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NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

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Some Substance Over Forms

Speaking of DWC-73s, the Division is considering a change to its Work Status Reports and is inviting feedback from system participants until March 4, 2022. (Comments can be submitted at or by mail to Legal Services, MC-LS, Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation, P. O. Box 12050, Austin, TX 78711.) The planned change would require health care providers to identify an injured employee’s job classification if work restrictions are to be imposed. The revised forms are available on TDI’s website. 

While we’re on the topic of form changes, the Division has adopted its revised DWC Form-007. Regrettably, the form does not grant one entry into Her Majesty’s Secret Service, but instead allows non-subscribing employers to report work injuries and occupational diseases.  

We here at the Comp-endium are all about segues, so here’s another: Texas employers who do not provide workers’ compensation coverage (the aforementioned non-subscribers), must file DWC Form-005, the Employer Notice of No Coverage or Termination of Coverage, which notifies the Division that the employer has either opted out of providing work comp coverage, or else that coverage has expired. The form must be filed annually between February 1 and April 30.  

Plain Language Notices are changing, too. A revised PLN-08 (Notice of Change of Amount of Indemnity Benefit Payment) will come with an instruction to file the new PLN-10B when lump sum payments are issued. The PLN-10B (Notice of Lump Sum Payment of Income or Death Benefits) requires insurers to notify injured employees or their beneficiaries when a lump sum payment is made. The erstwhile PLN-10 will be rechristened as the PLN-10A.  

But wait, there’s more!  Not to be outdone, the former PLN-02 (Notice of First Temporary Income Benefit) will also henceforth be known as PLN-02A following the creation of PLN-02B, Notice of First Payment of Income Benefits on an Acquired Claim. This new form (because, really, can we ever have enough forms?) will alert injured workers when a new claims administrator begins issuing benefit payments.  

From PB & J to PBO

On February 16, 2022, TDI released the results from its 2021 Health Care Provider Performance-Based Oversight (PBO), which evaluated medical providers’ responsiveness in two areas: timeliness of filing DWC Form-069 Reports of Medical Evaluation, and completeness of DWC Form-73 Work Status Reports.  

Of the 96 providers assessed for the former category, 66 were placed in the high performer category, indicating a timely filing of DWC-69 certifications of maximum medical improvement and impairment rating.  The remaining providers split equally into the average and poor performer groups, with 15 apiece.  

For the completeness of DWC-73 work status reports, 45 of the 91 reviewed medical providers were high performers, 38 were deemed average, and only 8 were found deficient. 

TDI posted these findings on its website with the courtesy warning that all health care providers, whether reviewed in this data or not, are required to comply with the Texas Labor Code and DWC rules regarding prompt and complete issuance of DWC forms.

The DWC will also evaluate insurance carriers sometime in 2022.

Focus Locus

The Division of Workers’ Compensation is convening its Designated Doctor Program Focus Group on March 10, 2022, between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.  Those interested in attending may access the meeting via Zoom with meeting ID 968 9261 8132. Stakeholders are invited to raise ideas and concerns on the topic designated doctor billing and reimbursement.

The topic could not be timelier.  In recent months, system participants have noticed a marked uptick in the rate at which designated doctor exams are being rescheduled. When that occurs, parties (but perhaps not the DWC) receive notice from the designated doctor’s office of the need to reschedule the exam.  The reason most often cited is a “scheduling conflict,” but without any further information.  

Reasons for this noticeable increase in rescheduled exams may be the ever-dwindling number of available designated doctors. According to data accumulated by the Texas Department of Insurance, the ratio of medical doctors to chiropractors on the available designated doctor list has held steady: since February 2020 (the earliest month made available by TDI’s ‘Designated Doctors and Appointments by County and Month’ chart), medical doctors have consistently comprised between 25 and 26% of the available designated doctors in Texas.  Adding doctors of osteopathy to that number raises the percentage of availability to 29%, again, a consistent figure of the past two years.  

However, the alarming data involve the overall number of medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and chiropractors in the Texas work comp system. That number has decreased proportionately for each of the three aforementioned groups, falling from 376 in February 2020 to just 265 as of January 2022. As a point of reference, in September 2012 there were 1,247 designated doctors appeared on the list.  

The precipitous drop in the number of available designated doctors means that each remaining physician is called upon to examine injured workers far more frequently. Combining the increasing demand on their time with the stagnant rate of reimbursement for the assignments has led to something of a mass exodus from the system, a trend that may not slow or reverse as long as remuneration rates remain fixed, low, and out of synch with the changing costs of living.  

Or, as one designated doctor pleaded in a cover letter accompanying a recent reimbursement bill: “I am really good with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but I am tired of them!”

Tibial-Industrial Menace: What is Behind the Rising Tide of Injuries Affecting America’s Stock Photo Construction Workers?

We at SLS have noticed an emerging trend that has gone vastly unreported elsewhere: something is injuring America’s stock photo construction workers at an alarming rate. These injuries appear to affect the tibia (shin bone) of said fictional workers to a disproportionately high degree. Whether it is a workers’ compensation seminar brochure, a personal injury attorney’s homepage, or a state agency’s work comp website, rampant shin-related injuries are plaguing stock photo actors at unprecedented levels.  And while occasionally warehouse workers and semi-professional athletes suffer similar injuries, the greatest percentage of afflicted phony employees can undoubtedly be found in the construction sector.

Stock photo tibia injury can be identified by the following signs: a hard-hatted employee, in either the seated or prone position, will be splayed out on the floor, with both hands clutching the leg at the purported injury site.  

Frequently, a grimace accompanies the injury, which is also typified by the conspicuous absence of blood.

The most serious stock photo shin injuries give rise to immediate onset of existential dread.

Proper first-aid for stock photo shin injuries involves inviting a co-worker over to examine the wound, of which there will be none.  

Together, they roll up the pant leg of the distressed worker to ensure, once again, that there is neither a visible wound nor any other indication that anything injurious has just occurred.  

While the cause of Stock Photo Shin Injury is currently unknown, evidence suggests a common factor may be close proximity to ladders.

“Apparently, none of these stock photo construction workers bothered to watch ‘Stepladder Safety'," commented a representative from The American Ladder Institute.  

Kids' Chance of Texas Golfing Fundraiser

Everybody knows that SLS is a proud sponsor of Kids’ Chance of Texas.  We even went so far as to send a team of marginally experienced golfers to the October 28th fundraiser at the Dallas Cowboy Club in Dallas. Jane Stone with SLS and her husband, along with IMO’s Catherine Benavidez and her husband, made it all the way through 18 holes. The event raised over $100,000, ensuring Kids’ Chance’s ability to support even more children in 2022!  Save the date for next year’s event on October 28, 2022!

In October 2021, the Minnesota Supreme Court handed down a groundbreaking decision after its review of the Bierbach v. Digger's Polaris and Musta v. Mendota Heights Dental Center workers' compensation cases. Click Here for a full analysis of those cases. In summary, the Minnesota Supreme Court held that Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Courts, including the Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals (WCCA), lack jurisdiction to decide whether federal law preempts Minnesota law requiring an employer or insurer to reimburse an employee for medical treatment in the form of medical cannabis. The Minnesota Supreme Court also held that the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act is preempted by the Federal Controlled Substance Act (CSA). As such, Minnesota Employers and Insurers are not required to reimburse employees for medical cannabis used to treat a work injury.


The Supreme Court of the United States is now reviewing the decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court to provide guidance to lower courts and states around the country regarding compensability of medical cannabis. Click the following links for the SCOTUS dockets in Musta v. Mendota Heights Dental and Bierbach v. Digger’s Polaris. In addition to legal briefs and arguments submitted by the parties, the U.S. Supreme Court has now invited the Biden Administration to submit a brief regarding the issues. This news certainly signals that this case could become a landmark decision.

Employers, Insurers, and courts in every state have been faced with very difficult questions as to the application of state cannabis laws that contradict the federal prohibition. Given this pending United States Supreme Court case, workers’ compensation professionals around the country will likely receive some guidance as to whether there is a legal requirement to reimburse employees for medical cannabis used to treat a work-related injury and whether the federal Controlled Substances Act preempts contradictory state laws.

For now, the state of the law in Minnesota remains unchanged, and Employers and Insurers are not required to reimburse employees for medical cannabis used to treat a work injury in Minnesota. We will continue to monitor the filings at the United States Supreme Court closely, so please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Summary by Parker T. Olson 

On June 28, 2018, claimant allegedly suffered an injury to his right eye. A Petition was filed shortly before the expiration of the statute of limitations in 2020, and it named Benchmark Builders as the claimant’s employer. During the course of discovery, claimant indicated he was injured while working at a specific development in Middletown, Delaware, and identified blueprints and photographs as evidence of same. Benchmark denied the claim, as they never employed the claimant and did not believe the accident could have occurred when and where alleged.
At a Hearing, the evidence presented that claimant was brought to the jobsite by an individual, Onellas Morales; who provided tools and instructions. No one knew who he worked for, and his van had no logos or lettering. In addition, he paid the workers in cash. Claimant introduced the blueprints and photographs as evidence that he worked for Benchmark at the Middletown development. However, the Employer then testified and reviewed the documents – the blueprints were dated as being created in 2019, the year after the accident. The development in question broke ground in 2019 and was an open field in June 2018. The photographs showed houses that did not match the blueprints, and they lacked any signage relating to Benchmark.
The Board denied claimant’s Petition, finding no evidence he worked for Benchmark or was even injured at a Benchmark job site. The Board also considered a theory of liability under 19 Del. C. § 2311, which can hold a general contractor responsible when the subcontractor lacks valid Delaware workers’ compensation insurance. However, claimant could not prove any chain of employment linking back to Benchmark. To succeed under Section 2311, claimant must prove he worked for Benchmark or a subcontractor (or even a sub-subcontractor) of Benchmark on a Benchmark worksite. Because no one knew who brought on Mr. Morales or where the injury occurred, claimant’s Petition was denied outright.
Should you have any questions regarding this Decision, please contact Nick Bittner, or any other Attorney in our Workers’ Compensation Department.
Denilson Mendez v. Benchmark Builders, IAB No. 1496799 (Feb. 2, 2022).

Written by: Lindsay Underwood

The most recent case to analyze futility has been issued by the North Carolina Court of Appeals. The case, Monroe v. MV Transportation, relies heavily on the Griffin v. Absolute Fire Control, Inc. case that came down last year to support its findings.

In Monroe, the claimant was in her late 40’s when she sustained her injury. She had a bachelor’s degree, but was working part time as a bus dispatcher and driver for the employer, earning $10.50 per hour. She had been receiving SSD benefits since 1994 for an unrelated medical condition (PTSD). On the date of injury, the claimant slipped while inspecting a bus, hit her left shin, and twisted her back and right knee. On November 7, 2016, she received restrictions of alternating between sitting and standing, and no lifting over 20 pounds.

The claimant’s claim was denied initially but was ultimately heard before Deputy Commissioner Lori A. Gaines and the claim was determined to be compensable. The claimant’s disability was also an issue for hearing, and the claimant introduced medical records that showed her work status as “unable to work secondary to dysfunction.” Her medical providers testified they would have recommended work restrictions. Deputy Commissioner Gaines found that the claimant was disabled from November 7 through November 14, 2016, when she was written out of work. Further, Deputy Commissioner Gaines held that the claimant had been disabled thereafter until she returned to work. The Full Commission disagreed. It was noted that the claimant was 51 years old, was a part-time dispatcher and bus driver earning $10.50 per hour and had been receiving SSD since 1994. The Full Commission found that the claimant had not produced sufficient evidence to demonstrate a post-injury job search, or that looking for employment would be futile. Thus, because she had not looked for work, she was not disabled and could not meet her burden.

The claimant appealed to the Court of Appeals and argued futility. Under Russell, a plaintiff can meet her burden of proving disability by showing she is capable of some work, but it would be futile to look for other work because of pre-existing conditions like age, unrelated conditions, or lack of education. In this case, The claimant argued that the Commission’s findings of fact were insufficient to support the conclusion that she failed to provide any evidence of futility. Specifically, she argued the record contained ample evidence of futility considering her restrictions and other factors unrelated to the injury. The Court in this case cited Griffin. In that case, the claimant was 49 years old with a ninth-grade education, prior work experience limited to construction, and permanent restrictions of no lifting greater than 20 pounds as a result of the work injury. The Court in Griffin found that the Commission’s conclusion that there was “no evidence” to support futility misapplied the law and they reversed for additional findings as to whether the claimant demonstrated futility since the only factual findings in the record were consistent with a conclusion of futility.

The Court felt this case is analogous to Griffin. The claimant was in her 50s at the time of the hearing, had been receiving SSD benefits unrelated to the work injury for several decades, and despite her bachelor’s degree, was working a part-time transportation job earning $10.50 per hour, and was restricted to no lifting over 20 pounds. The Commission still concluded the claimant had not otherwise presented evidence to establish disability and made no findings regarding the claimant’s medical records labeling her work status as “unable to work secondary to dysfunction.” The Court was essentially unable to reconcile the Commission’s findings “or lack thereof” to its conclusion that the claimant failed to present any evidence showing futility.

This case was ultimately vacated and remanded to the Full Commission for additional findings as to whether, under Russell, the evidence the claimant presented is sufficient to establish disability by futility. This case is yet another reminder of how the Court will treat disability arguments regarding futility. Based on this decision, as well as Griffin, it is a good idea for defendants to have labor market surveys, or other vocational assessments completed to support their defense that a claimant is not disabled as alleged. It is also important to note that this case does not eliminate other “futility” factors that need to be present like age, education level, and work experience, to demonstrate that returning to work is futile.

If you have questions about disability arguments regarding futility, reach out to Lindsay Underwood or another member of our Workers’ Compensation team.

By:  Michael Mazzoni (Associate Attorney - Fresno

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released an updated Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) Reference Guide (Version 3.5, January 10, 2022), and has explicitly targeted [in Section 4.3 of the memo] the usage of non-submit, non-CMS approved Medicare Set Aside [MSA] products which have gained popularity in recent years. Practitioners have utilized these MSA products to provide for allocation for future medical expenses in workers' compensation settlements. However, the new memo causes pause for many, who now fear that CMS may view these allocations as “potentially” improperly shifting the claimant’s future medical treatment to Medicare in contravention of 42 C.F.R. 411.46. 

Section 4.3 states as follows:

"A number of industry products exist with the intent of indemnifying insurance carriers and CMS beneficiaries against future recovery for conditional payments made by CMS for settled injuries. Although not inclusive of all products covered under this section, these products are most commonly termed “evidence-based” or “non-submit.” 42 C.F.R. 411.46 specifically allows CMS to deny payment for treatment of work-related conditions if a settlement does not adequately protect the Medicare program’s interest.

Unless a proposed amount is submitted, reviewed, and approved using the process described in this reference guide prior to settlement, CMS cannot be certain that the Medicare program’s interests are adequately protected. As such, CMS treats the use of non-CMS-approved products as a potential attempt to shift financial burden by improperly giving reasonable recognition to both medical expenses and income replacement.

As a matter of policy and practice, CMS will deny payment for medical services related to the WC injuries or illness requiring attestation of appropriate exhaustion equal to the total settlement less procurement costs before CMS will resume primary payment obligation for settled injuries or illnesses. This will result in the claimant needing to demonstrate complete exhaustion of the net settlement amount, rather than a CMS-approved WCMSA amount."

While the wording of Section 4.3 does not prohibit or ban the use of non-submit or evidenced based allocations, it appears that CMS is aggressively placing the industry on notice by stating that “as a matter of policy and practice” a claimant will need to show that the entire settlement is exhausted, minus procurement costs, before CMS will pay for claim related treatment if the settlement does not include a CMS-approved WCMSA.  Therefore, it is clear that the memo is designed to discourage usage of these non-submit MSA's.  

However, there are instances where non-submit MSA's may be necessary, depending on the facts of the case, including lack of recent medical treatment, threshold issues, etc.  This means that some claims are ineligible to obtain a CMS-approved WCMSA amount and nothing in Section 4.3 (or any other section in the revised WCMSA reference guide 3.5) addresses that particular issue.  

The practitioner should still be free to consider the non-submit option if that works. However, they should be aware that CMS has the non-submit MSA in their crosshairs, and must work with their clients and vendors in crafting detailed and creative settlements which make sure a full accounting is done on the allocated MSA treatment when spent, and that the parties are showing that Medicare's interests are adequately being taken into consideration.


Legal Update by Attorney Alison Stewart and Law Clerk Jordan Gehlhaar

The Iowa Court of Appeals and the Workers’ Compensation Commissioner recently ruled on several important workers’ compensation topics:

Compensation when Shoulder Injury is Combined with another Scheduled Member Injury

Commissioner Joseph Cortese affirmed a finding that a shoulder injury combined with an injury to another scheduled member is to be compensated industrially under “catch all” provision 85.34(2)(v). In his analysis, the Commissioner provided: “while the legislature made the shoulder a scheduled member, it did not add the shoulder to the list of scheduled members that can be compensated on a 500-week basis when two are injured in a single accident.” Additionally, this conclusion was found to be consistent with prior agency determinations and avoidance absurd results. See Carmer v. Nordstrom, Inc., File No. 1656062.01 (Appeal Dec. Dec. 21, 2021).

Sufficiency of Employee Notice

The main issue in Taylor v. Iowa State University Extension was whether the employee gave sufficient 90 day notice as required by Iowa Code 85.23. The claimant was injured in a vehicle accident on the way back to the office from a work presentation. The following day, when the supervisor inquired about her whereabouts, the claimant replied via email that she had a “vehicle problem” and was out seeking medical attention. The Iowa Court of Appeals affirmed denial of benefits, finding the email insufficient notice, as it did not notify the employer that the accident was work-related.

Reasonable Delay in Obtaining Impairment Rating

The Iowa Court of Appeals held that when a claimant challenges the authorized physicians’ opinion that the claimant has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), this affords the employer a reasonable basis to defer seeking an impairment rating. The employer was reasonable to assume that if the employee was challenging the MMI determination, they were also challenging the entitlement to permanent partial disability benefits. Under this reasoning, the employer has a basis to defer seeking an impairment rating without facing penalty benefits. See Cochran v. Quest Liner, Inc., 2022 WL 122358 (Iowa Ct. App. Jan. 12, 2022).

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