State News : Missouri

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When Employer Files a Late Answer, the Alleged Rate in the Claim is Deemed Admitted


T.H. v. Sonic Drive In of High Ridge, Case No. ED98507 (Mo. App. 2012)


FACTS: The claimant alleged psychiatric injuries she sustained as a result of being sexually assaulted at work by a co-worker. The ALJ found the claimant sustained 45% PPD of the body referable to PTSD and depressive disorder caused by the work injury. The ALJ used a maximum rate of $376.55, as that is what the claimant's attorney listed on the Claim for Compensation, and since the employer did not timely file an Answer, everything was deemed admitted.


The Commission affirmed the Award of PPD benefits to the claimant. However, it modified the ALJ's Award with respect to the rate. The Commission noted that the allegation that she had an average weekly wage of "max rate" was a legal conclusion not a factual allegation, and therefore, the employer did not admit that the claimant had a "max rate" by filing an untimely Answer. The Commission also found that since the claimant failed to meet her burden of proving her average weekly wage, the applicable rate of compensation for the Award was the minimum rate of $40.00 per week.  


HOLDING: The claimant appealed the ALJ's finding that the applicable rate of compensation for the Award of PPD benefits was $40.00 per week. The Court noted that an employer's untimely answer results in the admission of factual allegations in a claimant's Claim for Compensation. However, allegations in a Claim for Compensation which are legal conclusions are not deemed admitted by the employer's untimely answer. The Court concluded that wage rate is a question of fact and since the employer failed to file a timely answer, the "max" wage rate as alleged in the Claim was a factual allegation deemed admitted by the employer. Therefore, the claimant was entitled an Award of PPD benefits at the maximum rate of compensation.


Injury Compensable when Claimant Fell Down Stairs Carrying Helmet and Wearing

Work Boots


Pope v. Gateway to the West Harley Davidson, Case No. ED98108 (Mo. App. 2012)


FACTS: The claimant sustained a right ankle fracture and dislocation when he fell down the stairs. The claimant's job duties included inspecting motorcycles, washing and test driving motorcycles and performing routine motorcycle maintenance. At the end of the day, he was asked to drive motorcycles from the sales lot into showrooms for overnight storage. After moving the last motorcycle, he went to check with his supervisor in the service department, which was located down a staircase, to insure that everything was completed before he clocked out. He was walking down the stairs wearing his work boots and carrying his motorcycle helmet when he lost his footing and fell. An ALJ found that the claimant did not meet his burden of showing his injury arose out of and in the course of his employment. The Commission reversed the decision of the ALJ. The employer/insurer argued that the claimant was not injured in the course and scope of his employment, because he was equally exposed to the risk that caused his injury in his normal, non-employment life.


HOLDING: The Court agreed with the Commission finding that the claim was compensable. The Court had to consider whether the claimant was injuredbecause he was at work as opposed to being injured merely whilehe was at work. The Court found that the claimant's injury had a causal connection to his work activity, because he had just finished moving a motorcycle and he was going to check with his supervisor, which required him to descend the staircase, at which time he was wearing his work boots and carrying his work-required motorcycle helmet. He had his helmet with him because of the work activity he had performed just prior to descending the stairs.


The employer/insurer argued that the claimant was a motorcycle enthusiast who wore the same boots and helmet when operating a motorcycle outside of his employment, and therefore, he was equally exposed to the risk of injury in his normal, non-employment life. The Court was not persuaded. The Court did note a similarity between the claimant's work activities and his non-employment life, however, the record did not contain evidence to support a finding that the claimant was equally exposed to the risk of walking down stairs while carrying a work-required helmet outside of work. The Court also noted there was no evidence that the claimant's boots contributed to or caused him to fall, and although he testified he often wore his boots outside of work, the record lacked any evidence that the claimant fell because of his boots. Therefore, the Court concluded that the claimant's injury arose out of and in the course of his employment, and he was entitled to benefits.


Claimant Must Prove Work Injury was Prevailing Factor in Causing Medical

Condition and Disability   


Ronald Armstrong v. Tetra Pak and Treasurer of the State of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. SD31971 (Mo. App. 2012)


FACTS: The claimant was at work feeding cardboard into the processing machine at which time he was not suffering any pain in his shoulder or any part of his right upper extremity. He then began working on a  "rush order" which required him to stack cardboard higher than usual, which was above the head and shoulder. He reached for the cardboard and felt a sharp deep pain in his right shoulder. The following day he reported the incident to his supervisor. He was seen by Dr. Cooper and Dr. Lehman, who both believed that the claimant's shoulder condition was pre-existing and he did not sustain an acute injury to his right shoulder. Therefore, the lifting incident was not the prevailing factor in causing his right shoulder problems. Dr. Woiteshek, the claimant's physician, did note that the work incident was the prevailing factor in causing the claimant's shoulder condition. However, Dr. Cooper and Dr. Lehman were found to be more credible. The ALJ found that the claimant failed to satisfy his burden of proving he sustained a compensable accident and that the alleged accident was the prevailing factor in causing his right shoulder problems. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's decision, however, opined that the claimant did prove that he sustained an injury to his right shoulder in an accident at work. However, the more credible evidence showed that the claimant's shoulder complaints were predominantly degenerative in nature and not primarily due to his work accident. Therefore, since the claimant did not prove that his work injury was the prevailing factor in causingboth his medical condition and any disability, they affirmed the ALJ's decision to deny benefits.


HOLDING: The claimant argued that the Commission correctly found that he sustained a work injury, but erred in finding that his shoulder complaints were predominantly degenerative in nature and not primarily due to the work injury. The claimant argued that this finding was erroneous because once an accident has been sustained, the employer is responsible for all injuries and disabilities that flow from this accident. The Court found no merit in this argument. The Court noted that based on Statute, a claimant is not entitled to compensation unless he proves that he suffered an accident or work related injury, and the accident was the prevailing factor in causing both the resulting medical condition and disability. The Court found the Commission correctly used the legal standard in determining that the claimant did not sustain a compensable injury because the accident was not the prevailing factor in causing both his resulting medical condition and disability.


Hearing Loss Found Not Compensable


Burt Kersey v. Autry Morlan, Inc., Case No.: SD31883 (Mo. App. 2013)


FACTS: The claimant was an auto mechanic and was investigating the cause of an alternator noise in a customer's engine. To do so, he applied a stethoscope to the alternator and something popped causing a very loud noise, at which time the claimant noted he was deafened and immediately reported this to his employer. The claimant was prescribed hearing aids and continued to follow-up with doctors until 2010, which was paid for by the employer/insurer. The ALJ found the claimant failed to meet his burden of proof that his work accident was the prevailing factor in causing his hearing loss and tinnitus. The Commission affirmed the opinion of the ALJ.


HOLDING: The Court noted that compensability of job related hearing loss is governed by Statute and Regulation. The Court noted that if traumatic hearing loss does not meet the minimum prescribed threshold pursuant to Statute and Regulation then the work accident cannot be the prevailing factor in causing either a compensable injury or any level of compensable hearing loss. The Court noted that Dr. Mikulec, the employer's expert, was the only expert who evaluated the claimant's hearing loss pursuant to the requirements of the Statute and Regulation. The doctor determined that the claimant's hearing loss did not meet the minimum threshold for compensability and it was found that the doctor's opinion was credible.


With respect to tinnitus, the Court noted that Dr. Guidos, the claimant's expert simply provided a rating of 15% of the body and did not provide a causation opinion. The Court noted that Dr. Mikulec opined that the cause of the claimant's tinnitus was unknown and, therefore, the claimant failed to meet his burden of proof that there was a direct causal link between his tinnitus and his job. Therefore, the Commission's Award was affirmed. 


After Award, Employer Only Has to Provide Medications Necessary to Cure and Relieve

Effects of Work Injury


Lynda Noel v. ABB Combustion Engineering and National Union Fire Insurance Co., Case No. ED98446 (Mo. App. 2012)


FACTS: The claimant sustained a work-related back injury in 1997 and was awarded compensation and future treatment benefits. The employer was providing treatment with Dr. Granberg for pain management, and Dr. Robinson for depression and psychiatric disorders. At some point in 2007 the employer attempted to change the claimant's treating physicians, and she objected. Therefore, at that time the employer continued providing treatment through Drs. Robinson and Granberg. However, in April 2011, the employer sent the claimant to Dr. Jarvis, who concluded that both doctors had lost their perspective ways, and he recommended several changes to the claimant's medication. Therefore, the employer denied many of the claimant's prescription medications. The claimant filed a motion with the Commission asking it to prevent such a change in medications arguing it would endanger her life, health or recovery. (Editor's note: The employer is only required to provide treatment, ie. medications, that are necessary to cure and relieve the effects of her work injury. If there is reasonable ground to believe that the life, health or recovery of claimant is endangered the Commission may order a change in that treatment.)


The Commission ordered a hearing and after reviewing the transcript, concluded the claimant failed to meet her burden of showing that all of the medications she was taking were necessary to cure and relieve the effects of her work injury. Therefore, the Commission did not even address the claimant's argument that a change in those medications would endanger her life, health or recovery. The claimant appealed the decision arguing the Commission erred in finding that she failed to show that her medications were related to her work injury.


HOLDING: The Court noted that the Commission looked to the doctors' opinions and the claimant's testimony with respect to what medication she needed as a result of her work injury. With respect to the claimant's pain management, at the hearing she testified that Dr. Granberg had been treating her for the past eleven years for chronic pain which was related to her 1997 work-related injury, and the employer did not dispute this. The Court found the claimant met her burden of proving that the need for pain management flows from the work injury. Therefore, the Commission erred in failing to make a decision with respect to the claimant's argument that changing her medications would endanger her life, health or recovery. This aspect of this case was reversed and remanded to the Commission to make this determination.


With respect to the claimant's psychiatric medications, the Court noted that the Commission believed Dr. Jarvis over Dr. Robinson, the claimant's treating physician, and therefore, found that the claimant failed to meet her burden of proving that these medications were related to her work injury. Therefore, essentially, the employer did not have to provide them.


An Occupational Disease Triggers SIF Liability


Treasurer of the State of Missouri - Custodian of the SIF v. Gloria Stiers, Case No. WD75101 (Mo. App. 2012)


FACTS: The claimant settled her occupational disease claim against the employer for 32% of the right arm and 30% of the left arm and went to a hearing against the SIF for PTD benefits. She alleged multiple pre-existing disabilities. The ALJ found that the claimant was permanently and totally disabled as a result of a combination of her pre-existing disabilities and her subsequent occupational disease. The SIF appealed arguing that the ALJ did not have the authority to hear the case because the Workers' Compensation Statute and case law do not allow for the adjudication of occupational disease claims through Workers' Compensation. The Commission affirmed the Award of the ALJ and noted that an occupational disease qualifies as a compensable injury for purposes of triggering SIF liability. The SIF appealed, arguing that an occupational disease is not a compensable injury for the purpose of triggering SIF liability.


HOLDING: The Court looked directly to the plain language of the Statute that states that a "compensable injury" triggers SIF liability. The part of the Statute dealing with an occupational disease notes that "an injury by occupational disease is compensable," and therefore, an injury by occupational disease triggers SIF liability. Therefore, the decision of the ALJ was affirmed.


Claimant Has To Prove Permanent Disability to Receive Compensation


In Kyle Hunter v. Sachs Electric, Injury No. 08-112333, the ALJ denied the claimant's claim for PPD benefits, concluding that while the claimant sustained acute synovitis from striking his knee at work, he "did not materially change the structural soundness of his knee or cause any additional chondral injury to the knee." The claimant argued on appeal that it is inconsistent to find that his injury caused synovitis but did not cause an acute change to the structure of the knee. The claimant meticulously analyzed the definitions of "synovitis," "membrane," and "inflammation," before arguing that it is impossible to have acute synovitis to the knee without an acute change to the structure of the knee. The Commission noted that the claimant focused on proving that his injury caused an acute change to the structure of the knee, however, noted that his primary focus should have been on proving that the incident was the prevailing factor in causing his permanent disability. Dr. Milne, the employer's expert, opined that the claimant had 6% PPD of the left knee which was pre-existing. The Commission noted the ALJ thoroughly reviewed the evidence and concluded that Dr. Milne's opinion was more credible than Dr. Volarich's, the claimant's expert. Therefore, the ALJ's decision was fully supported by competent and substantial evidence, and therefore, was affirmed.



Employer Not Prejudiced By Lack of Notice


In Leotha Faulkner v. Aramark Educational Services, Inc., Injury No. 10-026257, the claimant sustained an injury to her right knee after she fell at work, and the ALJ denied the claimant's claim for TTD and PPD because he found that she failed to provide the employer with proper, timely notice. Also, she failed to prove the employer was not prejudiced as a result of her failure to provide that notice. The claimant admitted that she did not provide proper, timely notice. However, she argued that the employer was not prejudiced by her failure to do so. The employer argued that it was prejudiced because it was unable to timely investigate the accident to determine causation and address safety issues.


The Commission found that the employer pointed out the potential for prejudice, but did not point toactual prejudice as a result of the claimant's untimely notice. The Commission noted that, for instance, if another individual was injured at the same location that the claimant was injured, and the employer could have prevented that injury had the claimant provided proper notice, the employer would be prejudiced. The Commission also noted that the employer stipulated to the fact that the claimant sustained 20% PPD of the right knee and did not claim any possible safety violation. Furthermore, if the employer believed that causation and safety issues were in question, it should not have stipulated to those issues at the hearing. Also the claimant did not seek reimbursement for her past medical expenses nor future medical treatment. Therefore, the employer was not prejudiced by its inability to timely investigate the accident or direct and provide medical treatment.


Claimant's Injury Sustained in Stairwell of Building Housing Employer's Business Not



In Pamela Appt v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, Injury No. 09-004637, the claimant slipped and fell on stairs located inside the building which housed the employer's leased office space. The relevant facts in this case were that the employer is one of multiple tenants in a large office building containing shared entryways and stairways. The employer's office was located on the second floor. The claimant was on her way to work when she entered the building, walked up the stairwell to the second floor, and slipped and fell on top of the stairs as she was opening a door. The claimant testified that she believed she fell inside the open door at the top of the stairs. The ALJ found that her injuries arose out of and in the course of her employment. The employer appealed, alleging that the claimant's injuries did not arise out of and in the course of employment because there was no evidence that the employer owned or controlled the stairs where the claimant fell.


The Commission noted that the evidence was clear that the employer did not own the building where the accident occurred, and therefore, the issue was whether the employer exercised sufficient "power" and "influence" over the area at the top of the stairs so as to constitute control. The Commission further noted that the record was devoid of any evidence or testimony regarding whether the employer controlled this area in which the claimant fell. Therefore, because the claimant failed to prove that the employer controlled the area where the accident occurred, she failed to meet her burden in proving that the injury occurred in the course of the employment, and therefore, the Commission denied her claim.


Claim Found Not Compensable Because Claimant Found Not Credible Due to Her

Inconsistent Testimony


In Jackie Porter v. RPCS, Inc., Injury No. 09-052591, the claimant's co-workers found her on the floor in a vestibule outside the employee bathroom complaining that she had fallen. She sustained a hip injury requiring surgery, and also an aggravation of some pre-existing back problems. The ALJ found the claimant did not provide credible testimony regarding the circumstances of her fall. The Commission agreed and further noted that the testimony the claimant provided at the hearing with respect to the moments before the event (the last thing she remembers was washing her hands), contradicts her deposition testimony (the last thing she remembers was locking the bathroom door). The Commission further noted that no one saw the claimant fall.


The Commission found that the claimant did meet her burden for proving accident, however, she did not meet her burden of proving that her injuries arose out of and in the course of her employment. It was noted that the claimant attempted to advance numerous theories in an attempt to overcome the evidentiary problem, but each simply only invited the Commission to speculate that something dangerous about the employer's bathroom or the vestibule outside itmay have caused the claimant to fall. The Commission concluded that they simply did not know what risk or hazard caused the claimant to fall, and therefore, the Commission affirmed the ALJ's opinion denying benefits.


Doctor's Opinion Found Not Credible Because He Did Not Distinguish Between Disability

From the Work Injury and Claimant's Pre-existing Disability


In Aaron Dye v. Lafayette County,Injury No.10-095853, the claimant injured his left knee at work while subduing an unruly inmate. He had a prior injury to his left knee on December 28, 2009. An ALJ found that as a result of this work injury, he sustained 22.5% PPD to the left knee. The Commission noted that Dr. Wise, the employer's expert, provided a rating of 5% PPD from the work injury. Dr. Stuckmeyer, the claimant's expert, provided a 40% PPD rating based on a combination of the claimant's prior injury and the work injury. He did not attribute a specific portion to the work injury. The Commission noted that the ALJ did not even acknowledge the dissimilarity between the two doctors' ratings before simply splitting the difference. The Commission noted that in light of the claimant's two injuries, an expert opinion attributing a specific percentage of disability to the work injury was necessary for the ALJ to arrive at a decision on this issue. Since Dr. Stuckmeyer did not attribute a specific percentage to the work injury, the Commission did not give his opinion any weight and found that Dr. Wise's rating of 5% PPD was credible and awarded the claimant the same.



Claim Denied Because Claimant Alleged Two Injury Dates and Multiple Versions of the



In Hiba Sadic v. SEMCO Plastics Company, Inc., Injury No. 06-042666, the ALJ found that the claimant failed to prove an accident that caused her right shoulder injury. The ALJ noted that the Claim for Compensation alleged an accident date of "on or about 4/4/06" with no specific description of the event. It was noted the claimant was originally from Bosnia and there were language and translation issues. The Commission did take this into account, however, noted that there were at least 5 different versions of how the claimant was injured and two alleged dates of injury. She reported multiple different histories of injury to different providers which were: removing excess plastic with a knife; heavy lifting; pushing boxes; being hit by a robotic machine; and finally, pulling on a lever on a machine. The ALJ found that even though the claimant testified regarding a traumatic event or unusual strain, she did not have a specific date of injury, reporting two different dates of injury, and there were several versions of the injury. Therefore, the claimant failed to establish a compensable accident and the claim was denied. The Commission affirmed the decision of the ALJ.


Claimant Can Receive PPD Benefits Even if Found To Be PTD as the Result of a Prior



In Ricky Cantrell v. L. Krupp Construction, Inc., Injury No. 07-040226, the claimant was diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome in May 2007 which resulted from his job duties. Dr. Pruett treated the claimant and provided a rating of 10% of each wrist. The claimant also had a prior claim with an injury date of October 18, 2006, and was awarded PTD benefits as a result of that injury. The ALJ denied PPD benefits because he was diagnosed with a carpal tunnel condition in May 2007, at which time he was already permanently and totally disabled for conditions unrelated to that carpal tunnel syndrome. The Commission reversed the ALJ's denial of benefits. The Commission noted that the ALJ ruled that PPD benefits are only payable if an injured worker suffers an actual loss of or reduction in earning capacity. The Commission noted that the Statute states PPD shall be allowed for loss by severance, total loss of use or loss of use of one or more parts of the body. Under the plain reading of the Statute, the employer shall pay PPD benefits for impairment to the function of the body. It was noted that while loss of function will often lead to some actual impairment or incapacity, there are times that it will not. The Commission further noted that an actual impairment of earning capacity is not a prerequisite to recovery of PPD benefits. Therefore, the claimant was entitled to PPD benefits for his carpal tunnel syndrome.


Claimant Has 30 Days From the Date a Diagnostician Connects the Condition to Work to

Report to the Employer


In Sheryl Berend v. Fasco Industries Inc., Injury No. 05-142895,the ALJ denied the claimant's left shoulder repetitive motion and bilateral upper extremity repetitive motion claims for lack of notice because the claimant did not provide notice to the employer within 30 days. The Commission noted that the claimant has to report an injury resulting from an accident within 30 days. However, in the context of an injury resulting from an occupational disease, the triggering event is the "diagnosis of the condition." The Courts have defined this to be when a diagnostician makes a causal connection between the underlying medical condition and some work-related activity or exposure. The Commission found that none of the claimant's treating physicians identified a causal connection between the claimant's work and her bilateral upper extremity problems. The Commission further found that on November 17, 2008, Dr. Volarich was the first diagnostician to make the causal connection between the claimant's underlying medical condition and her work-related activity or exposure. Therefore, this is when the 30 day notice period began to run. Since the claimant filed her claim on August 10, 2006, more than 2 years prior to the date Dr. Volarich issued his report, her claim was not barred.










Each Pre-existing Injury Alone Has to Meet Threshold for Fund to be Liable for that Injury


Joseph Salviccio v. Treasurer of the State of Missouri, as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund,Case No. ED97862


FACTS: The claimant sustained an injury to his left knee and settled against the employer for 20% of the left knee. He then pursued benefits against the Second Injury Fund. The claimant had pre-existing disabilities of 59% of the left finger, 4% of the body referable to a hernia, 3.5% of the body referable to a hernia and 20% of the body referable to diabetes. The ALJ found no Fund liability because none of the claimant's pre-existing injuries arose to the level necessary, which was 15% of a major extremity, or 50 weeks for body as a whole injuries. The Commission found that because the claimant had more than a single pre-existing PPD, it was necessary to convert all of his pre-existing disabilities to weeks of compensation and combine them to see if they met or exceeded the 50 weeks of compensation. The Commission looked to all of the claimant's pre-existing disabilities, which amounted to 123 weeks. Therefore, the Fund was responsible for 12.3 weeks of PPD enhancement.


HOLDING: The Court concluded that the Statute makes no allowance for combining body as a whole injuries together, or combining a body as a whole injury with a major extremity injury. The Court did note that it is acceptable to combine pre-existing PPD of a major extremity, for instance, PPD of the right wrist and the right shoulder, which results in 15% of the right arm, which is a major extremity. The Court found that only the claimant's diabetes, which was considered to be 20% PPD, satisfied the 50 weeks of compensation threshold and could be included in calculating Fund liability. Therefore, the Court concluded that the Fund was not liable for PPD enhancement due to the claimant's two hernias and the injury to his little finger, and was only responsible for enhancement with respect to the claimant's diabetes. Please note that this matter was directly transferred to the Supreme Court.


Dyson v. Treasurer of the State of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. ED97865


FACTS: On June 23, 2008, the claimant sustained an injury to his right shoulder, which required surgery. He settled his claim against the employer for 25% PPD of the right shoulder. He also had a prior neck injury, which he settled against the employer for 15% PPD and also had a prior right ankle injury. The claimant went to a hearing against the Fund. The ALJ found that the Fund was responsible for 15% PPD of the body for the pre-existing neck injury and that the Fund was not responsible for the 7.5% PPD of the right ankle. The claimant filed an Application for Review, and the Commission found that the Fund was responsible for the 7.5% PPD of the ankle. The Fund appealed, noting that the 7.5% PPD of the ankle did not meet the threshold, which was 15% of a major extremity.

HOLDING: The Court, basically quoting the opinion ofthe Salviccio Court, noted that combining or stacking different pre-existing injuries is not permissible. Only combining pre-existing PPD of a major extremity, for instance, the right wrist and right shoulder to result in 15% PPD of the right arm, is permissible. Therefore, the claimant's 7.5% PPD to his ankle does not meet the minimum 15% PPD threshold for major extremities, and does not trigger Fund liability.


The Court also addressed the Fund's argument that the claimant's ankle injury was not a hindrance or obstacle to his employment. The Court found that Dr. Volarich noted that the injury was a hindrance to his employment, due to ongoing pain, particularly with prolonged weight bearing and deep squatting activities. The Court further noted this was supported by the claimant's testimony that he had pain in his ankle, had to wear boots, even in the summer, to support his ankle, and had discomfort at the end of the day. Therefore, the Court found that there was sufficient competent and substantial evidence in the record that the claimant's injury was a hindrance or obstacle to his employment. However, because it did not meet the threshold, the Fund was not liable for the 7.5% PPD of the ankle.


15% Penalty Against Employer Does Not Apply to Claimant's Award Against Fund


Terry Hornbeck v. Spectra Painting, Inc, and the Treasurer of the State of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund,Case No. SC92116


FACTS: The claimant was a painter and fell from a ladder onto a concrete surface. The ladder that he fell from was on a makeshift scaffolding platform. The claimant alleged that his work injury resulted from the employer's violation of the Scaffolding Act, and sought application of the 15% statutory violation penalty under the Statute. The ALJ determined that the employer had not violated the Scaffolding Act and the 15% penalty was inapplicable. The Commission found that the employer had violated the Scaffolding Act, and the 15% penalty applied to the Award against the employer and the Fund.


HOLDING: The Court found that 15% statutory violation penalty against the employer does not apply to the claimant's Award from the Fund. The Court noted that because the Award issued to the claimant from the Fund is intended to reflect his pre-existing condition, not the injury caused by his work with the employer, it would be inappropriate to order the employer to pay a penalty on that Award.


Statutes in Effect on Claimant's Date of Injury Govern


Gary Gervich, deceased, and Deborah Gervich, v. Condaire, Inc. and Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund,Case No. SC91727


FACTS: The claimant sustained a work-related injury on April 6, 2006 while working for the employer and alleged that he was permanently and totally disabled. While the claimant's claim was pending, the legislature in 2008 amended the Workers' Compensation Statute pertaining to the right of an injured worker's dependent to collect continuing compensation when the injured worker dies of causes unrelated to the work injury. On April 5, 2009, the claimant died from causes unrelated to his work injury. The Commission found that the claimant's right to total disability benefits terminated at the time of his death because his wife's right to such benefits had not "vested" prior to the 2008 statutory amendments that eliminated dependents from the definition of an employee.

 HOLDING:  The Court found that the Statutes in effect at the time of the claimant's injury, which was April 6, 2006, governed. Those Statutes provided that the dependents of an injured worker who was receiving permanent total disability benefits would continue to receive those benefits when the claimant died of causes unrelated to the work injury. Furthermore, the Statute stated that a claimant's dependents are determined at the time of the injury and include the spouse of an injured worker. Therefore, the Commission was not authorized to deny such benefits to the claimant's widow. The Court reversed and remanded the Commission's decision noting that the claimant's widow's status as a dependent was set on the date of her husband's injury, and she fit within the statutory definition of an employee in effect on the date of injury. Therefore, she is entitled to receive continuing permanent total disability benefits as his dependent.


Willie White v. University of Missouri - Kansas City and Treasurer of the State of Missouri - Custodian of the Second Injury Fund,Case No. WD74081


FACTS: The claimant was injured on June 11, 2007 and filed a claim for PPD against his employer and the Fund on June 17, 2008. On September 30, 2009, the claimant amended his claim alleging permanent and total disability. An ALJ determined the claimant was permanently and totally disabled as a result of his work injury in combination with his pre-existing disability. The ALJ denied the claim for benefits for his wife, asserted underSchoemehl v. Treasurer, in which the Court found that dependents continue to receive benefits when the claimant dies of causes unrelated to the work injury. The ALJ noted that the claimant's claim was not amended to a permanent disability claim until after Schoemehl was abrogated by the 2008 amendments. The Commission concluded the Fund was responsible for the claimant's PTD benefits, and the claimant's wife qualified for application of theSchoemehl case. The Fund appealed arguing that because the injured employee was not deceased, dependent benefits cannot "vest" until the injured employee is deceased.


HOLDING: The Court noted that inGervich v. Condaire the Court found that the Statutes in effect at the time of the injury govern whether his/her dependent was entitled to receive disability benefits, not the Statutes on the date of death. The Court found that even though the claimant's wife's dependency status was determined prior to the date of the statutory amendments in 2008, her right to receive these benefits remains contingent and cannot be adjudicated. The Court determined that because the claimant was still alive and his wife cannot be substituted as an employee for him at this stage, she is not entitled to receive benefits underSchoemehl at this time.





New Law


Pre-existing Disability Irrelevant if Last Injury Alone Renders Claimant PTD


In Mackey v. Superior Cartage, Inc. and Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury No.: 09-065400,the claimant sustained an injury to his lower back, which required surgery, and he settled his claim with the employer for 23.5% PPD of the body. The claimant also had a prior shoulder injury which he settled for 56% PPD of the left shoulder. He then went against the Fund for permanent total disability benefits. The ALJ found that the Fund was responsible for benefits. The Commission reversed the ALJ's decision, stating that the ALJ failed to look to the last injury alone before considering the claimant's pre-existing disabling conditions. The evidence revealed that the claimant had considerable disabilities that resulted from his primary August 2009 low back injury, including daily pain and medication, the inability to sleep, use of a cane and the inability to walk for more than 5 - 10 minutes. The Commission noted that when determining whether the Fund has any liability, it must first determine the degree of disability from the last injury considered alone. Pre-existing disabilities are irrelevant until this determination is made. If the last injury, in and of itself, rendered the claimant permanently and totally disabled, then the Fund has no liability, and the employer is responsible for all compensation. The Commission found that the effects of the primary injury considered alone, in isolation, rendered the claimant permanently and totally disabled, and therefore, the Fund had no liability. 


Pre-existing Condition of Diabetes was Hindrance or Obstacle Even Though It Was Controlled


In Bollinger v. The Education Institute and Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury No.: 08-120375,the claimant sustained a compensable right knee injury on September 16, 2008. He settled his claim against the employer and proceeded to a hearing against the Fund. The ALJ found that the claimant's pre-existing diabetes was not a hindrance or obstacle to employment at the time of the primary injury, because at the time of his primary injury his diabetes was not out of control, even though at the time of the hearing it was out of control. The Commission disagreed because they were convinced that a cautious employer could reasonably perceive the claimant's diabetes as having the potential to combine with a work-related injury so as to produce a greater degree of disability then would occur in the absence of such condition. The Commission further noted that the claimant's diabetes negatively impacted his treatment leading to delays while doctors tried to get his diabetes under control. Therefore, the claimant's diabetes in fact hampered his ability to recover from the work injury, and thus exposed a perspective employer to more liability than otherwise would have resulted from the work injury. Therefore, the Commission concluded that the claimant's diabetes is precisely the sort of pre-existing condition that the legislature had in mind when the Fund was created. 


Fall Not Compensable Because Claimant Failed to Prove In Course and Scope of Employment


In Burt v. Reckitt Benckiser, Injury No.: 10-009704, the claimant did not remember any of the circumstances surrounding his fall. There were no witnesses to the fall and the only firsthand account of the incident was from a woman who saw the claimant sliding down the stairs just after the fall had occurred. The last thing the claimant remembered prior to his fall was looking at a clock. He did not recall going up the stairs and did not recall falling down the stairs. The ALJ noted that it was pure speculation as to where the claimant was located on the stairs when he first began to fall, and there was no evidence that he slipped or that he had fallen because of the lack of a guard. Therefore, the ALJ found the claimant failed to carry his burden of proof that he experienced an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of employment, since he experienced an idiopathic cause which resulted in his injury.


The Commission agreed with the ALJ's conclusion but disagreed with the analysis. The Commission noted that when an employer defends on the ground that there was an idiopathic cause, the first step in the analysis is to ask did the claimant sustain an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, and if so, did the accident result in personal injuries. Then, if so, did the employer prove the injuries resulted directly or indirectly from idiopathic causes, and if so, the injuries are not compensable under the Statute. The Commission noted that the claimant failed to prove that he sustained an accident arising out of and in the course of employment because he did not prove that his injury came from a hazard or risk unrelated to the employment, to which workers would have been equally exposed to outside and unrelated to the employment, in normal non-employment life. In essence, the claimant failed to prove that his fall was related to the fact that he was on the stairs. Therefore, an analysis as to whether the claimant's injuries resulted directly or indirectly from an idiopathic cause was improper.


Claim Denied Because Claimant Not Credible


In Meachum v. Dana Corporation, Injury No.: 07-034564,the ALJ found that the claimant sustained an injury to her low back by reaching into a basket and pulling out parts, which caused an L5-S1 disc herniation, and she sustained 15% PPD as a result of her injury. The Commission reversed the ALJ because they found that the claimant's testimony was not credible. The Commission found that the claimant's testimony was in stark contrast to the medical records, which noted the claimant had longstanding problems with her back and she had reported low back problems before the work accident. Also, in the medical records, there was no mention of the claimant reporting a work injury. There were multiple practitioners' records that noted a long history of back problems and failed to mention a work injury at all. Furthermore, the claimant testified that she had no memory of the circumstances surrounding her prior low back pain. She then testified that she was "fine" up until her March 23, 2007 injury. The Commission failed to see how the claimant was able to reconcile an inability to remember anything at all about her back before the work injury with a belief that her back was doing fine up until the date of the alleged accident. The Commission further noted that the claimant's inability to remember anything about her low back condition before her injury cast doubt on her testimony as a whole. Therefore, the claimant's testimony regarding her March 23, 2007 incident lacked credibility, and she failed to meet her burden of proof. Therefore, the Commission found the claimant did not sustain an accident at work on March 23, 2007.


In Parmeter v. Ramey's Automotive Machine Service, Injury No.: 07-016489,the ALJ found that the claimant failed to establish a compensable accident, and therefore, denied the claim. The claimant alleged that on January 16, 2007, he leaned over to pick up an engine head at work and felt a snap in his groin. At the hearing before the ALJ, the claimant acknowledged that he didn't remember the actual date that this happened. There were numerous contradictions between the claimant's account of what occurred and his statements set forth in the medical records. Also, the claimant's supervisor and two of his co-workers each denied that the claimant reported or otherwise complained of a back or groin injury on or about January 16, 2007. In light of the numerous inconsistencies and concerns identified by the ALJ, the Commission also found that the claimant lacked credibility as to the circumstances of the alleged accident and affirmed the decision of the ALJ.


Claimant Can Attempt to Prove Causal Connection Between Two Incidents Even Though Two Separate Claims Filed


In Pease v. Stockton R1 Public School, Injury No.: 07-080701, the claimant sustained an injury to her right knee when she fell at work in August 2007. Her treatment included surgery, after which she used a walker consistent with the treating doctor=s recommendations. In April 2008, the claimant fell again when she lost control of the walker while trying to open a door, and she sustained an injury to her left knee and elbow as a result of the fall. The ALJ found the April 2008 fall was a natural consequence of the 2007 injury, and included the injury to her knee and elbow from the 2008 fall in his determination as to the nature and extent of the employer's liability for the 2007 work injury. On appeal, the employer argued that since the claimant filed a separate claim for the 2008 fall, and because the 2008 fall met the criteria for an accident under the Statute, the claimant is precluded from proving a causal connection between the 2007 and 2008 events.


The Commission found that the employer's argument failed. The Commission noted that the Courts have held that when a compensable work injury is found to have occurred, every natural consequence that flows from that injury, including a distinct disability to another area of the body, is compensable as a direct and natural result of the primary or original injury. The Commission noted that the claimant is not prohibited from showing a causal connection between the incidents simply because separate claims were filed. Therefore, the claimant was entitled to make her case that the 2008 fall was a natural consequence of the 2007 work injury, despite filing a claim for both incidents.


Doctor Found Not Credible Because He Did Not Review Records From Prior Injury


In Doss v. St. Louis Public School, Injury No.: 07-124868, the claimant had numerous pre-existing conditions. He had two laminectomies along with fusions, one at L4-5 and another at L3-4. He also settled a workers' compensation claim for 7.5% PPD of the body and 6% PPD of the right knee. On December 21, 2007, the claimant sustained an accident at work when he slipped and fell in the school hallway. He treated at Concentra and was diagnosed with a lumbar strain. The claimant was then sent to a physiatrist for pain management. At the time of the hearing, he was still seeing pain management doctors for epidural steroid injections. The claimant noted that prior to his December 2007 injury, he could do a variety of activities. However, after this injury, he was unable to walk more than 10 feet before feeling pain. Dr. Doll, the doctor for the employer, opined that the December 2007 fall was not the prevailing factor in causing the claimant's current condition. Dr. Doll did not review any of the prior medical records, but testified that he believed that he had enough background to make a determination to a reasonable degree of medical certainty. The Commission was not persuaded.


The Commission noted that the claimant had an extensive and complicated history with regard to his low back and it did not believe that Dr. Doll could render a medical causation opinion without seeing any of the records from his prior treatment. Therefore, the Commission found Dr. Poetz, the doctor for the employee, more credible. Dr. Poetz opined that the December 2007 fall was the prevailing factor in causing the claimant's condition, therefore the Commission found that the claimant met his burden proving that his accident was the prevailing factor in causing both the resulting medical condition and disability. 


Claim Denied Because Untimely Filed


In Johnston v. ABC Seamless Siding & Windows, Inc. (Uninsured), Injury No.: 07-135219, the claimant was working for Jeremy Atchley, who was an independent contractor performing work for the alleged employer, ABC Seamless Siding & Windows (ABC). The ALJ found that Mr. Atchley was an employer because he held himself out as a contractor, and agreed to pay the claimant at an hourly rate. The ALJ determined that Mr. Atchley was the direct employer of the claimant, and ABC was liable to the claimant as a statutory employer. Both Mr. Atchley and ABC were uninsured. The claimant only filed a claim against ABC, and the issue here is whether the claimant timely filed his Claim against ABC. The ALJ found that the claim was not timely filed, and therefore, the claim was denied.


The owner of ABC testified that Mr. Atchley did not talk to him about the claimant's accident. It was also noted that ABC did not make any payments on his claim. The claimant filed an original Claim against ABC Roofing & Contracting (not the correct employer) on February 27, 2009. He filed an amended Claim on December 20, 2010, listing ABC Seamless Siding & Windows. The Statute of Limitations begins to run after the last payment was made on the claim, and in this case no payments were made on the June 21, 2007 injury by the direct employer, Mr. Atchley, or the statutory employer, ABC. Since a Report of Injury was not filed, the applicable three year Statute of Limitations began to run on the claimant's date of injury. Therefore, the claimant had until June 22, 2010 to file his claim. The Commission agreed with the ALJ and found that because ABC did not become a party to this case until December 20, 2010, the claimant did not file a timely claim against the statutory employer and his claim was denied. 




APRIL 2012-JUNE 2012

Injury on Parking Lot Found in the Course and Scope of Employment and Compensable

Joseph Duever v. All Outdoors, Inc. and Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. ED97596 (Mo. App. E.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant was the owner/operator of a landscaping business. During the winter months, the employer provided customers with services such as snow and ice removal. In addition to running the business, the claimant performed manual labor along with his employees. The employer leased a warehouse from Scott Properties and the lease included access to a parking lot and the specific use of four parking spaces. In the lease terms, Scott Properties was responsible for ice and snow removal from the parking lot. The claimant held a safety meeting with his employees in the parking lot. After the meeting, the claimant was walking back to the shop when he slipped on a patch of ice, falling and hitting his left shoulder.

The claimant kept his scheduled appointment the following day with his endocrinologist, Dr. Oikine, for treatment of his diabetes. In the doctor's notes, there is no mention of the accident. The claimant then saw an orthopedist, Dr. Thomas, three weeks later, who ordered an MRI which revealed tears of the tendons. The claimant underwent surgery. The claimant filed a Claim and the ALJ determined the claimant's work was the prevailing factor in causing his left shoulder injury. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's Award and Decision.

HOLDING: The employer argued that the accident did not arise out of and in the course of the claimant's employment because the risk involved, walking on an ice covered parking lot, is one that the claimant would have been equally exposed to in daily life, and therefore, his injury was not compensable. The Court found that the claimant was in an unsafe location, an icy parking lot, instructing his employees on the importance of safety. The claimant sustained an injury due to an unsafe condition over which he had no control, given that the owner of the parking lot had hired another company to remove ice on the lot. The Court further noted that the claimant sustained an injury on the job, and therefore, the claimant's injury was compensable.

Claim Denied because Claimant Failed to Prove He Sustained an Accident

Arsenio Arciga v. AT&T, Case No. WD74226 (Mo. App. W.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant worked as a systems technician for AT&T. On February 23, 2010, the claimant's supervisor instructed him to travel to a nearby location where a company truck driven by a co-worker, Shane Curphey, had become stuck in mud. According to the claimant, when he arrived at the location he got behind the truck and attempted to lift and push the back of the truck out of the mud while Mr. Curphey pressed on the accelerator in an effort to move the truck. The claimant alleged that he injured both shoulders at that time.

The claimant admitted that he did not immediately notify his employer about the incident, and he continued to perform his regular job duties which resulted in an ongoing worsening of his shoulder symptoms. In mid March, the claimant talked with his supervisor about his shoulder discomfort but never said anything about how he hurt his shoulders. The claimant's supervisor advised him to see a chiropractor. When the claimant presented to the chiropractor, he did not say anything about the incident with the truck. The claimant asked his supervisor if he could file a Claim, the supervisor asked for what incident, and the claimant said that he was not sure. A few days later, the claimant then advised that he wanted to file a claim for the incident when he was helping his co-worker get the truck out of the mud.

Shane Curphey, the claimant's co-worker, testified that he could not recall any time the claimant was  behind the truck. Mr. Curphey noted that the truck was very deep in the mud, and therefore, it would seem silly to do that. Mr. Curphey also said that he thought the claimant was clean when he left, and noted that if a person had been behind the truck while he revved his tires, he would have been completely drenched with mud. The ALJ found that the claimant failed to meet his burden of proving that he sustained an injury on February 23, 2010. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's Decision.

HOLDING: The claimant argued that because Mr. Curphey testified he did not recall the claimant pushing or attempting to lift his truck out of the mud, Mr. Curphey's testimony did not contradict his. Therefore, the Commission's conclusion that he did not push or attempt to lift the vehicle from behind is without any substantial or competent support in the record. The Court noted that Mr. Curphey stated on cross-examination that he didn't recall the claimant behind the truck, however, he stated that if a person had been behind the truck, that person would have been completely drenched with mud and water and he did not remember the claimant being muddy. Therefore, the Court found the competent and substantial evidence supports the Commission's conclusion that the claimant failed to prove that he suffered an accident arising out of his employment.

ALJ Does Not Have to Find that Claimant is Lying to Find Testimony Not Credible

Weldon Poarch v. Treasurer of the State of Missouri, Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. WD74219 (Mo. App. W.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant performed work for the employer's rental properties, and alleged that on April 26, 2006, he inhaled muriatic acid while spraying an apartment. Seven to ten days later, the claimant believed that he was having a heart attack as a result of his exposure. However, he did not seek medical treatment, and therefore there was no evidence that the he actually had a heart attack. He did have heart attacks two years later in 2008 and 2009. The claimant also didn't present any evidence that the spray he had used was muriatic acid.

The only evidence the claimant presented was the testimony of Dr. Parmet, who stated that the claimant told him that he had been exposed to muriatic acid, and the doctor noted that this exposure was the prevailing factor in causing disability to the claimant's heart and provided a rating of 20% PPD of the body. The ALJ found that the claimant did not prove that he sustained a compensable injury and denied the claim. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's decision.

HOLDING: The Court noted that the claimant's entire argument was premised on his assertion that the Commission never found that he was not credible. The Court noted that the ALJ found that the claimant's whole case was based on his uneducated self-diagnosis that he had a heart attack, but there was no medical evidence to support that diagnosis.  Also, the claimant made the determination that he was exposed to muriatic acid, however, this substance was never tested and therefore there was no proof that the claimant was in fact exposed to it. In light of the fact that the claimant did not have any evidence to support his testimony that he was exposed to muriatic acid which caused a heart attack, the ALJ did not find his testimony credible. The Court noted that in order for an ALJ to find that a claimant is not credible, he does not have to find that the claimant was intentionally fabricating testimony. The Court noted that credibility involves more than the witness' own subjective belief. Therefore, the Court affirmed the Commission's Decision that the claimant did not meet his burden of proving that he sustained a compensable injury.

Court Looked to Claimant's Statements or Lack Thereof to Determine Permanency

Shawn Claspill v. Fed Ex Freight East, and Treasurer of the State of Missouri,  Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. SD 31346 (Mo. App. S.D. 2012)

FACTS: On July 28, 2006 the claimant fell from a fork lift, injuring his lower back. He did not seek immediate medical treatment, nor did he immediately report the injury to his supervisor. Shortly thereafter he treated on a few occasions with his primary care physician and did not mention a work injury. He also presented to the emergency room a week after his injury at which time he didn't report a work injury. The claimant eventually reported his injury and was sent to Concentra by the employer, and was diagnosed with a contusion of the buttocks. The claimant also continued to follow-up with his primary care physician. It was noted the claimant had a prior history of back problems.

The ALJ found that the claimant did sustain an accident when he fell from the fork lift. However, the ALJ found that he only sustained a contusion-type injury to his back and the fall was not the prevailing factor in causing the claimant's current pain and condition, for which he was treating. Therefore, the employer was not liable for any past or future medical treatment. The Commission affirmed the ALJ.

HOLDING: The Court noted that the Commission pointed out numerous contradictions in the claimant's testimony and the history presented by the claimant in the medical records. The Commission found that the claimant went to the doctor three times after his alleged fall from the fork lift, and did not mention this work accident. Furthermore, the claimant's personal physician noted that only a week and a half after his accident, the claimant reported he was pretty much back to normal. The Court found the Commission had ample substantial and competent evidence to find that the claimant sustained 10% PPD as a result of the fall off of the fork lift, and that the employer was not responsible for any past or future medical care.

Claim Denied Because Injury Flowed as Natural Consequence of Prior Injury Which Had Been Settled

Lisa Meinczinger v. Harrah's Casino, Case No. ED97415 (Mo. App. E.D. 2012)

FACTS: On August 12, 2002, the claimant tripped over a manhole cover at the employer and injured her left knee. She was terminated in 2003. The claimant filed a claim for the August 12, 2002 injury to her left knee. Then, on July 16, 2008, the claimant filed another claim reporting an injury to her right knee and left hip in August 2007. She alleged the same incident, that she fell over a raised manhole sustaining injuries to her left lower extremity and because of the injury to her left knee, the claimant compensated by placing stress on her right knee and left hip, causing injury to the same. She reported that the accident took place at the employer's place of business. On October 29, 2008, the claimant, employer and insurer entered into a Stipulations for Compromise Settlement, for the 2002 injury.

On May 5, 2009, the claimant filed an amended Claim for the August 2007 injury to her right knee and left hip, reporting that she sustained an injury at the physical therapy center, while receiving physical therapy for a work-related injury to her knee. The ALJ denied benefits for the 2007 injury, noting that the claimant sustained this injury in the course of her physical therapy treatment for the 2002 injury, and she testified to the same during her deposition. The ALJ concluded that the claimant's August 2007 injury flowed from her August 2002 injury, which was settled in October 2008. Therefore, the Division no longer had jurisdiction over the 2002 injury or settlement. The Commission affirmed the ALJ.

HOLDING: The Commission did not err in denying benefits based on lack of jurisdiction because the claimant sought benefits for an injury that flowed as a natural consequence of an earlier work injury and the parties had entered a settlement that closed out all claims from the prior injury.

Employer Not Liable to Replace Prosthesis

Herbert Robbins v. Web Co, Inc., Case No. SD31607 (Mo. App. S.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant lost his lower right leg to cancer at age 19. He went through 3 or 4 prostheses before working for employer. In January 2004, at a prior job, his knee frame shattered during heavy lifting and he got a replacement, which was enough to support his body weight plus nearly 140 pounds. The employer hired the claimant in 2006, and he carried material which weighed less than 50 pounds to his work station, up to 30 times daily. In June 2008, his knee unit's hydraulic pump failed, and he sought to obtain one through workers'compensation. It was not disputed that the wear and tear from use caused this failure, and expert testimony established that the prosthesis should have lasted about 4 years, and therefore, it had reached the end of its life span. The ALJ found that the failure was due to wear and tear not associated with a particular event, and work was not the prevailing factor in causing this wear and tear. The Commission affirmed the Decision of the ALJ.

HOLDING:  The Court held that the employer did not have to replace the claimant's prosthesis because the claimant did not prove that his work activities were the prevailing factor in the need for a new prosthesis.

Falling Off Shoe While At Work Not Compensable

Sandy Johme v. St. John's Mercy Healthcare, Case No. SC92113 (Mo. S.Ct. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant was a billing representative and sustained an injury while making coffee. It was noted that it was customary in the office that the employee who took the last cup of coffee, would make another pot. While making coffee, employees remained clocked in. On the day of the injury, the claimant was wearing sandals with a thick heel and flat bottom. There were no irregularities or hazards on the kitchen floor. The medical records from the emergency room indicated that the claimant reported that she had tripped at work because of the shoes she was wearing. The ALJ denied her claim because she was not performing her work duties at the time of her fall. She simply fell and would have been exposed to the same hazard or risks in her normal, non-employment life.

The Commission reversed the ALJ's Decision, noting that the coffee in the office kitchen was provided by the employer for use by its employees, the employees were not required to clock out before getting coffee and it was customary for the employee who took the last cup of coffee to make a new pot. The Commission also noted that the claimant testified that she did not make coffee at home. The Commission found that the claimant's injury was compensable after applying the Personal Comfort Doctrine, because the act of making coffee was incidental and related to her employment. Therefore, it found that it did not need to determine whether the claimant would have been equally exposed to the hazard or risk that caused her injury during her normal non-employment life.

HOLDING: The Court noted that for the claimant's injury to be deemed to arise out of and in the course of her employment, the claimant must show a causal connection between the injury and the claimant's work activities.

The Court looked to Miller, wherein the claimant's knee popped and began to hurt while he was walking briskly toward his truck, which contained repair material that was needed for his job as a road crew member. In Miller, the Court determined that the claimant's injury was not compensable because the uncontested facts showed that his knee pop injury occurred at work, in the course of his employment, but that it did not arise out of the employment. The Court noted that an injury will not be deemed to arise out of the employment if it merely happened to occur while working, but work was not a prevailing factor in the risk involved. In Miller, the risk was walking which he would have been equally exposed to in non-employment life. The Court noted that nothing about his work caused his knee to pop. Therefore, the injury arose during the course of his employment but did not arise out of the employment. The Court noted that the Miller holding is controlling.

The Court noted that the Commission erred in focusing its assessment on whether the claimant's activity of making coffee was incidental to her employment. Instead, the Court noted that the issue in the case was whether the cause of her injury, falling off her shoe, was connected to her work activity, other than the fact that it occurred in her office kitchen while she was making coffee. The Court noted that the ALJ and Commission should have considered whether her risk of injury, falling off her shoe, was a risk to which she would have been equally exposed to in her non-employment life. The Court noted there was no evidence showing that the claimant was not equally exposed to falling off her shoe while at work and outside of work in her normal non-employment life. Therefore, the Court found that she did not show that her injury was caused by a risk related to her employment that she would not have been equally exposed to in her normal non-employment life. As such, her claim was not compensable.

Stipulations by Parties at Hearing are Controlling and Conclusive

Michael Hutson v.Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Case No. ED97321 (Mo. App. E.D. 2012)

FACTS: In 2003, the claimant injured his low back while working for the employer. The claimant also had a prior injury in 1999 while working for a prior employer, which he settled for 15% PPD of the right shoulder. The claimant settled his 2003 back injury with the employer and proceeded to a hearing against the SIF. At the hearing, the claimant and the SIF stipulated to several facts, including that the claimant agreed not to pursue PTD benefits against the SIF, and, in exchange, the SIF agreed not to contest the synergistic combination of the injuries. At the hearing, the ALJ determined that the claimant's testimony regarding his pre-existing shoulder injury was not credible and that his pre-existing disability from this injury was at most 10%. Therefore, it did not meet the threshold percentage to trigger SIF liability, and the ALJ denied the claimant benefits. The Commission affirmed the ALJ noting that the claimant had not presented evidence showing that the disability resulting from his current injury had combined with his pre-existing shoulder disability to produce a greater disability.

HOLDING: The Court noted that the issue in this matter was whether the SIF's agreement "not to contest" the synergistic combination of the claimant's injuries relieved the claimant of his burden to present evidence showing a synergistic combination. The claimant argued that because of the parties' stipulation, the Commission wrongly concluded the claimant failed to produce sufficient evidence to show his pre-existing disability synergistically combined with his current disability. The Court agreed.

The Court noted that the rules of the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations which cover workers' compensation hearings, state that prior to the hearing the parties shall stipulate to uncontested facts and present evidence only on contested issues, such stipulations are controlling and conclusive, and the courts are bound to enforce them. Therefore, the Court found that the synergistic combination of the claimant's disabilities was not a contested fact at the hearing, and therefore, the Commission was without power to conclude the claimant was required to put forth evidence of such combination in order to be entitled relief.

Claimant Found Credible Therefore Statute of Limitations was 3 Years

Howard Moreland v. Eagle Picher Technologies, LLC, Case No. SD31692 (Mo. App. S.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant worked for the employer, who was involved in the manufacturing of batteries, fertilizer and boron, from 1984 through 1994. The claimant worked in departments which manufactured nickel cadmium and nickel hydrogen for battery cells. The claimant first became ill in the summer of 2005. On July 29, 2005, the claimant called his supervisor when he received his diagnosis of multiple myelomas and advised that the cause of his disease was exposure to chemicals with the employer. The supervisor testified that the claimant did advise him of his diagnosis, however, he did not recall the claimant telling him that his diagnosis was related to his work with the employer. The employer did not file a Report of Injury until after the claimant filed his original claim on December 17, 2007. The ALJ awarded the claimant unpaid medical expenses and PTD benefits. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's Award.

HOLDING:  The employer argued that the claimant did not timely file a claim because the stated date of injury was July 29, 2005, however, the claimant did not file a claim until December 17, 2007, which is not within the two year statutorily mandated time period. The Court noted that the Statute of Limitations in this case was three years because the employer failed to file a timely Report of Injury after the claimant notified the employer of a potential work-related occupational disease. The Court noted that the Commission found that the claimant's testimony was credible in that he advised the employer on July 29, 2005 that he was diagnosed with multiple myelomas and his disease was caused by his exposure to chemicals at the employer. Therefore, the Commission found that the employer had notice and had 30 days from July 29, 2005 to file a timely Report of Injury, which it did not do. Therefore, the Statute of Limitations was three years.

Award Against Insured Employer Does Not Bar Claim Against Second Uninsured Employer In Civil Court

Stacey Lewis & McCartney M.E. Lewis, a minor, by and through their next friend, Burle Brown and DOT Transportation v. Nathan Gilmore and Buddy Freeman, Case No. SC91834 (Mo. S.Ct. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant died when a tractor trailer in which he was a passenger overturned. The driver, Nathan Gilmore, was driving the tractor trailer in the course of his employment with Buddy Freeman. Freeman operated his company pursuant to a contract with DOT Transportation. Freeman did not carried workers'compensation insurance, however, DOT did. The claimant's dependents filed a claim for workers' compensation against both Freeman and DOT. The dependents also filed a wrongful death action against Freeman and Gilmore.

The Circuit Court stayed the wrongful death action until an ALJ decided if the claimant's death occurred out of, and in the scope of, his employment. An ALJ entered an Award in favor of the claimant's dependents. The ALJ found that the claimant was an employee of Freeman, but Freeman did not carry workers' compensation insurance even though he legally was required to do so. The ALJ determined that DOT was the claimant's statutory employer and ordered DOT to pay death and funeral benefits. After the Workers' Compensation Award, DOT intervened in the wrongful death action. The Circuit Court granted summary judgement in favor of Freeman, finding that the wrongful death action was barred because the claimant's dependents had made an election of remedies when they obtained a Workers' Compensation Award against DOT.

HOLDING: The claimant's dependents asserted that under Workers' Compensation they were allowed to proceed in a civil action against Freeman since he failed to have workers' compensation insurance, even though they obtained a Workers' Compensation Award against DOT. The Court noted that under workers' compensation law if an employer does not have insurance the claimant has three options: file a civil action against the employer, pursue a workers' compensation claim or seek payment from the SIF.  The Court noted it was undisputed that Freeman and DOT were separate entities and that each had the responsibility to secure workers' compensation insurance. Under the Statute, the fact that DOT complied with the statute, and therefore was deemed to be the only statutory employer, does not excuse Freeman from his obligation to carry workers' compensation insurance. Therefore, the civil action against Freeman was not barred by their Workers' Compensation Award from DOT. The Court concluded that because the claimant essentially had two employers, obtaining a Workers' Compensation Award from one of them and a potential civil judgement from the other would not be a double recovery because any recovery by the claimants would be subject to DOT's subrogation rights.


Old Law 

Claimant Could Medically Return to Work Therefore No TTD Owed

In Scott Curran v. Johnson Controls, Inc., Injury No. 02-016564, the claimant complained to his plant manager that his shoulder hurt and needed to take pain medicine. Since he was not supposed to work on pain medicine he needed to leave work. He was allowed to leave and he was instructed to provide a note from a medical professional noting that he had to leave work that day, February 3, 2004. The next day the claimant saw Dr. Middleton, who wrote a note saying that the claimant was having headaches which were related to the myofascial pain related to his work injury. When the claimant presented a slip to the employer on two different occasions, he refused to allow the claimant to return to work. The employer's rationale for refusing to let the claimant return to work was that he did not provide documentation that he had to leave work on February 3, 2004 for his work injury. The ALJ denied the claimant's claim for past TTD benefits. The Commission found that the claimant was not permitted to return to work because of separate and distinct labor and management issues. Also, there was no evidence that the claimant was unable to work or that the employer refused to allow him to return to work due to a medical condition. Therefore, the Commission agreed with the ALJ and denied the claimant's claim for past TTD benefits.

Claimant Was Prevailing Party and Entitled to Reasonable Cost of Recovery for Hardship Hearing

In Melissa Donnell v. Trans States Airlines, Injury No. 02-143782, the claimant requested a hardship hearing when the employer denied her request to have ankle surgery, arguing she was at MMI with respect to the work injury. The ALJ issued a Temporary Award ordering the employer to pay for the surgery and resume TTD benefits. Pursuant to the Statute, the claimant argued she was the prevailing party, and therefore, she was entitled to reasonable costs of recovery in the amount that was expended for the hardship hearing. The employer argued the claimant really didn't "prevail" because the ALJ did not address the issue of past TTD benefits. The Commission noted that when the ALJ addressed the issue in his Final Award, he ultimately ruled this issue in the claimant's favor. The Commission noted that the ALJ did not say in his Award why he deferred the issue of TTD benefits to the final hearing, but there was no suggestion that it was the result of any failure of proof on the claimant's part. Therefore, the Commission found that the claimant was the prevailing party and was entitled to reasonable costs of recovery.

Claimant Rushed to ER Which Was Date of Disability Therefore Date of Injury

In Stephen Smith (deceased) v. Capital Region Medical Center, Injury No. 05-140833, the employee worked in the hospital from 1969 - 2006 as a lab technician. At one time the lab technicians pipetted blood samples using their mouths. The claimant testified that he once got blood in his mouth while doing so. Also, in 1970, the claimant received a six unit blood transfusion following a non-work related hunting accident. The claimant was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in December 1999 and ultimately died on February 27, 2007 of sepsis, Hepatitis C and acute tubular necrosis.

The employer argued that the 2005 Amendments were applicable to the claim because the claimant was able to work up until March 2006, and therefore he would have to prove that his work was the prevailing factor in causing his disease. The claimant argued that the appropriate date of injury was April 20, 2005 which is when he was rushed to the emergency room when he suffered a cognitive breakdown caused by hepatic encephalopathy. The ALJ agreed with the claimant and believed the 2005 Amendments did not apply, and therefore the claimant only had to prove by substantial and competent evidence, that he contracted an occupationally induced disease. The Commission also believed that the 2005 Amendments did not apply because review of case law revealed that courts have consistently linked the date of injury to the date the disease first becomes "compensable" which typically has been interpreted to mean the date a claimant first experiences some disability or loss of earning capacity from the disease. The Commission believed that he first experienced some disability related to the injury when he suffered a cognitive breakdown on April 20, 2005 and was hospitalized.

Even using the lesser standard of substantial and competent evidence, the ALJ concluded that the claimant failed to prove that he contracted an occupationally induced disease, and therefore the claim was denied. The Commission was also convinced that the claimant failed to meet his burden because there was no evidence that any person with Hepatitis C treated in the employer's facility while the claimant worked there. The Commission did note that the claimant worked at the employer for many years, and it would seem that someone with Hepatitis C must have at some point treated at the hospital, however, the Commission could not speculate. Therefore, the Commission concluded that the claimant failed to demonstrate that his work for the employer exposed him to Hepatitis C and that there was a direct causal connection between Hepatitis C and the conditions in which he performed his work. Therefore, the Commission affirmed the ALJ.

New Law

Occupational Disease is a Subsequent Compensable Injury and Triggers SIF Liability

In Kelly Kirkpatrick v. Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 09-071622, the SIF argued that "injury" excludes occupational diseases and the claimant's cubital tunnel syndrome is an occupational disease, thus, not an injury. Therefore, it is not a "subsequent compensable injury" that can trigger SIF liability. The Commission disagreed noting that the Statute specifically provides for injuries by occupational disease, and specifically states those injuries are compensable. The Commission noted that the Statute refers to an injury by occupational disease being compensable, and therefore, the legislature specifically provided that the term "injury" includes occupational diseases and that they are compensable. Therefore, the Commission determined that "injury", as it appears in the phrase"subsequent compensable injury", includes the claimant"s cubital tunnel syndrome which is an occupational disease.

Claim Denied Because Witness Testimonies Inconsistent with Claimant's Testimony

In Georgia Goriola v. Alma Cook Union Manor, Injury No. 10-087056, the claimant testified that she worked the night shift as a CNA for the employer and she was attacked by a resident in July 2010, however, she could not recall the exact date. The claimant testified that after the attack, her face was bruised, swollen and scratched, and a co-worker, Ms. Bush, viewed her injuries. She then advised the manager, Ms. Smith, of the attack and completed an incident report. She testified that Ms. Bush was present when she told Ms. Smith of the attack. Ms. Bush testified that she had worked with the claimant on July 9, 2010, and the claimant advised that something bad happened, however, she did not witness the event and did not see any sign of facial injuries. She also did not hear the conversation between Ms. Smith and the claimant. Ms. Smith, the manager, denied being informed of the attack. She noted that had she known of the attack, the resident, who had no history of this type of behavior, would have been transferred to the hospital for further evaluation, as she would have posed a safety risk to other residents and staff. Also, the claimant nor Ms. Bush indicated on their shift reports that any resident caused any problems during their shift.

The ALJ found that the claimant was unable to state what date her alleged injury occurred, the event was unwitnessed, and her co-worker did not corroborate her assertion that the claimant had injuries to her face. Furthermore, the shift reports prepared by the claimant and Ms. Bush on the alleged date of injury noted there had been no problems with any resident. Therefore, the ALJ was of the opinion that the claimant failed to meet her burden to demonstrate that a work accident occurred. The Commission affirmed the decision of the ALJ.

Claimant Must Prove Work Injury was Prevailing Factor Causing Medical Condition and Disability

In Ronald Armstrong v. Tetra Pak, Inc. and Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 10-039435, the claimant worked on the feeder/checker line. About half of a shift he was performing the feeding, and the other half he was performing the checking, which was quality control. The feeding part involved taking stacks of cartons off of a table and putting them into a machine. There were different sizes of cartons and the stacks weighed anywhere from 10‑12 pounds to 28 pounds. The table was normally shoulder height, it moved with weight and also could be adjusted by air. The claimant testified that on his date of injury when he began work he did not have any shoulder pain. On his date of injury, he was told by his supervisor that a rush order needed to be finished as soon as possible. The job involved moving containers which were stacked higher than normal and the stack weighed 35 pounds. He pulled the first stack of cartons and fed it into the machine without any problem. In attempting to get the second stack into the machine, he reached and stretched above shoulder level and felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder. The following day he was unable to work, and therefore, reported this incident to his supervisor. The ALJ held that the claimant had not met his burden of proving that he sustained a compensable accident or that the alleged accident was the prevailing factor in causing his right shoulder problems.

The Commission noted that the claimant must establish that he sustained an injury to his right shoulder. In order to show that the injury arose out of and in the course of his employment, the claimant had to prove that the accident was the prevailing factor in causing both the resulting medical condition and disability. The Statute defines the prevailing factor as the primary factor in relation to any other factor, causing both the resulting medical condition and disability. The ALJ found that the more credible evidence showed that the claimant's shoulder complaints were predominantly degenerative in nature and not primarily due to the May 12, 2010 accident. The Commission found that since the claimant had not proved that his May 12, 2010 accident was the prevailing factor in causing both his medical condition and any disability, the ALJ's decision to deny him benefits was affirmed.

Claimant Not Entitled to Total Knee Replacement When Tillotson Applied

In Ervin Hampton v. R.C. Lonestar, Inc., Injury No. 08-013352, the ALJ found that the claimant was not entitled to the medical expenses related to his total knee replacement because he failed to meet his burden of proof on the issue. The Commission noted that in his Award the ALJ stated that the claimant has the burden to prove that the accident was the prevailing factor in causing the resulting total knee replacement. The Commission noted that under Tillotson, this is a misstatement of the law. Rather, the question is whether the claimant has shown that the treatment in question is reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury. Furthermore, the claimant must show that the need for treatment flows from the work injury.

The Commission affirmed the ALJ's ultimate decision that the total knee replacement was not reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury. The ALJ found Dr. Burke's opinion credible in that the work injury had nothing to do with the claimant's need for a total knee replacement, and the claimant would have required one based on the arthritic changes of his knee alone. The Commission also found Dr. Burke credible. Therefore, the Commission concluded that the need for the total knee replacement did not flow from the work injury and was not reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury.

Claimant Alleged Max Rate But Not Entitled to It Even Though Answer Was Filed Late

In Tabitha Hasten v. Sonic Drive-In of High Ridge, No. 06-135802, the claimant alleged in her Claim for Compensation that she was entitled to a "max rate". The employer filed a late Answer, and therefore, the employer was deemed to have admitted the facts in the claimant's Claim for Compensation. Therefore, the ALJ found that the claimant was entitled to the maximum rate. The employer argued that it cannot be deemed to have admitted the claimant's rate was the maximum because the claimant's allegation that her average weekly wage was the "max rate" amounts to legal conclusion rather than a statement of fact. The Commission agreed with the employer and concluded that "max rate" is not a statement of fact, but instead, if anything, it is a legal conclusion. Therefore, the Commission found that the employer did not admit, by filing a late Answer, that the claimant was entitled to a compensation rate of $376.55, which was the maximum rate at the time of her injury.

Climbing Stairs Into Work In Course of Employment

In Debra Fowler v. Compass/Chartwells, Injury No. 05-112444, the employer argued that the claimant's injury did not arise in and out of her employment. The claimant was injured on October 31, 2005 when she was climbing metal dock stairs to enter work. The employer required the claimant to report to work at 6:30 A.M. and the front door did not open until at least 7:00 A.M. The employer instructed the claimant to use the dock stairs when the front door was locked, which was the only way to enter the building before 7:00 A.M. The ALJ found that the physical condition of the work environment created a hazard which was related to the claimant's employment, and gave rise to the injury. At the time of the injury, the claimant was climbing the metal stairs to gain access to her work place to begin her shift. The metal stairs were in the back of the building, and the ALJ noted that the records contained no evidence that the general public had access to them. Therefore, the ALJ found that the claimant's travel up the metal steps was related to her employment. Therefore, the claimant's accident arose out of and in the course of her employment. The Commission affirmed the Decision of the ALJ.

Claim Denied Because Claimant Not Employee or Statutory Employee

In Mauro Brito-Pacheco (deceased) v. Tina's Hair Salon, Injury No. 09-067542, the ALJ found that the claimant was not an employee. The employer was a Hair Salon owned by Tina Diaz, and she supplied a work station to the hair dressers, one of which was the claimant. Diaz provided salon business cards to which hair dressers could add their name. Diaz did not schedule appointments, limit or mandate work hours, provide employee benefits, pay taxes or mandate fees. Basically, the hair dressers would use the space provided and divide the proceeds of compensation paid by the customers. On August 10, 2009, the claimant was asked by another hair dresser to cover his appointments at the hair salon. During this shift, the salon was robbed and the claimant was killed. Diaz did not call the claimant to work that day and was unaware that he was working. The ALJ noted there was no evidence to support that Diaz had the right to control the claimant's work. Therefore, the claimant was unable to sustain the burden of proof regarding the employer/employee relationship. The ALJ then looked to whether the claimant was a statutory employee. The Court noted that the elements to establish statutory employment were whether the work done was under contract on or about the premises of the employer which was in the usual business of the employer. The ALJ found there was no evidence that the work of the claimant was pursuant to contract either written or verbal, and therefore, Tina's Hair Salon was not the claimant's statutory employer. Therefore, the claim was denied. The Commission affirmed the Decision of the ALJ.

Commission Gave Claimant With Borderline Retardation Benefit of the Doubt With Respect to Injury

In Tommy Mittenburg v. Missouri Pressed Metals, Inc., Injury No. 09-109673, the claimant alleged an injury to his neck, lower back and leg, while manipulating a 500 - 600 pound barrel on November 9, 2009. The claimant testified that he told the safety director that sustained an injury. The safety director testified and acknowledged that the claimant reported an injury to him, that he even took the claimant to the chiropractor twice and the employer paid for these visits. However, he testified that the claimant only reported a neck injury to him. The safety director also testified that the claimant told him on several occasions before and after his date of injury that his back hurt, however, made it clear that his pain was not related to his work. It was noted that the evidence showed that the claimant suffered from borderline mental retardation, was functionally illiterate and his thought processes were comparable to those of a child. The ALJ found the claimant more credible than the safety director and found the injury compensable. 

The Commission agreed noting that it was difficult to imagine that the claimant volunteered relatively sophisticated information regarding his back problems described by the safety director. The Commission also found it difficult to believe that the safety director would tell the claimant he could get treatment for the low back during his first authorized visit to the chiropractor if he believed it wasn't a work-related injury, not to mention taking him back again and paying for even more treatment to the lower back. Therefore, the Commission found that the claimant told the safety director that he hurt his neck and back while manipulating a heavy barrel at work on that date, and therefore the injuries to his neck and lower back were compensable.

Insurer Did Not Have to Pay Costs to Employer and Claimant

In Allen Baldwin v. City of Fair Play, Injury No. 11-015959, the claimant was the Chief of Police and had multiple job duties including storm spotting, which required him to go to a location at a high point to begin spotting for tornados, power outages and damage within the city. The claimant used his personal vehicle for storm spotting. In light of the bad weather, the claimant left his residence to storm spot. He walked to his car, grabbed his door handle, at which time he slipped and fell, injuring his shoulder. The Mayor testified that the claimant's duties included storm spotting during severe weather. The employer agreed that the claimant's actions were within the course and scope of employment, however, the insurer refused to provide any treatment, contending that the claim was not compensable. The ALJ found that the claimant's injury was within the course and scope of his employment, and was therefore compensable. The ALJ also determined that the claimant and employer were entitled to costs.

The Commission affirmed the ALJ's opinion, except for with respect to the issue of costs. Pursuant to Statute, if the Division or the Commission determines that any proceedings have been brought, prosecuted or defended without reasonable ground, it may assess the whole cost of the proceedings upon the party who so brought, prosecuted or defended them. The insurer contended that the costs were inappropriate because it had a meritorious defense, or at least an arguable defense. The ALJ noted that the insurer offered no evidence suggesting that the claimant's injury was anything but compensable. Furthermore, the ALJ noted that the sole reason the claimant was out in the rain, wind, hail and severe weather on his date of injury was to benefit his employer and the citizens of the city. The ALJ found that to refuse compensability under the circumstances of this case was unreasonable and found that to ignore even the employer's pleads to provide basic medical treatment was simply wrong. Therefore, the ALJ found that refusal to provide medical treatment warranted an Award of costs. The Commission disagreed noting that based on the facts of the case and arguments proffered by the insurer, it did not find that its defense of the claim was egregious or without reasonable grounds, and therefore, the costs against the insurer were denied.

Interestingly in this case, the ALJ felt that the employer was entitled to costs. This was because the employer hired its own attorney in light of the fact that it believed that this claim was compensable, however, the insurer would not provide medical treatment because it did not believe the matter was compensable.



Automobile Accident on Way to Hunt Before Business Meeting Not Compensable

Wilson v. Wilson, No. WD73742 (Mo. App. W.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant was the owner and employee of a company which moved mobile homes. On December 13, 2008, the claimant was injured in an accident while he was on his way to a business associate's property to hunt for deer. Thereafter, he was going to meet someone else for business. The Commission found that because the claimant was on his way to go hunting, there was no dual purpose or mutual benefit to his employer to make the accident compensable because the claimant had deviated from his route to and was traveling to property where he planned to hunt. The Commission further found that if the claimant canceled his personal hunting trip, he would have not been where the accident occurred.

HOLDING: The Court found that the Commission was justified in concluding that the claimant's multi-hour personal mission, which involved multiple features which exposed him to risk of injury, did not represent merely a slight deviation from his employer's purpose but a sufficiently substantial deviation that defeated his reliance on the mutual benefit doctrine. Therefore, the claimant did not meet his burden of establishing that his injury arose out of and in the course of his employment.

At Hearing SIF Not Bound By Settlement Made by Claimant and Employer

Dennis Seifner v. Treasurer of the State of Missouri, Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, No. WD74192 (Mo. App. W.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant filed an occupational disease claim for injury to his thoracic spine in 2003, which he settled with the employer for 10% PPD. The claimant also alleged pre-existing disabilties. The claimant went to a hearing against the Fund, and the ALJ found that the claimant's doctor, Dr. Stuckmeyer, was significantly impeached on cross-examination during his deposition, and therefore, found that the doctor's opinion was not credible. Therefore, due to the lack of credible medical evidence on the issue of causation, the ALJ found there was no compensable occupational disease and also denied the claimant's claim against the Fund. The Commission affirmed and adopted the decision of the ALJ. The claimant appealed arguing that the Fund could not relitigate the percentage of PPD which was agreed on in the settlement between himself and the employer.

HOLDING: The Court of Appeals found that basically the claimant was arguing that the Fund was bound by the terms of the settlement between himself and the employer. The Court looked to Totten v. Treasurer of the State, wherein the Court found that the claimant failed to prove a work accident occurred and denied his claim against the Fund after the claimant and employer settled their claim for 12.5% of the body. In Totten, the Court noted that no attorney on behalf of the Fund signed the settlement, and the claimant did not assert that the Fund was otherwise a party to the settlement. Therefore, the Court found that the Fund was not bound by the terms of the settlement agreement entered into by the claimant and his employer. Applying the rationale of Totten, the Court of Appeals noted that the facts were the same in this case, and therefore, the Fund was not bound by the terms of the settlement between the claimant and the employer.

The claimant also argued that the Fund was required to introduce medical evidence to challenge the credibility of Dr. Stuckmeyer, and the Commission was not entitled to ignore the doctor's uncontradicted opinion and substitute its own opinion with regard to causation. The Court of Appeals noted that the claimant has the burden of proving all essential elements of this claim, therefore, the Fund does not have to establish by medical evidence or otherwise that the injury was caused by something other than the claimant's job. The Court of Appeals further found that the Commission did not err in finding the doctor's testimony not credible, due to the fact that it identified several reasons as to why it was discrediting the doctor's opinion. Therefore, the Court of Appeals affirmed the Commission's Decision denying the claimant's claim against the Fund.

Employer's Motion Denied Because no Evidence of Physical Change in Condition

Patrick Pavia v. Smitty's Supermarket, No. SD31275 (Mo. App. S.D. 2012)

FACTS: On February 26, 1996 the claimant sustained a closed head injury and cervical spine fracture. The ALJ found the claimant sustained 20% PPD referable to the cervical fracture and 50% PPD referable to the traumatic brain injury. In November 2002, the Commission found that the claimant was permanently and totally disabled as a result of his work injury.

A year after the work injury, the claimant obtained a job, attended school, and continued to work thereafter. He first worked at an automobile dealership for two years then went to school and returned to the dealership for another three years. He was also employed as a bell boy at the Holiday Inn during this time. The claimant then worked at his family's golf center until 2005 or 2006. He then was a cabinet builder and installer but had trouble remembering the measurements and was let go due to economic downturn. After a few months of unemployment, in December 2008 the claimant was hired as a manager trainee at Enterprise Leasing. In September 2010 the claimant was still in the training position even though the training period was only six months. He also had received two warnings of possible termination if his performance did not improve. On April 9, 2010, the employer filed a Motion for Determination of Change in Condition, and a hearing was held in front of an ALJ on September 20, 2010, at which time the claimant was still employed. Dr. Stillings, the employer's expert, opined that the apparent improvement in the claimant's diagnoses and cognitive function evidenced a physical change in the condition of his brain. Dr. Cohen, the claimant's expert, spoke with the claimant, the claimant's wife and his mother, who all reported no change in the claimant's condition. His wife noted that she ran the house and had to leave post-its around the house for him to be able to remember. The claimant's wife and mother noted no improvement in the claimant's condition over the years. Dr. Cohen was of the opinion that there had not been a significant change in the claimant's condition. He further believed the claimant was not employable on the open labor market.

The Commission dismissed the employer's Motion on March 22, 2011, finding that although the employer presented evidence that the claimant had undergone numerous life changes since the original Award in 2002, it did not present any new MRI scans of the brain or any other concrete evidence showing an actual "physical change in condition". Please note that prior to the 2005 Amendments, the Court in Bunker v. Rural Elec. Coop. required the employer to demonstrate a change in the claimant's physical condition before the Commission could institute a change in the claimant's award. Here, the employer argued that the 2005 Amendments applied which require strict construction in interpreting the Statute, which does not contain the word "physical", but only states "change in condition". Therefore, the employer argued that the word"physical" cannot be grafted into the wording of that section.

HOLDING: The Court of Appeals found that the 2005 amendments do not apply because the date of the injury governs the claim under the law, which in this case is a 1996 injury. The Court of Appeals noted that there is nothing in the 2005 amendments noting the legislature intended for these amendments to apply retroactively to injuries occurring before that effective date. Therefore, Bunker still applied which requires the employer to demonstrate a physical change in condition. The Court of Appeals noted that the Commission determined that Dr. Stillings was not credible and that Dr. Cohen, the claimant, his wife and his mother were credible, and therefore, the employer failed to prove a change in the physical condition of the claimant. The Court affirmed the Commission's dismissal of the employer's Motion for Determination of Change in Condition. (This is an old law case.)

Claimant Must Specifically State Why ALJ Erred

Dickens v. Hannah's Enterprises d/b/a Hannah's General Store, No. SD31237 (Mo. App. S.D. 2012)

FACTS: The Commission dismissed the claimant's Application for Review because it failed to specifically state the reason why the claimant believed that the findings and conclusions of the ALJ were not supported.

HOLDING: The Court of Appeals noted that an Application for Review of any final Award, Order or Decision of the ALJ shall state specifically the reason the applicant believes the findings and conclusions of the ALJ are not properly supported. It is not sufficient to merely to state that the decision of the ALJ is not supported by competent and substantial evidence. The Court found that in this case, the Commission made no findings, therefore, there was no Decision for the Court's review. The only decision the Court is authorized to review is the Order to dismiss the Application and, determine if the Commission acted in excess of its powers. The Court noted the claimant did not raise these grounds in her appeal and, therefore, she abandoned it. Therefore, the dismissal was affirmed.

Claimant Found to be Employee Not Owner/Operator and Missouri Had Jurisdiction

Rader v. Werner Enterprises, No. ED95905 (Mo. App. E.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant, a truck driver and resident of Texas, was injured on May 29, 2003 in Missouri while unloading a truck. In February 2003 the claimant purchased a truck through a subsidiary of the employer and the employer changed the claimant's job classification to owner-operator. The claimant also signed a contract waiving workers' compensation jurisdiction in any state besides Nebraska (where the employer is headquartered). The ALJ and Commission found that Missouri had jurisdiction and the employer appealed.

HOLDING: The Court of Appeals found that Missouri had jurisdiction over the claim because the claimant was injured in Missouri and the choice of law language in the agreement applied to an independent contractor relationship and not an employer/employee relationship. The Court found the claimant was an employee. The Court further found that the Commission did not err in finding that the driver was an employee because it was unclear if the claimant "owned" the truck because it was unclear if the claimant had title to the truck, the claimant could not convey the truck, and his right to use was conditioned upon continued employment, which was significant to show that he did not own it. Therefore, the claimant was not an owner/operator but was an employee. (This is an old law case.)

Third Party Who Provided Unauthorized Treatment Cannot Intervene in Workers' Compensation Matter

United States Department of Veterans Affairs v. Karla O. Boresi, Chief Administrative Law Judge, No. ED97042 (Mo. App. E.D. 2012)

FACTS: The claimant had a pending workers' compensation claim before the Commission, alleging injuries sustained while working for the employer, United Home Craft. Without authorization from the employer, a medical facility of the US Department of Veterans Affairs, provided care to the claimant. The VA filed a Motion to Intervene in the Workers' Compensation case, and the ALJ denied the Motion. The VA filed a Petition requesting that the Circuit Court direct the ALJ to rescind the denial and allow the VA to intervene as a party in the case. The Circuit Court denied the Petition.

HOLDING: The Court of Appeals noted the employer has a statutory right to select the medical providers to provide treatment to an injured claimant. Also, the claimant has a right to select his own medical treatment, however, if care has not been authorized by the employer, the claimant bears the expense of treatment. The Court of Appeals noted that nowhere in the Statute is the ALJ permitted to allow private providers of such unauthorized medical care to intervene or participate in a workers' compensation case. The VA argued that the United States has a right to intervene to recover charges from a third party to the extent that the Veteran (claimant) would be entitled to receive payment from a third party. However, the Court of Appeals noted that since the claimant received unauthorized medical care at the VA's medical facility, under Missouri law he is not entitled to receive any payment from the employer or insurer. So, even if the VA was allowed to step in the claimant's shoes, the VA would still not be entitled to receive payment. Therefore, the Court of Appeals affirmed the Circuit Court's decision to not allow the VA to intervene in the Workers' Compensation matter.

Commission Trends

Old Law (Pre-August 28, 2005)

Employer Did Not Waive Right to Direct Treatment

In Stacy Dean v. Elder Customs Homes, Injury No. 02-120477, the claimant argued that the employer "waived" its right to direct treatment due to failing to provide prescription medications to her from April through September 2007. The claimant therefore sought an Order from the Commission that would allow him to go to any doctor he chooses and pursue his own future treatment at employer's expense. The ALJ noted that the employer consistently asserted its right to control treatment throughout the claim, and therefore, did not waive the right to direct payment. The Commission agreed with the ALJ and noted that an employer's waiver of the right to direct treatment of past medical does not mean that the claimant can obtain an Order from the Commission granting him the prospective privilege of selecting any doctor or treatment he chooses, with the employer liable to pay for such expenses.

Employer Had Notice Even Though Amended Claim Did Not State Alleged Injuries

In Norman L. Berra v. Berra Construction, LLC, Injury No. 98-179083, the employer argued that the claimant was not entitled to compensation since the claimant, in his third amended Claim, failed to state the specific body parts that were injured by the alleged occupational disease. In the first and second amended Claims, the claimant alleged injuries to his wrist and elbows. The Judge noted that the defense is entitled to know what the claimant alleges to be his injury. However, administrative pleadings do not involve strict fact pleading in most cases. The ALJ opined that the employer had knowledge of the claimant's allegation that he sustained injuries to both of his upper extremities from his work based on the claimant's prior pleadings, to which the employer filed Answers, denying that allegation. In addition, the forensic medical evidence was in evidence without any objection. Therefore, based on the evidence, the defense had notice of the allegation and defended against that allegation and the employer waived any defense that the claim was legally insufficient. The Commission affirmed.

New Law

Housekeeper's Job Duties Caused Carpal and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

In Ann Shinkle v. The Fountains of West County, Injury No. 08-101748, the ALJ found that the claimant's job duties as a housekeeper at an assisted living retirement facility led to her bilateral carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome. Her job duties included cleaning the kitchen floors, baseboards and appliances and the walls, windows and flooring in the residents' rooms. She also was required to work on her hands and knees cleaning the floors in the bathrooms as well as vacuum, mop, dust, clean carpet stains, sweep decks and do laundry. The Commission affirmed the ALJ.

Job Duties as Bus Driver were Prevailing Factor Despite Congenital Condition

In Monica Chrismer v. First Student, Injury No. 09-100519, even though the claimant had a pre-existing os acromiale which is a congenital condition in the shoulder, the ALJ found that her repetitive job duties as a bus driver were the prevailing factor in causing her right shoulder condition. The ALJ noted that while the claimant might have been predisposed to developing problems in her shoulder due to her congenital condition, the ALJ did not believe that her shoulder condition would have arisen without the repetitive job duties, especially considering the 25 year span in which the claimant had no shoulder problems despite her congenital condition. The Commission affirmed the ALJ's finding.

Walking Down Stairs Found to be In Course and Scope of Employment

In Jason Pope v. Gateway to the West Harley Davidson, Injury No. 10-019309, the claimant was asked by his supervisor to move motorcycles to the upper showroom. He was required to wear a helmet when moving motorcycles. The claimant was on the way back to the service department to ask his supervisor if there was anything else he needed to do before clocking out when he fell down the stairs. The ALJ found the hazard or risk of injury, descending stairs while carrying a helmet, was unrelated to the claimant's employment because his normal job duties did not involve climbing an excessive number of stairs or moving motorcycles, and he was not involved in a work activity when he fell because he had finished moving the motorcycles and planned to clock out. The Commission reversed the ALJ's decision and found that there was competent and substantial evidence showing that the risk to which the claimant was exposed, negotiating stairs while in the process of performing work activities, while wearing work boots and carrying necessary tools of his trade (helmet), created a clear connection or nexus between the hazard or risk of injury and the injury itself.

Threshold for SIF Liability

The Commission issued the same opinion in six different cases with respect to the threshold for SIF liability. The threshold is that if a claimant has a pre-existing permanent partial disability of such seriousness as to constitute a hindrance or obstacle to employment and that pre-existing permanent partial disability equals a minimum of 12.5% PPD of the body as a whole (50 weeks), or 15% PPD of a major extremity, and the claimant sustains a compensable injury resulting in additional PPD in the amount of 12.5% of the body as a whole, or 15% PPD of a major extremity, and the combined disabilities are substantially greater than that which would have resulted from the last injury alone, the employer at the time of the last injury is liable only for the disability resulting from the last injury.

The Commission noted that under the plain language of the statute, once it is determined that the threshold is met, all disabilities that existed at the time of the work injury shall be considered in the calculation of the SIF's liability. For example, in Thomas Richards v. Lagasse Suite, Inc. "Settled" and the Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury no. 08-121450, the Court noted the claimant had multiple pre-existing permanent partial disabilities including 25% of the right knee, 35% of the left knee, 10% of the right wrist, 15% of the left shoulder and 12.5% of the body as a whole referable to diabetes. Pursuant to the Statute, all of these meet the threshold for SIF liability except for the 10% of the wrist. However, since the claimant met the threshold for at least one pre-existing injury he is entitled to compensation from the SIF. The Commission opined that when calculating the SIF liability even though the 10% of the wrist, or 17.5 weeks alone does not meet the threshold, the claimant is entitled to compensation for all pre-existing injuries. Therefore, the 17.5 weeks is included in calculating the total weeks for which the SIF is liable.

Claimant Traveling to Different Locations for Employment Found Compensable

In Maria White v. Anderssen Mobile X-ray Service, Injury No. 10-022144, the claimant was a staff technologist and her job duties involved taking x-rays at various locations throughout the metropolitan area. The claimant drove the employer's minivan containing the employer's equipment, films and office papers, and gas and vehicle repairs were paid for by the employer. The claimant was to be in the office by 3:00 P.M., and was to call 30 minutes before her shift, or at 2:30 P.M., to see if there were any assignments or she was to go directly to the employer's office. The claimant called the dispatcher and was on her way to the office when she was in a motor vehicle accident which occurred at 3:10 P.M. The ALJ found that this case is not the case of a causal drive to work, in which the claimant was driving from her home to the employer. The ALJ noted that the essence of the claimant's employment was driving to the employer's customers and patients to provide mobile x-ray services and therefore, the claimant's accident arose out of and in the course and scope of her employment. The Commission affirmed.

Reaction to a Voluntary Vaccination Found Compensable

In Karen Doyle v. Lakeland Regional Hospital, Injury No. 05-141082, the claimant sustained transverse myelitis as a result of being given a flu vaccine at work. The claimant had requested a vaccine, which was voluntary. The ALJ found that the transverse myelitis arose out of and in the course of her employment. The Commission further found that the reaction was an unexpected traumatic event, identifiable by time and place of occurrence. Therefore, the reaction was in fact an accident. It was found that there was a greater likelihood in contracting infection while working in a healthcare facility and therefore, the complications resulting from a flu vaccine were a hazard or risk related to the claimant's employment. Therefore, the risk of developing transverse myelitis came from a hazard related to the employment.

When Parties Stipulate to a Fact at Hearing ALJ Cannot Make Ruling

In Sheila McCoun v. OPAA Food Management, Inc., Injury No. 09-108756, the claimant had two claims, both specific accidents involving the low back, one with an injury date of December 17, 2007 and the second with an injury date of October 27, 2009. The employer admitted that both were compensable. The ALJ found that the claimant's accident on October 27, 2009 was simply an aggravation of a pre-existing injury and not the prevailing factor, and therefore, denied that claim. The claimant argued that the parties only asked the ALJ to determine which of the claims caused the claimant's need for the specific medical treatment and TTD benefits that she sought through a hardship hearing. The Commission found that the ALJ went beyond his power because the parties stipulated that the claimant sustained an injury by accident arising out of and in the course and scope of employment on October 27, 2009. Furthermore, the parties did not ask the ALJ to resolve the issue of whether that injury was compensable. Therefore, it was improper for the ALJ to make findings and conclusions purporting to resolve such issue.

Employer's Idiopathic Argument Found to be Speculation

In Lolita Maderazo v. Dillard's Inc., Injury No. 10-076660, the claimant was a housekeeper/dock associate, with very poor English, who had thrown trash into a dumpster in the dock area and was heading back into the store through swinging doors, at which time she fell. At the Hearing, the claimant testified that her foot caught on the swinging doors after a co-worker walked through them. The claimant's co-worker testified that the claimant reported that she fell down but did not know how she did so. The store manager also testified that the claimant told her the same thing. The claimant agreed that she only told the emergency room physician that she fell down. The claimant had a history of arthritis in her knees, and the employer argued that this fall was idiopathic. The ALJ noted that the employer's argument, that the claimant's fall was idiopathic, was based on speculation. The ALJ opined that in light of the claimant's poor English skills, it was understandable that she did not provide a lot of details regarding how she fell. Therefore, the ALJ found that the claimant's fall was caused by the swinging door striking her foot. Also, the claimant had just emptied trash which was part of her job duties, and to enter and exit the dock area she had to go through the swinging doors. Therefore, the fall arose during the course of her employment. The Commission affirmed the Award.

Claimant's Doctor's Opinion Not Credible and Claim Denied by Commission

In David Johnson v. Land Air Express, Inc. and Franklin Trucking Company, Injury No. 08-107387, the claimant was moving a pallet by hand on December 1, 2008, and sustained an injury to his lower back, however, the claimant denied treatment, but then underwent surgery on his own. Prior the work accident, the claimant had a significant history of lower back injuries, including an L4-5 spinal fusion. The ALJ found that the claimant's work injury was the prevailing factor in causing the claimant's need for medical treatment, relying on the opinion of the claimant's treating physician, Dr. Montone. The Commission disagreed with the ALJ's decision, noting that Dr. Montone's opinions were not credible. The Commission gave numerous reasons for finding that the doctor's opinions were not credible. First, the doctor found that the claimant's work injury, along with his repetitive job duties, were the prevailing factors causing his condition, when in fact the claimant only reported a specific accident, not a repetitive motion claim. Second, the doctor did not know about the claimant's work activities or his work injury until after his surgery. The doctor also testified that he based his opinion on the history the claimant provided, and the Commission noted that it appeared that Dr. Montone ignored objective medical evidence. Therefore, the Commission found that the doctor's opinion was not credible and denied the claimant's claim for medical treatment.

Aggravation of Pre-existing Condition Found Not Compensable

In Christopher Sliger v. Peoplelink, Injury No. 10-070253, the claimant had worked at the employer for only two weeks. On his date of injury, he had been at his normal work station for 45 minutes and was injured when he was moving a 10 pound part in each hand, below shoulder level to a table one and a half feet away. The claimant sustained an injury to his right shoulder and underwent an MRI which showed a recurrent full-thickness rotator cuff tear. It was noted the claimant had a prior full rotator cuff tear in 2008 after a motorcycle accident, which he had repaired surgically. After he was released from care after his motorcycle injury he had some intermittent pain but returned to work with no restrictions. The claimant treated with the employer's doctor, Dr. Rogers, who initially opined that the claimant's accident was the prevailing factor in causing his new rotator cuff tear, however, this was after the claimant provided an inaccurate history of his job duties on the day of his injury. After the employer provided correct information, the doctor then opined that the claimant's condition could not be the prevailing factor in causing an acute massive, two tendon rotator cuff tear. The claimant did not provide his own expert testimony but relied on Dr. Rogers' first opinion.

The ALJ found that the weight of the part and how he moved it to the table, did not present any unusual strain, exertion, body contortion or force. Furthermore, the weight of the parts was consistent with objects encountered in the claimant's everyday life. The ALJ noted that after Dr. Rogers was given accurate information he opined the injury could not be the prevailing factor in causing the rotator cuff tear. Therefore, the claimant failed to prove his burden with respect to medical causation. The ALJ further noted that the injury allegedly sustained was of a complex nature requiring the analysis and assessment of an orthopedic surgeon and expert assessment was particularly needed here when there was evidence of similar rotator cuff pathology just two years prior. Furthermore, the ALJ found that the claimant was not a credible witness having filed a false workers' compensation claim in the past, and he deviated from his prior deposition testimony in several regards.

The Commission affirmed noting that the ALJ did not find that an accident occurred. The Commission found that even assuming an accident occurred, this was a case of medical causation and the claimant relied solely on Dr. Rogers' first opinion. However, the Commission found Dr. Rogers' second opinion more credible. Therefore, the claimant failed to meet his burden proving medical causation.

Hearing Loss Found Not Compensable

In Bert Kersey v. Autry Morlan, Inc., Injury No. 07-061758, the claimant was assigned to investigate the cause of an engine noise in a customer's car. On July 11, 2007, he applied a stethoscope to the alternator and something popped causing a very loud noise, at which time the claimant noted he was deafened and immediately reported his injury to the employer. The claimant was prescribed hearing aids and continued to follow-up with doctors until 2010, which was paid for by the employer/insurer. The ALJ found that the claimant failed to meet his burden of proof that his work accident was the prevailing factor in causing his tinnitus. The ALJ noted that Dr. Mikulec, the employer's expert, noted that the claimant's tinnitus may be of industrial cause. She also noted that Dr. Guidos, the claimant's expert, provided a rating of 15% PPD for constant and persistent tinnitus. However, he did not note that the claimant's accident was the prevailing factor in causing his tinnitus. Therefore, the claimant failed to meet his burden on causation. The Commission affirmed the opinion of the ALJ.

Mark Tombaugh v. the Treasurer of the State of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Case No. WD73171 (Mo. App. W.D. 2011)

FACTS:  The claimant was involved in two separate incidents in which he sustained an injury to his neck while on the job.  While treating for his neck, he found out that he had a heart condition which had not been previously diagnosed, but it existed prior to the claimant’s work injury.  He also had other pre-existing injuries, including disabling orthopedic conditions to multiple body parts.

The claimant filed a Second Injury Fund claim, alleging that he was permanently and totally disabled.  The claimant’s expert, Dr. Koprivica provided a report noting that the claimant had 35% PPD to the body as a whole as a result of the work injury and 25% PPD to the body as a whole due to the claimant’s pre-existing heart condition, along with other partial disabilities with reference to the other body parts.  He was of the opinion that among the claimant’s pre-existing conditions, his condition to his heart was of the greatest significance and found the claimant was permanently and totally disabled.  Dr. Koprivica also was later deposed and testified that the claimant was totally disabled, even taking the heart condition out of the equation. 

The Division found that claimant’s heart condition did not trigger the liability of the Fund because it was not a measurable, pre-existing disability of such seriousness as to constitute a hindrance or obstacle to his employment prior to the work-related accident and, therefore, found the Fund had no liability with respect to the heart condition.  The Division did find the Fund liable for PPD based on his pre-existing orthopedic conditions but did not address the doctor’s final conclusion that claimant’s pre-existing condition in combination with the work-related injuries rendered him totally and permanently disabled, even when the heart condition was excluded from the equation.  The Commission affirmed the Division’s decision.  

HOLDING: The claimant argued that the Commission erred in denying him permanent and total disability in that its conclusion that Dr. Koprivica’s assessment of the claimant’s permanent total disability included the cardiac condition was not based on substantial and competent evidence because the doctor testified that even excluding the cardiac condition the claimant was totally disabled. 

The Court found that it was possible the Commission found that the doctor’s report and his initial testimony were credible but that his final statement was not, however, from a review of the record, it appeared likely that the Commission failed to consider the doctor’s final statement as opposed to rejecting it as not credible.  Therefore, the Court did not find there was enough information to properly affirm or overturn the denial PTD benefits, and therefore instructed the Commission to clarify whether it made a credibility determination with regard to Dr. Koprivica’s statement that the claimant was totally and permanently disabled even excluding the heart condition. 

Credibility of Doctors’ Opinions

Kathleen Elmore v. Missouri State Treasurer as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Case No. SD30906 (Mo. App. S.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant, a registered nurse, worked in a hospital for over 20 years.  In 1999, she underwent back surgery but continued to have back problems and in 2000, the claimant was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  In August 2003, she began experiencing problems with her right hand and underwent 3 hand surgeries from February 2004 to March 2005.  The claimant testified that her back pain and fibromyalgia worsened after developing problems with her hand.  The claimant settled her workers’ compensation claim for disability to her hand at 33 1/8%. 

The claimant was examined by Dr. Paff at her attorney’s request, and he believed the claimant had 10% greater overall disability when her occupational injury was considered in combination with her back and fibromyalgia disabilities.  The claimant’s vocational expert, Phillip A. Eldred, believed that the claimant was not employable in the open labor market and was permanently and totally disabled.

The Fund’s vocational expert, James England, opined that the claimant was still employable as she was highly marketable if one considered her overall work background, experience, training.

An ALJ determined that the claimant’s combined disability was 10% greater to her body as a whole as a result of her occupational injury along with her pre-existing disabilities and ordered the Fund to pay the claimant $13,882.00 as PPD benefits.  The Commission affirmed this decision and the claimant appealed asserting that the Commission erred in rejecting her claim that she was permanently and totally disabled because the claimant’s expert was more credible as a matter of law then witnesses relied on by the Commission.

HOLDING: The Commission found that the opinions of Mr. England were more persuasive in that Mr. England applied the restrictions of Dr. Paff which were in evidence, as opposed to Mr. Eldred who based his opinion in part upon the restrictions of Dr. Shoemaker’s report which was not in evidence and was completed before the claimant’s last surgery. 

The claimant then argued that the medical information Dr. Eldred relied on was actually in evidence since it was set out in his report which was in introduced into evidence without objection, and, therefore, argued that the Commission cannot, as a matter of law, find Mr. Eldred less credible than Mr. England on the grounds that Mr. Eldred had relied on information that was not in evidence.  The Court then noted that the Commission made no statement that Mr. Eldred’s testimony and report was not considered. Instead the Commission summarized Mr. Eldred’s evaluation and the doctors he relied upon when reaching this opinion. Therefore the Court found that the Commission did not err as a matter of law in finding the testimony from Mr. England and Dr. Paff more persuasive than that of Mr. Eldred.   

Safety Violation of an Employer – The Scaffolding Act §292.090

Terry Hornbeck v. Spectra Painting, Inc. and Treasurer of the State of Missouri, Second Injury Fund, Case No.  ED 95680 (Mo. App. E.D. 2011)

FACTS:  The claimant was a painter and drywall taper who unsuccessfully tried to reach the roof by scaling a ladder that had been placed on top of a small scaffold, at which time the ladder and scaffolding collapsed, and he fell approximately ten feet to the concrete below.  He was then taken to the hospital complaining of pain in his feet, legs, back and left shoulder.  The claimant visited with three different physicians provided by the employer, Drs. Paletta, Aubuchon and Chabot, however they were unable to diagnose the physical cause that correlated with the pain expressed by the claimant, and therefore he was released from care in April 2007.  However in October 2007, because of his continued complaints, he began treating with other doctors through his own insurance.

In January 2008, the claimant filed a Motion for Hardship Hearing, and the Administrative Law Judge found the claimant had reached MMI, was not entitled to future medical treatment, unpaid medical expenses or TTD benefits, that the employer did not violate the Scaffolding Act and thus was not liable for a 15% penalty and finally his injuries sustained on November 9, 2006 resulted in a PPD of 20% of the left biceps, 5% for each foot, and 2.5% of the total body as a whole for the lower back and application of a 5% multiplicity factor was warranted.

On cross-appeal the employer argued that the Commission erred in awarding claimant a 15% enhancement to his award after finding a violation of the Scaffolding Act.  In order to show entitlement to a 15% enhancement of benefits, the claimant is required to establish (1) the existence of the statute applicable to the facts surrounding the work injury, (2) violation of that statute by the employer and (3) a causal connection between the violation and compensable injury. 

HOLDING:  The Commission affirmed the ALJ’s decision except for the ALJ’s finding of a Scaffolding Act violation and ordering a 15% enhancement of claimant’s award.  The Commission found and the Court agreed that the Scaffolding Act is clearly applicable to the facts surrounding claimant’s injury.  The Court looked to Propulonris v. Goebel Construction Company where that Court held that in the absence of an exculpatory showing on the part of the employer, the fall of a scaffold is prima facie evidence of negligence on the part of the employer and a violation of the statute.  The Court noted that the employer presented no such exculpatory evidence and therefore the Commission was correct in finding  a violation of the Scaffolding Act. 

The Court also determined that the 15% penalty should be assessed to all “compensation.”  The Court found that TTD benefits, medical benefits, and PPD benefits all are compensation, however, the Court did note that the penalty does not apply to amounts ordered from the Fund.

A Safety Violation – Employer Does Not Always Have to Prove Prior Discipline

Eddie Thompson v. ICI American Holding f/k/a National Starch & Chemical, Case No. WD72374 (Mo. App. W.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant sustained injury to three fingers on his right hand when he and another employee attempted to replace three broken drive belts on a “blending blower.”  The claimant and his co-worker cut the electrical power to the blower prior to beginning work on the belts, but they failed to eliminate the reverse air flow to the blower.  As a result, the sheave continued to rotate and  instead of shutting off the air valve, claimant and his co-worker inserted a broom into the machine to stop the sheave from rotating, the broom handle broke shortly thereafter at which time claimant sustained his injuries.

Employer argued that the claimant caused his own injury by failing to follow the lockout rules which required that workers completely de-energize and isolate a piece of equipment from energy sources before any maintenance or repair work is conducted on the equipment. 

 The ALJ awarded the claimant $72,834.39 for TTD, PPD, and medical costs but assessed a 37.5% reduction to the award based on the finding that his injury was caused by his failure to follow the lock-out rules. Claimant appealed arguing there was no evidence that employer enforced the lock-out rules against violators of those rules prior to his accident, and by its very nature, prior safety rule instruction does not constitute prior safety rule enforcement. 

HOLDING: The Court found the statute does not require evidence that an employer enforced its safety rules by imposing discipline upon employees who violated the rules, instead the statute requires the employer make reasonable efforts to cause its employees to obey or follow the rules.  Here, the employees were actively and repeatedly trained on these rules, they were given written tests on the rules and they were warned of discipline up to, and including, termination if they failed to comply.

The Court found that the training materials, as well as the testimony of the witnesses proved that the employer made a reasonable effort to cause its employees to obey and follow the rules. Furthermore the Commission is not required to conclude that the employer failed to make reasonable efforts to cause its employees to obey or follow safety regulations simply because the record lacks evidence of previous discipline for safety violations. The decision of the Commission therefore was affirmed.

The Exclusivity Provision and Occupational Disease Claims

State ex rel. KCP&L of Greater Missouri Operations Company v. The Honorable Jacqueline Cook, Circuit Court Judge, 17th Judicial Circuit Court, Case No. W. D. 73462 (Mo. App. W.D. 2011)

FACTS: Claimant worked for employer for thirty-four years and alleged that he was exposed to asbestos during the course of his employment for the employer and this exposure directly and proximately caused his methoselioma.  He asserted claims against the employer for premises liability and negligence. The employer asserted as an affirmative defense that claimant’s claims were barred because of his exclusive remedy, if any, under Missouri Workers’ Compensation and filed a motion for summary judgment.  The claimant then argued that pursuant to the 2005 amendments to the Act only claims arising out of an “accident” as defined in §287.020.2 are subject to the Act’s exclusivity provision and his claims do not involve an accidental injury.  The Trial court denied employer’s motion for summary judgment.

HOLDING: The Court found that Workers’ Compensation Law distinguishes between two general categories of compensable injuries (1) injuries by accident and (2) injuries by occupational disease. The plain language of the exclusivity provisions of §§287.120.1 and .2 limits those sections to apply to injuries or death caused “by accident.” The Court stated that the current version of the Act specifies that the reviewing courts shall construe the provisions of the chapter strictly and under strict construction the Court cannot add injuries by occupational disease to §§287.120.1 and .2 when the provisions unambiguously refer only to injuries caused “by accident.”

Therefore the Court found that the trial court did not err in denying the motion for summary judgment because the exclusive remedy provisions do not apply to his claims as they only apply to an injury “by accident” and claimant’s injury does not arise from an “accident.”


Scott Beine v. County of St. Charles and the Second Injury Fund, No. ED96581 (Mo. App. E.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant worked for the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department as a school resource officer. He was an active member of the St. Charles County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, a voluntary non-profit association of sheriff’s deputies whose primary purpose was to raise money for charity. The association sponsored a charity golf tournament. The claimant helped set up and then golfed in the tournament. While playing, another golfer hit a ball, striking the claimant in the forehead. The ALJ denied the claimant benefits on the ground that the claimant’s injury did not arise out of and in the course of his employment. The Commission affirmed.

HOLDING: The Court noted the uncontested facts showed that golfing was not one of the claimant’s assigned duties. Also, the employer required the claimant to use vacation days to participate in the golf tournament. The employer did not plan or promote the golf tournament, did not receive or control the proceeds of the tournament, had no right to control or direct claimant’s actions at the golf tournament, and the employer and association were entirely separate and independent entities. Therefore, the Court concluded that there was sufficient competent evidence on the record to support the finding that the claimant’s injuries resulted from a hazard or risk unrelated to the claimant’s employment to which he would have been equally exposed on any golf course in his normal non-employment life. Therefore, the Commission’s decision was affirmed.

Injury Sustained Washing Patrol Car Windows Found Compensable

Danny Whiteley v. City of Poplar Bluff, No. SD31287 (Mo. App. S.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant became the Chief of Police of Poplar Bluff Police Department in 2000.  Prior to that, he was a professional bull rider. On October 29, 2006, the claimant was cleaning the windshield of his patrol car when he felt a tearing sensation in his neck. The claimant testified that keeping patrol cars clean was an integral part of the job, which was noted in the motor equipment policy. Officers had a vehicle equipment check safety checklist which required them to clean their patrol cars. The city also had a designated area for the officers to do so.

The claimant was seen by Dr. Tinsley who diagnosed the claimant with an acute cervical strain and suspected pre-existing cervical degenerative joint disease (DJD). In light of the pre-existing DJD the claimant was denied any further treatment.

The claimant also had a prior work related car accident on July 15, 2002. The settlement noted he received 6% PPD referable to his back, neck and shoulders, however, the medical records show that the claimant received no treatment for his neck. Dr. Cohen only noted that he had moderately severe thoracic myofascial pain disorder as a result of the motor vehicle accident.

For the October 29, 2006 injury, Dr. Musich found no history of any pre-existing problems with the claimant’s neck or cervical spine. Dr. Cantrell performed an IME on behalf of the employer and found that the 2006 accident was not the prevailing factor in causing the claimant’s medical condition. The ALJ found Dr. Cantrell’s opinion more credible then Dr. Musich’s, in that the claimant’s cervical injuries sustained on October 29, 2006 were not related to the work accident and the work accident was not the prevailing factor in causing the claimant’s medical condition. The Commission reversed the ALJ.

HOLDING: With regard to the arising out of issue, the employer contended that the claimant was not engaged in a work activity integral to his employment and was equally likely to experience a similar neck injury while performing similar movements outside his employment. The Court disagreed and found that the claimant offered extensive evidence to establish that keeping the windshield of his patrol car clean was an integral part of his job. Thus, there was a clear nexus between being a police officer and keeping patrol cars clean. The Court further noted that because the work nexus is clear, they do not need to consider whether the worker would have been equally exposed to the risk in normal employment life. 

With regard to the claimant’s prior injury, the City argued that the Commission improperly disregarded uncontroverted evidence of the claimant’s prior whiplash injury. The Court noted that a whiplash type injury does usually denote injury to the neck, however, the medical records made it clear that he sustained only an injury to his thoracic spine. The Court also found that there was no evidence on the record noting that the claimant had pre-existing symptomatic cervical degenerative disease. Therefore, the Court found that the claimant’s work activity was the prevailing factor in causing his symptoms and need for treatment.

Making Coffee Found Not in Course and Scope of Employment

Sandy Johme v. St. John’s Mercy Health Care, No. ED96497 (Mo. App. E.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant worked as a billing representative for St. John’s and on June 23, 2008, she went to the kitchen area of her office, began making coffee when she turned and slipped off the side of her sandal injuring her right hip. The floor did not have any irregularities or hazards. The ALJ determined that the claimant was not performing her job duties at the time of her fall, and she would have been exposed to the same hazard or risk during her normal non-employment life. The Commission disagreed and awarded the claimant TTD, past medical expenses and PPD. 

HOLDING: The employer argued that the claimant’s accident did not arise out of and in the course and scope of her employment. The Court noted that in 2005, the Legislature amended several provisions of the workers’ compensation law, narrowing the definitions of “injury”, “accident” and “arising out of and in the course of.” The Court further noted that whether the injury arose out of the employment depends on if it came from a hazard or risk unrelated to the employment which workers would have been equally exposed to outside of and unrelated to the employment in the non-employment life. The Court found that the only risk involved here was making coffee, or performing a normal kitchen-related activity.  The claimant did testify that the office culture dictated that the last person to pour a cup of coffee should make a new pot, however that was not sufficient to establish that making coffee was a function of her employment as a billing representative.  The Court found that the claimant wore sandals to work on her own accord, and there was no allegation that the kitchen floor had any spills or other hazards. The Court noted that prior to the 2005 amendments, the claimant’s argument would have been more persuasive but the Legislature has raised the bar, and the facts of this matter do not meet the threshold for an Award of workers’ compensation. 

Additionally, the Commission asserted that courts traditionally recognize that some activities were inevitable and essential to a worker’s personal comfort and convenience and that an injury which arose during performance of one of these activities was nevertheless compensable. The Court disagreed noting that the personal comfort doctrine language is absent from the statute and reading it into the statute violates the Legislature’s explicit instructions for strictly construing provisions of the Act since 2005.  Therefore, the Commission acted beyond its powers in applying the doctrine. 
The Court denied benefits since the injury did not arise out of and was not in the course of employment. The Court did note that because of the general interests of this question, this matter was transferred to the Supreme Court.  At this point, we are currently awaiting the decision.

Claimant PTD Due to Hepatitis C Alone

David Pursley v. Christian Hospital Northeast/Northwest and the Second Injury Fund, No. ED96496 (Mo. App. E.D. 2011)

FACTS: In July 1998 the claimant was working for the employer when he contracted hepatitis C.  Due to his symptoms associated with hepatitis C the claimant stopped working. He filed a Claim against the Fund for PTD due to a combination of the effect of his primary injury, hepatitis C, and pre-existing injuries including depression, asthma and hypertension. The employer settled their claim and the ALJ held a hearing against the Fund.  The claimant testified that about two months after he started treating for hepatitis C, he began to suffer depression, fatigue, and insomnia. He also testified that he stopped working in November 1998 because “it was the symptoms from the hepatitis caught up to [him].” The claimant’s expert Mr. Lalk even testified on cross that the claimant was attributing his inability to work to the hepatitis C.

The ALJ found the claimant was PTD as a result of the hepatitis C and, therefore, the Fund had no liability for this disability. The Commission considered the effects of the claimant’s last injury, namely the hepatitis C, and found that it alone resulted in the claimant’s PTD, basing its conclusion in large part on the claimant’s own credible description of his continued problems and complaints that he related to the 1998 hepatitis C occupational exposure. 

HOLDING: The Court found that there was competent and substantial evidence upon which the Commission could rely in concluding the claimant was PTD as a result of hepatitis C.  The Court also noted that even if the claimant were able to prove that the Commission erred in finding that his PTD resulted from the primary injury alone, the claimant could not establish Fund liability because he has to demonstrate that his pre-existing disability represented an obstacle or hindrance to his ability to work. Here the claimant acknowledged that prior to contracting hepatitis C, his clinical depression was not an obstacle or hindrance to his ability to work. This is an old law case.

Commission Must Decide if Injury is “Accident” Before Claimant Can Proceed with Civil Claim

Kevin Cooper v. Chrysler Group, LLC, No. ED96549 (Mo. App. E.D. 2011)

FACTS: The claimant filed a Claim for injuries to his back he sustained when he slipped and fell.  The defendant filed an Answer in which it admitted the employee/employer relationship, that the parties were subject to Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law, and the claimant sustained a workplace accident. While the claimant’s Claim was still open he filed a civil lawsuit against the defendant. The defendant filed a motion for summary judgment on the ground that the claimant’s exclusive remedy was with the Division of Workers’ Compensation.  The claimant argued that the employer’s refusal to admit that a certain surgery was caused by the March 2007 accident is grounds to allow him to maintain two causes of action against the employer. The trial court granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment.

HOLDING: The Appellate Court held that the entry of summary judgment is premature until the Commission decides the question of accidental injury. The Court noted that under the primary jurisdiction doctrine, the Circuit Court does not have the authority to determine the question of whether there was an accidental injury within the definition of the Workers’ Compensation Law, as this is a question of fact involving Administrative expertise. If the Commission determines there was an accidental injury, then the exclusivity provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Law would require termination of the civil lawsuit. However, if the Commission determines that there was no accidental injury, the plaintiff would be able to proceed with the civil lawsuit. Therefore, the appropriate remedy in the Circuit Court at this stage of the proceedings is a stay of the proceedings, while the Commission determines whether there has been an accidental injury. At this point the employer has asked the Court to reconsider its decision.

SIF Not Responsible for Progression of Pre-existing Disabilities or New Conditions After and Unrelated to Primary Injury

Selma Lewis v. Kansas University Medical Center and the Second Injury Fund, Case No. WD73817 (Mo. App. W.D. 2011) 

FACTS: The claimant was a health care technician and on October 6, 2001, she was assisting a co-worker move a patient when she felt a pop in her back. She continued to work with restrictions until February 6, 2003. She also had pre-existing diabetes and coronary artery disease. Ms. Titterington, a vocational rehabilitation counselor, testified that the claimant was permanently and totally disabled and was not employable in the open labor market.

The ALJ noted that the medical records, along with the claimant’s testimony, established that the claimant’s physical condition deteriorated after October 6, 2001. The ALJ further noted the claimant was subsequently hospitalized in 2004 due to diabetic complications and in 2005 due to pericarditis. She also had a neck condition that appeared to have deteriorated since 2002. Therefore, the ALJ said that the claimant’s unemployability appeared to be from the subsequent deterioration of her conditions unrelated to the work accident and her pre-existing conditions at the time of the work accident. Therefore, the ALJ denied the claimant’s claim for PTD benefits against the Second Injury Fund. The ALJ also found that the claimant demonstrated that she could work in sedentary positions by performing data entry, answering phones, and monitoring suicidal patients for almost a year and a half after the work accident which demonstrated her ability to work in the open labor market. The Commission affirmed.

HOLDING: The Court noted that the SIF is not responsible for progression of pre-existing conditions or new conditions that develop after and are unrelated to the work injury.  The Court concluded that the claimant’s unemployability was due to the deterioration of her pre-existing conditions since October 6, 2001. Therefore, the Commission’s decision denying the claimant’s claim against the SIF for PTD benefits was supported by substantial and competent evidence. The Court noted that the Commission did not arbitrarily cast aside or disregard Ms. Titterington’s testimony that the claimant was unemployable in the open market, but instead based its decision upon competent and substantial evidence which indicated she was employable on the open market after the work accident.  Therefore, the Commission’s decision denying SIF liability for PTD benefits was affirmed. This is an old law case.         

Commission Trends

Old Law (Pre August 28, 2005)

Over the past six months the Commission has ruled on forty-four (44) old law cases.  They have reversed, modified or supplemented nineteen (19) of those cases.

Obesity is Pre-existing Disability

In Carolyn Jones v. Missouri Western State College, Injury No. 04-028875, the claimant tripped and fell at work and sustained injury to both arms, her left knee and right shoulder.  She also had pre-existing disability in her cervical spine which she aggravated. Dr. Koprivica testified for the claimant and was of the opinion that she had 12.5% pre-existing disability due to obesity which constituted a hindrance to employment and that she was PTD due to obesity and the effects of her primary injury. Ms. Titterington, a vocational expert, agreed with Dr. Koprivica. The employer nor the Second Injury Fund offered testimony from any expert to contradict these findings.

The Commission found that the ALJ substituted his own opinion which was inappropriate in that he found that the claimant’s obesity could not be considered because it was self-inflicted. The Commission found no basis in the law or facts of this case for the ALJ’s finding on this issue. It is well established that obesity can be a permanent disability and the uncontested expert opinions noted that obesity was a permanent disability in this case.  Therefore, the ALJ cannot ignore this when resolving the issue of PTD.

SIF Liable for Medical Expenses if Employer is Uninsured

In Ben Jones v. Sagamore Insurance Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 04-050098, the claimant expressed concern that the ALJ’s award needed clarification as to what party was responsible for his medical expenses. The Commission found that pursuant to Statute, the employer was responsible for both the claimant’s past and future medical expenses but because the employer was uninsured, funds must be withdrawn from the SIF to cover those expenses. Therefore, the Commission ordered the SIF to cover the fair, reasonable, and necessary expenses to cure and relieve the effects of the injury.

Statute of Limitations for SIF Claims

In Edward Stuckey v. Underground Services Company, LLC and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 01-168185, the claimant timely filed his Claim for Compensation in March 2003 against the employer for an injury he sustained in August 2001. To pursue a claim against the SIF, the claimant had to file his claim within two years of his accident or within one year of filing his claim against the employer. In September 2004 he amended his claim to include the SIF. His amended claim was not filed within the two years after his August 2001 date of injury or within one year after March 2003.  Therefore, the claimant did not file a timely claim, and his claim was barred by the statute of limitations against the SIF.

Doctor Found Credible Even Though Noted Wrong Date of Injury

In Barbara Simpson v. Missouri Athletic Club and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 04-114381, the SIF challenged the claimant’s proof on the issue of medical causation because Dr. Volarich in his report noted that the work accident occurred on February 7, 2004, however the proper date of injury was February 4, 2004. Dr. Volarich did later amend his report to show the proper date of injury. The Commission did not find that this trivial inconsistency undermined Dr. Volarich’s medical causation opinion. Therefore, the ALJ’s finding that the claimant’s work was a substantial contributing factor in causing the claimant’s prior low back injury was affirmed. 

The Powers of the Commission 

In Kevin Niemann v. Ford Motor Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 95-172815, the Commission wrote a supplemental opinion to list the following four rules it follows:

The Powers of the Commission 

In Kevin Niemann v. Ford Motor Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 95-172815, the Commission wrote a supplemental opinion to list the following four rules it follows:

  1. The question of medical causation is one for medical testimony, without which a finding for claimant would be based upon mere conjecture and speculation and not on substantial evidence.
  2. The Commission may not substitute its personal opinion on the question of medical causation for the uncontradicted testimony of a qualified medical expert.
  3. The determination of the specific amount of percentage of disability is a finding of fact within the Commission’s special province. 
  4. There exists an exception to Rule 3 where there is more than one injury, condition, or disease which has caused disability to the same member of the body. In that event, expert medical testimony is necessary to guide the apportionment of the percentage of the overall disability between the causative injuries, conditions and diseases.ot on substantial evidence.

The Commission also noted that many ALJs and attorneys read prior case law to hold that the Commission is bound by the uncontradicted opinion of medical experts as to the nature and extent of disability and the Commission disagrees. 

Date of Injury for Occupational Disease is Date of Disability

In Louetta Elwell v. Stahl Specialty Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 04-148856, the appropriate date of injury regarding the claimant’s occupational disease is the determinative issue in this matter as it controls whether the Commission would apply the 2005 amendments to the facts of this case and by extension whether the claimant could recover any benefits for a pulmonary condition. The ALJ found the appropriate date of injury was when the claimant first missed work and thus experienced disability as a result of her pulmonary condition.

The employer argued the date of injury was the date the statute of limitations began to run or whenever it became reasonably discoverable and apparent to the claimant that she had suffered a work injury. The employer suggested this occurred on the date of the treatment record from Dr. Bower indicating the doctor’s suspicion that there was a connection between the claimant’s work environment and her pulmonary disease.  The Commission noted a review of relevant case law reveals that the courts have consistently linked the date of injury in occupational disease cases to the date the disease first becomes compensable which typically has been interpreted to mean the date a claimant first experiences some disability from the disease. Therefore, the Commission agreed with the ALJ’s finding that the appropriate date of injury was when she first missed work.

Claimant’s Failed Attempt to Return to Work is Evidence of PTD

In Linda Beard v. Hy-Vee Foods and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 05-064453, the claimant sustained an injury to her right shoulder, right wrist, right knee, right ankle, and right hip on July 5, 2005 when she slipped and fell. She returned back to work and on December 13, 2005, she was assisting another employee in lifting something onto a table when she felt intense pain in her right shoulder. She underwent conservative treatment for her right shoulder.  She did not return to work after this incident. The claimant had pre-existing disability of the cervical spine and psychiatric disorder disabilities. The Commission found that the claimant was permanently and totally disabled based on the opinions of Dr. Volarich, Dr. Stillings and Mr. Eldred. 

The SIF argued that the claimant was not permanently and totally disabled because she returned to work after her work injury and the ALJ failed to consider the impact of a subsequent work injury. The Commission noted that the claimant’s failed attempt to continue working does not convince them that the claimant was able to compete for employment in the open labor market, particularly where the return to work failed due to her physical inability to perform her duties. With regard to the subsequent lifting incident, the Commission noted that Dr. Volarich and Dr. Haupt both testified that the lifting incident was just an irritation or aggravation of the shoulder injury caused by the July 2005 work fall, and therefore it concluded that the December 2005 incident did not cause a new shoulder injury. Ultimately, the Commission found that the SIF was liable for PTD benefits because the claimant’s work injuries and preexisting disabilities rendered her unable to compete in the open labor market.

New Law

Over the past six months the Commission has ruled on fifty-seven (57) new law cases.  They have reversed, modified or supplemented nineteen (22) of those cases.

Injury Sustained After Falling on Icy Parking Lot Owned by Employer on Way Into Work Found Compensable

In Lantie Wilson v. Buchanan County, Injury No. 08-113449, the claimant, a correctional officer, was walking through the icy parking lot owned by the employer on his way into work when he fell.  At the time he fell he was not actually walking into the Sheriff’s office but instead he went around to the back of his car to check for damage to a co-worker’s vehicle parked nearby. The Commission found that the claimant was on duty by virtue of his arrival at the employer’s premises, was traversing in the icy parking lot controlled by the employer, and was engaged in an activity related to his work when he fell. 

The Commission explained that an employee does not necessarily have to be clocked in to sustain an injury arising out of and in the course and scope of employment. Further the risk that resulted in the claimant’s injuries was walking through the parking lot covered with ice, and he had to face this by virtue of reporting to work for his shift. Furthermore, the Commission found the claimant went to check on his co-worker’s car in order to gather information because he had good reason to believe that this would have important implications to his work. Therefore, the Commission was convinced that the hazard or risk of traversing in the icy parking lot was related to his employment and he was engaged in a work-related task when he sustained the injuries. Accordingly, the Commission affirmed the ALJ’s conclusion that the claimant sustained an injury arising out of and in the course of his employment and was therefore compensable. 

Finally, the Commission agreed with the ALJ that Hager is not applicable to these facts.  The Commission noted that the claimant in Hager had finished his work duties, clocked out, left the employer’s premises and was traversing a parking lot not owned or controlled by his employer on his way to his personal vehicle to go about his own affairs for the evening, when he fell on the ice.

Psychiatric Injury After Reading Racist Chain Letter Found Compensable

In Gary Session v. The Boeing Company, Injury No. 06-109564, the claimant worked for the employer as a machinist. On September 22, 2006, he had a discussion about racism with another employee, who told the claimant that he read something interesting and would bring it in so he could read it. Three days later, the claimant discovered a piece of paper in his toolbox which was a chain letter in defense of white pride. He felt shocked and threatened after reading it and thought someone was out to get him. The co-employee came forward and admitted that he placed the letter on the claimant’s toolbox and the claimant felt better when he learned this was from his co-worker.

Both medical experts, Dr. Stillings and Dr. Bass, agreed the claimant suffered a psychiatric injury as a result of reading the chain letter. The ALJ determined that the opinions of Dr. Stillings and Dr. Bass were not persuasive and the evidence in the case did not demonstrate that the claimant sustained an “injury”.

The Commission found that the circumstances of the claimant picking up and reading the chain letter did constitute an accident because the event was unexpected and traumatic, and it produced objective symptoms of an injury. The Commission was convinced that the claimant’s injuries stemmed from a hazard or risk related to his employment because the claimant’s presence in the same work place as his co-employee subjected him to a risk that his co-employee would place an inappropriate or racially themed letter on his toolbox. The claimant’s injuries came directly from that risk and therefore, the co-worker was the nexus to the claimant’s work.

Horseplay Did Not Take Incident Outside of  “Accident”

In Kimberly Regan (Mercer) v. Quest Diagnostics and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 07-019520, the claimant had pre-existing disability in her neck and had undergone two surgeries prior to this work incident.  The claimant, a medical records processor, got up from her work station and was walking to the restroom when her co-worker came up behind her and grabbed her around the neck, causing her neck to pop.  The co-employee was a friend of the claimant and did not intend to hurt her.  The claimant’s neck condition deteriorated after this event and she underwent a third neck surgery.  Dr. Stuckmeyer was of the opinion that the event was the prevailing reason for her increased symptoms and need for the third neck surgery.

The Commission noted that the event on February 6, 2007 met every aspect of the definition of accident and that even though the accident occurred as a result of the co-worker’s joking around or horseplay, it did not take this event outside of the definition of “accident”. 

The Commission then looked to whether the claimant’s injuries came from hazards unrelated to her employment which she could have been equally exposed to outside of work in her normal life. The Commission first had to determine whether the hazard or risk is related to the employment. Here the claimant’s work involved being on the premises of the employer’s offices and working in proximity to other individuals. Those individuals were as capable of presenting a hazard or risk to the claimant as any other physical condition of the work environment, such as slippery floors or heavy objects. Obviously, being unexpectedly grabbed from behind by the co-employee was not part of the employee’s job duties or work tasks. However, the hazard or risk of such an event happening was a part of being present at the employer’s work place and working alongside the co-employee. The Commission found that the co-employee was the nexus to the claimant’s work, and therefore the hazard or risk was related to the employment and the incident was compensable.

Kneeling Found Compensable

In Travis Lynn v. Boone Electric Cooperative, Injury No. 06-114884, the claimant was injured while kneeling down in a squatting position which was a necessary activity in the performance of servicing underground transformers. The Commission noted that because the claimant was performing an integral part of his job of servicing transformers, there was a clear connection between the injury and his work. Therefore the claimant’s injury came from a risk related to employment and there was no need to consider whether he was equally exposed to the risk of kneeling down in a squatted position in normal non-employment life.

Injury Sustained Tripping Over Cabinet Found Compensable

In Dawn Woods v. Camendenton Windsor Estates, Injury No.: 10-050345, the claimant was employed as a night charge nurse at Camdenton Windsor Estates, and printed off lab reports before the day shift arrived as part of her responsibilities. The claimant fell at work as she was backing away from the printer in the medication room where she had gone to retrieve the lab reports. At the hearing, the claimant testified that she tripped because the back of her foot caught on something, possibly a cabinet. She also testified that she had to back away from the printer because the area was tight. 

The ALJ noted that the issue here was whether the activity of backing away from the printer in a confined area was a hazard or risk unrelated to the employment to which the claimant would have equally been exposed outside of and unrelated to her employment in normal non-employment life. The Judge found this activity was related to her employment, therefore, the injury was compensable. The ALJ also found that the activity of walking backwards in a confined area with lab reports was not a hazard to which she would have equally been exposed to outside of her employment. The Commission affirmed the Award of the ALJ, who concluded that the claimant’s accident was in the course and scope of her employment and therefore compensable. 

Employer Gets to Choose Medical Provider

In Edward Burkman v. Marquand Pallet Stock, Inc., Injury No. 08-058245, the Commission agreed that the claimant established that he was in need of medical treatment to cure and relieve him from the effects of his work-related injury. However it found that the ALJ erred in finding that the employer waived its right to direct the claimant’s medical treatment and also erred by ordering such treatment be provided by a specific doctor. The Commission found that the claimant failed to prove under the Statute that his health and recovery had been endangered by medical treatment provided by the employer. Further, even if the claimant may have met his burden, the only relief provided under the Statute is that the Division or the Commission may order a change in the physician, surgeon, hospital or other provider. The Statute does not authorize appointment of a specific doctor to provide the claimant’s medical treatment. Therefore, the Commission found the ALJ erred in ordering the claimant’s additional medical treatment be provided specifically by Dr. Vaught. 

In Debra Arnold v. Missouri Department of Corrections and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 05-138274, the Commission found that the ALJ erred in directing that the claimant was entitled to the future medical care recommended by Dr. Volarich or future care that was recommended by a treating physician chosen by Dr. Volarich. The Commission noted that Dr. Volarich was retained by the claimant to provide an IME. The doctor was not the claimant’s treating physician and had no intention of being directly involved with her future medical care. Therefore, the Commission modified the ALJ’s award and found that the Award of future medical care should be limited, simply, to what is reasonable and necessary to cure and relieve the effects of the work-related injury.

In Linda Thompson v. Lone Star S & S of S. Missouri, Injury No. 10-026132, the Commission agreed with the ALJ that the claimant met her burden of proving that she was entitled to future medical treatment from the employer, however did not agree with the ALJ’s finding that medical treatment should be with a qualified surgeon other than Dr. Chabot. The ALJ quoted the section of the Statute that allows the Division or Commission to order a change in the physician, surgeon, hospital or other treatment provider. The Commission found that the employer had not furnished medical treatment in such a manner that there were grounds to plead that the claimant’s life, health or recovery had been endangered.  Therefore, the part of the Statute providing that the Division or Commission may order a change in the medical provider was not implicated in this matter. Therefore, the claimant was entitled to, and the employer was obligated to provide, medical treatment which may be reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury.

ALJ Erred Directing Employer to Provide Specific Course of Treatment

In Joseph Duever v. All Outdoors, Inc. and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 07-134607, the Commission agreed that the claimant met his burden of proving the employer was liable for his future medical expenses. However, the Commission noted that the ALJ appeared to have awarded a specific course of treatment “as outlined by Dr. Thomas” and noted this was beyond the ALJ’s power. The Commission stated that where the claimant’s burden of proof is met, the Statute makes clear that the claimant is entitled to treatment which may be reasonably required to cure and relive the effects of the injury. The Commission is not called on to mandate what specific treatment or procedures might be reasonably required.  The Commission also noted the transitory nature of various medical conditions, and therefore it would be impossible to predict what will “reasonably be required” in the future. Therefore, the Commission found it inappropriate to find an award of future medical treatment to include a specific course of treatment or a specific medical provider. 

Final Award can be Contrary to Temporary Award

In Danny Venable v. St. Louis Bridge Construction and St. Paul Marine & Fire Insurance Company, Injury No. 03-067308, the Commission found that an ALJ can issue a Final Award contrary to a prior Temporary or Partial Award if additional significant evidence is introduced at the final hearing to support the contrary Award. The Court found that deposing two doctors a second time and introducing those depositions onto the record at the hearing was additional significant evidence.

Expert’s Opinion Not Credible when Relied on Another Expert’s Opinion Found Not Credible

In Clarence Thomas v. Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City, Missouri, Injury No. 06-069030, the ALJ found that the claimant was not permanently and totally disabled and his primary injury combined with his pre-existing disabilities resulted in a PPD enhancement of 10% above the simple sum of his disabilities. The claimant appealed the finding that he was not permanently and totally disabled.

The Commission noted that Mr. Dreiling, the vocational expert, based his opinion regarding PTD on the claimant’s problems relating to his right knee, back and left upper extremity, however, he admitted during his deposition that he did not find any restrictions regarding his right knee, back or left upper extremity in the medical records. The doctor also noted in his report that he did not perform any type of vocational testing before arriving at his conclusions. Therefore, the Commission did not find Mr. Dreiling’s vocational opinion credible. Also, the Commission noted that Dr. Koprivica provided a supplemental opinion noting that the claimant is permanently and totally disabled but this opinion was based entirely on Mr. Dreiling’s opinion. Therefore, since it did not find Mr. Dreiling’s opinion credible, Dr. Koprivica’s supplemental opinion was also not credible.

Heart Attack Found Compensable

In Eric Lichtinger v. Swiss Meats, Injury No.: 06-134457, the claimant had a significant history of cardiovascular disease.  On October 11, 2006, the claimant was cutting meat with a knife when the knife slipped and stabbed him in the right forearm.  He was hospitalized and underwent a fasciotomy. While still in the hospital, the claimant’s symptoms worsened and he suffered a myocardial infarction; therefore, he underwent an angioplasty. He attempted to return to work after his release, however was unable to perform his job duties.

Dr. Schuman believed that the type of injury and procedure could have put pathological stress on the cardiovascular system, but he ultimately opined that the accident was not the prevailing factor causing the heart attack. When the Commission read Dr. Schuman’s report and deposition testimony together, it noted that the doctor was of the opinion that the accident was not the prevailing factor because he could not say the work accident was the only factor at play. The Commission noted the law does not require the claimant to show the work accident was the only factor in causing the resulting medical condition and disability, but merely the prevailing factor, which is defined as the primary factor in relation to any other factor. The Commission determined that the accident was the prevailing factor in causing the myocardial infarction on October 17, 2006 and the subsequent deterioration of the claimant’s cardiovascular condition and disability.

Claimant Must Present Medical Evidence to Meet Burden of Proof

In Robert Gentry v. Kraft Foods, Inc. and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No.: 07-027372, the claimant injured his right arm in a work-related accident and he went to a hearing seeking PPD from the SIF alleging that the disability from his arm injury combined with his pre-existing vision problems resulted in a greater disability then the simple sum of his disabilities.  The claimant testified that he had always had problems in his left eye and suffered from Amblyopia since a child. However, he offered no expert opinion with regard to his alleged vision problems. The ALJ found that the claimant sustained his burden of proof that his pre-existing eye disease was a substantial condition that met the requirements of the Statute, however, the Commission disagreed. The Commission found that the claimant did not meet his burden because he did not submit any medical evidence to support his claim.

If Employer Has Actual Notice, Claimant Does Not Have to Provide Written Notice

In Dennis Carver v. Delta Innovative Services c/o Midwest Builders’ Casualty Mutual Company and American Home Assurance Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No.: 07-134522, the claimant advised the supervisor/owner of his injury two days after his accident. Nine days later the claimant was on a job site when his back began to hurt and he sought medical treatment. Six days later the claimant was diagnosed with a herniated disc and informed the supervisor/owner. The owner admitted that it was normal for employees to assume routine aches and pains will get better on their own, and therefore, had no reason to believe that the claimant was lying when he said he hurt himself carrying something heavy up a ladder.

The claimant failed to provide written notice to the employer as required under the statute.  Therefore, the question was whether he demonstrated that the employer was not prejudiced by his failure to provide statutory notice.  The Commission noted the most common way for a claimant to establish lack of prejudice is for the claimant to show that the employer had actual knowledge of the accident when it occurred. It is well settled that notice of a potentially compensable injury acquired by a supervisory employee is imputed to the employer. If the claimant produces substantial evidence that the employer had actual knowledge, the claimant thereby makes a prima facie case showing a lack of prejudice and the burden then shifts to the employer. If the claimant does not supply any evidence showing the employer was not prejudiced, there is a presumption the employer was prejudiced by the lack of notice. The Commission found that the employer was not prejudiced by a lack of written notice.

Even if Receive Actual Notice, Employer Not Prohibited From Raising Notice as Defense

In Dennis McBee v. WCA Waste Management Co., Injury No. 09-101617, the Commission agreed with the ALJ that the claimant’s claim was not barred by his failure to provide written notice to the employer. However the ALJ found that because the employer received actual notice of the claimant’s injury, it was prohibited from raising the defense of failure to receive written notice of the claimant’s injury. The Commission noted that nothing in the Statute suggests the employer is prohibited from raising notice as a defense where it receives actual notice.  The Commission found that under appropriate analysis, the employer is not prohibited from raising notice as a defense, but does have the burden of proving that it was prejudiced where it has actual notice of the claimant’s injuries. 

ALJ Has No Authority to Direct Claimant to Reimburse Second Insurer

In Chad Uhrhan v. Drury Company, Midwest Builders’ Casualty Mutual Company, Missouri Employers Mutual and the Second Injury Fund, Injury Nos. 08-123983 and 09-073962 the ALJ found that Midwest Builders’ Casualty Mutual was responsible for the claimant’s past medical expenses and mileage reimbursement. The ALJ went on to find that these proceeds were to be paid to the claimant who, in turn, would need to reimburse the other insurance company, Missouri Employers Mutual (MEM), relative to the amounts paid.  The Commission found that the ALJ ordering the claimant to reimburse MEM was improper under the Statute. The Commission found there was no statutory authority permitting the Commission/Division to issue an order directing the claimant to reimburse an insurer in such a manner.

Illegal Aliens are “employees”

In Maribel Vega-Rivera v. Hyatt Corporation, Injury No. 08-103142 the employer alleged the claimant was an illegal alien and therefore she was not an employee for purposes of the Statute. The Commission found that the claimant was covered under the Statute regardless of her alleged illegal status because the clear, plain, obvious, and natural import of the language of the Statute does not show that the Legislature intended to exclude illegal aliens from the Statute.

After Employee Shows Entitlement to Past Medical Costs, Burden Shifts to Employer

In Louetta K. Elwell v. Stahl Specialty Company and the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 06-130623, at the hearing the claimant produced bills and the related treatment records and identified them as records and bills generated in connection with treatment for her compensable injury. She further provided Dr. Koprivica’s expert opinion as to the reasonableness and necessity of the treatment. Therefore the ALJ found that the claimant met her burden and was entitled to $16,195.80 in past medical expenses. 

Since the claimant met her burden, the Commission found that the burden shifts to the employer to demonstrate (1) the claimant will not be required to pay the billed amounts; (2) the claimant’s obligation to reimburse the healthcare provider had been extinguished; and (3) the claimant’s obligation had not been reduced to a collateral source for purposes of the Statute. 

The employer’s attorney did press the claimant to explain her liability and asked her what certain notations on her medical bills meant. However, the Commission was not persuaded that her testimony constituted evidence sufficient to satisfy the employer’s burden of proving her liability was extinguished because she was not a qualified witness to render such opinions. Since the employer did not produce or identify evidence from a credible source that demonstrated the claimant’s obligation to reimburse the healthcare providers was extinguished, the claimant was entitled to past medical expenses.