obtained of a change in the Claimant’s physical condition enabling the Claimant to work in an order to reduce its existing liability by decreasing the amount of benefits that it might have to pay, absent work being available.
Concluding that it would be illogical to require an Employer to issue a Section 306(b)(3) Notice before an Employer has conceded the occurrence of a compensable injury, or a Claimant has proven his/her entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits, the Supreme Court held that “we agree with Employer that it does not have an obligation to disclose evidence of a change in Claimant’s physical condition at a time when her physical condition had yet to be determined.”
Moreover, the Court held that “to require Section 306(b)(3) Notice of the facts presented would place an unreasonable burden on Employers in cases where disability is contested and a Claimant has not yet established his/her entitlement to benefits.”
Characterizing its analysis of the legislative history behind Section 306(b)(3) as having been intended to speak to an Employer’s burden in a suspension proceeding, where the Employer seeks to suspend a Claimant’s compensation benefits based upon the Claimant having the ability to return to work, at work within the Claimant’s physical capabilities being available, the Supreme Court held that the Section 306(b)(3) Notice provision is not meant to impose a requirement upon Employers in all circumstances where alternative employment is being offered to an injured Employee.
Distinguishing the Commonwealth Court’s Decision in Hoover v. WCAB, 783 A.2d 886 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2001), the Supreme Court held that theHoover Decision was not relevant to the issues before the Court, asHoover involved the Employer denying liability for the alleged work-related injury, but then offering the Claimant a light-duty position after the Claimant filed a Claim Petition, but prior to the Claim Petition being adjudicated, with the Commonwealth Court in Hoover having found that the Employer had failed to satisfy the Notice requirements under Section 306(b)(3), as the Commonwealth Court held that a Notice of Ability to Return to Work was required to have been issued prior to a suspension of compensation benefits, although the Hoover Court provided no analysis as to why it drew that conclusion, with the Supreme Court declining to adopt theHoover Court’s application of Section 306(b)(3) where an Employer has not accepted liability for the claim, and the Claimant has yet to prove entitlement to benefits.
Is this a distinction with a difference?
Absolutely yes!
It is relevant because the Supreme Court has now held in School District of Philadelphia v. WCAB that the Notice requirements of Section 306(b)(3), requiring an Employer to notify an injured Employee that their physical condition will allow them to return to work in some capacity, only comes into play when there has been a determination that the Claimant’s alleged disability is, in fact, work-related, which would require either an acceptance of the claim by the Employer, and/or an adjudication of the claim by a WCJ, establishing compensability of injury, and related disability.
Since neither had been established in the factual record presented to the Supreme Court inSchool District of Philadelphia v. WCAB, the Supreme Court held that the School District had no responsibility to issue the Section 306(b)(3) Notice of Ability to Return to Work, and that the evidence before the WCJ supported a suspension of the Claimant’s workers’ compensation benefits as of the date that the Claimant had been offered alternative work by the School District, being September 30, 2009.
ConnorsO’Dell LLP
Trust us, we just get it! It is trust well spent!
We defend Employers, Self-Insureds, Insurance Carriers, and Third Party Administrators in Workers’ Compensation matters throughout Pennsylvania. We have over 100 years of cumulative experience defending our clients against compensation-related liabilities, with no attorney in our firm having less than ten (10) years of specialized experience, empowering our Workers’ Compensation practice group attorneys to be more than mere claim denials, enabling us to create the factual and legal leverage to expeditiously resolve claims, in the course of limiting/reducing/extinguishing our clients’ liabilities under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.
Every member of our Workers’ Compensation practice group is AV rated. Our partnership with the NWCDN magnifies the lens for which our professional expertise imperiously demands that we always be dynamic and exacting advocates for our clients, navigating the frustrating and form-intensive minefield pervasive throughout Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation practice and procedure.
Governor Walker, as part of his budget bill that was released on February 3, 2015, proposed removing the Worker’s Compensation Division from the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and moving the functions to the Department of Administration – Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOA) and to the Office of Commissioner of Insurance (OCI). There has been a lot of commotion within the worker’s compensation community regarding what effect, if any, these proposed changes would have on our current system - the day-to-day handling of claims, hearings and settlements.
Many groups have formed on both sides of this issue to lobby their legislators to either pass or shut down these proposed changes. Professional lobbyists have been hired by some groups and many legislators have been flooded with letters and requests for meetings in an attempt to educate them as to how the proposed changes may change the worker’s compensation system, either for the better or the worse. It is rumored that the initial proposal underwent some revisions and is now being considered by the legislators, however nothing has been confirmed to date.
The Governor had stated that he would like the budget bill to be resolved by June 1, 2015, but to date it has not been approved. We continue to monitor this issue closely and will provide an update once a decision has been confirmed as to whether the proposed changes are being passed in whole, in part, or not at all.
In 2014 an important appellate court decision was decided on whether all cases involving the interpretation of employee status must be referred to the Division of Workers’ Compensation. On June 11, 2015, the New Jersey Supreme Court reversed the Appellate Division in Estate of Myroslava Kotsovska v. Saul Liebman (A-89-13) (073861).
The facts were tragic. Saul Liebman was living alone after the recent death of his wife in September 2008. He was 89 years of age. His daughter attempted to find someone who could help her father in his home and take care of his meals and daily activities. Myroslava Kotsovska, a 59-year-old Ukranian woman, was referred to Liebman. She met with Liebman through her son-in-law, who interpreted for her, and she agreed to do laundry, cooking, light housekeeping, and assisting with general tasks in exchange for $100 per day in cash. She had no social security number and no checking account. There were no discussions about whether she would be considered an employee or an independent contractor. There were no formal agreements drafted and the only discussion of medical benefits was that the son-in-law would take care of any necessary medical bills.
On December 8, 2008, Liebman and Kotsovska ran some errands and stopped at the Millburn Diner for lunch. Kotsovska exited the car and stood on the sidewalk while Liebman pulled into the parking space on front of her. Liebman accidentally pressed the accelerator, causing the car to lurch over the parking block and onto the sidewalk where Kotsovska was standing. The force of the car pinned Kotsovska against a low wall, severing her leg. She died from the injuries within an hour.
The estate of Kotsovka filed a wrongful death action against Liebman in Superior Court. The estate never filed a workers compensation claim. Liebman argued that the civil suit must be referred to the Division of Workers’ Compensation because the Division had exclusive jurisdiction over the issue of employee status. The homeowner’s carrier stipulated that the accident arose from the decedent’s employment.
The trial judge ruled for the estate and awarded it $300,000 for the decedent’s pain and suffering and $225,000 for her wrongful death. The Appellate Division reversed, stating that the matter should have been transferred to the Division of Workers’ Compensation on the issue of whether Kotsovska was an employee or an independent contractor. The New Jersey Supreme Court then reversed on June 11, 2015 in favor of the estate.
In ruling that the Superior Court has jurisdiction over employee status, the Supreme Court first distinguished several cases that seemed to suggest that this issue should be resolved in the Division of Workers’ Compensation. The Court said that what makes this case different from prior cases is that the estate of Kotsovska never filed a workers’ compensation claim. The only claim that was filed was a wrongful death action. “Moreover, petitioner did not file a petition for workers’ compensation with the Division. Thus, as the trial court noted, there was no claim pending before the Division over which it could assert jurisdiction. Under these circumstances, we conclude that the Superior Court had jurisdiction to decide the question of decedent’s employment status.”
In ruling in favor of the estate, the Supreme Court did not reject the concept that the Division of Workers’ Compensation has primary jurisdiction on issues of compensability and related employment matters. However, it said there is a four-part test that must be considered to determine if the Division has primary jurisdiction.
1) whether the matter at issue is within the conventional experience of judges; 2) whether the matter is peculiarly within the agency’s discretion, or requires agency expertise; 3) whether inconsistent rulings might pose a danger of disrupting the statutory scheme; and 4) whether prior application has been made to the agency.
On the second part of this test, the Supreme Court surprisingly said, “. . . theCompensation Court is in no better position to make the threshold determination of a worker’s employment status than the Superior Court.” It also again noted that there was no risk of a conflicting decision between the Superior Court and Division of Workers’ Compensation in this case because the estate of Kotsovka only filed in Superior Court. It upheld the decision of the trial judge that Kotsovska was not an employee but an independent contractor in spite of the apparent control over Kotsovska’s activities that Liebman had and the economic dependency that Kotsovska had on Liebman. In the portion of the decision dealing with jury charges, the Court said, “A worker’s economic dependence upon the employer is a factor to be considered when a worker performs a function that constitutes a part of the employer’s business.” It said in this case that Kotsovska’s employment was not in furtherance of Liebman’s business.
One is left to wonder what the result would have been had the estate of Kotsovska filed both a workers’ compensation claim and wrongful death action simultaneously. Many lawyers do this to protect the statute of limitations from running in both actions. If the Superior Court were to find employee status, the timely filing in workers’ compensation court would protect the rights of the employee. There is certainly language in this decision suggesting that if the claimant files both a workers’ compensation claim asserting employee status and a civil claim for wrongful death, the Division should have primary jurisdiction to decide the employment status issue. On the other hand, the Supreme Court also said that the Judge of Compensation is in no better position to decide on a worker’s employment status.
What practitioners are likely to do in situations like this where it is unclear whether the worker is an independent contractor or an employee is to file in superior court and defer any filing in workers’ compensation until just before the statute of limitations should run. The most important comment from this Supreme Court decision is that the Superior Court is equally competent in making employment status determinations.
The stakes are higher in civil law suits and that will favor filings in superior court over workers’ compensation, and the emphasis on social legislation which pervades workers’ compensation decisions may not play such a large role outside workers’ compensation court. In this writer’s view, the decision inKotsovka will likely lead to a divergence in legal analysis on independent contractor status emerging from workers’ compensation and the superior court. In the workers’ compensation arena, a finding of independent contractor status is very rare because using both the “control” test and the “relative nature of the work test” favors employee status. For instance, babysitters who come to a home fairly regularly are found to be employees, and Kotsovka would likely have been found to be an employee in compensation court, contrary to the analysis used in the Superior Court decision. In the last analysis, the rule now is that when it comes to the initial employee status interpretation, the Division does not have primary jurisdiction if the plaintiff only files suit in Superior Court.
John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group. Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at jgeaney@capehart.com.
“The Calfee Corner” - Recent Successes Before the Industrial Commission of Ohio
William F (13-351333) - No “Substantial Aggravation” of Pre-Existing Conditions, (April 27, 2015)
A construction worker and former college football lineman had injured his right knee at work in 2000. This Claim was eventually settled in 2011. In 2013 while employed by a Calfee client, he slipped off a plank into a shallow trench. He did not seek medical treatment until 9 days later. The Claim was allowed for a “Right Knee Strain” and Calfee appealed. The original independent medical examination had noted the badly degenerated condition of the worker’s knee and the likelihood he would require a knee replacement unrelated to the alleged injury. The worker then alleged that the knee strain had caused him to alter his gait and as a result he had sustained a “Lumbar Sprain/Strain.” Testimony established that his gait was unchanged and instead was due to his weighing 300 pounds. The supposed back injury was denied and the worker appealed to the court of common pleas. While a Motion to Consolidate was pending in court, the worker attempted to achieve his ultimate objective, having his knee replacement paid for by workers’ compensation. “Substantial Aggravation” of 4 degenerative conditions of the right knee wasdenied by the Industrial Commission.
Glen K (13-826115) - Alleged Adjustment Disorder Due to Being Caught Stealing from EmployerNot Industrial Injury (May 19, 2015)
A chemical worker on the first shift of a Sunday night/Monday morning arrived at work feuding with his ex-wife. He failed to follow proper procedures in checking whether liquid chemicals had solidified. When it turned out they had not, he sustained second degree burns to various body parts. The worker returned to light duty 2 months later and then full duty 2 months after that. The worker was changed to a new job which gave him access to the facility after hours. He consulted a psychologist 13 months after returning to full duty and was diagnosed him with “Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood” supposedly due to the accident. The Employer then discovered that the worker had been stealing sophisticated metal molds and selling them for scrap. He was terminated and reported to the local authorities. The worker was convicted of Aggravated Theft and given a 6 month jail sentence with work release privileges. The Employer’s Psychologist and the State Psychologist found “...multiple non-occupational stressors” rather than the industrial injury responsible for the worker’s mental state.
Lesbia S (13-302988) - Temporary Total Disability Compensation Terminated Due to Claimant’s Refusal of Modified Duty Off Site Light Duty Job Offer (January 22, 2015)
Claimant’s request for temporary total disability compensation was denied based on Claimant’s refusal to accept a restricted duty work offer. The Claimant had been paid salary continuation through August 18, 2015. The Claimant filed a motion requesting temporary total commencing August 19, 2014. The Employer did not have light duty available on-site, so it set up modified duty off site to accommodate the Claimant. On September 8, 2014, Claimant was given a bona fide offer of light duty employment based on the restrictions given by the doctor who performed Employer’s independent medical examination. The light duty job offer letter was sent by U. S. mail and certified mail and in both English and Spanish. The light duty job offer included the title of the position offered, the details of the job, Claimant’s restrictions, and the date Claimant was scheduled to return to work. Claimant failed to appear. At the administrative hearings before the Industrial Commission Claimant testified that her doctor reviewed the light duty job offer and told her that she could not work. Calfee successfully argued the treatment notes of Claimant’s chiropractor and Pain Management Specialist included impairments and symptomsnot related to the allowed conditions.
Court Decisions of Note
Intentional Tort
“Transfer cars” operated by workers had safety bumpers which cut power when compressed. A maintenance worker investigating a malfunctioning conveyor motor was struck by a transfer car whose operator’s view was obstructed. The worker alleged the transfer car safety device must have malfunctioned and was entitled to the malfunctioning safety device presumption in Pixley v. Pro-Pak Industries, Inc. 142 142 Ohio St. 3d 203 (Dec.2014). The trial court granted Pro-Pak summary judgment but the court of appeals reversed.
The Ohio Supreme Court reversed, finding that the Claimant failed to prove that Pro-Pak deliberately removed or disabled the transfer car safety bumper. Pro-Pak utilized extensive post-accident testing of the transfer car bumpers. The Claimant’s experts relied on OSHA video footage showing dragging bumpers which failed to halt transfer cars. The Court never reached the question of whether the intentional tort statute creating the presumption for safety device removal was restricted to machine operator injuries or also applied to nonoperators. Failure to address this issue led three justices to dissent.
In State ex rel. Richmond v. Indus. Comm'n, 139 Ohio St. 3d 157 (Apr. 2014), the Claimant sought an additional award for a violation of a specific safety requirement (VSSR) after he fell from a ladder that he improperly secured. As a defense to the VSSR allegation, the Employer pointed to OSHA regulations in order to show that the safety gear was indeed appropriate. The Hearing Officer denied the VSSR. The Claimant then argued that the Industrial Commission abused its discretion by relying on the OSHA regulations when deciding the VSSR. The Claimant contended that the appropriate specific standard to be applied in deciding a VSSR was whether or not Ohio's specific safety requirements (SSR) were violated.
The Ohio Supreme Court disagreed with the Claimant’s position explaining that "although the Industrial Commission may not adopt external standards as thesole basis for a violation of a SSR award, it may look to those standards asrelevant factors to inform its interpretation of a SSR and its determination whether the employer violated that SSR." (emphasisadded). The Court ruled that the Commission's use of the OSHA regulation was appropriate.
Temporary Total
In State ex rel. Floyd v. Formica Corp., 140 Ohio St. 3d 260 (Aug. 2014), the Industrial Commission denied a claim for Temporary Total Compensation applied for by a Claimant in 2010, almost ten years after the Claimant left his employment with the Employer. During the intervening time, the Claimant had several surgeries and went through alternating periods of Temporary Total and Maximum Medical Improvement. The Commission determined that, based upon the fact that the Claimant never looked for work and applied for Social Security, the Claimant was no longer eligible to receive Temporary Total because he had abandoned the entire job market when he left the Employer and retired. The Claimant argued that the Industrial Commission's order was not supported by the evidence as he was not required to look for work while he was receiving Temporary Total and when he was not receiving compensation he still was not medically able to work.
The Ohio Supreme Court found that the Industrial Commission’s Order was indeed supported by the evidence. The Court noted the Claimant was not required to apply for Social Security benefits; rather, this was a personal choice. If the Claimant intended to return to the workforce after leaving the Employer, he had no reason to file for retirement at that time.
In State ex rel. Bailey v. Indus. Comm'n of Ohio, 139 Ohio St. 3d 295 (May 2014), the Claimant contended that the Ohio Industrial Commission erred in relying on an older medical report to deny her temporary total compensation. The report, written in 2009, stated that the Claimant had reached maximum medical improvement, and "...can perform without significant limitations at this time. However, this does not take into account the physical allowances in this claim ... and/or high levels of exaggeration and malingering measured on objective psychometric testing." The Claimant asserted that the Commission abused its discretion when it failed to acknowledge later reports which were contrary to the 2009 report. The Franklin County Court of Appeals reviewed the reports and noted that the Claimant had given a different version of his medical history and withheld certain information from a different doctor. Additionally, no psychological testing was performed in preparing the second doctor’s report; instead, the doctor seemed to have based her opinion only on the Claimant’s history and complaints. The Court of Appeals overruled the Claimant’s objections.
On appeal, the Ohio Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the Court of Appeals, noting that the Commission "is exclusively responsible for determining the weight and credibility of the evidence." The Court rejected the notion that the 2009 report was stale, explaining the "content of the report and the question at issue are more relevant than the date the report was issued." The Court ruled that the later report failed to establish any new and changed circumstances that would lessen the probative value of the earlier report, so it was appropriate for the Commission to rely on it.
In State ex rel. McCormick v. McDonald's, 2015-Ohio-123 (Jan. 2015), a Claimant asserted that her Temporary Total was improperly terminated based upon an incomplete medical report stating she had reached Maximum Medical Improvement. The Claimant believed her physician's request for authorization of three additional steroid injections after the original report rendered the medical report incomplete and unreliable based on the reasoning of State ex rel. Sellards v. Indus. Comm., 108 Ohio St.3d 306 (2006).
The Court refused to extend the reasoning ofSellards to this case, explaining:"Sellards was narrowly decided based on its unique facts. This Court's conclusion that the doctor's opinion was premature was narrowly based on two factors: the bureau's error or delay in paying for Sellards' psychiatric prescriptions and Dr.Levy's lack of awareness of the contemporaneous approval of Dr. Spare's treatment plan when he issued his report. Those factors do not appear in this case." The Court ruled that the subsequent request for and approval of a treatment plan does not automatically render a doctor's opinion on maximum medical improvement premature.
In State ex rel. Sheppard v. Indus. Comm'n, 139 Ohio St. 3d 223 (May 2014), the Claimant suffered a work-related back injury in 1997. Subsequent MRI results indicated that the condition was resolved, and an intervening injury occurred in 2002. In 2006, the Claimant filed a motion to reactivate his claim in order to pay for additional medical treatment. The Industrial Commission determined that the treatment was related to the Claimant’s degenerative disc disease, a non-allowed condition, and denied his motion.
In 2010, the Claimant filed an application for Permanent Total Disability. Following a hearing on the application, a Staff Hearing Officer granted it without addressing the intervening injury. Eventually the Ohio Industrial Commission exercised its continuing jurisdiction and reversed the Staff Hearing Officer's ruling. The Claimant contended that the Ohio Industrial Commission’s action was an abuse of discretion, asserting that the hearing officer was not required to address the intervening injury. The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that, since the Ohio Administrative Code requires the hearing officer to specifically determine whether the Claimant established proximate cause, the Industrial Commission has the right to exercise its continuing jurisdiction to determine proximate cause. The Court contended that an intervening injury could eliminate the industrial injury as the proximate cause of the inability of the Claimant to work and thus destroy the Claimant’s eligibility for Permanent Total Disability compensation. The Court held therefore that there was no abuse of discretion by the Ohio Industrial Commission.
Loss of Use/Amputation
In State ex rel. Varney v. Indus. Comm'n of Ohio, 2014-Ohio-5510 (Dec. 2014) a Claimant had four fingers on his left hand amputated in a work-related accident in 1983. Three of the Claimant’s fingers were completely reattached, and a fourth was partially reattached. Because the fingers did not regain their full function, the BWC awarded the Claimant compensation for the amputation of his fingers. Twenty years later, the employee sought an additional award for the total loss of use of three of his fingers. The Industrial Commission denied the claim, concluding that there was no legally valid medical report in the record supporting the loss of the functional use of these fingers.
Upon appeal, the employee argued that, when analyzing the loss of use of his fingers, the Industrial Commission should have applied the standard for the loss of use of a thumb articulated inState ex rel. Rodriquez v. Indus. Comm'n.,2009-Ohio-4834 (10th Dist.). In a split decision, the Court of Appeals concluded that the reasoning inRodriguez regarding the loss of use of a thumb did also apply to the loss of use of a finger.
The Ohio Supreme Court, however, held that "in the absence of a statutory numerical measure for the total loss of a finger, the Industrial Commission must apply the accepted and mandated method for measuring loss of use—a physician's opinion on impairment or extent of loss." The Court found that it was entirely appropriate for the Industrial Commission to rely on a physician's report that stated the employee had some functional use of his fingers.
Due Process
In State ex rel. Evert v. Indus. Comm'n of Ohio, 2015-Ohio-120 (Jan. 2015), the Claimant alleged that she had been denied due process of law when a Commissioner on the Ohio Industrial Commission who did not attend the Claimant’s hearing voted on the Claimant’s Motion for Reconsideration. The Court found that the Commissioner was not required to attend the hearing in order to vote on the matter being heard, as the issue presented by the Claimant was a purely legal one that could be settled as a matter of law without judging a witness' credibility. The Commissioner had discussed the matter with an experienced Staff Hearing Officer who had been present at the hearing and who summarized the testimony and arguments presented. The commissioner had reviewed the entire claim file. The Court determined the Commissioner had conducted a meaningful review of the matter sufficient to satisfy due-process concerns.
Injured Worker Denied Wage Loss for Not Verifying On-Line Searches as Required
The Full Commission vacated the SHO Order granting Wage Loss Compensation to an Injured Worker working part-time and denied Wage Loss Compensation. The Injured Workers had not verifyied any of her on-line job searches as required by Ohio Adm. Code sections 4125-1-01 (D)(1)(d) and (E)(1)(c). The Injured Worker was restricted to only working 30 hours per week and worked part-time within this restriction. She documented 42 job contacts during the requested wage loss time period. Twenty-two job contacts were through the internet, which had to be verified with a copy of the on-line posting and the application submission. The Injured Worker did not verify any of her on-line searches as required. The Commission found the limited number of contacts (20) over a seven-week period insufficient to constitute a consistent, sincere and best attempt to obtain suitable employment.
Failing to Complete Required Post-Accident Drug Test Constitutes Voluntary Abandonment Terminating Temporary Total Disability Compensation
Injured Worker’s claim was allowed for cervical strain. Injured Worker’s employment began on November 4, 2013 and prior to the start of his shift, he verified acknowledgment of the Employer’s Substance Abuse Policy. The Acknowledgement included a “Statement of Understanding,” which notified Injured Worker that his employment was contingent upon the successful completion of drug and alcohol screen tests. Injured Worker was terminated on November 5, 2013. He had sought treatment on November 5, 2013 and was asked to submit a urine sample for drug testing. Affidavits were submitted confirming that Injured Worker provided a sample of insufficient quantity, which precluded temperature verification. The Injured Worker refused a second sample. The Commission found that a suitable sample was implicit in the Employer’s Substance Abuse Policy. By providing a urine sample that could not be verified, the Commission found that Injured Worker failed to successfully complete the required post-accident drug test. Specifically, the Commission found that the Employer’s written work rules and policies clearly required post-accident drug testing and appropriately warned Injured Worker that failure to successfully complete such testing was grounds for termination. Injured Worker acknowledged his receipt of the policies. Accordingly, Injured Worker’s termination constituted a voluntary abandonment of the workforce and temporary total disability compensation was denied.
Psychiatric Consultation Denied When Hearing Officer Manual Memo M1 Criteria Not Met
The Full Commission denied a request for authorization and payment for psychiatric consultation. Hearing Officer Manual Memo M1 states that psychiatric consultative fees are payable in claims withno allowed psychiatric condition when the consultation is necessary for pre-operative work-up or as a resource in planning future treatment. Injured Worker did not submit evidence of either criteria and the request was denied.
CSI Ohio Style
Ohio’s CSI -- Common Sense Initiative, was established in Executive Order 2011-01K. Under this initiative, agencies, including the Bureau of Workers' Compensation, are directed to balance the critical objectives of all regulations with the costs of compliance by the regulated parties, and use plain language. Every proposed rule under CSI is accompanied by a business impact analysis.
On 5/22/2015, under the auspices of the CSI, O.A.C. 4123-3-36, the Provisional Treatment Pilot Program, became effective. Based on “common sense,” this provision allows the BWC to immediately allow claims for specific medical conditions which have a historical record of being allowed whenever requested in a claim and also having low medical costs in relation to that diagnosis.” The diagnoses and their ICD 10 codes that fall within this program are listed in Appendix A, which runs five (5) pages!
To prepare medical providers for this new program, also called “The Enhanced Care Program,” the BWC began provider education programs in April. In addition to education, the BWC has promised enhanced fee payments. Also, the Physician of Record (POR) will have greater treatment latitude in the first 60-days of the claim along with a reduced administrative burden. On the other side, the BWC will require participating providers to take a more active role in managing these claims.
A provider in this pilot program is allowed to consider the claimant in a more “holistic view” -- and can develop a care plan which can include other medical providers such as the claimant’s own primary care physician, specialists and perhaps physical therapists to address issues/injuries not officially allowed in the claim but that the physician of record believes to be causally related to the workplace injury. And, last but not least, the POR can consider the Claimant’s general health issues that may impact the Claimant’s optimal path back to work. This plan would need to be submitted to the appropriate Managed Care Organization (MCO) within 5 days but the POR could begin treatment and expect appropriate reimbursement if the care plan falls within the ODG treatment guidelines. The Bureau of Workers' Compensation expects the physician of record to serve as “quarterback” for managing claimant’s care to receive the enhance compensation.
BWC ICD-10 changeover
The changeover from ICD-9 to ICD 10 codes is set for October 2015. The Bureau of Workers' Compensation is on-track to be compliant with this mandate.
Industrial Commission Happenings: Really New!
After being on the 7th Floor of the Office Building since 1979, the Cleveland Industrial Commission has moved to the 5th Floor. Among the heralded features of the 5th Floor is handicapped accessibility. The hearing rooms are spacious. The corridors are wide enough to accommodate at least 2 wheelchairs at the same time. The most important innovation is restrooms on thesame floor as the Industrial Commission. This removes the necessity of having to descend to the Plaza level (you can guess how this is designated on the elevator button) in order to respond to calls of nature. (The status of a couch in the Women restroom remains unclear.) Although the 5th Floor started holding hearings on May 19, 2015, the official grand opening was June 3, 2015 with cake, punch, and Industrial Commissioners. From a decorative perspective, the color scheme is bright orange (perhaps inspired by the Cleveland Browns) with windows providing views of Lake Erie, the Cuyahoga River, and downtown Cleveland. The aesthetic compares favorably with an airport waiting room, quite an improvement after 36 years on the 7th Floor.
Mental-Mentals Mired in Legislature
Bills recognizing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder without a physical injury for “first responders” (police, fire, emergency medical, etc.) are currently on hold. A first problem was defining the eligible class of workers and whether this created equal protection problems for those who were ineligible but witnessed the same kind of event. A second was the government entities who employ first responders became concerned about the potential costs.
Legislative Bill and Rumor Mill
Various bills heard by the House Insurance Committee proposed tweaks to Ohio’s unique Workers’ Compensation System such as providing health care more quickly to Injured Workers and assisting them with return to work after 45 days of missed work. Among these bills was one which turns out to be the latest iteration of cyclical attempts over the years to privatize the system. Whether privatization ever makes it out of committee will be dependent on support in the dominant Republican Caucus. As to the politics, one legislator was quoted as saying: “Everybody’s a fiscal conservative and a lot of people ran on the concept that they wanted to do some type of privatization of workers’ comp...” It is not clear at present if this will become a legislative priority.
A Special Contribution to the “Calfee Update” by Michael F. Brown, Account Executive, Benefits 1 Group
Ohio Workers’ Compensation – A New Way of Paying Premium
Prospective Premium Payment
As previously communicated in our prior updates, the dominating story for Ohio employers for Summer 2015 is that the Ohio BWC has now begun their transition to having employers pay premiums in advance, consistent with most other insurance payment schedules.
Included in the BWC’s transition to this new payment method is providing Ohio employers a total of 8 months of free WC premium, offered in the form of credits for the premium which would otherwise be due for the period January 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015.
· As an aside, BWC’s posture is that payment is not complete until posted by BWC, even if payment is made online via EFT. As posting may take “a few days”, BWC recommends paying premiums at least 3 days before the stated deadline, to avoid lapses in WC coverage.
A brief summary of the key points in the prospective premium timeline is included below:
May 2015
· The BWC will send a letter to all private state fund employers, explaining the new processes. This communique will also include an estimated payroll that BWC will use to generate the invoices issued for the 2015-16 rating year. (Public employers are on a different schedule; their transition to prospective premium payment will occur in Spring 2016)
· The payroll used to estimate premiums for the 2015-16 rating year will be the amount that the employer reported from the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. If an employer believes their 2015-16 payroll will be significantly different than the BWC’s estimate, they may request the BWC to adjust the premium (either up or down.)
· The BWC will also default all employers to a six payment plan, which can also be altered to anywhere from 1-12 installments, by requesting same from the BWC. Employers should carefully consider their options as each additional payment cycle establishes another deadline for making payment to avoid lapses in WC coverage.
Jun 2015
· In June 2015, invoices will not be issued because the BWC’s transition credit will cover this installment for this rating year only. Going forward in June 2016 and beyond, an invoice will be issued, and payment will be due prior to July 1, 2016.
· In the future, an Ohio employer will be required to pay at least part of their annual estimated WC premium prior to the beginning of the rating year (July 1, or January 1 for public employers).
Aug 2015
· This invoice covers the period September 1, 2015 to October 31, 2015. Payment is due by August 31, 2015. At this time, employers must also report payroll for 6 months ending 6-30-15 by 8-31 (but pay $0).
· Timely reporting of payroll for the first half 2015 is extremely critical, as all premium credits (8 months’ worth) being offered as part of the transition will be forfeited if payroll for this period is not reported by the last business day of August 2015.
Oct 2015
· This invoice covers the period November 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Payment is due by October 31, 2015.
Dec 2015
· This invoice covers the period January 1, 2016 to February 29, 2016. Payment is due by December 31, 2015 to avoid a lapse in WC coverage.
Feb 2016
· This invoice covers the period March 1, 2016 to April 30, 2016. Payment is due no later than February 29, 2016.
Apr 2016
· This is the final invoice for the July 2015 rating year, presuming that no changes to the BWC’s default billing schedule were requested. The invoice covers the period May 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016, and payment is no later than April 30, 2016.
Aug 2016 // Filing & Reconciliation
· Prior to August 15, 2016, employers must report actual payroll for the year ending June 30, 2016 to reconcile their WC account.
· If a credit balance results due to reporting less than the BWC’s estimated payroll, a credit to the employer’s WC account will accrue and be applied to future payments. If additional premium is due to BWC, any amount due must be paid by the same August 15, 2016 date (note prior comment about BWC’s posting philosophy).
· Timely reporting of this annual payroll is extremely important, as significant penalties apply to non-compliant employers. Should actual payroll and any associated payment not be made by the August 15 deadline, the employer will be removed from any and all BWC programs for which they have enrolled for the July 2016 rating year. This includes all group rating, deductible, retrospective rating or other alternative financing programs, as well as the BWC’s multiple incentive rebate programs. Hence, the consequences of failing to comply with this deadline could amount to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Premium Rates Decreased 10.8%
In more good news for Ohio employers, the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) will adopt a 10.8 percent overall rate reduction for Ohio private employers with approval from the BWC Board of Directors today. The change, effective July 1, is expected to bring a decrease in projected annual premium of $153 million, and bring private employer rate levels 21.4 percent lower than the rate levels in effect January 1, 2011.
"The environment for employers operating in Ohio is improving along with the state's economy, and BWC is certainly part of that story," said BWC Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer. "We’ve targeted improvements that will yield positive improvements to Ohio's workers' compensation system, and are conducive to business growth. Lower rates, along with a focus on workplace accident prevention and care for those who are injured, all support the state’s continued economic recovery."
The reduction is possible due to a number of factors, including lower expected claim frequency, the impact of positive investment results on the State Fund, as well as the upcoming adoption of a prospective billing system. Details on prospective billing and the resulting one-time premium credit totaling $1.2 billion for private employers and local governments are available at bwc.ohio.gov.
The reduction is an overall statewide average. The actual premium paid by an employer will depend on expected future costs in their industry segment, their recent claims history, and participation in various premium credit and savings programs.
Revamped pharmacy program protecting health and safety of Ohio's injured workers
A new report details the success of the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) first-ever outpatient medication formulary, as well as future steps BWC will take to protect injured workers from deadly drug regimens.
Injured workers were prescribed 15.7 million fewer opiate doses in 2014 than in 2010, representing a 37 percent decrease. BWC implemented the closed formulary in 2011 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of treatment, limit inappropriate uses of medications and lower prescription costs.
"Our goal is to ensure injured workers in Ohio are receiving effective, clinically grounded treatments that help them heal while protecting their well-being so they can regain their footing and return to work whenever possible," said BWC Administrator/CEO Steve Buehrer. "Prescription medications should assist in recovery following a workplace injury, and we’ve put safeguards in place because no one should suffer from addiction or an unintentional overdose while trying to get back on their feet."
The report was delivered by JohnHanna, BWC's pharmacy program director, during the fourth annual National RX Drug Abuse Summit in Atlanta, Georgia.Hanna provided the national audience an overview of the BWC formulary, and discussed the impact it’s had on drug and opiate use by injured workers since it went into effect in September 2011.
After implementing the formulary, BWC began refining coverage for opiates as well as coverage of muscle relaxants and anti-ulcer agents, which are also commonly overprescribed and misused. Over that period of time, prescriptions for muscle relaxants and anti-ulcer medications decreased by 72 percent and 83 percent.
"Our focus when implementing the formulary and making subsequent changes has been on the clinical rationale, and BWC's goal of ensuring the medications injured workers receive following their injury do not ultimately hinder their recovery," said Hanna.
Hanna stressed that injured workers can face risks beyond those posed by opiates. Moving forward, BWC will be targeting dangerous combinations of medications prescribed by multiple physicians. After detecting those at the highest risk, BWC will work with their physicians or make referrals to managed care organizations to ensure injured workers aren’t receiving medication combinations that can be deadly. BWC will be studying its data about injured worker medication and hopes to present early findings to its pharmacy and therapeutics committee this summer.
Ongoing improvements to the pharmacy program have also produced dollar savings. In 2014, BWC's total drug costs were 16 percent, or $20.7 million, less than in 2010. Opiate costs were down 36 percent ($19.9 million); muscle relaxant costs were down 78 percent ($3.3 million); and anti-ulcer costs were down 95 percent ($6.4 million).
With 859,000 open claims, BWC is the largest state fund workers' compensation insurer in the country. The agency paid $1.7 billion in total benefits during fiscal year 2014, including $662 million in medical spending and $109 million in pharmacy benefits.
San Allen Update
At press time, it appeared that the first payments related to theSan Allen v. Ohio BWC class action suit were beginning to arrive in employer mailboxes. This is welcome news as the final step in settling the long-standingSan Allen v. Ohio BWC matter.
Claim forms were issued last Fall to members of the class of employers who were not in a group rating program between 2001 and 2008. The completed forms, once verified, entitled employers to their share of the $420 million settlement agreed to by the BWC.
Michael F. Brown, ARM is an Account Executive with Benefits 1 Group. Michael has been in the workers’ compensation and risk management industry for over 35 years. In addition to experience as a claims examiner and hearing representative, Michael has consulted with employers to develop and maintain best-in-class strategies to workers’ compensation cost-containment and risk financing.
In his past experience, Michael served as a workers’ compensation and employee benefits manager for a multi-facility, self-insured employer. Certified as an Associate in Risk Management (ARM), Michael applies an in-depth evaluation process to develop tailored solutions to the most complex workers’ compensation challenges.
Every New Jersey workers’ compensation practitioner must evaluate the benefits of a Section 20, (which is a lump sum full and final payment), versus an order approving settlement, (which involves an award of a percentage of disability under Section 22). About twice as many cases settle under orders approving settlement in New Jersey than under Section 20 settlements.
Here are the main features of a Section 20:
* A lump sum payment -- not weekly payments over time
* No admission of liability by the employer
* Not a workers’ compensation payment except for insurance rating purposes
* The petitioner cannot reopen the case in the future
* The petitioner and respondent must agree to the Section 20, and the Judge must also approve the settlement. If any party rejects the Section 20, this option is out
* There must be a genuine issue of causation, liability, jurisdiction or dependency; otherwise, there is no possibility to close the file under a Section 20
Here are the main features of a Section 22 order approving settlement:
* The employee receives a percentage of disability, such as 20% of the arm
* The employee can apply to modify the award within two years of the last payment of benefits and seek additional medical, temporary or permanent disability benefits
* The employer accepts a specific medical condition or conditions, such as a torn rotator cuff or herniated cervical disc
* If there is a reinjury to that body part in the future resulting in an increase in disability, the employer gets a credit for the percentage paid
Employers generally prefer Section 20 settlements because they close the particular file at issue for good. However, Section 20 settlements are not obtainable where the accident is admitted and there is permanent disability resulting from the accident. Carriers and third party administrators often as the following question:
If the employee has returned to work, does a Section 20 settlement make sense?
This is a complicated issue with many considerations, but the answer is that most of the time, it makes more sense to do a Section 20 even if the employee has returned to work rather than admit the specific medical condition and deal with reopener rights.
There are two main objection that are raised to the notion of effecting a Section 20 on someone who has returned to work:
1) What if the employee gets injured in the future?
2) Can the employer still get a credit if there is a future injury to the same body part and the case has already been resolved on a Section 20?
Let’s deal with question one first: can’t the employee get reinjured in the future injury? Yes, but this is not really a valid consideration. Assume the employee has a herniated disc and has returned to work. There is an issue of causation or liability which raises the potential for a Section 20. The employer has two choices: pay the case under Section 22 for perhaps 22.5% permanent partial disability and accept that the herniated disc is compensable, or, pay a lump sum on a Section 20 admitting nothing. Whichever option the employer chooses, the employee may have a future injury. There is no way to predict that or stop that. So when it comes to the potential for reinjury given that the employee is back to work at the time of settlement, it makes no difference whether the settlement was done under Section 20 or Section 22. The manner of settlement will not prevent a future injury.
Question two is more complex and raises legitimate considerations: namely,will the employer get a credit for the prior payment if the prior payment was a Section 20 and not a percentage of disability? There is no question that it is simpler to get a credit for a prior payment under Section 22. If the employer settles the case for 22.5%, and the employee reinjures his back in three years, raising the disability percentage to 32.5%, the employer will get a credit for 22.5%. So isn’t this the better way? No, not really, because there are two ways of getting a credit in New Jersey: one is for a prior payment or an award by subtracting the percentage paid, and the other is under theAbdullah case andN.J.S.A. 34:15-12(d), both of which permit employers to get credits for previous established disability even if there is no prior percentage award.
So how does an employer get a credit where the prior settlement was under Section 20 and the employee had a herniated disc at that time? In the event of a new injury to the low back at some future date, the employer will send the prior medical records to the examining doctor, who will be asked to apportion the disability between that which existed before the new accident and that which exists after the new accident. Sometimes this is not even necessary, as the parties can often negotiate the credit in court.
Skilled practitioners are aware that often it is very costly for an employer to have settled a case under an order approving settlement with a percentage of disability when the employer had a chance to do a Section 20 -- particularly when the employee remained at work following the initial settlement. The following scenarios illustrates this point:
Let’s assume the employer chooses not to do a Section 20 on herniated disc back case and settles for 25% permanent partial disability at 2014 rates because the employer is worried about the fact that the employee has returned to work. The settlement at 25% cost the employer $38,340. The employer is thinking about future credits and decides to go for 25% rather than do a Section 20. Three years from now the employee reinjures his back and now the judge feels that the new percentage of disability is 10% more or 35%. While that is only a 10% increase, the problem is that rates rise after 180 weeks. That pushes the settlement of 35% to $82,530 with the credit for 25% being merely $38,430. That 10% increase cost the employer $44,100!!!
Now consider if the employer settled the original case on a Section 20 for $40,000. It paid a about $1,600 more to get the Section 20 on the 2014 case.
Assume there was an issue of causation or liability and all parties agreed on the Section 20 settlement in 2014 for $40,000. The employee remained at work and a reinjury occurs in 2017 to the low back. Remember, under the Section 20 there was no award percentage on the record -- and that is a very good thing. The parties agree that the petitioner’s back is 10% worse than it was in 2014. But because there was no prior percentage award, it is harder for the petitioner’s attorney to argue that the new award should be 35%. The employer has a much better chance of negotiating a lower credit (which benefits the employer) precisely because there was no set percentage established in 2014. The employer’s strategy is to settle the case for 30% credit 20%, which is $49,554 credit $28,992. That is $20,562, or about $24,000 less than the scenario in which the employer paid under an order approving settlement!
In this situation, the employer saved over $22,000. It paid slightly more for the original settlement but saved $24,000 when the reinjury occurred. Why did this happen? Because the Section 20 gave the employer’s lawyer more flexibility in negotiations on the credit. The lower the credit percentage, the better for the employer in this situation.
The lesson is that the employer is almost always better off with a Section 20 over an order approving settlement with a percentage of disability, particularly on significant cases. To recap, the main advantages of the Section 20 over Section 22 are clear, even if the employee is back to work doing the same job for the employer:
* The employer has not admitted liability for the condition at issue
* The employer can still get a credit in the event of a future reinjury
* The old case is closed forever and that case cannot be reopened
* The employer has more flexibility in the future to argue for a lower credit, which is a critical advantage to employers
Having said all that, there is one last wrinkle in this analysis. If the employee wants a huge premium for the Section 20 over the Section 22 settlement, that may not make sense for the employer. In the example above, the order approving settlement at 25% cost the employer $38,430, and the Section 20 was only about $1,600 more to obtain at $40,000. But if the employee wanted an additional $15,000 for the Section 20, that would negate the benefit for the employer. So the amount of the premium that the employer pays to get a Section 20 is an important factor in this calculus.
John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group. Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at jgeaney@capehart.com.