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NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

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Legal Update by Attorneys Alison Stewart and Tyler Smith, and Law Clerk Jordan Gehlhaar

Significant debate has stemmed from the legislature’s addition of the “shoulder” to Iowa Code Section 85.34(2). The Iowa Supreme Court settled this debate, in part, in their recent decisions, Chavez v. M.S. Technology and Deng v. Farmland Foods.

Prior to the 2017 amendment, shoulder injuries were considered a “whole person” or “body as a whole” injury, which result in industrial disability analysis. In contrast, for scheduled injuries, claimants receive a rating of their functional impairment to the body part; this is multiplied by the number of weeks provided by the legislature (400 weeks for the shoulder) to ascertain the number of weeks in which compensation is due. However, since the amendments, claimants have consistently argued industrial disability analysis is still appropriate for shoulder injuries despite the legislative change—focusing on the anatomy of the shoulder. This created an issue of statutory interpretation for the Agency and courts because the legislature did not define what constituted the “shoulder.”

Originally, the Agency determined “shoulder” was limited to the ball and socket joint, and did not include other connected anatomical parts. See Smidt v. JKB Restaurant, LC, File No. 5067766 (May 6, 2020, Arb. Dec.). Slowly, through various opinions, the definition of “shoulder” has expanded to include anatomical parts that are essential to the functioning of the shoulder joint, such as the rotator cuff muscles, labrum, and acromion.

Claimants Chavez and Deng both sustained tears of their rotator cuff muscles. The lower courts determined these were scheduled shoulder injuries, and both claimants appealed. Each claimant argued that the shoulder was limited to the ball and socket joint, whereas the employers and insurers argued a broader interpretation including “the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and articular surfaces connected to the glenohumeral joint.”

The Iowa Supreme Court first determined that “shoulder” is ambiguous, and that statutes should be interpreted reasonably in accordance with the legislature’s intent. Accordingly, the Court held:

These rules of statutory construction guide our conclusion that “shoulder” under section 85.34(2)(n) must be defined in the functional sense to include the glenohumeral joint as well as all of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are essential for the shoulder to function. . . Viewing section 85.34(2) in its entirety, it is apparent that the legislature did not intend to limit the definition of “shoulder” solely to the glenohumeral joint.

Under this functional analysis, the Court determined rotator cuff injuries are injuries to the shoulder because those muscles are essential for the shoulder to remain stable and work properly. The Court also looked to the language contained in medical records, the AMA Guides, and the treating physicians’ interpretation of the injury.

The Court recognized that more litigation “may be needed in the short term to develop the exact parameters of a scheduled shoulder injury.” Although these opinions provide some clarity, we can expect some additional litigation regarding specific parts in the shoulder area. Ultimately, absent legislative change, this determination will likely be based upon medical opinions regarding what is essential to the functioning of the shoulder.

Peddicord Wharton will continue to monitor this issue and provide updates.

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The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. This disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

Peddicord Wharton Legal Updates are intended to provide information on current developments in legislation impacting our clients. Readers should not rely solely upon this information as legal advice. Peddicord Wharton attorneys would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about this update. ©2022 Peddicord Wharton. All Rights Reserved.

H&W Webinar: Wednesday 4/20/22 - 

 MTGs for PTSD and Acute Stress


On 4/20/22, Victoria Hahn will present "Medical Treatment Guidelines for PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder". The New York Workers’ Compensation Board has adopted new Medical Treatment Guidelines for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder. This webinar will review those new guidelines, including an overview of diagnosis, assessment, and treatment recommendations. We will also review how the Board has ruled in previous PTSD claims and how these prior rulings may carry over into the new Guidelines.

**NY Attorney CLE credit is pending for this program

It will be held at 11:00 AM EST on Wednesday, April 20th 2022. Please click here to register. 

You may also copy the link below and paste into your browser to register:


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Buffalo, NY 14202

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Rochester, NY 14614

Legislative News


The 2022 West Virginia Legislature session surprisingly had a quiet finish despite the Republican supermajority and a bold attempt to fundamentally change intentional torts for workplace injuries. The House and the Senate proposed separate bills to completely change the definition of deliberate intent, commonly known as Mandolidis actions based on the seminal West Virginia case and resultant legislation. Ultimately the bills did not pass out of committee, so the 2015 amendments to West Virginia Code § 23-4-2 remain in place.


The Legislature passed an important and long-overdue bill sponsored by the Insurance Commissioner. House Bill 4296 cleaned up and revised outdated provisions within Chapter 23 of the West Virginia Code, which pertains to workers’ compensation. The bill modernized and updated workers’ compensation statutes, removed or revised provisions made obsolete by legislation and regulatory revisions in 2005 and 2006.


Recent Cases


The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals continues to analyze compensability in workers' compensation claims where the question is whether an injured employee's disabling condition was caused by a preexisting chronic condition or by a new injury. The Court is exploring the application of its holding in Syllabus Point 3 of Gill v. City of Charleston, 236 W. Va. 737, ___, 783 S.E.2d 857, 858 (2016)("A noncompensable preexisting injury may not be added as a compensable component of a claim for workers' compensation medical benefits merely because it may have been aggravated by a compensable injury. To the extent that the aggravation of a noncompensable preexisting injury results in a discreet new injury, that new injury may be found compensable.")


In Ramaco Resources, Inc. v. Rollins, No. 19-1163, 2021 WL 5216712, at *4 (November 9, 2021)(memorandum decision), the Court found the preponderance of evidence demonstrated Mr. Rollins aggravated a noncompensable wrist fracture while at work, and reversed the Board of Review and the Administrative Law Judge because they did not properly apply the Gill case. Rollins injured his right wrist at work on April 20, 2018. His employer questioned compensability because Rollins fractured the right wrist at home on January 5, 2018, and had recently returned to work when the new injury occurred. After the January 5 injury at home, Rollins had surgery on January 9, 2018, and completed physical therapy. He reported some stiffness and weakness in the wrist on April 2, 2018. His doctor stated he could return to work on April 9, 2018, without restrictions. Mr. Rollins returned to work full duty. On April 20, 2018, Mr. Rollins injured the same right wrist at work while loosening a bolt with a ratchet on a piece of heavy equipment. At the emergency room he reported that his right wrist popped while he was loosening a bolt with a pipe wrench. An x-ray showed a slightly impacted fracture at the volar aspect of the distal radial metaphysis. The diagnosis was right wrist fracture.


Claimant was treated by Dr. McCleary on April 23, 2018, who noted that Rollins had swelling and tenderness in the distal radius. Dr. McCleary also noted that an x-ray showed a nondisplaced distal radius fracture. He diagnosed a right wrist ulnar joint sprain. Dr. Mukkamala performed an independent medical evaluation of Mr. Rollins and determined he did not sustain a new injury on April 20, 2018. The x-ray performed on April 30, 2018, showed that the fracture was still visible and healing. Dr. Mukkamala believed Mr. Rollins prior right wrist fracture had not completely healed when the work incident occurred. He also noted that the x-rays revealed osteopenia, which was noncompensable.


A board-certified radiologist compared the x-rays taken on Mr. Rollins' right wrist on January 5, March 5, and April 20, 2018 and concluded that a January 5, 2018, right wrist x-ray (performed three months prior to the alleged work injury) showed an acute fracture of the distal radius and x-rays performed on April 20, 2018, showed a slightly impacted fracture of the distal radius. Dr. Luchs concluded that the x-rays showed a chronic healing distal radial fracture. Based on Dr. Luchs' findings, Dr. Stoll agreed with Dr. Mukkamala's assessment of Mr. Rollins did not sustain a new injury on April 20, 2018. Dr. Stoll believes that Mr. Rollins' initial fracture had not fully healed before he returned to work. Dr. Stoll also stated that the x-rays revealed osteopenia, which was non-compensable. Finally, he noted that while the treating physician was requesting authorization for an MRI, an MRI would not add any information to help the decision making process.


Ramaco first argues that the Board of Review's Order upholding the ALJs' compensability ruling is clearly wrong and contrary to the preponderance of the evidence. Ramaco states that substantial medical evidence shows that Mr. Rollins's noncompensable, wrist fracture of January 5, 2018, had not healed by the time he allegedly injured himself at work on April 20, 2018. Ramaco states that Dr. Luchs, Dr. Mukkamala, and Dr. Stoll all stated that Mr. Rollins merely aggravated a previous noncompensable injury. Mr. Rollins responds that simply because he suffered a prior fracture to the same body part does not now immunize Ramaco from responsibility in this claim. And Mr. Rollins contends that it is clear he was injured at work on April 20, 2018, considering he promptly reported the injury and sought medical attention. Mr. Rollins states that it was proper for the ALJ and the Board of Review to give considerable weight to the medical opinion of Dr. McCleary who provided treatment for his compensable injury and the prior wrist fracture.


The majority opinion of the Supreme Court found the x-ray evidence "critical" because the case involved a wrist fracture. The Court noted Dr. Luchs's review of the x-rays taken of Mr. Rollins's right wrist on January 5, March 5, and April 20, 2018, and determination that the January 2018 fracture had not healed as of April 20, 2018. Dr. Luchs stated, unequivocally, that the abnormalities revealed by the x-rays taken of Mr. Rollins's wrist following the injury of April 20, 2018, including the fracture of the distal radius, date back to January 2018. The Court found the administrative law judge "erroneously discounted this objective x-ray evidence in lieu of Dr. McCleary's self-serving, subjective belief." Importantly, the Court found, Dr. Luchs' findings are entirely consistent with the evaluation findings rendered by Drs. Mukkamala and Stoll. Inferring that Dr. McCleary subjectively believed that Mr. Rollins's fracture was completely healed, and that Mr. Rollins suffered a new injury, Dr. McCleary's belief is insufficient to support the compensability ruling when the other experts produced evidence showing that Mr. Rollins merely aggravated the preexisting injury.


The Court held that even when all inferences are resolved in favor of the ALJ's and Board of Review's findings, there is insufficient evidence to sustain the decision. The Court agreed with the Employer's argument the ALJ and Board of Review erred by failing to cite or discuss this Court's holding in Gill. "Because a preponderance of the evidence in this case demonstrates that Mr. Rollins aggravated his noncompensable wrist fracture while at work on April 20, 2018, Gill is a barrier to compensability. So, the [ALJ] and Board of Review committed legal error by failing to apply Gill to the facts presented." Ramaco Resources, Inc. v. Rollins, 2021 WL 5216712, at *5 (W.Va., 2021).


In a separate concurring opinion, Justice Jenkins and Justice Armstead noted the dissenting opinion mischaracterized the Court's comprehensive review of the record and its finding Rollins merely aggravated a preexisting injury to his right wrist.


Justice Wooton and Justice Hutchison wrote separate and strongly worded dissenting opinions. Justice Hutchison said the majority's opinion "violates the fundamental process due to every party in a lawsuit" when it substituted its findings of fact for those of the lower tribunal merely because it disagrees with those findings. Justice Hutchison note the Court should give substantial deference to the findings of fact of the administrative law judge that claimant presented sufficient evidence he suffered a personal injury in the course of and resulting from his employment.  He noted the ALJ rejected the expert testimony offered by the employer in favor of the expert testimony offered by the claimant, and concluded that the claimant sustained a new, compensable injury to his wrist. "The ALJ's conclusion was plausible on the record below, and that should have been the end of this Court's inquiry. The record clearly supports the ALJ's factual finding, as well as supports the Board of Review's affirmance of the judge's decision. The majority decision was clearly wrong in its decision to impose its after-the-fact judgment of the evidence. The fact that a claimant may have suffered a prior fracture to the same body part as the one injured in the workplace should not immunize an employer from responsibility for the claim. I respectfully dissent from this memorandum decision's subversion of the fact-finding process." Ramaco Resources, Inc. v. Rollins, 2021 WL 5216712, at *9 (W.Va., 2021)(Hutchison, J. dissenting).


In his dissenting opinion, Justice Wooton clarified his belief the evidence before the ALJ supported a finding Rollins suffered a discrete new injury to the healed right wrist fracture:

"Mr. Rollins' treating orthopedic surgeon testified that he was certain Mr. Rollins sustained a discrete, new injury on that date as evidenced by 1) the immediate pain and swelling; 2) the passage of time from the prior injury, which allowed for complete healing; 3) the greater amount of displacement of the fracture from the first fracture, as shown on x-ray; and 4) an MRI which showed the distal radius fracture in a “different formation” than the first fracture." Ramaco Resources, Inc. v. Rollins, 2021 WL 5216712, at *9 (W.Va., 2021) (Wooton, J. dissenting). He dissented because the majority made itself "a surrogate fact-finder" in contravention of West Virginia law.


The Supreme Court held oral argument on February 16, 2022, in the case of James Moore v. ICG Tygart Valley, LLC, No. 20-0028 in which the issue for resolution is the compensability of C5-6 spondylosis with C6 radiculopathy as secondary conditions. Claimant's counsel argued the initial work injury caused a discrete new injury that resulted in chronic cervical and radicular pain. Claimant's counsel also argued the work injury aggravated or accelerated the preexisting disc disease. The Employer argued the C5-6 spondylosis with C6 radiculopathy was a condition that preexisted the work injury and was not a discrete new injury. Both parties discussed the impact of the Gill case to the evidentiary record in their briefs and at oral argument. A decision has not been issued. You can watch the oral argument at

Shareholder Adam Brown, who also serves as our Director of Professional Development, was invited to speak on a panel for the MSBA's New Lawyers Section on March 29. The program was called Preparing for the Interview Process from an Employer's Perspective.

The National Workers' Compensation Defense Network will hold its spring conference in Philadelphia on April 27 and 28. Please click here for more details about the event. If you are able to attend, please connect with Tom Kieselbach, who will be there in his capacity as Immediate Past President of the NWCDN.

Save the date for the 2022 NWCDN Annual Conference, which will be held in Nashville on August 3 and 4.

NWCDN is a national network of the top workers' compensation firms across the country and Canada. CWK is the sole member firm from Minnesota, and CWK has a strong presence in the organization, with Tom Kieselbach serving as Immediate Past President, Parker Olson serving as Midwest Regional Vice-Chair, and Adam Brown serving on the Inclusion and Diversity Committee.

Shareholder Whitney Teel has been asked to speak at this year's Minnesota Workers' Compensation Symposium, which will take place on Thursday, May 12, 2022. Please click here for the Symposium's webpage and registration information.

Whitney will present at 11:10 a.m. during Breakout Session 2B. She will be addressing vocational rehabilitation benefits in a session entitled Vocational Rehabilitation Bootcamp - Managing Services and Expenses.

CWK will once again be an exhibitor at the Symposium, and we hope you will stop by our booth to say hello. Please make sure to sign up for Breakout Session 2B for a great presentation from Whitney!

Please click here for summaries of Minnesota workers' compensation cases from February 2022. Issues include Petitions to Vacate Stipulations because of changes in medical conditions, judicial discretion in cases involving choice of medical experts, and cases involving witness credibility.

February 2022 summaries by Eric Behr.

CWK's popular Annual Seminar will be back in person this year! The seminar will be held on Friday, September 30, 2022 at the Hilton Minneapolis/Bloomington.

More details will follow over the next few months, but please save the date now. We hope to see you, live and in person, in September!

Alabama’s Exclusivity Doctrine Fails to Protect Employer from Wrongful Death Claim Following Employee’s Fatal Heart Attack at Work


The Alabama Supreme Court recently denied a petition filed by a large retail chain for a Writ of Mandamus. The petition was filed as the result of the trial court denying the defendant employer’s motion for judgment on the pleadings. It was the position of the employer that its employee’s wrongful death claim was barred by the exclusive remedy provision of the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act.  The only written opinion was authored by Justice Mitchell who dissented. Justice Mitchell explained that any injury that an employee suffers because of employer provided treatment following a work accident should be considered as arising out of the employment. He also noted that the Alabama Supreme Court had previously held that the existence of an employer/employee relationship between a decedent and a defendant at the time of death triggered the exclusivity doctrine and made workers’ compensation death benefits the sole remedy for the decedent’s dependents.



Alabama Supreme Court Makes Emergency Pandemic Rule Regarding Settlement Procedure Permanent


On December 30, 2021, the Alabama Supreme Court adopted Rule 47 of the Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration, providing that a Circuit Court shall dismiss any pending action seeking workers’ compensation benefits when (1) the parties have reached a settlement, (2) the settlement has been reviewed and approved by an Alabama Department of Labor Workers’ Compensation Division Ombudsman, and (3) the parties file the approved settlement agreement, along with a joint stipulation of dismissal with the Court.


About the Author

Mike Fish, an attorney with Fish Nelson & Holden, LLC, a law firm dedicated to representing self-insured employers, insurance carriers, and third-party administrators in all matters related to workers’ compensation. Fish Nelson & Holden is the sole Alabama member of the National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network. If you have any questions about this submission or Alabama workers’ compensation in general, please contact Fish by e-mailing him at or by calling him directly at 205-332-1448.

As of late in South Carolina, it has become more and more common for the Claimant’s Bar to use the largely uncontested admission of medical questionnaires from authorized/unauthorized physicians as evidence in workers’ compensation matters to meet their burden of proof.  These statements typically are related to causation, permanent restrictions, physical limitations, future medical treatment, and more.  Generally, these questionnaires are not the written statements by the completing physician; rather, they are drafted by claimant’s counsel, using phrasing not likely to be used by medical professionals, and bolstering the statements made therein by qualifying them to the appropriate medical standard (“to a reasonable degree of medical certainty”) which is why they are problematic. The effect of these questionnaires is two-fold: (1) a detailed explanation of the claimant’s medical condition is boiled down to a check mark in a “yes” or “no” box, and (2) the claimant’s burden of proof is seemingly shifted to the defendants who must then go and depose said medical professional, at the cost of the employer/insurance provider, in order to cross-examine them on these statements that are most often not their own.   Under the “hearsay” definition (outlined below), a medical questionnaire is clearly hearsay, as it contains out-of-court statements (made by claimant’s counsel and adopted by the medical professional) and is offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted, i.e., to prove the statements made therein.  The rules regarding the submission of evidence in SC Workers Compensation are relaxed under the APA Guidelines, but these questionnaires seek to present a legal standard, fashioned as though the physician provided it in support of their unsolicited medical record, which is why they should be subjected to a different level of scrutiny and not omitted from the hearsay exception.

S.C. Code Ann. § 1-23-330(1) makes clear that the South Carolina Rules of Evidence do not apply in proceedings before the Workers’ Compensation Commission.  Hamilton v. Bob Bennett Ford, 339 S.C. 68, 70, 528 S.E.2d 667, 668 (2000) (citing Ham v. Mullins Lumber Co., 193 S.C. 66, 7 S.E.2d 712 (1940)).  As such, “great liberality is exercised in permitting the introduction of evidence in proceedings under the Workers’ Compensation Act.”  Id.  Note, however, that this liberality is not a wide-open door, permitting the admission of any and all evidence without thought; rather, South Carolina courts have opined that certain evidence must still meet judicial standards of admissibility.  Specifically, while the hearsay rules laid out in SCROE 801 – 806 are not applicable, hearsay evidence sought to be introduced in a workers’ compensation proceeding must still “be corroborated by facts, circumstances, or other evidence.”  Ham v. Mullins Lumber Co., 193 S.C. 66, 7 S.E.2d 712 (1940); See also Horton v. Pyramid Masonry Contractors, Inc., 2008 WL 9841237 (S.C. Ct. App. 2008); McCallum v. Beaufort County School Dist. Ex rel. South Carolina Boards Ins. Trust, 2005 WL 7083462 (S.C. Ct. App. 2005).  “Hearsay” is defined by South Carolina Rule of Evidence 801 as “a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.”

Recently, the Defense Bar began contesting these medical questionnaires and pushing for an outright ban on the same.  To date, the Workers’ Compensation Commission has been largely unwilling to make affirmative findings as to their admissibility or inadmissibility.  But see Eric Counsel v. Transportation Servs. LLC, & United Wisconsin Ins. Co. 2020 WL 8872085 (S.C. Work. Comp. App. Panel. Sept. 16, 2020) (Commissioners Wilkerson, Barden, and Beck holding a medical questionnaire admissible as an exception to the rule against hearsay because the medical conclusions drawn therein were also noted in the physician’s prior medical records and were corroborated by the medical records of another treating physician).  In response to this contentious debate, the South Carolina Senate has proposed bill S. 366 which seeks to amend S.C. Code 42-17-40(A) so as to provide that medical records and opinions of medical providers (i.e., medical questionnaires) are deemed admissible without regard to the rules of evidence.  The effect of this bill would be to stifle any and all arguments from the defense bar and allow for the admissibility of medical questionnaires without objection.  This bill was introduced for its first reading on January 12, 2021, and was found favorable by the SC Senate Judiciary Committee on March 16, 2022.  The bill must now be read for the second and third times, not to occur on the same day.  At the third reading, the bill may be debated, amended, committed, recommended, tabled, etc.  After this third reading occurs, the Senate will put the bill to a vote wherein only a majority is needed for passage.  If this occurs, it will then be sent to the South Carolina General Assembly where it must be found favorable by the appropriate committee and read on three separate occasions, the debate of which will occur during the second reading.  If passed in the SC General Assembly, the Governor will have five days to veto it, after which time it will become law.  An override of the Governor’s veto would require 2/3 vote of the SC General Assembly.  If the General Assembly does not accept this bill as written, they may amend the same and send it back to the Senate for approval.  If the amendments are approved, the bill passes.  In the event of a disagreement, a conference committee of members from both houses will convene to resolve the issues.  If the conference fails to agree, the bill will likely fail to pass. 

            While the effect of this legislation will not bring about a drastic shift in defense practice in workers’ compensation matters, as the WCC has thus far chosen not to reject these questionnaires, the fact that the WCC will now accept them without question is rather concerning.  This unobjectionable acceptance ultimately takes us farther away from an even playing field in workers’ compensation claims where claimant’s attorney would be required to incur the same expenses and follow the same rules as defense attorney, and further allows claimants to shift their own statutory burden of proof on to the defense which is not proper under the Act.

Further updates on this issue will undoubtedly be forthcoming in the next few months. 



                                                                                                Authored by,


                                                                                                Brandon Rattray, Esq.

                                                                                                Workers’ Compensation Associate

                                                                                                Robinson Gray Stepp & Laffittee, LLC