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Eric Hanisko worked as a superintendent of a 120-acre golf course in West Windsor, N.J. He accepted a written offer of employment in February 2008 on behalf of BCGM, a corporation specializing in golf course management, and CGC, the owner of the golf club. His employment package included housing at the club.
On April 11, 2009, Hanisko fractured his ankle slipping and falling on what he described was a defectly-constructed wooden step in his residence. The accident occurred in the early morning hours in the second-floor bathroom of Hanisko’s residence on the golf course. He filed a civil complaint against CGC for negligence. Initially, CGC did not raise the workers’ compensation bar as a defense.
Two months later, Hanisko filed a claim petition in the Division of Workers’ Compensation against BCGM, which opposed the claim petition, arguing that the injury did not arise from work.
After discovery concluded in the civil case, CGC moved for summary judgment, contending that the law suit was barred by the exclusive remedy rule. Essentially, CGC and BCGM argued that they were joint employers of Hanisko, and he could sue neither company civilly. Hanisko argued that this defense had been waived by CGC because it was not raised until summary judgment. Plaintiff also argued that the two employers took differing positions in the workers’ compensation case and the civil case and should be estopped from denying responsibility under the civil law suit. The trial judge disagreed and granted summary judgment to CGC.
The Appellate Division noted that it was not inconsistent for CGC to argue in the civil case that it was petitioner’s employer and for BCGM to argue in the workers’ compensation case that the injury did not arise from work. However, the Court reviewed the “bunkhouse rule,” which states that when residence is provided to an employee, generally an injury sustained by an employee while using such residence is incidental to employment. The Court noted that although Hanisko was not required to live on the golf course property, his living there was of mutual benefit to the parties. He paid no rent or utilities, except cable, and his full-time presence there was of benefit to his employer. “That the lodging was meant to make the prospect of employment at the club more attractive is supported by the written offer of employment, which featured this benefit.”
The Court also stated that an employer cannot waive assertion of the workers’ compensation bar because jurisdiction is always an issue. “Subject matter jurisdiction, as the Act’s exclusivity provisions implicate, is a non-waivable defense, which can be raised at any time.”
The Court concluded that Hanisko had two employers: CGC and BCGM. CGC paid his salary of $1,730 biweekly, and BCGM provided his benefits. CGC provided significant control over Hanisko’s activities because he had to report directly to a CGC manager on a day-to-day basis. The manager, Ms. Suozzo, would walk the golf course with Hanisko and others and check on course conditions. She would ensure that Hanisko and others were doing their job correctly. Even though Hanisko would report also to BCGM’s regional manager, he would only meet with him monthly. Suozzo met with Hanisko more often than the BCGM regional manager, and Suozzo extended the offer to Hanisko to “join the team at BCGM and CGC.”
This case has been reported and can be found at Hanisko v. Billy Casper Golf Management, Inc. and Cranbury Golf Club, LLC, A-5053-12T4 (App. Div. September 8, 2014).
New York Workers’ Compensation Basics
Presented By: Joseph P. DeCoursey
Introduction: The workers’ compensation system in New York is designed to provide wage replacement benefits and medical care to injured workers. Physical injuries, mental injuries, and occupational diseases are all covered by the statute. The basic features of the New York workers’ compensation system are:
• The employee is entitled to workers compensation benefits so long as the employee suffers a personal injury “arising out of and in the course of employment” (or contracts an occupational disease);
• The employee’s contributory negligence does not lessen his or her rights;
• There must be an employer-employee relationship between the claimant and the employer. Independent contractors do not qualify for benefits if they are injured and cannot seek benefits from the employer with whom they were working;
• Workers’ Compensation benefits include wage replacement benefits of two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly wage, subject to maximum and minimum compensation limits set by the Law and medical expenses causally related to the injury suffered by the claimant.
• The employee gives up his or her right to sue the employer for damages for any injury covered by the workers’ compensation system. The employee still has the right to sue third-parties whose negligence caused the injury subject to the employer and carrier’s subrogation rights.
• Claims adjudication is the responsibility of the Workers’ Compensation Board, an administrative agency, which operates with relaxed rules of evidence and procedure.
1.0 Exclusive Remedy
There is a special bargain that defines the relationship between the employee and the employer in workers’ compensation. The employee gives up his or her right to sue the employer. The employer gives up its right to contest fault. Although simple in theory, in practice there is much more than fault for both employer and employee to argue about.
1.1 WCL §11 - This section of the law prevents the employee from suing the employer for personal injuries sustained or occupational diseases contracted out of and in the course of employment. The legislative intent in WCL §11 is very clear. It states that the employer’s liability under the Workers’ Compensation Law “shall be exclusive” and “in place of any other liability.” Despite the legislative intent, the burden is still on the employer to plead and prove the exclusive remedy defense by a preponderance of the evidence. Unlike other affirmative defenses in the law, the exclusive remedy defense is waived only if ignored until final disposition of the case. Even if the employee never makes any application for compensation benefits, his or her right to sue is still barred by the exclusive remedy doctrine.
1.2 Employer-Employee Relationship - In order for the NY Workers’ Compensation Law to apply, there must be an employer-employee relationship between the parties. Independent contractors are not entitled to workers’ compensation benefits unless covered by their own insurance policy. The traditional tests for determining whether an employer-employee relationship exist include: substantial control over the work, the method of payment, the right to hire or fire, provision of tools and equipment, and the nature of the work.
The initial investigation of any workers’ compensation claim should include confirmation that there is indeed an employer-employee relationship between your insured and the claimant. Employers sometimes label employees as independent contractors to avoid workers’ compensation issues but New York has never recognized the mere labeling of an employee as an independent contractor to be sufficient to avoid a finding of employer-employee relationship.
1.3 Third Party Actions – Although an injured worker may not sue his or her employer for personal injuries sustained or occupational diseases contracted out of and in the course of employment, he or she may sue third-parties responsible for those injuries. Any recoveries in a third-party action are subject to the insurance carrier’s or employer’s lien rights under WCL §29. This allows responsibility for the injury to be paid by the ultimate wrongdoer—the third party—and allows the employer to come out even. This scheme also prevents the claimant from receiving a double recovery.
2.0 Establishment of a Workers’ Compensation Claim
There are three basic elements, in addition to the existence of an employer-employee relationship between the claimant and employer, needed to establish a workers’ compensation claim. These elements are:
1) An accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment;
2) Timely notice and claim filing; and
3) Causal relationship between the injury alleged and the occupational accident or disease.
2.1 Accidental Injuries - Liability under the workers’ compensation law requires a showing that the claimant’s accidental injury both arose out of and occurred in the course of the claimant’s employment. What this means is that the injury must be one of the risks connected with the claimant’s employment and must flow from the claimant’s employment as a natural consequence. This is more than mere “but for” causation—not every injury that occurs at work can become an established workers’ compensation injury.
2.1.1 WCL §2(7) - “‘Injury’ and ‘personal injury’ mean only accidental injuries arising out of and in the course of employment and such disease or infection as may naturally and unavoidably result therefrom.”
Analysis of whether a claim arose out of and in the course of employment requires determining whether there is a sufficient nexus between the circumstances of the injury and the claimant’s employment.
2.1.2 Mental Injuries - “The terms “injury” and “personal injury” shall not include an injury which is solely mental and is based work-related stress if such mental injury is a direct consequence of a lawful personnel decision involving a disciplinary action, work evaluation, job transfer, demotion, or termination taken in good faith by the employer.” WCL §2(7)
Solely mental injuries (that is, psychic traumas that cause psychological injury) are compensable in New York. InWolfe v. Sibley, 36 N.Y.2d 505 (1975), the claimant found her boss lying in a pool of blood caused by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This caused the claimant to have severe psychological depression. The Court of Appeals inWolfe ruled—for the first time—that psychological trauma precipitated by psychological stress was compensable just as physical injuries. This case directed led to the 1990 amendment of WCL §2(7) to provide the limitation on mental injuries caused by lawful personnel decisions.
2.1.3 What the statute excludes: WCL §10(1) - “ . . . except that there shall be no liability for compensation under [the Workers’ Compensation Law] when the injury has been solely occasioned by intoxication from alcohol or a controlled substance of the injured employee while on duty; or by willful intention of the injured employee to bring about the injury or death of himself or another; or where the injury was sustained in or caused by voluntary participation in an off-duty athletic activity not constituting part of the employee’s work related duties unless the employer (a) requires the employee to participate in such activity, (b) compensates the employee for participating in such activity, or (c) otherwise sponsors the activity.
2.1.4 Presumption of compensability - WCL §21 - once the claimant has produced evidence to support a claim for a workers’ compensation injury, it shall be presumed compensable until the employer rebuts the presumption with substantial evidence to the contrary. This is why employers have such difficulty in winning controverted workers’ compensation claims.
Keevins v. Farmingdale UFSD, 304 A.D.2d 1013 (3d Dep’t 2003) - this case presents an excellent example of the §21 presumptions in action. The claimant, a schoolteacher, twisted her knee while walking around her desk. The employer did not present any medical evidence to rebut the claim but instead argued that the claimant had an idiopathic injury. The Board disallowed the claim but the Appellate Division reversed, citing §21 and noting that accidents that occur “in the course of employment” are presumed to have arisen “out of” such employment in the absence of substantial evidence to the contrary.
The presumption is even stronger in unwitnessed death cases. In an unwitnessed death case, it is presumed that the death arose out of in the course of employment.Holmes v. Kelly Farm and Garden,Inc., 1 A.D.3d 743 (3d Dep’t 2003). The insurance carrier can shift the burden back to the claimant by producing a consultant’s report indicating that the death was not causally related to the employment.
2.2 Occupational Disease - The other compensable category of events under the workers’ compensation law are occupational diseases. An occupational disease develops over time as a result of repetitive actions or exposures, without a single trauma. An accident is typically identifiable in time and place as a single, traumatic event resulting in injury. In an occupational disease claim, the exposure or repetitive action must arise from adistinctive feature of or the nature of the claimant’s employment.
When you are dealing with an occupational disease claim, do not simply accept from the claimant or the claimant’s physicians a history that the injury arose from repetitive work tasks as adequate for establishing the claim. There needs to be a determination as to what those tasks were and whether those tasks were a distinctive feature of the claimant’s class of employment.
2.2.1 Distinctive Feature - Occupational diseases are not merely conditions related to the claimant’s job but arise from the inherent nature or adistinctive feature of the claimant’s class of employment. Occupational disease claims require careful consideration because of the unique defenses inherent in these types of claims. The fact that the claimant developed an occupational disease at work is not enough; the claimant must have developed that disease due to a distinctive feature of the claimant’s job.
For example, in Engler v. United States Parcel Service, 1 A.D.3d 854 (3d Dep’t 2003), the Appellate Division reversed the Board’s establishment of the claimant’s lung condition as an occupational disease because there was no distinctive feature of the claimant’s job as a delivery truck driver that caused the condition. Rather, the specific environments in which he made deliveries and a defect in the door of his vehicle created a vacuum which caused the claimant’s lung disease. Thus, there was no distinctive feature of the claimant’s job as a delivery truck driver that caused the claimant’s condition.
2.2.2 Ergonomics - Because the key issue in an occupational disease claim is whether the resulting occupation disease occurred from a distinctive feature of the claimant’s employment, claims based on injury resulting from the way in which an employee does his or job or sets up his or her work station are not compensable.
In Bates v. Marine Midland Bank, 256 A.D.2d 948 (3d Dep’t 1998), the Appellate Division found that a bank recovery adjuster who developed a herniated disc from cradling a telephone with his neck while working did not have a compensable occupational disease because the claimant's condition was caused by the configuration of his work space and the manner in which he used the equipment provided, rather than some unique feature of his particular employment.
2.2.3 Date of Disablement - Because occupational diseases do not involve a single, identifiable event, one of the challenges in these types of claims is to determine thedate of disablement. The Appellate Division has given the Board much discretion in determining date of disablement. The Board can consider a number of factors in setting the date of disablement such as: date of first treatment, date of first lost time, and the date that the claimant knew his or her condition was related to work. The date of disablement is a key consideration in determining whether the claim is timely, which insurance carrier has coverage, and even the rate at which the claimant will be paid lost wage benefits.
2.3 Consequential Injuries - injuries consequential to an originally established workers’ compensation injury are compensable. The carrier on the risk is the carrier that covered the original injury. Whether a consequential injury is in fact due to an original injury is a question of fact for the Board to determine.
2.4 Timely Notice and Claim Filing - There are two important timelines to keep in mind in any accidental workers compensation injury. The first is timelynotice under §18 of the statute. The other is timelyclaim filing under §28 of the statute.
2.4.1 Timely Notice - Timely notice under §18 requires the claimant to give his or her employer written notice of an injury within 30 days of an injury. Exceptions to the 30 day notice requirement exist when an employer has actual knowledge of the accident or when the employer is not prejudiced by the delay in claimant’s giving notice. It is the claimant’s burden to prove that the employer is not prejudiced by untimely notice. “Prejudice” refers to prejudice in the employer’s defense of the claim. An example of prejudice would be the unavailability of evidence or witnesses due to the claimant’s failure to provide timely notice. Both the Board and the Courts have stated in many cases that oral notice will suffice. A different section of the statute covers timely notice for occupational disease claims. Under WCL §45, the claimant has two years from the date of disablement or the date the claimant knew or should have known that the disease was due to the nature of his or her employment, whichever is later. Failure to give written notice is frequently ignored by the Board and the failure to give timely notice is ignored just as often.
2.4.2 Timely Claim Filing (statute of limitations) - The claimant must file his or her workers’ compensation claim within two years of the date of accident or disablement. This statute of limitations may be waived if the defense is not raised at the first hearing in which all parties are present or if the employer made an “advanced payment of compensation.” Keep in mind that a medical report from a claimant’s doctor can be considered the filing of a claim.
Whenever a claim appears to have been filed more than two years after the date of injury, you should pursue the statute of limitations defense. This issue should be noted on the Notice of Controversy (FROI-04 or SROI-04) and your attorney must also raise this issue on the record at the first hearing at which all parties are present. You should closely investigate a claimant’s contention you waived a §28 defense because of an advanced payment of compensation. Any advance payment of compensation must carry with it recognition by the employer that there was a compensable injury. A payment that is “compensation neutral,” such as a payment due to a sick-leave policy, will not qualify as an advanced payment of compensation.
2.5 Causal Relationship - The claimant’s main burden is any workers’ compensation claim is to establish the existence of causal relationship or a causal nexus between the claimant’s accident and employment. Causal relationship is proven by medical evidence. Generally this comes from a physician in the form of a narrative report that has a history of the claimant’s injury, a diagnosis, and a statement on causal relationship tying the diagnosis to the claimant’s injury.
The issue of causal relationship usually involves a battle between medical experts. Once the claimant has produced a medical report with the requisite history, diagnosis, and opinion on causal relationship, the burden shifts to the employer to produce contrary medical evidence, usually in the form of an independent medical exam.
In order for awards of temporary disability to continue, the claimant must produce medical evidence of causally related disability on a periodic basis. That time period is every 90 days as of this writing.
2.6 Multiple Injuries and Apportionment - Where a claimant has a work-related injury but has pre-existing or subsequent injuries, the issue of apportionment, that is, how to divide liability between multiple injuries arises. There are three scenarios that come into play when dealing with multiple injuries.
The first is a single accident involving multiple body parts. This is the most frequent situation. A typical example of such an accident would be a work-related motor vehicle accident (MVA) where the claimant injured multiple body parts. Here, the primary concern is avoiding an improper overlap of awards when the claim reaches permanency.
The second situation involves multiple body parts injured in separate accidents either while working for the same or different employers. Here, concurrent awards are permissible, so long as the combined award doesn’t exceed the statutory compensation maximum for the most recent accident. Care must be taken to assign the appropriate compensation amount to each accident.
The third situation involves successive accidents or injuries to the same body part. This is the most problematic and the source of most apportionment litigation in NY Workers’ Compensation. The general rule is that apportionment does not apply during the acute phase of temporary disability but apportionment may apply during permanency.
Apportionment to a prior non-work related injury is very difficult to obtain. There needs to be a showing that the claimant remained disabled from work “in a compensation sense” due to the prior injury in order for apportionment to apply. If the claimant is able to work following the first injury, then apportionment is probably not going to apply. That said, there is a special class of cases where apportionment can apply to a prior non-work related condition if the claimant had a permanent pre-existing loss of use that can be reasonably quantified. Scally v. Ravena Coeymans Selkirk Cent. School District, 31 A.D.3d 836 (3d Dep’t 2006).
The same rule applies in situations where the prior injury was the subject of a NY workers’ compensation claim, although WCLJs are a bit more willing to consider apportionment in this situation because there will be another insurance carrier available to pay the apportioned share of benefits. In these cases, one should not expect any successful outcome on an apportionment claim until the claimant reaches permanency and is either classified or given a schedule loss of use award.
2.7 Jurisdiction - Any claim arising from an injury that occurred in the State of New York is subject to New York jurisdiction. Cases involving out-of-state injuries may be subject to New York State jurisdiction if there are sufficient significant contacts between the parties and New York State. Examples of significant contacts can include (but are not limited to): home office location, place of employment contract, residence, and any contract between the parties indicating which workers’ compensation law they wish to apply.
3.0 Average Weekly Wage
The claimant’s awards for wage replacement (indemnity) benefits are equal to 2/3rds of the injured workers’ average weekly wage (“AWW”). Because all awards for wage replacement benefits are calculated based on the claimant’s average weekly wage, it is critical that an accurate average weekly wage be set at the inception of the case.
3.1 C-240 and Records of Wages - An accurate calculation of the claimant’s average weekly wage starts with good records. The Board provides a form from the employer to complete, called a C-240, which provides space for the employer to indicate a record of the claimant’s wages for the year prior to the injury and the number of days the claimant worked over the course of that year. The underlying principle in calculating the claimant’s AWW is to determine as closely as possible the claimant’s actual AWW at the time of the injury.
3.2 Methods of Calculation
Claimant employed in same industry for Full Year: This is the most common situation. It applies where the claimant has worked for the same employer, or other employers doing the same kind of work, for substantially the entire year prior to the injury. For a claimant working five days per week, the total wages for the year prior to the injury is divided by the actual days worked to determine the claimant’s average daily wage. The average daily wage is then multiplied by 260 and then divided by 52 to yield the AWW. Different multiples apply for six and seven day workers. In these cases, the Board will generally use a 300 multiple.
Claimant not employed in same industry for Full Year: Use of the claimant’s actual payroll in this situation may be unfair. In these situations, the statute requires the employer to produce whatever wage information is available for the claimant and the wages of a similar worker for substantially the whole year prior to the injury. A similar worker is an employee of the same class as the claimant.
Claimant whose AWW not Otherwise Calculable: If the claimant’s AWW cannot be “reasonably and fairly” applied by either of the above methods, then the Board will determine the claimant’s AWW using other sources, including the claimant’s actual earnings for the entire year prior to the injury.
Wage Expectancy for Employees under age 25 at the time of injury: When someone is injured before their 25th birthday, a special rule exists for calculating the claimant’s earning capacity. This is called the “minor’s wage expectancy.” Under minor’s wage expectancy, the AWW is increased at the time of permanency to more accurately reflect the future wage loss suffered by young workers. This increase in the AWW only applies to permanent wage loss benefits and not to temporary disability awards.
3.3 Maximum and Minimum Rates of Compensation – The statutory maximum and minimum rates of compensation payable to the claimant are set by the statute. The maximum rate is reset every July and is based on the average weekly wage for all workers in the State.
DOI on or After Max Total Max Partial Min Rate
7/1/14 $808.65 $808.65 $150
7/1/13* $803.21 $803.21 $150
5/1/13 -- -- $150
7/1/12* $792.07 $792.07 $100
7/1/11* $772.96 $772.96 $100
7/1/10* $739.83 $739.83 $100
7/1/09 $600 $600 $100
7/1/08 $550 $550 $100
7/1/07 $500 $500 $100
7/1/92 $400 $400 $40
7/1/91 $350 $350 $40
7/1/90 $340 $280 $30/$20
*Adjusted annually to 2/3 of State AWW
4.0 Temporary vs. Permanent Disability
Lost wage benefits paid to an employee immediately after an injury during his or her period of convalescence are called temporary disability benefits. Lost wage benefits paid to the claimant after he or she has reached maximum medical improvement and legally found by the Board to have a permanent disability are called permanent disability benefits.
4.1 Temporary disability benefits remain payable so long as the claimant’s condition is “unsettled,” such as when pain and swelling persist or so long as the claimant condition can be improved with additional medical treatment. In order to continue to be entitled to ongoing lost wage benefits during the period of temporary disability, the claimant must present periodic medical evidence of a continuing medical disability related to the injury. If a claimant needs additional medical attention after the period of initial healing—such as further surgery—the employee may again be considered temporarily disabled. The determination of the claimant’s temporary disability benefits is dependent on periodic medical evidence showing that the claimant remains disabled due to the injuries suffered in the workers’ compensation accident or occupational disease.
4.1.1 Calculation of Award - Compensation for temporary partial disability is two-thirds of the difference between the claimant’s average weekly wage and his wage earning capacity after the accident. WCL §15(5)
4.1.2 Wage Earning Capacity is determined either by the claimant’s actual earnings, if working, or if the claimant has no earnings, the Board “shall fix such wage earning capacity as shall be reasonable, but not in excess of [75%] of his actual earnings,having due regard to the nature of his injury and his physical impairment.” WCL §15(5-a)
Typically, the non-working claimant’s benefit rate will be based on a physician’s opinion of the claimant’s degree of disability. This is often characterized on a percentage basis or by using the terms “mild” (25%), “moderate” (50%), “marked” (75%) or “total” (100%). In New York, the “total disability” refers not to the claimant’s at-injury job but to all jobs in the labor market.
4.2 Permanent disability benefits are appropriate when the claimant has reached maximum medical improvement from his or her injuries. Permanent disability awards are divided into two types: classification and schedule loss of use. Reaching permanency is a significant legal turning point in a workers’ compensation case. Permanent disability benefits carry with them the presumption that the claimant has a continuing disability. Thus, the claimant is relieved of the requirement to present periodic medical evidence of a continuing disability. The level of permanent impairment is based on medical opinion provided in consultation with the Board’s 2012 Guidelines for Determining Permanent Impairment and Loss of Wage Earning Capacity.
4.2.1 Maximum Medical Improvement (“MMI”)- Consideration of permanency is premature until the claimant has reached MMI from the injuries suffered in the workers’ compensation accident. A finding of MMI is based on a medical judgement that the claimant: 1) has recovered from the work injury to the greatest extent that is expected and 2) no further improvement in the claimant’s condition is reasonably expected. The need for palliative or symptomatic treatment does not preclude a finding of MMI. In cases that do not involve surgery or fractures, MMI cannot be determined prior to 6 months from the date of injury or disablement, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.
4.2.2 Schedule Loss of Use (“SLU”) Awards - These are awarded for a permanent impairment of an extremity, permanent loss of vision or hearing, or permanent facial disfigurement. Prerequisites for SLU award:
1) Permanent impairment of extremity, loss of vision, or loss of hearing.
2) Impairment must involve anatomical or functional loss such as soft tissue, bone, sensation, atrophy, scarring, deformity, mobility defects, loss of power, shortening, impaired dexterity, or coordination.
3) Treatment terminated and no further improvement is expected or no residual impairment in systemic area (e.g., head, neck, or back).
4) Certain time periods must have elapsed, generally one year from the date of injury or date of surgery to repair the injured body part. Evaluation and award of SLU
1) Loss of use is a medical determination made by a physician with reference to the Workers’ Compensation Board Medical Guidelines. Generally, for extremities, the doctor measures the loss of range of motion of the affected body part and then compares those findings with the Medical Guidelines to determine his or her opinion on the claimant’s percentage loss of use. In many cases, the claimant’s physician will submit an opinion on SLU and the insurance carrier will also have the claimant examined by its consultant for another opinion on SLU. If there is a dispute between the opinions, the parties can compromise or the WCLJ can direct development of the record and decide which opinion he or she finds more credible.
2) Percentage loss of use is then translated into the appropriate number of weeks of compensation payable to the claimant by reference to the table in WCL §15(3). The table indicates the maximum number of weeks of disability payable for each body part. To determine the number of weeks payable for a certain percentage loss of use, multiply the maximum number of weeks for the body part by the percentage calculated by the physician. For example, if the physician determines that the claimant has a 25% SLU of the right arm, the number of weeks payable is 78 weeks (312 weeks total for an arm x 0.25 = 78 weeks).
3) The number of weeks of compensation payable is then multiplied by two-thirds of the claimant’s average weekly wage to determine lump sum award payable to the claimant. Although the statute provides for the SLU award to be paid out over time into the future, a statutory amendment permits payment in a lump sum upon claimant’s request. The carrier will deduct prior payments made during the period of temporary disability from this lump sum.
4) Protracted Healing - In some cases the time required to heal an injury is greater than average, resulting in a longer period of temporary disability. Because the statute provides that the carrier can deduct prior payments from the final SLU award, injured workers with unusually long healing periods may receive little or no additional benefits under a SLU award. To avoid this, the statute provides an additional award for protracted healing. - Payment of a SLU award is a credit for future lost wage awards that the injured worker may require in the case. In the event of future lost time related to the workers’ compensation injury, the carrier does not need to initiate fresh payments of wage loss benefits to the claimant but instead may credit the lost time payment against that amount of the SLU award not for claimant’s actual lost time.
4.2.3 Classification awards are payable for permanent conditions not otherwise amenable to disposition by SLU award. In fact, the statute refers to classification cases as “other cases.” WCL §15(3)(w). Classification cases generally involve continuing or progressive impairments resulting in permanent disability to the head, neck, spine, lungs, and other body parts not otherwise addressed by WCL §15(3)(a)-(u). Rather than the SLU’s payment of a limited, but certain period of benefits to the claimant, a classification award is potentially unlimited and the amount of the benefits can fluctuate over time. Evaluation - Like SLU awards, the ultimate determination of permanent disability is a medical determination made by a physician with reference to the Board’s Impairment Guidelines. Determining a claimant’s permanent partial disability award requires a determination of the claimant’s level of medical impairment and loss of wage earning capacity. Medical Impairment - Under the 2012 Guidelines permanent medical impairment is assigned a severity ranking from “A” to “Z,” with “A” being the least severe and “Z” being the most severe. The Board has also included a “Medical Impairment Severity Crosswalk” in Chapter 18 of the 2012 Guidelines to allow for some degree of comparison between the severity rankings of different body parts. This is because, for example, a “D” severity ranking for the soft-tissue lumbar spine injury would not necessarily be the same level of impairment as a “D” severity ranking for a respiratory condition. The Severity Crosswalk ranks relative severity across injury classes from “0” to “6” with a “0” representing no disability and a “6” representing a total disability. Recent Board Panel Decisions have translated the A-to-Z rankings of the Guidelines into percentage degree of disability for determining the appropriate benefits rate.
The Guidelines criteria for the most commonly injured body sites are very detailed and focus on objective measurement and clinically verifiable information. Most of the time, there should be very little difference between the impairment rankings from two examinations of the same claimant by different physicians. Loss of Wage Earning Capacity (“LWEC”) - the durational cap on the claimant’s weekly indemnity benefit is dependent on the Board’s determination of the worker’s loss of earning capacity which is a different calculation than the level of medical impairment. Although the claimant’s medical impairment may coincidentally be the same as the percentage loss of wage earning capacity, medical impairment may not be directly translated into loss of wage earning capacity.
Definition - a “determination at the time of classification of the decrease in earning power that an injured claimant has experienced due to the permanent impairments suffered.”Buffalo Auto Recovery, 2009 WL 5177881.
Loss of earning capacity is to be determined by a WCLJ upon a preponderance of the evidence in the record concerning the claimant’s nature and degree of the work-related permanent physical and/or mental impairment, work restrictions, claimant’s age, and any other relevant factors. Buffalo Auto Recovery, Id. This loss of earning capacity will determine the maximum number of weeks of compensation available to the claimant and the weekly benefit amount may fluctuate over time. There is no formula for the determination of LWEC. The determination of same is left to negotiation and/or litigation.
A recent Appellate Division decision, Canales v. Pinnacle Foods Group LLC, 117 A.D.3d 1271 (3d Dep’t 2014) indicates that the claimant’s weekly benefit rate is determined solely by a claimant’swage earning capacityunder WCL §15(5-a)rather thanloss of wage earning capacity. This means that the weekly benefit rate of a classified claimant should be based on the claimant’s actual earnings or medical degree of disability. As this is a new decision and a departure from Board practice, this interpretation is subject to some dispute.
% Loss of Wage Earning Capacity | Maximum Benefit Weeks | Number of Years |
0% - 15% | 225 | 4.33 |
16% - 30% | 250 | 4.81 |
31% - 40% | 275 | 5.29 |
41% - 50% | 300 | 5.77 |
51% - 60% | 350 | 6.23 |
61% - 70% | 375 | 7.21 |
71% - 75% | 400 | 7.69 |
76% - 80% | 425 | 8.17 |
81% - 85% | 450 | 8.65 |
86% - 90% | 475 | 9.13 |
91% -95% | 500 | 9.62 |
96% - 99% | 525 | 10.10 |
4.2.4 SLU versus Classification - Sometimes injuries to a body part that normally would qualify for a SLU are more appropriately disposed of with a classification award due to the nature of the claimant’s permanent impairment. An award for a continuing disability award, as opposed to a schedule award, is indicated where the claimant’s medical condition remains “unsettled.”Clifford v. Larkin, 31 A.D.2d 866 (3d Dep’t 1969). Physical evidence of a condition that is unsettled include a continuing condition of pain or swelling, a continuing need for medical treatment, or other conditions listed in the Board Medical guidelines.
4.2.5 Permanent Total Disability - classification with a permanent total disability qualifies the claimant for lifetime receipt of two-thirds of his or her AWW for the rest of his or her life. Upon the facts of the case - A claimant may be found permanently totally disabled based on substantial medical and vocational evidence in the record. This is a factual issue for the Board’s determination. Statutory Permanent Total Disability - Certain serious injuries automatically qualify the claimant for a permanent total disability. These injuries include: the loss of both hands; both arms; both feet; both legs; both eyes; or any combination of loss of one member of two or more of these categories. Actual physical loss of the body part is not required; a finding of total loss of use is sufficient.
4.3 Aggregate Trust Fund – This trust fund was created to ensure that long-term benefits for permanent disability or death were protected and guaranteed. (See WCL §27).Private insurance carriers that were responsible for long-term awards were required to pay the present value of the award, computed by the Board, into the Aggregate Trust Fund (“ATF”). Self-Insured employers and the State Insurance Fund (which manages the ATF) are not required to make ATF deposits. Cases in which a mandatory ATF deposit is required include:permanent partial disability cases where there is no §15(8)(d) concession from the Special Funds and certain permanent total disability cases. Permanent total disability cases that are not of the type requiring an ATF deposit are known as discretionary cases and the ATF deposit in such cases is only directed by the Board at its discretion.
4.4 Attachment to the Labor Market - This is a defense to ongoing payment of a claimant’s partial (either temporary or total) disability benefits created by the Courts in cases dating back almost to the inception of the Workers’ Compensation Law. A claimant who has a partial disability and who has not been found to have involuntarily retired due to his or her workers’ compensation injury must demonstrate an attachment to the labor market by seeking employment within his or her medical restrictions in order to maintain entitlement to continuing compensation benefits.
4.5 Death Benefits – If a work-related injury causes death, bi-weekly benefits may be payable to the decedent’s surviving spouse and, depending on the circumstances, to the decedent’s surviving child or children, subject to the maximum rates listed in the Table on page 8 above and a $30.00 per week minimum.WCL §16. Status as a surviving spouse or child is determined on the date of death, not the date of the injury. “Child” also includes posthumous children. If is no surviving spouse and no children, dependent parents, grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings under the age of 18 may be eligible for benefits. If there are no surviving dependents entitled to receive death benefits under the statute, then §16(4-b) provides that the sum of $50,000 must be paid to the decedent’s surviving parents (even if they were not dependent on the decedent for support) or if no surviving parents, to the decedent’s estate.
4.6 Special Funds Conservation Committee – Responsible for managing and defending liability of the Special Fund for Second Injuries (§15(8)) and the Special Fund for Reopened Cases (§25-a). The §15(8) Fund permits reimbursement of the carrier in certain cases of permanent disability and death after the retention period of either 260 or 104 weeks. The §25-a Fund assumes liability for the claim after passage of seven years from the date of injury and three years since last payment of compensation in “truly closed” issues. Both of these Special Funds are in the process of being phased out. The §15(8) fund was closed to claims with dates of injury on or after 7/1/07. The §25-a fund was closed to new applications for transfer on 1/1/14. Whether §15(8) has been established on a claim is of relevance to private insurance carriers in determining whether there will be a mandatory ATF deposit in permanent partial disability cases.
5.0 Medical Care and Choice of Provider
The most important benefit to most injured workers are the hospital and medical expenses provided under the Workers’ Compensation Law in connection with an injury or compensable occupational condition. The statute provides that a claimant will be provided with virtually any medical care needed for the treatment of his or her injury without cost and without limitation to duration or amount for the remainder of the claimant’s life. This is of concern to insurance carriers and employers given the marked increase in the cost of medical care over the last several years. In many claims, the cost of medical benefits will far exceed the cost of indemnity benefits.
5.1 WCL §13(a) - the employer (or its insurance carrier) must provide to the injured worker “ . . . such medical, surgical, optometric, or other attendance or treatment, nurse and hospital service, medicine, optometric services, crutches, eye-glasses, false teeth, artificial eyes, orthotics, functional assistive and adaptive devices and apparatus for such period as the nature of the injury or the process may require.”
5.2 Choice of Provider - The injured worker has virtually unfettered right to treat with the authorized health provider of his or her choice. The only real limitation to the claimant’s choice of physician lies in those employers that choose to use a preferred provider organization to treat injured workers under N.Y. Work. Comp. Law Article 10-a.
5.3 Medical Treatment Guidelines - Claims involving the neck, back, shoulder, knee, and carpal tunnel are subject to the Board’s medical treatment guidelines. Additional Medical Treatment Guidelines regarding the treatment of chronic pain are forthcoming. These guidelines impose a mandatory standard of care for these body sites. The Guidelines are supposed to provide an evidence-based approach toward the medical care of claimants in the workers’ compensation system.
The Guidelines are focused on the premise that medical care should be designed to restore functional ability. A positive patient response is, under the Guidelines, generally one that results in increased functional ability that can be objectively measured.
Medical treatment that is pre-approved by the Board is detailed in the Guidelines. Should a claimant’s physician wish to provide treatment that is outside of that detailed in the Guidelines, the burden of proof is on the physician to demonstrate the appropriateness and medical necessity of the treatment. Additionally, the physician must state that the claimant agrees to the proposed care and why alternate care under the Guidelines is not appropriate or sufficient.
5.4 Independent Medical Examinations - The other source of medical opinions in a workers’ compensation claim come from physicians who are hired by employers and carriers to provide an independent medical examination. The use of independent medical examiners (“IMEs”) is highly regulated. Some of the major provisions concerning IMEs are as follows:
1) A copy of the IME report must by submitted on the same day and in the same manner to the Board, the carrier, the claimant, the claimant’s attorney, and the claimant’s treating physician. If the IME received a request for information from a party, a copy of that request along with any answer to the request must be sent to the Board within 10 days of such request or reply.
2) If the carrier is under a direction to continue indemnity payments at a certain rate, an IME report cannot be the used to automatically suspend or reduce continuing compensation benefits, but may be used as the basis for an application to the Board to reduce or suspend benefits.
3) A physician must be authorized by the Board to perform IMEs.
4) The facilities where IMEs take place must be suitable for the examination as well as accessible, safe, and located a reasonable distance from the claimant’s residence.
5) No one may cause a report to be filed that differs substantially from the professional opinion of the physician who performs the IME.
6) The claimant shall have notice by mail at least 7 business days prior to the examination of the date of the examination.
7) A physician may not perform an IME of the claimant if that physician has treated that claimant for the same disability or if someone if the physician’s practice, managed care provider, or preferred provider organization has treated the claimant for the same disorder.
5.5 Communication With Healthcare Professionals - Any written communication with a health care provider must be served on the opposing parties and their legal representatives. The failure to provide such notice of a party’s contact with a healthcare provider may result in the Board precluding any information obtained through that communication.
6.0 Section 32 Settlement Agreements - A settlement agreement under Section 32 of the Workers’ Compensation Law allows the parties to settle on a final basis all issues or specific issues at any stage of the proceedings. Typically, most settlements close out both medical and indemnity on a final and conclusive basis; this waiver of benefits is the most significant feature of the Section 32 settlement. The actual agreement is generally prepared by the attorney for one of the parties and circulated to the other parties for review. Once there is agreement on the final form, all parties will sign the agreement and it is sent to the Board, which will schedule a hearing to review the agreement. At the hearing, the WCLJ will review the agreement with the claimant to make sure that the agreement is not unconscionable and to make sure that the claimant understands the agreement. Once the WCLJ approves the agreement at the hearing, the parties have 10 additional days to withdraw from the agreement if they wish. Once the 10 days elapses without objection, the agreement is final and payment (if any) is due. Certain Federal laws concerning the Social Security program and Medicare have complicated the parties rights and obligations with respect to Section 32 settlements.
The Medicare Secondary Payer statute, 42 U.S.C. §1395y and its corresponding regulations at 42 C.F.R. §411.11 et. seq., state that workers’ compensation is a primary benefit payer and the Medicare is a secondary payer. What this means is that Medicare does not want to pay for any medical care that is properly the responsibility of the workers’ compensation carrier.
Claimants who are Medicare eligible and settling the medical portion of their claim should apply for approval of a Medicare Set-Aside with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). A Medicare Set-Aside is a calculation of the expected future medical treatment that the claimant will require in the future as a result of the workers’ compensation injury. Only that treatment that would be covered by Medicare is included in the calculation.
For further information, please contact Ronald Weiss at 585-262-6390 or rweiss@hwcomp.com
Employers continue to deal with federal intrusions in workers’ compensation: the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute and now new rules being considered by OSHA. On November 8, 2013, OSHA published a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend the agency’s regulations on reporting injuries and illnesses.
OSHA is concerned that injury reporting may be inaccurate because employers may have policies that discourage employees from reporting injuries. Therefore, OSHA is considering three provisions:
1) A requirement that employers inform their employees of their right to report injuries and illnesses free from discrimination or retaliation;
2) A provision requiring that any injury and illness reporting requirements established by the employer be reasonable and not unduly burdensome; and,
3) A prohibition against disciplining employees for reporting injuries or illnesses.
OSHA is asking the following questions:
* Do you or does your employer currently inform employees of their right to report injuries and illnesses? If so, please describe how and when this information is provided.
* Are there any difficulties or barriers an employer might face in trying to provide such information to its employees? If so, please describe them.
* How might an employer best provide this information: orally to the employee, through a written notice, posting or in some other manner?
Adverse actions mentioned by participants in public meetings with OSHA include automatically disciplining those who seek medical attention and requiring an employee who reported an injury to undergo drug testing where there was no reason to suspect drug use.
There are already rules prohibiting discrimination against an employee for reporting a work-related injury or illness, but OSHA is not satisfied with existing rules. It feels additional explicitness is needed because stakeholders were concerned that new requirements to publicize recordkeeping data might provide employers new motivation for disciplining employees for reporting.
The comment period for the proposed rule runs on October 14, 2014.
Presented by
Renee E. Heitger, Esq.
Kigin v. State of NY WCB, 109A.D.3d 299 (3d Dept. 2013)
2 Big Questions:
1)Does the Board have the Statutory Authority to issue the MTG and 12 NYCRR 324? 2)Are the MTG and 12 NYCRR 324 contrary to the Statute, i.e., WCL Section 13, by impermissibly shifting the burden to treating medical providers (TMP) to demonstrate medical necessity?Answer to Question 1
Yes, the Board has Regulatory Authority to promote the overall Statutory framework of WCL Section 13, and to decrease bill disputes and delays in providing effective and necessary treatment.
Therefore, the MTG and 12 NYCRR 324 were lawfully promulgated.
Answer to Question 2
MTG comport with the spirit and intent of, and are not contrary to Section 13(a), in providing appropriate and medically necessary treatment.
Additional Questions Addressed by the Court:
MTG do not deprive claimants of due process as the Board authorizes an expedited procedure.
MTG and variance process do not exclude any particular care, just changes the process in determining medical necessity.
Application of the MTG to all prospective treatment on or after 12/1/10 does not constitute retroactive application.
Additional Questions Addressed by the Court: (cont’d)
Proposed Non-Acute Pain Treatment Guidelines will only supplement current MTG so the current MTG can apply to chronic cases.
Court of Appeals accepted claimant’s motion for leave to appeal. . . . . to be continued . . . .
Practice Tips Re: Variances
If you believe there is a Burden of Proof issue, specifically raise it on the MG-2 denial: there is now a specific box for that denial.
If you only raise a Burden of Proof issue, and the Medical Arbitrator or ALJ disagrees and finds the TMP met his or her burden, then the treatment will be authorized.
Therefore, if you want to preserve your right to submit a contrary medical opinion, you cannot wait and it must be submitted with the denial. Include Burden of Proof and the contrary medical opinion as the basis for denial.
The contrary medical can be from an IME, a records review with an IME or authorized provider, or from your medical professional. Watch the deadlines!!
If you obtain a contrary medical opinion, make certain your consultant comments on more than just the maximum amount of treatment permitted under the Guidelines and focuses on the substance of what TMP has provided to support his variance request, as TMPs are getting more proficient in supporting their MG-2 requests.
Partial granting of variance is now permitted.
If there is no evidence of a re-examination by the TMP within the first 2-3 weeks after initiating treatment, TMP really cannot meet Burden of Proof.
The Narcotic Prescription Dilemma
Board Subject No. 046-457 states:
“The Medical Treatment Guidelines do not require, and are not intended to recommend, the immediate cessation of prescription narcotics … for claimants who have been using such medication long term.
There are very significant health risks associated with the sudden withdrawal of narcotics and other pain medications. The MTG allow for the use of pain medication beyond the maximum duration.
Therefore, carriers should continue to pay for these medications without a variance request.”
Practice Tips
Before a claimant begins using medication “long term”, notify the prescribing doctor from the very beginning that the Medical Treatment Guidelines apply and inform TMP that those Guidelines generally state “narcotic medications should be prescribed with strict time, quantity and duration guidelines and with definitive cessation parameters . . . “ Then refer the TMP to the Guidelines for specific details.
Consider C-8.1(B) and (A) if TMP does not provide this treatment plan for prescriptions.
Consider C-8.1(B) and early IME if medications continue beyond the maximum.
If a claimant is already on medication long term, obtain an IME on the various prescription medications being utilized, request review of those prescription medications and any tox screens, and have the doctor comment on the medical necessity and appropriateness of those ongoing medications. If not medically necessary and appropriate, have the doctor outline a weaning program which you are willing to authorize. Then request a hearing to address the issue.
Board Decisions
Strong Independent Medical Examination from pain management specialist, and contrary opinion from TMP pain management specialist resulted in litigation and affirmation of discontinuation of narcotics with proper weaning. NYS Dept. of Corrections, 2013 WL 6512422 (12/10/13)
TMP, not pain management specialist, and SFCC’s consultant, pain management specialist performed record review without exam gave contrary opinions on medications. The Judge found the consultant lacked credence and authorized the medications. Board Panel held that decision in abeyance pending referral to an impartial specialist. Quality Engine Dist. Inc., 2013 WL 6512423 (12/10/13)
Impartial specialist reviewed and noted one narcotic moot (claimant stopped), and one could “possibly be tapered”. Board relied on that and opinion of new pain management TMP to continue the one narcotic. Tomkins Metal Finishing, 2013 WL 3287889 (6/24/13).
TMP pain management specialist and SFCC’s medical record review by specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation gave conflicting opinions on MG-2 for prescription narcotics. Board Panel rescinded granting of the variance since no variance required and rescinded direction that TMP formulate transition plan to non-opioid. Narcotics were continued. Elderwood Affiliates, Inc. 2013 WL 1853849 (4/25/13).
Practice Tips (cont’d)
Request that the prescribing doctor conduct regular tox screens to ensure compliance. They should provide the results.
If abnormal, consider IME for medical necessity, appropriateness, and treatment plan.
If multiple providers prescribing medication, advise each what else is being prescribed and ask if still medically necessary and appropriate. Consider IME.
No clear indication or time frame with regard to when a claimant’s pain goes from acute to “Non-Acute”, and when the Non-Acute Pain Medical Treatment Guidelines would be applied.
The Board has characterized the Non-Acute Pain Treatment Guidelines as a supplement to the current recommendations on chronic pain, which are reflected in each of the Medical Treatment Guidelines.
Provide a strong focus and restrictions on the use of opioid medications, and alternatives should they not work.
Additional focus is on decreased pain levels and objective increase in function with treatment, as well as self-management.
No evidence to support increased efficacy of brand name meds, yet proposed MTG do not specifically recommend generics.
Proposed MTG state that Urine Drug Testing results are not to be shared with the Board, carriers, or employers, yet they are subject to interpretation and that interpretation can be “challenging” at times.
Comments were to be submitted by 6/10/13. To be continued . . . . .
Section 29 of WCL permits an injured worker to collect WC benefits and sue a negligent 3rd party.
A. Consent
Claimant must obtain your consent prior to settling, compromising or discontinuing a third party action, unless the settlement amount exceeds the potential amount of the WC benefits over a claimant’s lifetime.
∙Consent is required even if you don’t have a current lien or right of offset.
Obtain SFCC consent in established 15-8 and 14(6) claims.
Matter of Catapano v. Jow, Inc., 91 A.D.3d 1018 (3d Dept. 2012).
∙ If claimant fails to obtain your prior consent or obtain a judicial compromise order, claimant is barred from further benefits pursuant to Section 29(5) of WCL.
1) Settlement amount is greater than WCL provides
2) Nunc pro tunc order is granted by the trial court.
}B. Lien
Section 29 grants the employer/carrier a lien for all payments of medical and indemnity in connection with the WC claim, subject to certain limitations.
1. Medical malpractice: Lien and credit only apply to increased liability caused by the malpractice
}2. Motor Vehicle Accidents
No lien for payments made in lieu of “first party benefits” when the MVA involves a covered person vs. covered person. (Section 5102 of the New York Insurance Law)
a. First party benefits under Insurance Law Section 5102(B) are defined as payments to reimburse a person for basic economic loss on account of personal injury arising out of the use or operation of a motor vehicle, less 20% of lost earnings, amounts recovered under workers’ compensation and amounts deductible under the applicable insurance policy.
●}b. Basic economic loss has a ceiling of up to $50,000 per person and generally includes:
(1) medical expenses without limitation as to time, provided that within one year after the date of accident it is ascertainable that further expenses may be incurred, and
(2) lost wages up to $2,000 per month for not more than three years from the date of accident causing the injury. (N.Y. Ins. Law Section 5102(a)(2).
Note: Keep in mind that even though an employer/carrier has not paid out more than $50,000 in benefits, there is a valid lien if you pay for lost time occurring more than three years after the original date of injury or lost wages in excess of $2,000 per month.
}c. Payments deemed outside First Party Benefits
∙ It is generally accepted that carriers have valid liens and rights of offset against recoveries pursuant to Section 5104(a) for:
1. Medical expenses after the first anniversary date where it was not ascertainable that ongoing medical care would be required. (Rarely applies)
2. Loss of earnings beyond the third anniversary date of the accident.
3. Any indemnity compensation benefits in excess of $2,000 per month for actual lost time occurring within three years from the date of accident.
}4. Payment in excess of the $50,000 combined medical and loss of earnings ceiling.
Note: Must add up workers’ compensation indemnity + no-fault+medical payments to determine when you hit $50,000. Workers’ compensation does not always have to pay the full $50,000 before first party benefits are exceeded. Add no-fault payments to WC indemnity payments.
5. Payments made on account of death under the Workers’ Compensation Law above the amount of $2,000.
● }Note: When a workers’ compensation carrier has paid out benefits in lieu of first party benefits, it does not have a lien against the third party proceeds for such payments. Instead, the compensation carrier only has a lien for payments that are made in excess of first party benefits.
In the situation where the carrier does not have a lien for payments made in lieu of first party benefits, it may be able to recover those benefits in a claim for LOSS TRANSFER pursuant to Section 5105 of the Insurance Law.
}3. Immediate Lien & Offset Rights
a. A compensation carrier may claim a lien for all benefits paid when one of the parties isnot a covered person as defined under Section 5102(j) of the Insurance Law. Covered persons include pedestrians injured through the use of a motor vehicle or any owner, operator or occupant of a motor vehicle that has in effect the financial security required by the New York Vehicle & Traffic Law.
} }Keep in mind that when a municipality is sued and the municipality was not an owner of a vehicle, the municipality is not covered by no-fault and, therefore, the compensation carrier can claim a lien for all benefits paid. There is no carve out for first party benefits in this situation, since the municipality is not a “covered person.”Stedman v. City of New York, 107 A.D.2d 600 (1st Dept. 1985). The city was sued because a traffic light malfunctioned resulting in accident.
}b. A compensation carrier may claim a lien for all benefits paid when the accident giving rise to the injuryoccurred outside of New York. McHenry v. State Ins. Fund, 236 A.D.2d 89 (3d Dept. 1997).
} }4. Uninsured/Underinsured motorist provision.
No consent, lien or credit rights. The recovery is not against a 3d party so no rights.
Shutter v. Philips Display Components Co., 90 N.Y.2d 703 (1997)
You have an offset for the net settlement proceeds from third party actions. Also known as a “holiday or credit”. If the claimant proves the offset is exhausted, he/she can claim entitlement to future medical and indemnity benefits. (Deficiency compensation)
The failure to expressly reserve your right to a credit/offset in writing at the time you grant written consent results in a waiver of your right of credit offset. Robinette v. Arnold Meyer Sign Co., 43 A.D.2d 458 (3d Dept. 1974).
}Carrier’s Obligation1. Contribution to attorney’s fees
●A. Kelly v. State Insurance Fund, 60 N.Y.2d 131 (1983)
In order to receive lien and credit/offset benefits, carrier must pay its share of attorney’s costs and fees for receiving each benefit.
∙ It is now well settled that the Kelly case applies only to permanent total classifications, schedule loss of use and death benefits.
} Considerations1. If your lien amount is higher than your share of the cost of litigation, you receive a portion of your lien back under theKelly case.
●2. If your lien was smaller than your share of the cost of litigation (COL), you owe money. This is called “fresh money”.
}B. Burns v. Varriale, 9 N.Y.3d 207 (2007)
“Pay as you go”
}∙ Pursuant to Burns, future indemnity benefits are speculative.
∙ Your lien is reduced by the cost of litigation percentage, approximately 33-1/3% off the top.
∙ There is no further reduction of your lien beyond the approximate 1/3 off the top.
∙ Future medical is speculative. Bissell v. Town of Amherst, 18 N.Y.3d 697 (2012).
}∙ As a carrier utilizes its right of offset against further indemnity and medical payments, it is responsible to pay its share of the cost of litigation for using its offset.
∙ No more lien reduction beyond the initial 1/3.
∙ No more “fresh money” on PPD cases.
∙ Pay roughly 1/3 of ongoing indemnity awards.
∙ Pay roughly 1/3 of ongoing medical.
}C. Consent Letter Controls
∙ WCB has the authority to determine Burns payments.
∙ A carrier must “plainly and unambiguously express” its intent or the WCB will imposeBurns payments. Stenson v. N.Y.S. Dept of Transp., 96 A.D.3d 1125 (3d Dept. 2012)
∙ Any ambiguity will be resolved against the carrier. A carrier needs to draft the consent letterexpressly waiving Burns in the letter if that was the intention of the parties. Richter v. Ramistain, Sys., 57 A.D.3d 1186 (3d Dept. 2008)
}∙ Where a consent letter clearly stated that the lien reduction was in full satisfaction ofKelly obligation and that there would be no additional attorney fees paid, a statement thatBurns is reserved was found meaningless. MATSOS CONTRACTING CORP., 2013 WL 5670364
∙ Pursuant to Burns, a carrier was directed to pay 37% of an ongoing award and to reimburse a claimant for 37% of medical bills that werepaid directly by the claimant. DeFOE-RICE JOINT VENTURE, 2013 WL 4497417
}∙ Carrier had a lien of $193,946.38. The consent letter stated that employer would accept $100,000.00 in full satisfaction of its lien and that it would be “entitled to offset any compensation due, or which becomes due, against claimant’s net recovery, prior to the resumption of any indemnity and/or medical payments.” Despite reducing its lien beyond the initial 1/3 amount perBurns, the Board stated that the employer did not “plainly and unambiguously” release it from paying any further litigation expenses soBurns applies. EMPLOYER: DEPT. OF HOMELESS, 2014 WL 344825.
}∙ Employer reduced its entire lien of $13,179.29 to $0. Consent letter stated “said amount represents amount paid less equitable apportionment pursuant to Section 29, subd. 1, (WCL) and will not be further reduced.” The Board stated that this letter unambiguously set forth the carrier’s intent that it would not make any further contribution.” Burns did not apply while using offset. EMPLOYER: NYS POLICE, 2014 WL 628768.
}∙ A WCB decision that stated a carrier should resume payments on a certain date was found to be a guideline only. There is no automatic resumption of benefits until entitlement is determined. The carrier raised VRLM and the case was continued to develop the record on that issue. JANON GENERAL CONTRACTING, 2013 WL 1942749.
}Considerations 1.Consent letters can no longer be a form letter. 2.Consent letters must be carefully and explicitly prepared on a case by case basis. 3.Consent letter can address timing and form of payment. Ongoing? Periodic? 4.Negotiate Section 32 resolution at time of consent and resolve case with a global settlement. 5.Demand 2/3 reimbursement to leverage settlement. 6.Raise attachment to the labor market during period of offset and compile evidence supporting the defense. } 6.Do not agree to voluntarily resume payments. 7.Agree that payments can be suspended upon date of consent letter or disbursement date of proceeds with the filing of a C-8 and detail whenBurns payments will be made. 8.Only reimburse for medical when claimant shows proof of payment out of pocket. Offset is not utilized when another insurance carrier pays the medical bills. 9.If consent letter is silent onBurns or ambiguous, Burns will most likely apply. ●● } }LOSS TRANSFER
Section 5105 of the NY Insurance Law allows for recovery of First Party Benefits from the negligent party’s automobile insurer if one of the vehicles weighsmore than 6,500 pounds unloaded or is primarily used for transportation of persons or property for hire. (taxis, buses and other delivery vehicles)
}LOSS TRANSFER RIGHTS UNDER SECTION 5105∙ An employer/carrier’s right of lien in auto accident cases is separate and distinctfrom its claim for loss transfer under Section 5105 of the Insurance Law.
∙ Under Section 5105, the carrier can look to the auto carrier of a negligent party for recovery of benefits that are considered within the definition of first party benefits.
}∙ Can only recover from an insurer that would have been liable to pay damages in an action at law.
● This section of the law affords relief to the employer who has paid workers' compensation benefits in lieu of first party benefits which another covered person would have been liable to pay in an action at law. Accordingly, we can recover first party benefits from the automobile insurer for a negligent party.
We can determine the weight of the vehicle from the VIN information from DMV.
}∙ Loss transfer can apply even though there is only one motor vehicle involved. This is because a pedestrian is considered a covered person.
}Condition PrecedentWhen an employer/carrier wishes to pursue Section 5105 loss transfer, it must first try to amicably negotiate its loss transfer claim against the other party and utilize the intercompany reimbursement notification forms. This is a condition precedent to the commencement of formal arbitration.
}Arbitration∙ Arbitrations Forums, Inc. is the entity that arranges for the arbitration.
∙ Formal application
∙ Evidence is submitted with the application and hearings are held before an arbitrator.
∙ There are no formal rules of evidence.
∙ Hearings are similar to workers' compensation hearings.
∙ Prior to the arbitration, all evidence must be submitted electronically to Arbitration Forums, Inc. on its website, www.arbfile.org.
∙ There is a contentions sheet that must be completed. It must detail all evidence and the theory of the case.
}Statute of LimitationsThe statute of limitations for commencement of the arbitration for loss transfer is limited to the same statute that would apply to the claimant's underlying third party action. The statute of limitations for tort actions is generally 3 years, though there is a 2 ½ year statute of limitations for claims against the Thruway Authority. Since payments are often ongoing in the workers' compensation setting, the three year statute of limitations, applies from the dateeach payment is made. In Re Arbitration Between Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. and Hanover Ins. Co., 307 A.D.2d 40 (4th Dept. 2003).
}LiabilityThe success or failure of the compensation carrier in a claim for loss transfer is contingent upon the issue of the liability of the other covered person. New York is a comparative negligence state. Therefore, the recovery of payments made in lieu of first party benefits may be reduced if there is comparative negligence on the part of the requestor’s insured.
A claimant who settles his/her liability claim against the tortfeasor cannot waive the workers' compensation carrier’s loss transfer rights.
Tortfeasor’s liability limit is $100,000.00. The liability carrier pays the claimant the policy limit. The workers' compensation carrier can still pursue its loss transfer claim against the $50,000.00 no-fault provision of the tortfeasor’s insurance policy.
}Best Evidence & Practice∙ Police Reports
∙ Statements of both drivers/witnesses and photos of damage to both vehicles
∙ 3d party pleadings
∙ Deposition transcripts
∙ We must prove the weight of the vehicle. This can be done by running a Vehicle license Plate or Vehicle Registration search. Vehicle Registration will also show if the vehicle is registered as a Livery vehicle. Most private investigators have the ability to search this information. Cost is about $30.
∙ The arbitration hearing is the best way to ensure that your evidence is fully reviewed and considered.
∙ Phone Hearings – recent development allows us to handle cases all across New York State.
The Exciting World of FROI & SROI
Presented by
David L. Snyder, Esq.
Melanie M. Wojcik, Esq.
Rebecca M. Guerra, Esq.
eClaims: Today’s Agenda I.Background II.New Claims ¡Accepting Claims ¡Denying Claims III.Ongoing Claim Management ¡SROIs ¡Legacy Claims ¡Acquired Claims IV.Conclusion ¡Summary of Changes ¡Practice PointseClaims Background
Presented by David L. Snyder, Esq.
Background Spring of 2012: Board announces transition to electronic reporting system called “eClaims”Objective: Provide timely, accurate, and credible electronic reporting which will reduce employer costs and make it easier for injured workers to receive timely benefits Adoption of IAIABC Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards What is eClaims? Electronic system for managing claims and reporting case events Keep paper filing for C-240, C-11, PH-16.2, reimbursement requests, attached documents and correspondence Alphabet Soup Rolling Out eClaims Implementation deadlines 3/10/14: Implementation complete Training courses & materials New regulations N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 § 300.22 (effective 4/23/14) Changes to existing regulations N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 12 § § 300.23, 300.38 (effective 4/23/14) eCase Largely unchanged “Summary of benefits” tab captures all SROI submissions historically “Cumulative benefits” tab captures all benefits paid – medical and indemnity If two carriers involved, able to switch viewing screens to view different carriers’ FROI/SROI information Print FROI/SROIs directly from eCase eClaims Inquiry NEW! web application which provides the ability for Trading Partners (Senders), Vendors, Insurers and Third Party Administrators to view both accepted and rejected claim transactions submitted to the BoardShows all transactions and status (accepted or rejected) and reason for rejections Use anticipated by “Flat filer” vendors: e.g. Mitchell: ¢“Eliminate manual data entry by exporting FROI/SROI data from your claims management system via SFTP (secure file transfer program).”New Claims
Presented by Melanie M. Wojcik, Esq.
New Claims 1.The FROI 2.Accepted claims 3.Denied claims 4.Accepting a claim without prejudice under 21-a 5.Partial denials – when medical liability may be accepted, but you are disputing indemnity 6.Practice Points ● ● ● The FROI FROI – First Report of Injury The FROI will replace the C-669 and the C-7 A FROI will always be the first form filed Accepting a Claim: Medical Only Claims FROI-00: for medical only claims where claimant will require medical treatment beyond ordinary first aid or more than two treatments by a person rendering first aid as defined by Section 110 (2), and there is no lost time beyond the working day or shift on which the accident occurred as defined by Section 110(2) and proposed amendment to NYCRR Section 300.22. Notification to be made within 18 days after the disability event or within ten days after the employer has knowledge of the disability event, whichever period is greater. Notification required for claims with more than two treatments. Accepting a Claim: Medical Only Claims (cont’d) This is the same rule that previously applied to the C-2. Difficult to ascertain within the deadlines. If lost time, then the FROI-00/SROI-IP should be filed if carrier is paying lost time or FROI-00/SROI-EP if the employer is paying wages. Notification codes on FROI-00: “N” (notification only), “M” (medical), and “I” (indemnity) If in the future, claimant begins losing time, a SROI will be filed. Controverted Claims Before EDI, a C-7 would be filed, either by your office or by your counsel. Your legal counsel would be required to certify the C-7. New procedure: if claim is to be denied you will file either a FROI-00 then a SROI-04, or a FROI-04. Legal counsel cannot file these forms on your behalf. Deadlines for timely filing remain the same. FROI-04 to be filed within 18 days after the disability event or within ten days after the employer has knowledge of the disability event, whichever period is greater. If not filed in accordance with these timeframes, may be subject to $300.00 penalty in accordance with Section 25-2(a). Controverted Claims – Important! Counsel cannot “file” the form; however, counsel should still be involved to identify viable controversies. Need to immediately secure claimant and witness statements, HIPAA authorizations, OC-110a forms for investigation of prior treatment and pre-existing injuries. Counsel should continue to assist in identifying issues to be raised. We have new forms, but are still subject to Rocket Docket rules. Controverted Claims: Example One Emmett the construction worker is injured on 12/10/13. He reports his injury on 1/15/14. You want to controvert based on untimely notice. FROI-04 must be filed by 1/25/14 (ten days after the employer had knowledge of the disability event). Controverted Claims: Example Two Joe Fibsalot alleges a right knee injury occurred on 12/5/13. He tells his supervisor on 12/9/13, a Monday. A co-worker tells the supervisor that Joe hurt his knee skiing over the weekend. Joe is taken out of work by Dr. Believesanything on 12/12/13. When should your notice of controversy be filed? As the employer wants to controvert from the outset, you can file the FROI-04, and it must be filed by 12/23/13 – 18 days after the disability event. Note that ten days from the date the employer had knowledge was 12/19/13. Controverted Claims: Filing Deadlines FROI to be filed within 18 or 10 deadline. SROI-04 within 25 days from indexing or within 18/10 whichever is greater. For example, case is being controverted for date of accident 1/2/14. You file FROI-00 on 1/12/14, but claimant does not file a C-3 or any medical indicating a work related injury. The claimant files a medical report and C-3 on 1/31/14. The WCB indexes claim on 2/5/14. SROI-04 filed on 2/20/14 (within 25 days from indexing). Controverting a Claim: continued If a paper C-7 was filed before you went live with EDI, then a FROI-UR would be the appropriate first filing. In other words, if the claims administrator has not previously filed a paper C-7 or any other FROI, then the Board would expect a FROI-04 when controverting the claim. If you have already filed a FROI, then a SROI-04 would be expected to controvert the claim. Controverting a Claim: Denial Codes Select the Right Denial Codes: Example Mr. Driver alleges a low back injury occurred while he was delivering packages on Christmas Eve, 12/24/13. He reports the injury to his employer on 1/10/14. Employer reports that the claimant was actually done with his shift and slipped in a parking lot while doing last minute Christmas shopping, as reported by his ex-wife who works for the same company. Carrier promptly filed a FROI-04 on 1/18/14 (within ten days of when the employer was notified of the “disability event”) and raises “2E – no injury per statutory definition” but nothing else. Select the Right Denial Codes, cont’d. The pre-hearing conference is scheduled for 2/16/14 and carrier sends the notice to its counsel on 2/1/14. Counsel realizes that additional issues should have been raised including 1D (does not meet statutory definition of accident), 2D (no medical evidence of injury), 1E (deviation from employment) and 1I (presumption does not apply). Counsel quickly files a SROI-02 and PH-16.2 raising the additional issues, but advises that the Judge may preclude carrier from pursuing the “accident” defenses as they were not timely raised. Select the Right Denial Codes, cont’d. Denials will have to be certified by legal counsel at the pre-hearing conference. If FROI-04 or SROI-04 filed, and additional issues need to be raised, then a SROI-02(change), can be filed to amend your notice of controversy. However, deadlines for issues to be raised, (accident or employer/employee) relationship must still be considered. Some codes can be used to mean more than one thing. There are no specific occupational disease codes, so if you are raising no OD, clarify in the denial narrative. Denial Reason Narrative Denial reasons may be clarified using DN0197 (denial reason narrative). This will be important to use, to clarify the issues being raised, as many of the denial codes have multiple meanings. For example, denial code 3E means “no insurance policy in effect on date of accident,” which can be used to raise an issue of proper carrier, or cancellation of coverage. Accepting a Claim Without Prejudice Carriers may still accept claims without prejudice under 21-a, and are required to file a SROI, presumably a SROI-IP (initial payment) immediately upon beginning temporary payment of compensation or for treatment. On the SROI form, there is an area indicating “agreement to compensate” with options of “with liability” or “without liability.” If accepting under 21-a, use “Agreement to Compensate Code” (DN0075) with value of “W” (without liability). You will then have a year from the date of filing in which to controvert the claim, although you will have to continue payments of medical and indemnity while performing further investigation. If you controvert at some point within year: file a SROI-04. Partial Denials Denying indemnity in whole, but paying for medical. Use FROI-00 and SROI-PD. Example would be a case where there is no medical evidence to support lost time, or a claim where the injury is not disputed but any claim for lost time is: for example, claimant is injured, and refused light duty offer from employer. Denying indemnity in part, not medical. Use FROI-00 and SROI-PD. This would be a situation where there was medical evidence to support lost time for a short period, but then no further evidence and claimant remains out of work. New Claims: Practice Points Coordinate with employers to determine whether or not a claim should be controverted: ¡C2, Witnesses contacted for statements, HIPAA releases Involve counsel before filing FROI-04 or SROI-04 to review appropriate issues/investigation: ¡If counsel assists you with the denial, then the file can be monitored so that the PH16.2 is timely filed. Practice Points, cont’d. Paper copies of FROI and SROI denials must be served on the claimant, claimant’s counsel and other parties: email/fax if accepted by claimant’s counsel and claimant Paper PH-16.2 statements are still required to be filed 10 days prior to pre-hearing conference. If you file the denial on the 25th day: ensure confirmation that it was received: direct filers will receive immediate notice; flat filers need to check for successful transmission. Practice Points, cont’d. If you use a flat filer, file a few days before the deadline to verify that it was accepted by the Board. If a file is rejected, it will because of technical defect not substantive reason. IMPORTANT: FROI must always be filed on or before the 18th day after the disability event or within ten days from the date that the employer has knowledge of the disability event. This applies to all claims!ONGOING CLAIM MANAGEMENT
Presented by Rebecca M. Guerra, Esq.
Ongoing Claim Management 1.SROIs 2.Reporting benefit changes 3.Legacy claims 4.Sub-annual reports 5.Acquired claims 6.Practice points SROI Subsequent Report of Injury Replaces C-8/C-8.6 (reports change in indemnity/wages because of some event) MTC determines purpose of report: Board has provided “MTC Filing Instructions” SROI-04/SROI-PD used in denials; remainder of SROIs used on accepted/established claims On ongoing claims, generally required to be filed within 16 days after event occurred which led to change in benefits; on new claims where initial payment, file within 18/10. SROIs, cont’d. Report all penalties, medical expenses, M+Ts, atty fees, interest; do not need to report defense fees presently Do not need to file a SROI every time you make a payment! Benefits broken down by type (total/partial) Uses “through” dates, not “to” dates Document overpayments, apportionment, third party offsets Indemnity Benefit Reporting SROI-CA: Reportchange in rate only ¡e.g. change to AWW SROI-CB: Report change in benefit type and benefit rate ¡e.g. change from TT to TP SROI-PY (payment report) lump sum payments (32), payment of awards, penalties SROI-S_ (suspension) ¡ ¡ Other SROIs Reduced Earnings Resumption of benefits Wages resumed General Data Element Changes: FROI-02/SROI-02 Benefits exhausted: SLU/PPD benefits Legacy Claims Claims which were in Board database prior to eClaims and already have WCB Number (JCN) When reportable event occurs, administrator reviews “extract” file (FROI-UR if present; FROI-00/AU if not) FROI-UR: file with appropriate SROI(s) on legacy claim when some reportable event occurs SROI-UR: summarize historical information regarding the claim; only required if indemnity paid previously Sub-Annual Reports SROI-SA: two per year on open cases (not marked NFA or reopened after being marked NFA) or closed cases (NFA) with continuing indemnity payments Due on open “medical only” claims Each SROI-SA is a cumulative total of each benefit paid to date on the claim Due 180 days from date of accident or where no accident date/partial: from filing of first FROI While the regulations would not seem to impose this requirement on legacy claims, Board’s FAQs say otherwise Mailing to parties optional SROI-SA Deadlines Acquired Claims Required to report in eClaims when a claim has been acquired from another administrator FROI-AQ (can be used if prior claim administrator): within 10 days of acquisition FROI-AU (if no FROI/SROI previously filed): within 30 days after the rejection of FROI-AQ SROI-AP (payments begun): within 16 days Need to report “unallocated prior indemnity benefits”: what prior claims administrator paid in lump sum SROI Practice Points Use the proper MTC. Pay attention to filing deadlines, which may vary by reason for filing. Use the narrative fields for explanations, e.g., SROI-SJ suspension – explain why suspending. Serve on claimant and claimant’s counsel. File attachments directly with the Board.Conclusion
Presented by David L. Snyder, Esq.
Summary of Changes Elimination of C-2 filing Elimination of C7, C-669, and C-8/C-8.6 SROI-SA Sub-annual reports Denial codes FROI/SROI section in eCase Trading partners How Counsel Can Assist With eClaims Determine compensability of claim and legal defenses Assist with denial codes and narrative explanations Prepare PH-16.2 and advise on evidence needed to defend claim Advise on potential penalties and repercussions for filing deficiencies Practice Points Pay careful attention to ensure that the right MTC code is utilized based on the event being reported Use narrative fields to explain when necessary Make sure you receive “Transaction Accepted” acknowledgement of transaction; if rejected, redo C-2F paper form not to be filed, but still should be completed and retained by employer Separately submit any attachments to the Board via email, fax or mail Practice Points, cont’d. If either of the parties of interest (POI) have designated email for service, the carrier can serve the PDF via email for that POI, but if claimant does not à PDF must be served by mail on claimant Mail the printable report, when required, to the claimant and his or her counsel within one business day File reports well prior to 6:00 P.M. to ensure successful transmission (check Board FAQs for update – certain days extended to 8:00 P.M.) Additional Resources Email: eclaims@wcb.ny.govTelephone: 877-632-4996, Option #7; or call any of the Board’s District Office Numbers and select Option #5 Website: www.wcb.ny.gov à eClaims link Questions and Answers If a FROI-00 has no witness names would the employer be prevented from producing witnesses at a hearing? ¡The FROI-00 is the equivalent of what was included on the paper C-2 today so same rules would apply. However, if it is a controverted claim (FROI-04) it would be different since the PH-16.2 asks for this and all controverted rules will remain the same. How does the FROI-02 differ from the SROI-02? ¡They are only different in what you can change. The FROI and SROI have different data elements in some instances. For example, the Claimant's Address and Phone are FROI data elements only. A FROI-02 can be submitted anytime in the life of the claim, so submission of a SROI does not stop the carrier's opportunity to submit the FROI-02 if they found it necessary. Also, I just wanted to note that the FROI-02's are only "servable" on the parties if you are changing Full Denial reasons. So a carrier who is just changing a claimant's address is not required to mail a copy of the 02 to the parties like they would other certain FROI's and SROI's. Questions and Answers What do you do when a SROI is not “required” but you want to make parties aware of what has been done with payments? For example, a client advised that they were unsure what MTC to file and contacted e-claims, and were told that they did not need to file anything. In this situation, three periods were awarded by the Judge that were previously held in abeyance. The carrier was allowed to credit an overpayment so no money was moving. Optional – file SROI-PY. Questions and Answers The state will provide an extract list of legacy claims that were reported prior to the ‘go live’ date. FROI-URs will be generated on these. We may have some claims in our system that pre-date the go live date that will not be included on the extract list. Our system will automatically generate a FROI-OO, which is a first report. Will these be considered late filings of first reports and will we be subject to penalties on these? ¡No. If a case is not listed in the extract file, the Board specifically directs you to file a FROI-00 or FROI-AU. As that is their explicit direction, you will not be penalized for complying with it. Are legacy claims that are already in payment exempt from the New York agreement to compensate code requirement? ¡Per the Element Requirements table available on the Board’s website, the Data Element of “Agreement to Compensate” is listed as “if applicable” for FROI-UR filings on legacy claims. It is not mandatory.On August, 8, 2014, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals released its opinion inFab Arc Steel Supply, Inc. v. Timothy Dodd wherein it reversed a permanent and total disability award. Among the several issues on appeal, the Court considered whether there was enough evidence to support a finding that an L-1 herniation that was asymptomatic for more than a year following the accident was causally related to the accident. The Court also considered whether a determination of permanent disability could be made when the employee was not yet at maximum medical improvement (MMI). In addition, the Court considered whether a termination for misconduct could be considered a constructive refusal of suitable employment for purposes of denying temporary total disability (TTD) benefits.
L-1 Herniation
On appeal, the employer relied on the testimony of neurosurgeon, Dr. James White. At his deposition, Dr. White testified that he could not connect the herniation to the accident since the symptoms of lower back pain radiating into the lower extremities did not begin for over a year following the accident. In affirming the Trial Court on this issue, the Court of Appeals acknowledged that such a delay in symptoms certainly weakens the inference that a post-accident appearance of an injury is related to an accident. However, the Court relied on the fact that a herniation is the type of injury that results from trauma, that late symptoms did not rule out the accident as the cause, and that no doctor attributed the herniation to any other cause such as a degenerative condition.
Since the employer denied that the L-1 herniation was related to the accident, it refused to provide any of the recommended treatment associated with the injury. Dr. White testified that he recommended surgery and/or injections. At trial, the employee testified that he wanted to have the surgery. On appeal, the employer asserted that, if the herniation was determined to be related, then the employee could not be considered to be at MMI and, thus, any determination of permanent disability was premature. The Court of Appeals agreed and reversed the permanent and total disability award. The Court further ordered that the recommended treatment be provided and that the issue of permanent disability be readdressed once the employee was placed at MMI.
Constructive Refusal of Suitable Employment
At trial, the employer presented evidence that the employee was terminated due to insubordination and argued that his conduct amounted to a constructive refusal of suitable employment. The employer took the position that it should not be responsible for paying TTD benefits when it made a job available that fell within the physical limitations assigned by the treating physician but then the employee basically got himself fired. The Trial Court determined that the employer’s reasons for terminating the employee were without merit. The Court of Civil Appeals declined to reverse the Trial Court on that determination and, therefore, could not reverse the determination that TTD was owed.
My Two Cents:
Although the Court of Appeals refused to reverse the Trial Court on the TTD issue, it did not assert that the "constructive refusal of suitable employment" argument was improper. This leaves the door open in the future for this argument to be made whenever an employee is fired due to misconduct.
About the Author
This article was written by Michael I. Fish, Esq. of Fish Nelson & Holden LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation matters. Fish Nelson & Holden is a member of The National Workers’ Compensation Network (NWCDN). If you have any questions about this article or Alabama workers’ compensation issues in general, please feel free to contact the author atmfish@fishnelson.com or any firm member at 205-332-1448.
Interim Commissioner Named
The Governor has named the senior Deputy, Michelle (Miki) McGovern, as the new acting Workers’ Compensation Commissioner effective immediately. She will remain in this capacity until the Governor formally appoints a new Workers' Compensation Commissioner subject to confirmation by the Senate.
This should immediately address the backlog of decisions that has accrued over the several weeks since Commissioner Godfrey resigned. During that time, Deputy Commissioners have not issued arbitration decisions based upon a concern that there would be no certainty as to whether or not those decisions would have reflected final agency action in the absence of a Commissioner, thereby causing problems with the handling of appeals. Going forward, Acting Commissioner McGovern will handle or direct all inter-agency appeals, and it is anticipated that arbitration decisions will start issuing immediately.
Call Mark Bosscher or Lee Hook with any questions @ 515-243-2100. We’d be happy to help, whether it be a quick or a complex issue!
Hooks v. Coastal Stone Works, Inc.
Released September 5, 2014
The Alabama Court of Civil Appeals ruled that an officer of a corporation must take action to revoke previous certification of exemption from workers’ compensation coverage pursuant to § 25-5-50(b).
On May 24, 2006, Hooks, along with two other officers of Coastal Stone Works, Inc., signed a certificate of exemption to be exempted from coverage under the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act pursuant to § 25-5-60(b). On November 23, 2011, Hooks was injured and sought benefits under the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act and filed suit. Coastal Stone Works, Inc. file a motion for summary judgment, which was ultimately granted the second time it was filed. It’s position was Hooks exempted himself in 2006 and never revoked the exemption. Hooks asserted that, if he did not file a certification of exemption each year, the exemption automatically revoked itself. There was no dispute that Hooks did not sign or file anything other than the certification of exemption submitted in May of 2006.
Hooks argued that § 25-5-60(b) states an officer of a corporation may elect annually to be exempt from coverage on the workers’ compensation act. Hooks interpreted this section to require him to annually elect to be exempted from coverage and if he did not the exemption was automatically revoked. Coast Stone Works, Inc. argued that this the provision goes on to state that the exemption may be revoked upon an officer filing a written certification electing to be covered. Coastal Stone Works, Inc. argued that this showed that the legislature intended the requested exemption to remain in effect until the officer revoked the exemption in writing.
The Court of Civil Appeals agreed with Coastal Stone Works, Inc. and stated that if the legislature had intended the exemption to revoke each year unless the officer requested the exemption again it would not have provided the method for revoking the exemption. The Court of Civil Appeals opined that § 25-5-60(b) required an officer to take action to revoke the previous certification of exemption as opposed to the revocation being automatic unless they file another certification of exemption.
Any time you are dealing with an injury involving an officer of a corporation make sure to verify that they never submitted a written certification of exemption to the carrier and the Alabama Department of Labor.
The article was written by Joshua G. Holden, Esq. a Member of Fish, Nelson & Holden, LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation and related liability matters. Mr. Holden is AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest rating an attorney can receive. Holden and his firm are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN). The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields.
If you have questions about this article or Alabama workers’ compensation issues in general, please feel free to contact the author atjholden@fishnelson.com or 205-332-1428.
In an effort to reduce painkiller abuse and misuse, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced last week that it is reclassifying hydrocodone as a Schedule II Controlled Substance. Under the new regulation, which will go into effect on October 5, 2014, doctors will no longer be able to call in prescriptions for drugs like Lortab and Vicodin. Additionally, patients will only be allowed one 90-day prescription per doctor visit, and will have to actually see their doctor in person before obtaining a refill. According to DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart, "Almost seven million Americans abuse controlled-substance prescription medications, including opioid painkillers, resulting in more deaths from prescription drug overdoses than auto accidents." The official DEA release can be found here.
My Two Cents
The effects of the new regulation on employers could be two-fold. Employers can most likely expect an increase in claims management costs associated with more frequent doctor visits for injured workers who are in long-term opiate therapy. However, the new regulation could also greatly reduce the financial burden placed on employers by "pill mills" that dole out drugs like candy after seeing a patient only once or twice. In either case, employers and claims managers need to be aware of the new regulation to ensure that the medical providers they select to care for injured workers comply with these guidelines.
About the Author
This article was written by Charley M. Drummond, Esq. of Fish Nelson & Holden, LLC. Fish Nelson & Holden is a law firm located in Birmingham, Alabama dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation cases and related liability matters. Drummond and his firm are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN). The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields. If you have questions about this article or Alabama workers’ compensation issues in general, please feel free to contact the author at cdrummond@fishnelson.com or (205) 332-3414.