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APRIL 2015 - JUNE 2015



Claimant’s Fall on Path Cleared by Employer Compensable

In Savage v. Kaiser Electric, Injury No. 13-016943, the claimant worked as a journeyman electrician.  On the date of the alleged injury, the claimant arrived at the job site and went into the trailer in which he and his co-workers received their assignments.  Also in the trailer at this time was Mr. Gerling, the claimant’s foreman, who advised the claimant and other workers to use a specific pathway that he had cleared. The claimant walked out of the trailer and slipped on the pathway Mr. Gerling had cleared. At a hearing, an ALJ found the claimant’s injury compensable.

On appeal, the employer/insurer argued that the extension of premises doctrine barred recovery.  The Commission disagreed with this argument and stated that since Mr. Gerling cleared snow from the pathway in which the claimant fell, the employer exercised control over that area. Furthermore, the pathway in which the claimant was walking was a customary and acceptable route that employees used to depart from the job site trailer. Therefore, the Commission affirmed the decision of the ALJ.

Claimant’s Fall on Lunch Break in Employer’s Lunch Room Compensable 

In Wright vs. Roto-Rooter Services Co., Injury No. 11-110863, the claimant was injured when the chair he was seated in at work collapsed.  He settled his claim against the employer and proceeded to a hearing against the Fund.  At the hearing, the ALJ found in favor of the claimant.

On appeal, the Fund argued that the claimant’s injury came from a risk to which he was equally exposed to in his normal non-employment life.  The Commission disagreed and stated that the claimant was not exposed to the risk of that particular chair collapsing under him.  Additionally, the Fund argued that the claimant’s injury was not compensable because he was on lunch break when his chair collapsed and was not working.  The Commission again disagreed and stated that the extension of premises doctrine applied because the claimant was in the employer’s lunch room, which was property controlled by the employer.  Therefore, the Commission found that it did not matter that the claimant was not working when he was injured because the injury occurred prior to or subsequent to the performance of his job duties and he was on the premises which was controlled by the employer.

Claimant’s Fall Compensable After Syncopal Episode Due to Sleep Pattern

In Riggins v. My Camp, Injury Nos. 11-019035, 11-102401, the claimant was 13 hours into her second consecutive 17.5 hour work shift when she fell and injured her foot/ankle.  The claimant testified that she remembered reaching for her purse, but nothing else until after the fall.  The St. Francis Medical Center record from her date of injury states that she had a syncopal episode, did not have good memory of the event, and the doctors did not have a good explanation for her syncope.  One of the claimant’s experts, Dr. Schwartz, opined that the claimant’s work schedules contributed to changes in the sleep-awake pattern which lead to a circadian disorder consistent with a type of sleep schedule disorder.  He believed that condition was the prevailing factor in her loss of consciousness. 

The employer/insurer obtained a report from Dr. Eisenstein who believed there was inadequate evidence to diagnose the sleep schedule disorder as that diagnosis would require a schedule of her work shifts over the course of at least one month.  Dr. Eisenstein stated the claimant was likely sleep deprived but there was no evidence that she had a disorder.  At a hearing, an ALJ found that the claimant’s long overnight work shifts were a “risk source” to which she was not equally exposed to in her normal non-employment life.  Therefore, the matter was found compensable. 

On appeal, the employer/insurer argued that the claimant’s injuries should be denied as she failed to identify a specific risk or hazard that caused the accident.  However, the Commission disagreed with this assertion and stated that the claimant did identify a specific risk or hazard that caused her incident, namely, her work schedule and resulting circadian misalignment and sleep deprivation. 

One Commission member dissented and argued that there was no evidence on the record of the claimant’s normal sleep patterns and her off-work time.  Therefore, the claimant did not establish that she slept less due to her work schedule than she would have in her normal non-employment life.

Traveling Nurse’s Fall on Client’s Stairs Compensable

In West v. Pheonix Home Care, Injury No. 14-006600, the claimant was an LPN and her duties required her to travel and provide home health services. She was compensated for her mileage. On her date of injury, she arrived at a home and as she was walking up the steps, she slipped and fell on ice. The employer/insurer argued the claimant’s injury was outside the course and scope of her employment because she had not yet clocked in or arrived for work. At a hearing, an ALJ found the injury compensable. On appeal, the Commission affirmed and noted there is no requirement that the claimant be “on the clock” to be in the course and scope of her employment. The Commission stated traveling was part of the claimant’s duties and she was essentially traveling into the home when she fell.

Claimants Need Not Compare Their Stress to Similarly Situated Employees for Psychiatric Injuries

In Mantia v. MODOT, Injury No. 08-096413, the claimant was employed as a highway worker and her duties involved assisting and providing traffic control at scenes of motor vehicle accidents.  The claimant would respond to the worst of accidents, which often included fatalities.  She alleged psychiatric disability as a result of an occupational disease.  Dr. Jovick, the claimant’s psychiatric expert, and Dr. Stillings, the employer/insurer’s psychiatric expert both agreed that the claimant’s job duties were the prevailing factor in her psychiatric condition.  Despite this, at a hearing, the ALJ denied compensability largely on the basis that the claimant’s co-workers were routinely exposed to the same experiences and therefore, she did not show that her work exposure was extraordinary and unusual as compared to other highway workers or similarly situated employees. 

On appeal, the Commission reversed. The Commission essentially went on to hold that claimants need not compare themselves to similarly situated employees in order to satisfy the burden that their stress was extraordinary and unusual as measured by objective standards. The Commission stated that all cases requiring claimants to compare their stress to similarly situated employees pre-dated the 2005 amendments and the plain language of the Statute does not require such a comparison. Therefore, the Commission stated that the claimant had met her burden and awarded 50% disability of the body.

Expert’s Notice Defense Failed Due to Their Expert’s Misdiagnosis

In Brown vs. Nestle Purina Petcare Company, Injury No. 05-144425, the claimant alleged that she sustained asthma as a result of occupational exposure to products and chemicals in cat litter. The employer/insurer’s expert, Dr. McCants diagnosed restrictive lung disease on October 26, 2005, which was work-related, but the claimant did not notify her employer within the 30 days of that diagnosis. Therefore, the employer/insurer raised a notice defense. However, Drs. Hyers and Tepper diagnosed asthma, which is an obstructive (not restrictive) disease. At the hearing, an ALJ found in favor of the claimant.

On appeal, the employer/insurer again raised their notice defense.  The Commission did not find this defense persuasive and stated that the evidence best supported Drs. Hyers and Tepper who concluded that the claimant suffered from asthma, which is an obstructive disease of the lungs, as opposed to a restrictive disease of the lungs, as diagnosed by Dr. McCants.  Therefore, the Commission did not believe that Dr. McCants’ incorrect diagnosis triggered the 30 day period to report the condition to work and affirmed.

Notice to Employer is Imputed to the Insurer

In Harrington v. Employers Solutions Staffing, Injury No. 12-051309, the claimant was injured in the course and scope of his employment. He filed for a hardship, and subsequently, for a hearing. Notice of both proceedings was provided to the employer, but due to error by the Division of Workers’ Compensation, was not provided to the insurer. The employer did not appear at either the hardship or the hearing, and Awards were issued in favor of the claimant. The employer failed to comply with the Awards and therefore, the benefits granted to the claimant were doubled. The insurer appealed arguing it had no notice of the proceedings and should not be liable. The Commission disagreed and held that notice to the employer is sufficient to give notice to both the employer and insurer.

Claimant’s C5-6 Disc Herniation Compensable Due to Her Repetitive Lifting

In Buffington v. Hubell Kiloark Electric, Injury No. 10-111151, the claimant a 5' 2", 120 pound assembler, began working for the employer in 2007.  She assembled light fixtures which required her to work at a waist-high table, work with her arms extended, and lift up to 75 pounds.  The claimant alleged that after three years of working for the employer, she developed an occupational disease resulting in injuries to her bilateral wrists, bilateral elbows, and neck.  The medical experts agreed that her bilateral elbow and wrist conditions were work related but disputed causation with respect to the neck.  Specifically, Dr. Kitchens, believed that the C5-6 disc herniation was not work related opining that repetitive activity cannot cause a disc to rupture and such an injury would require an acute incident.  Conversely, Dr. Volarich, the claimant’s expert, believed that the fact that she lifted with her arms extended and lifted weights up to 75 pounds, which was over half her body weight, did cause a disc protrusion at C5-6.  At a hearing, the ALJ found Dr. Volarich more persuasive in light of the fact that the claimant lifted weights in excess of half her body weight and worked with her hands extended.  The ALJ found that the claimant sustained a compensable disc herniation at C5-6 and awarded 15% PPD of the body referable to the cervical spine.  On appeal, the Commission smarmily affirmed.

Claimant’s Occupational Disease and Accident Claims Denied Because Claimant Did Not Meet Burden of Proof 

In Blyzes v. General Motors Corporation, Injury No. 09-070136, the claimant worked for the employer for nearly 27 years in the personnel department, on the factory line, in the chassis department, in the body shop, and other positions.  She alleged three different theories of injury: 1)  that on September 9, 2009 she was working on the left front door install job when her knees “were frozen” and she experienced pain in her knees; 2) that on September 9, 2009 she tripped over a study guide and fell landing on her knees and body; 3) that she sustained an occupational disease to her knees on September 9, 2009. The claimant’s occupational disease claim was addressed in a companion decision (Injury No. 04-148011) and the Commission found in favor of the employer and denied benefits.  The claimant’s expert, Dr. Meyers, opined that her traumatic injury to the right knee was the prevailing factor in her osteoarthritis and necessitated the surgery.  While Dr. Meyers did admit the claimant had pre-existing bilateral osteoarthritis in her knees, he did not apportion disability referable to the alleged work injury versus her pre-existing disability. She had also undergone prior total knee replacement surgeries in 2006. At a hearing, the ALJ found that the claimant’s job duties were the prevailing factor in causing her knee condition. 

On appeal, the Commission reversed.  They were particularly persuaded by the fact that Dr. Meyers did not apportion disability between the work injury and any pre-existing disability. They also did not find Dr. Meyers’ opinion with respect to the occupational disease credible because he did not identify any new injury occurring after the claimant’s total knee replacement surgeries, which occurred in 2006 and before.  Therefore, the Commission found that Dr. Meyers’ testimony did not support a finding of any injury on September 9, 2009 or leading up to that date.

Minimal Stress to Shoulder Still a Compensable Injury

In Clutter v. Conagra Foods, Inc., Injury No. 13-051044, the claimant testified that she was lifting a door, like a garage door, so that she could work on it.  Once she had lifted the door overhead with both hands, she kept her outstretched left hand on the door to keep it in place while her right hand reached for something.  It was at that point that she felt a pop in her left shoulder.  She testified that after she felt the pop, and removed her left hand from the overhead door, the door did not move at all and remained in place.  The employer/insurer’s expert, Dr. Strong, believed that the claimant had degenerative changes and a possible loose body in her shoulder. Dr. Strong did not believe those conditions were work related but stated she was unsure whether the pop the claimant sustained at work caused more damage.  The claimant’s expert, Dr. Hopkins, stated that the claimant had no pre-existing symptoms and believed that her current condition was consistent with holding a door above her head which produced compression and shearing force on her shoulder.  Therefore, Dr. Hopkins opined that her work injury was the prevailing factor in her current condition.  At a hearing, the ALJ found Dr. Hopkins more persuasive and a Temporary/Partial Award ordered that additional treatment be provided to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury. 

Employer/Insurer Liable for PTD Despite Pre-Existing Low Back Pain Requiring Hydrocodone Use

In Chesser v. Pepsi Americas, Injury No. 08-067091, the claimant was injured when she was struck by a falling pallet.  Authorized treatment was provided and the claimant underwent two three-level cervical fusions.  The claimant had several pre-existing injuries, including multiple injuries to the neck, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome for which she underwent releases, and low back pain.  The claimant testified that her prior cervical and wrists symptoms resolved before the work injury but she did have ongoing low back pain for which she received injections and was taking Hydrocodone on a daily basis.  The claimant had a high school degree but her grades were poor, she attended some college but did not graduate, and her employment background consisted almost exclusively of unskilled labor positions.   

The ALJ stated that the first inquiry is whether the claimant was permanently and totally disabled as a result of the last injury in isolation.  The ALJ believed that given the claimant’s advanced age, poor educational background, restrictions which put her in the light demand level, and a lack of transferable work skills, she was unemployable in the open labor market.  PTD liability was imposed against the employer/insurer and the ALJ stated that although the claimant did have pre-existing disabilities which were a hindrance or obstacle to her employment, the Fund was not liable because she was PTD as a result of the last injury in isolation. On appeal, the Commission affirmed.

Employer/Insurer Responsible for PTD After 3 Knee Surgeries, RSD, and Depression

In Rose v. Par Electric Contractors, Inc., Injury No. 08-107881, the claimant was working when he lost his footing on some rocks and fell sustaining injury to his left knee.  He underwent three surgeries on the knee and was eventually diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD).  He subsequently developed depression and anxiety which he claimed was due to the work injury.  The claimant did have a prior left knee injury in 2004 but returned to work thereafter without restrictions.  At a hearing, an ALJ found that the claimant was PTD as a result of the primary injury in isolation, namely his RSD, and imposed liability solely against the employer/insurer. On appeal, the Commission summarily affirmed.

Claimant PTD From Primary Injury Alone Despite Prior Psychiatric Diagnosis and Medications

In Styles v. Fulton State Hospital, Injury No. 10-062547, the claimant was struck in the face by a patient on August 10, 2010.  Subsequently, the claimant received treatment from a neurologist for headaches, nausea, dizziness, panic attacks, neck pain, and memory problems.  While still treating and on light duty, the claimant suffered a fall at his employer’s on two occasions.  The claimant was seen by a variety of physicians and there was no consensus as to his diagnosis.  However, most of the physicians agreed that there was a significant psychological aspect to his ongoing symptoms. The claimant had been assaulted by clients previously in 2009 but stated that he recovered from those assaults without any ongoing symptoms.  However, the claimant had been placed on psychiatric medications in 2006 for work related stress and did admit to an increase in depressive symptoms in 2009 due to the assaults.

At the hearing, the claimant testified that he had ongoing daily headaches, dizziness, ringing in his ears, nightmares, mood swings, memory issues, and social anxiety.  The ALJ found that the claimant was PTD from the primary injury in isolation and imposed liability solely against the employer/insurer.  The ALJ acknowledged that the claimant filed claims for the two subsequent falls that he sustained at work, but the ALJ determined that those two injuries were part of his August 10, 2010 injury.  Therefore, the last injury was considered to be the August 10, 2010 injury.  On appeal, the Commission summarily affirmed. 

Employer/Insurer Liable for PTD Despite Claimant’s Pre-Existing Injuries Which Impacted Job Performance

In Johnston v. Saladino Mechanical, Injury No. 07-123247, the 49 year old claimant worked as a journeyman plumber. His entire vocational history consisted of plumbing jobs and he most recently worked as a foreman. He sustained an injury to his back at work and underwent a fusion. Post-operatively, he developed a rapid heartbeat and was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, for which he also underwent surgery. The claimant developed severe complications following his heart surgery including stroke and stenosis of his veins. The stroke affected his vision, memory and endurance. The claimant also had numerous pre-existing injuries, including prior injuries to his back, and testified he had ongoing intermittent problems from these pre-existing injuries and they impacted his ability to perform his job duties. However, he denied any pre-existing heart problems. The ALJ stated the first question is whether the claimant is PTD from the primary injury alone. The ALJ found the claimant PTD from the work injury alone and held the employer/insurer liable. The Commission affirmed.

Employer/Insurer Liable for PTD Despite Two Prior Surgeries to the Same Vertebrae

In Buerk v. King Auto Glass, Injury No. 09-019616, the claimant sustained a September 2009 work injury, and underwent a fusion in the neck. He also underwent a two level fusion at L4-5 and L5-S1 after an MRI showed a herniated disc at L5-S1. Dr. Coyle, the surgeon who performed the lumbar fusions, testified that the claimant needed to be fused at L4-5 because of his two prior lumbar surgeries. However, in his report, Dr. Coyle did not assess any pre-existing disability because the claimant told him he was fine following his two prior lumbar surgeries and Dr. Coyle had no evidence to the contrary. After his 2007 surgeries, the claimant returned to work and there was no indication he had any difficulty performing his job duties. At a hearing, the ALJ acknowledged the claimant’s pre-existing disabilities but stated he was PTD from the work injury alone and imposed liability solely on the employer/insurer. On appeal, the Commission affirmed.

Fund not Liable for PTD Due to Subsequent Deteriorating Condition 

In Gleason v. Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Injury No 07-072826, the Commission addressed this claim on remand from the Court of Appeals, who found the claimant did sustain a compensable injury after falling from a railcar due to the increased “risk source.” Prior to the work injury, in June 2007, the claimant suffered a stroke due to a cerebral vascular condition. In August 2007, the claimant sustained his work injury and surgery was considered but was not recommended given his pre-existing cardiac condition. Subsequently, in September 2009, the claimant underwent bypass surgery for his cardiac condition.

The claimant’s expert, Dr. Poppa, evaluated him in March 2008 and assessed 37% disability referable to the work injury as well as 40% pre-existing disability referable to his cardiac and cerebral vascular conditions. Dr. Poppa believed the claimant was PTD as a combination of his work injury and pre-existing disabilities. The Commission found Dr. Poppa generally credible but disagreed with his disability assessments and assessed 15% disability from the work injury (or the amount the employer/insurer and claimant settled for) and 20% pre-existing disability. The Commission stated that they had no question the claimant was PTD when he was evaluated by Dr. Poppa on March 8, 2008 but believed the claimant’s condition on that date could not be attributed solely to the work injury and pre-existing conditions, as they found the claimant’s cardiac and vascular conditions had deteriorated following the work injury and leading up to Dr. Poppa’s evaluation. Therefore, the claimant was awarded PPD benefits against the Fund but was found not to be PTD.

For Fund to be Liable for Claimant’s Worsened Pre-Existing Condition After the Primary Injury, the Primary Injury Must be a “Significant” Factor in Worsening that Condition

In Wilkerson v. Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 09-020605, the claimant had pre-existing major depression and a personality disorder which affected her ability to perform her job duties. On March 21, 2009, she sustained a blow to the head when she was struck by a basketball while at work. She received treatment and was diagnosed with a concussion and a neck strain. She claimed that following the work injury she had much more stress. Following the work injury, the claimant had a number of non-work related stressors leading to at least one failed suicide attempt and three inpatient psychiatric admissions.

The claimant’s expert, Dr. Cohen, believed she was PTD from the work injury and her pre-existing conditions. The employer/insurer’s expert, Dr. Jarvis, did not believe the work incident played any part in the claimant’s psychiatric condition. At the hearing, the ALJ found the claimant’s head and neck conditions were work related but the work injury was not the prevailing factor in her psychiatric condition and disability. The ALJ awarded 15% PPD against the Fund for the claimant’s pre-existing psychiatric disability but found she was not PTD, either from the work injury alone or in combination with her pre-existing conditions.

On appeal, the Fund argued that if the claimant was PTD, it was due to post-accident deterioration (e.g, her three psychiatric admissions following the work injury). The Commission agreed with the ALJ that the primary injury was not the prevailing factor in causing her psychiatric condition, and agreed that her pre-existing conditions were the prevailing factor in her condition. The Commission found the claimant’s pre-existing conditions were the prevailing factor in her current condition, but those did not render her PTD. Instead, the subsequent deterioration of her pre-existing conditions rendered her PTD. The Commission stated for the Fund to be liable for PTD benefits, it is enough that the primary injury be a “significant” factor in progressing the pre-existing disability.  If so, and the claimant is unable to compete on the open labor market, the Fund is liable for PTD.

Claimant’s Expert Need Not Specify Percentage of Disability From Primary Injury to Reach Fund

In Marciante vs. Treasurers of the State of Missouri, Injury No. 09-004245, the claimant sustained three prior injuries to his back.  For each of these three prior injuries, he underwent surgery and received workers’ compensation settlements.  The total of his three prior settlements amounted to 60% PPD of the body as a whole.  In 2009, the claimant bent over to “pop a line” at work when he sustained another injury to his back and again underwent surgery. 

After settling his claim with the employer/insurer, he obtained a report from Dr. Musich who stated his pre-existing back injuries resulted in 60% PPD of the body.  Additionally, Dr. Musich stated that the sum of the claimant’s past and present disabilities are greater than their simple sum and are a hindrance or obstacle to his daily activities of life.  Dr. Musich did not provide a percentage of disability from the primary injury but noted that the claimant was awarded 35% PPD of the body. At the hearing, the Fund argued that the claimant did not meet his burden in proving the extent of disability he suffered from the last injury alone and therefore, he did not meet his burden in showing that he was not PTD as a result of the last injury alone. The ALJ agreed and denied the claim against the Fund.

On appeal, the Commission reversed.  The Commission stated that Dr. Musich did determine the extent of disability resulting from the last work injury.  Specifically, the Commission stated that Dr. Musich noted he was awarded 35% PPD of the body and the record indicated that the claimant settled his claim against the employer for 35% PPD of the body. The Commission further stated that proof of permanent disability need not be established within mathematical precision and proof of permanent disability can be shown by providing medical evidence establishing the nature and extent of permanent symptoms, restrictions, and/or limitations, and identifying the medical causes thereof.  The Commission noted that Dr. Musich identified the claimant’s symptoms, restrictions, and medical causes related to the primary injury. However, the Commission stated that the claimant was not PTD in light of the fact that he returned to work for nearly two years following the primary injury and he provided little evidence as to the nature of his post-injury work or how much assistance was needed or provided to him in order to accomplish his work.  Additionally, the Commission noted that Mr. England found that the claimant could perform some function in the medium work demand level.  Finally, the Commission stated that the claimant continued to ride an ATV and hunt twice a year. Therefore, they found the claimant was not PTD.

Claimant PTD From Combination of Primary and Pre-Existing Injuries

In Hallock v. Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 12-047298, the claimant sustained three work injuries.  He settled his first injury for 7.5% of the body referable to the thoracic and lumbar spine sprain/strains, settled the second claim for 17.5% disability of the left middle finger for a conservatively treated trigger finger, and settled his third claim for 30% of the right wrist/hand after undergoing two ORIFs.  He then proceeded to a hearing against the Fund.  The claimant had a ninth grade education, did not obtain his GED, and had worked in construction, farming, roofing, and remodeling businesses.  An FCE placed him in the medium work demand level.  His pre-existing injuries included chronic lumbar pain, radiculopathy of the leg, and a heart attack for which he underwent a four vessel bypass.  At the hearing, the ALJ found that the claimant was PTD as a result of his work injury and pre-existing conditions.  On appeal, the Commission summarily affirmed.

Claimant PTD From Last Injury Alone Despite Conservative Treatment

In Sartin v. The Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 11-076995, the claimant alleged an occupational disease to her back.  Authorized treatment was provided with Dr. Jordon, who believed that her pre-existing scoliosis was the prevailing factor in her pain and inability to lift at work. The claimant was placed at MMI and released by Dr. Jordon.  She then treated on her own with Dr. Peterson who prescribed anti-inflammatories and pain medications as well as a cortisone injection twice per year, but did not perform or recommend surgery.  The claimant also had pre-existing bilateral rotator cuff tears which were surgically repaired.  She settled her back claim against the employer/insurer for 12.5% and proceeded to a hearing against the Fund. 

At the hearing, the claimant testified that she could barely turn her head due to neck soreness and stiffness and needs to lie down multiple times per day, which she did not need to do prior to the work injury. The Fund’s vocational expert, Mr. England, testified that if the claimant’s complaints were true, her need to lie down throughout the day would in and of itself, preclude all forms of alternative employment.  Conversely, the claimant’s vocational expert, Mr. Eldred believed the claimant was unemployable as a combination of her pre-existing disabilities and work injury. The ALJ agreed with the Stipulation entered into by the employer/insurer and claimant and found that she sustained 12.5% disability of the body referable to the work injury.  The ALJ then found that the claimant was PTD as a result of a combination of her pre-existing shoulder conditions and the work injury. 

On appeal, the Commission reversed the ALJ’s finding and denied compensation with respect to the Fund. The Commission found that the work injury in isolation rendered the claimant PTD.  Therefore, no liability was imposed against the Fund.

Fund Liable for PTD but Employer/Insurer Liable for Future Medical

In Comic v. Wal-Mart Associates, Inc., Injury No. 10-006350, the claimant was lifting a box when she felt pain in her back.  She also alleged psychiatric injury.  The claimant had pre-existing stressors which included involvement in the Bosnian War, her house being bombed, and having to live in a shelter.  The claimant’s psychiatric expert, Dr. Brockman, and the employer/insurer’s expert, Dr. Stillings, both believed that the work injury was the prevailing factor in causing her major depressive disorder.  At a hearing, an ALJ found that the claimant’s back strains were compensable and awarded 20% disability.  However, the ALJ found that the work injury was not the prevailing factor in her psychiatric condition. 

On appeal, the Commission modified the ALJ’s Award.  They agreed with the ALJ’s findings with respect to the claimant’s physical injuries, but disagreed with the ALJ’s ruling on her psychiatric injury.  They stated that in light of the fact that both Drs. Brockman and Stillings agreed that the injury was the prevailing factor in her major depressive disorder, the claimant did sustain a compensable psychiatric injury.  They awarded 2% disability of the body referable to psychiatric disability from the work injury.  However, the Commission stated that the majority of the claimant’s psychiatric issues were pre-existing.  Ultimately, the Commission found that the claimant was PTD as a result of the work injury and her pre-existing psychiatric stressors.  The Commission found the Fund liable for PTD but the employer/insurer liable for future medical to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury.

Statutory Threshold Does not Apply to Pre-Existing Hearing Loss

In Priest v. Treasurer of Missouri as Custodian of Second Injury Fund, Injury No. 10-097781,  the claimant sustained a work injury to his shoulder and neck and settled his claim against the employer/insurer. He then proceeded to a hearing against the Fund, alleging pre-existing conditions including hearing loss. At the hearing, the ALJ denied benefits as the claimant’s hearing loss did not meet the statutory threshold. On appeal, the Commission reversed and found the Fund liable. The Commission held the statutory threshold does not apply to pre-existing hearing loss. Instead, the claimant need only show that her hearing loss combined with the primary injury to result in greater disability.

Claimant Can File Civil Claim Against Employer Who Does not Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Harman vs. Manheim Remarketing, Inc., Case No. SD33414 (Mo. App. Ct. 2015)

FACTS: The claimant was employed by Securitas as a security guard at Manheim. The claimant sustained a work injury in the course and scope of his employment. He filed and settled a workers’ compensation claim solely against Securitas. He then brought a civil suit against Manheim alleging negligence and naming Manheim as well as one of its employees as defendants. Manheim argued the claimant’s exclusive remedy lay in workers’ compensation. The claimant conceded that he was a statutory employee of Manheim at the time of the injury but argued that Manheim’s failure to carry workers’ compensation insurance allowed him to pursue a civil suit against them. Manheim responded that statutory employers are not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to avoid civil liability. The trial court found in favor of Manheim and dismissed the civil suit.

HOLDING: On appeal, the Court reversed. In a fairly straightforward opinion, the Court stated that the plain language of the workers’ compensation statute requires all employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. The Court further noted that following strict construction, there is nothing in the Statute which exempts a statutory employer from civil liability simply because another employer is responsible for Workers’ Compensation benefits. Also, the Court stated that being a statutory employer does not excuse that employer from having to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance.

Employer/Insurer Liable for Total Knee Replacement to Cure and Relieve the Effects of the Work Injury

In Bertels vs. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co., Injury No. 09-072091, the claimant sustained an injury to her right knee.  Authorized treatment was provided and she underwent arthroscopic surgery.  She subsequently underwent an unauthorized total knee replacement.  The employer/insurer’s expert, Dr. Gross, opined that the claimant’s need for a total knee replacement did not result from the accident but instead was the product of a spontaneous breakdown in the cartilage in her knee after she was released from care. Conversely, the claimant’s expert, Dr. Volarich, believed that her work injury was the prevailing factor in both her traumatic injuries in the knee and the breakdown in her knee following her release from authorized care. At a hearing, the parties stipulated the claimant sustained a work related injury. The ALJ found that the claimant sustained a compensable injury to her right knee and awarded past medical expenses but did not award medical expenses for the claimant’s total knee replacement.  The claimant appealed.

On appeal, the claimant argued that in light of the fact that the parties stipulated that she sustained an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of her employment that she need only show that her total knee replacement was reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury.  Conversely, the employer/insurer argued that the first step in the process is to determine whether the accident was the prevailing factor in the claimant’s resulting medical condition which necessitated the knee surgery and then to decide whether the total knee replacement was reasonably required to cure and relieve that condition.  The Commission agreed with the employer/insurer but went on to find the claimant’s expert more credible and believed that the work accident was the prevailing factor in both her acute condition as well as her subsequent breakdown after being released from authorized care.  They further found that the total knee replacement was reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of the work injury and awarded past medical expenses for the total knee replacement.

Heat Exhaustion Compensable After Working in 100 Degree Weather

In Brown v. City of Columbia, Injury No. 11-049932, the claimant filed three separate claims, all of which alleged injury due to heat exhaustion. The claimant drove a trash truck, which did not have air conditioning, and he was also often required to wear a haz-mat suit for several hours. The heat indices on his alleged dates of injury were over 100 degrees. As a result of his heat exhaustion, he developed headaches and dizziness. He sought medical treatment on two of the three alleged dates of injury, but no medical evidence was introduced regarding the third alleged date of injury. At a hearing, the ALJ found that the claimant provided evidence of heat exhaustion on two of the three dates of injury and awarded 10% disability of the body for each of those two instances. On appeal, the Commission summarily affirmed.

Heat Exhaustion Not Compensable Due to Lack of Medical Evidence

In Fowler v. State of Missouri/Department of Corrections, Injury No. 09-065204, the claimant worked in a control/surveillance tower. On the alleged date of injury, June 27, 2009, she claimed the tower was extremely hot and a thermometer near her desk read 100 degrees. She began to feel lightheaded and testified she contacted her primary care physician on or shortly after June 27, 2009, and reported her symptoms. However, her primary care physician’s records showed the claimant called on June 29, 2009 for unrelated reasons and there was no mention of heat exhaustion. The claimant testified to a similar work incident of heat exhaustion on August 4, 2009 and her work log, which she filled out, did indicate the heat was making her sick. Her primary care physician’s records showed she did call and report sickness from heat on August 4, 2009 but she was not seen. The claimant saw Dr. Elliott on August 11, 2009 and was diagnosed with heat exhaustion based on her self-reported history. At a hearing, the ALJ denied compensation finding that the claimant may have sustained an injury on June 27, 2009 or August 4, 2009 but there was no contemporaneous objective evidence of heat exhaustion in the medical records. The Commission affirmed.

Employers are aware that if the claimant has not pursued his or her third party civil action within a year of the injury, the employer can provide a 10-day notice and then sue in the name of the injured worker. But what happens if the injured worker will not cooperate with the law suitCan the employer settle the third party case without the consent of the injured worker?

The most helpful decision yet on this subject isElhelou v. CVS Pharmacy, Inc., v. Lipinski Outdoor Services v. All State Power Wash, A-4731-13T1, (App. Div. July 9, 2015). Mr. Elhelou, the manager of a CVS store inJamesburg, N.J., was injured in February 2010 when he slipped and fell while shoveling snow from a loading dock in the rear of the CVS.  He retainedRaymond Shebell, Esq. and recovered medical and indemnity benefits in workers’ compensation.  Elhelou did not pursue any third party law suit arising from this accident.                     

On February 16, 2011, the third party administrator, Gallagher Bassett Services, wrote to Elhelou stating that his injuries may been caused by the negligence of a third party.  GB provided the proper 10-day notice stating that if Elhelou did not settle with the third party who may have been responsible for his injuries, then GB would protect its rights and file suit. 

On March 1, 2011, Shebell wrote to attorney Laub, representing CVS and GB, advising Laub that GB was not to contact his client directly.  GB then wrote to the insurance carrier for Lipinski Outdoor Services, which was responsible for the snow removal at the CVS, putting Lipinski on notice of its workers’ compensation lien.  The lien at that time was $90,630.87. 

Laub wrote again to Shebell on December 9, 2011 asking whether Shebell intended to file suit against Lipinski.  When Laub received no response, he filed a complaint against Lipinski on January 23, 2012 in the name of Elhelou, CVS and GB.  Lipinski filed an answer and a third party complaint against All State PowerWash asserting that All State was responsible for clearing ice and snow on the premises. 

On January 24, 2013, Lipinski’s lawyers wrote to Laub requesting that Elhelou appear for an IME.  Laub wrote to Shebell also advising that he needed to take the deposition of Elhelou.  Laub asked for permission to contact Elhelou and then followed with another request.  Finally, Laub wrote directly to Elhelou advising that his deposition would be taken on February 15, 2013.  Elhelou appeared for the deposition but not for the IME because he had upcoming surgery.  The lien was by then $105,129.45.

Laub next wrote to Elhelou to advise that his presence would be needed at an arbitration.  Elhelou appeared at the arbitration and his testimony was taken.  The arbitration resulted in a non-binding award in the amount of $105,129.45. CVS negotiated a settlement of $93,500 to resolve its lien against Lipinski andAll State. The lien eventually climbed to $198,000.  Laub then wrote to Elhelou requesting that he sign and return a release of his claim against Lipinski andAll StateRobert Morley of the Shebell Law Firm then wrote to Laub advising that Elhelou was seeking the firm’s advice regarding whether he should sign the release.  Morley explained that it advised Elhelou not to sign the release until the Shebell firm could review the entire litigation file. 

Several months went by without progress, so in March 2014, Laub filed a motion to compel Elhelou to sign the release or alternatively the court should enter an order declaring that Elhelou’s release was not required.  Elhelou filed a cross-motion seeking the following:  1) permission for the Shebell firm to appear in the action; 2) denying the relief requested by CVS and GB; 3) disqualifying Laub’s law firm; 4) substituting Shebell as counsel, and 5) compelling the turnover of the entire litigation file. 

The Superior Court ruled in favor of CVS and GB and held that the suit by CVS was more a “subrogation action” than a personal injury action.  The Court said that there was no attorney-client relationship between Laub and Elhelou and no obligation on Laub’s part to do anything other than to protect the Section 40 lien rights on behalf of CVS.  The Court further held that there was no obligation on the part of CVS to seek a settlement in excess of the lien, which was then $198,000.  Elhelou appealed.

The Appellate Division made a number of very important rulings in this case:

           A) “Thus, to the extent that N.J.S.A. 34:15-40(f) grants an employer or compensation carrier a right of statutory subrogation, it cuts off the employee’s right to participate in settlement or file a lawsuit, and limits the employee’s right of recovery to the excess of the compensation lien.”

            B) The employer or carrier has a right “to settle with the third party or its insurance carrier, or to bring an action to recover personal injury damages from a third party when the employee fails to do so.”

            C) The employer or carrier’s action “shall constitute a bar to any further claim or action by the injured employee . . . against the third person.” 

            D) “If the amount recovered ‘is in excess of the employer’s obligation to the employee . . . and the expenses of suit, such excess shall be paid to the employee.’”

            E) “Even though the statute requires no notice of the settlement to the employee, its consummation acts as ‘a bar to any further claim or action by the injured employee.’ “

            F) “Similarly, the statute does not require that the employee be given notice of a suit brought by the employer or its carrier. The only notice required by the statute is the ten-day notice of the employer or carrier’s right to bring such suit, which must be given prior to the filing of the complaint.  There are no notice requirements after that point.”

            G) “[I]f the employee has brought and abandoned his or her own action, the statute allows the employer or carrier to reopen the action and prosecute it ‘in the name of the injured employee,’ rather than on behalf of the employee directly.”

            H) The statute does not “mention any right of the employee to participate in reaching a settlement, whether in lieu of litigation or to conclude litigation.”

            I) Just as an employee can settle his or her third party action without involvement by the workers’ compensation carrier, the workers’ compensation carrier is authorized to settle or bring suit against the third party after providing a 10-day notice following one year from the date of accident. 

The Appellate Division said, “In summary, we hold that CVS and Gallagher had no obligation to inform Elhelou in advance of the settlement.  Instead, they had the right to settle the subrogation action without Elhelou’s consent.”  It said that since the Shebell loaw firm took no steps to file suit in Elhelou’s name during the one-year period and during the 10-day notice period, neither Shebell nor Elhelou could bring any action after the 10-day period.

This case poses the most complete analysis of the rights of an employer to protect its statutory lien when the employee files no civil suit. The case is particularly helpful because it dealt with an attempt by the injured employee to engineer a last minute derailment of the settlement effected by CVS.   The Court made clear that no consent was needed by CVS from the injured employee. 



John H. Geaney, Esq., is an Executive Committee Member and a Shareholder in Capehart Scatchard's Workers’ Compensation Group.  Mr. Geaney concentrates his practice in the representation of employers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators, and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Mr. Geaney at 856.914.2063 or by e‑mail at 


The long awaited proposed re-write of the VT WC Rules has been unveiled and will be ready for public comment soon.

Shaffer v First Choice Communications, Opinion No. 15-14WC (Oct. 21, 2014)(HO Phillips).

Claimant’s request for Synvisc injections found reasonable and necessary medical care relying on doctor’s opinion who is supplying the injections since 2012 over those of IME doctor. “While [IME Doctor’s] concerns as to the efficacy of Synvisc injections when used ‘off label’ are worth noting, I do not consider them determinative in this case.” PTD claim denied relying upon IVE which found that “if Claimant avails himself of additional vocational rehabilitation services such as tutoring, access to assistive technology and focused job development, it is reasonable to expect that he will be able to resume regular gainful work.”

Simmons v Landmark College, Inc., Opinion No. 07F-13WC (Oct. 23, 2014)(HO Woodruff)

On remand from successful Superior Court Appeal, Claimant awarded attorney fees and costs at DOL rate ($145/hour for attorneys and $75/hour for paralegals) and only for those costs associated with DOL hearing, not those incurred at Superior Court..No statutory basis for an award of interest on attorney fees and thus none awarded.                       

Rodrigue v Enterprises Precision Inc., Opinion No. 16-14WC (Nov. 4, 2014)(HO Woodruff)

Voc Rehab denied at this point in time as Claimant is back to work, may become available in the future if current employment is no longer suitable. “As the circumstances of this case demonstrate, at times the concept of suitability involves more than merely comparing pre-and post-injury wages earned, or hours worked, during discrete snapshots in time. The goal of vocational rehabilitation is to return the injure worker to work that resembles, as nearly as possible, the conditions of his or her pre-injury employment. Where the pre-injury job involved consistent hours at a consistent weekly wage, a simple mathematical comparison will determine whether a post-injury job is suitable or not. However, where, as here, the pre-injury job involved widely fluctuating hours resulting in widely fluctuating weekly wages, a broader perspective is required.” Claimant is entitled to TTD of TPD benefits for those weeks in which he earned less that his AWW even though his co-workers were also working less given the seasonal nature of the job.

Moreton v State of Vermont Department of Children and Families, Opinion No. 17-14WC (Dec. 24, 2014)(HO Phillips).

Claimant slips and falls upon entering a Starbucks to meet co-workers to travel to a training session. Injury found compensable on cross-motions for summary judgment. The fact that injury occurred a half hour prior to her scheduled start of work time does not sever connection to work.

Also, meeting at a Starbucks was not a personal or substantial deviation as for the day of the injury, Claimant was a “traveling employee”.

In New Jersey it remains extremely difficult to bring an intentional harm claim against one’s employer.  Mere knowledge and appreciation of a risk is not intent.  That was the holding inKeller v. Township of Berkeley, A-5767-12T3 (June 22, 2015). 

Mr. Keller worked as a laborer for the Township sanitation department and suffered serious injuries when he fell from a moving garbage truck after the passenger-side door suddenly opened.  He argued that there had been many complaints about the truck’s door over several years and that the Township was aware that the door latch mechanism was not functioning well. Keller further argued that the Township violated safety standards by failing to repair the problem.

The Township, for its part, denied that it was aware of any problem with the truck and noted that an inspection by the State Police post-accident did not reveal any problem with the locking mechanism.  No OSHA violations were ever issued.

The trial judge granted summary judgment dismissing the law suit and plaintiffKeller appealed.  The trial judge did concede that there was evidence that the door latch mechanism had not been working well for a long time, and the Township was aware of this but did not fix the problem.  Nonetheless, the trial judge concluded that knowing there is a risk is not the same as intentional harm. 

The Appellate Division affirmed the dismissal of the case.  It stated, “Having reviewed the record in light of these precedents, we agree with the trial court that the unfortunate accident that Keller suffered does not satisfy the substantial-certainty standard required to vault the Act’s exclusivity bar.” Even if the conduct of the Township was grossly negligent, that is not enough to prove an intentional harm claim.  There were no OSHA violations at all, and there was no evidence of a prior similar incident where an employee was actually injured.  The court noted that there was no effort by the Township to remove the latch or perform some action that created additional danger to employees.  While the truck’s door was difficult to open and close, that in itself does not prove intentional harm.

The Appellate Division also affirmed the trial judge’s dismissal of a claim for fraudulent concealment of evidence and spoliation of evidence.  The Court said “At best, plaintiffs established sloppy record keeping by the Township.  There was simply no showing ‘[t]hat defendant intentionally withheld, altered or destroyed the evidence with purpose to disrupt the litigation’ as required byRosenblit v. Zimmerman, 166 N.J. 391, 406-07 (2001).’”




John H. Geaney, Esq., is 







Kevin L. Connors, Esquire


            “Facts are meaningless.  You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.”  Homer Simpson.


            A recent Decision by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court in Duffey v. WCAB (6/26/15), recently resulted in the Court, in an Opinion authored by Judge Cohn Jubelirer, validating an Employer Impairment Rating Evaluation that was the Claimant sought to invalidate by alleging that the IRE had not considered all of the Claimant’s work-related injuries, as the Claimant argued, thankfully unsuccessfully, that the IRE, which had considered the Claimant’s accepted work-related injuries in the course of determining the Claimant’s impairment rating under the AMA’s Guides, resulting in a conversion of the Claimant’s temporary total disability benefits (lifetime absent death, or change in medical condition effectuating full recovery or ability to return to available work), to temporary partial disability benefits (capped at 500 weeks), had not taken into account the medical opinion of treating physicians who testified that the Claimant was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the work injury.


            With the above sentence seemingly setting a syntactical record for inconsequentially-related phrases, it would be simple enough to leap to the end point, being that the Commonwealth Court affirmed the underlying Decision of the Appeal Board (charged with the first level of appeals of comp claims in Pennsylvania), reversing the underlying Decision of the Workers’ Compensation Judge, who had invalidated the Employer’s IRE, which preceded the employer filing a Notice of Change, converting the Claimant’s temporary total disability benefits to temporary partial disability benefits, in reliance upon the testimony of the Claimant’s treating physicians, that the Notice of Compensation Payable, describing the Claimant’s originally-accepted work-related injury, should be amended to include the newly-adjudicated injury of post-traumatic stress disorder.


            No doubt, another run for your money piecing together the above paragraph.


            In any event, this is an important Decision since it fixes the effective timeline for validating an IRE used by an Employer to mitigate the potential lifetime exposure for temporary total disability benefits into the more limited exposure of 500 weeks for temporary partial disability benefits, still representing a significant chunk of time in both the life of the Claimant and the workers’ compensation claim, as it represents 9.6 years during which an injured Claimant might still be entitled to receive indemnity workers’ compensation benefits for wage loss.


            Like Homer, ready for a few facts?


            It begins with the March 6, 2009 injury of the Claimant, who injured his hands, when picking up hot wires while working for Trola-Dyne, Inc.  This occurred while the Claimant was repairing a machine for his employer.


            In the course of accepting the Claimant’s injuries as being work-related, the employer issued a Notice of Compensation Payable (NCP), under which the Claimant’s injuries were described as “bilateral hands, electrical burn, stripping some electric wires”.


            The same description always tugs at the inherent conflict between exclusion versus inclusion, as descriptions that focus on body parts as opposed to medical diagnoses are almost always vulnerable to future enlargement and expansion, with the practical tip being to avoid use of describing injuries in terms of body parts, as opposed to describing the work injuries in terms of reasonable medical diagnoses.


            With the issuance of the NCP, the Claimant began receiving his temporary total disability benefits for wage loss, with the employer requesting an IRE under Section 306(a.2)(1) of the Act after the Claimant had received 104 weeks of wage loss benefits.


            Requesting an IRE, the employer described the Claimant’s work injuries as “bilateral hands-nerve and joint pain”, which, technically, was already expanding the description of injury under review by the IRE, with the IRE resulting in a determination that the Claimant had a 6% impairment rating, in terms of the work injuries, resulting in his compensation benefits being converted from the lifetime temporary total disability benefits to the partial disability benefits subject to the 500 week cap under Section 306(b).


            Challenging the conversion of his compensation benefits, the Claimant filed a Review Petition, alleging that the IRE was invalid, as it had not included a complete description of injury, since the Claimant alleged that the IRE should have also considered the Claimant’s post-traumatic stress disorder, although that injury had never formally been accepted as compensable and work-related by the employer, nor had there been any litigation adjudicating a determination that the Claimant’s PTSD was related to his 2009 work injury.


            Conflicting medical testimony was then presented by the parties, in support of and in opposition to the Claimant’s Review Petition, with the Claimant’s physicians testifying that the PTSD was related, and the employer’s medical expert testified that the PTSD was not related, as well as that the Claimant was fully recovered from that diagnosis.


            Finding in favor of the Claimant, the WCJ granted the Claimant’s Review Petition, amending the description of injury to include the PTSD diagnosis, as well as invalidating the IRE, on grounds that the IRE had not considered the Claimant’s PTSD.


            Appealing the WCJ’s Decision, the employer was successful in convincing the Appeal Board to reverse the WCJ’s Decision, with the Board finding the IRE to be valid as the Claimant had never formally sought to amend the NCP to include the diagnosis of PTSD and depressed mood, and the WCJ had accepted the testimony of the IRE physician that the Claimant was at MMI as of the IRE, requiring the IRE to be valid when performed.


            Petitioning for review before the Commonwealth Court, the Claimant again argued, as he had before the WCJ, that the IRE failed to consider all of his work-related injuries, as the PTSD had not been considered, with the employer countering that acceptance of the Claimant’s argument would essentially eviscerate the IRE provisions of the Act, as Claimants could always challenge IRE determinations on grounds that the IRE failed to consider injuries never formally accepted or adjudicated as being work-related, although they might be injuries of an overlay nature, as was the case in Duffey.


            In the course of affirming the Appeal Board’s determination that the IRE had been valid, based upon the Claimant never challenging the accepted description of injury prior to the IRE and the Claimant being at MMI in terms of work injuries as of the IRE being performed, the Court determined that both the statutory language and IRE legal precedents required the validity of an IRE to be dependent upon two factors, one being the Claimant’s medical state, whether at MMI or not, when the IRE is performed, as well as, secondarily, the IRE focusing in on the injuries that were determined to be work-related, whether described on an NCP, or determined in a Decision issued by a WCJ.


            Relying upon Westmoreland Regional Hospital v. WCAB, 29 A.3d 120 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2011), the Court held that “the IRE produces a snapshot of the Claimant’s condition at the time of the IRE, not a survey of the Claimant’s work-related injuries over a period of time”.


            For that reason, the Duffey Court held that the validity of the IRE is determined by “the Claimant’s physical condition at the time of the IRE”.


            The Court also ruled that it interpreted Section 306(a.2) of the WCA to not infer that the General Assembly intended to nullify performed and otherwise valid IREs, being challenged with claims of new or additional injuries not considered by the IRE physicians.


            This ruling does not necessarily foreclose Claimant’s from challenging the conversion of their compensation benefit status from total disability to partial disability, if Claimants obtain impairment ratings of at least 50% under the AMA Guides.


            Holding that an IRE that considers a Claimant’s work injury as defined and existing at the time the IRE is performed, to be valid notwithstanding an after-the-fact expansion of the scope of a Claimant’s work-related injury, the Court held that to find otherwise would be inconsistent with the WCA, and the Court’s own prior precedents.


            As Shakespeare might have said in Richard III, “My Kingdom, My Kingdom for an IRE!”





ConnorsO’Dell LLP


Trust us, we just get it!  It is trust well spent!


We defend Employers, Self-Insureds, Insurance Carriers, and Third Party Administrators in Workers’ Compensation matters throughout  Pennsylvania.  We have over 100 years of cumulative experience defending our clients against compensation-related liabilities, with no attorney in our firm having less than ten (10) years of specialized experience, empowering our Workers’ Compensation practice group attorneys to be more than mere claim denials, enabling us to create the factual and legal leverage to expeditiously resolve claims, in the course of limiting/reducing/extinguishing our clients’ liabilities under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.


Every member of our Workers’ Compensation practice group is AV rated.  Our partnership with the NWCDN magnifies the lens for which our professional expertise imperiously demands that we always be dynamic and exacting advocates for our clients, navigating the frustrating and form-intensive minefield pervasive throughout Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation practice and procedure.








Teague Campbell’s Medicare Settlement Solutions recently obtained a favorable MSA approval from CMS in a case where the plaintiff sustained a compensable back injury in 2002.  He was provided authorized medical care until his release in 2009, when his authorized treating orthopaedist indicated that he would not need any additional treatment.  In 2012, an outside MSA vendor was hired to prepare a MSA proposal.  The proposal recommended a MSA in excess of $288,000, based largely on medications prescribed for unrelated conditions.  Teague Campbell’s Medicare Settlement Solutions analyzed the file materials and relevant issues, and worked with the parties to formulate a strategy for more accurately projecting the lifetime Medicare-covered expenses specifically related to the at-work injury.  Medicare Settlement Solutions prepared a new MSA proposal and handled submission of this proposal to CMS.  CMS approved the new MSA amount with total funding of less than $9,000, which resulted in significant savings and ultimately allowed the parties to proceed with full and final settlement of the claim.

Florence Godin has retired as a Specialist I after 23years in state service.


Wood v. Fairpoint Communications Opinion No. 7-15WC (Apr. 10 2015)

Attorney fees awarded following informal conference when initial denial based upon “‘lack of investigative evidence to determine causal relationship to employment.’” Treating physician altered initial treatment note to show causal connection to work but Defendant did not rescind denial.

Kurant v Sugarbush Soaring Association, Inc. (Kurant III), Opinion No. 8-15WC (April 13, 2015). Attorney fees awarded without formal hearing when Carrier refused to pay ongoing medical treatment based upon an IME report stating that such ongoing treatment is not reasonable or necessary, but no Form 27 filed in support of the IME and no other medical records filed in support thereon. “Defendant’s failure to comply with the requirements of Rule 18.2100 amounted to misconduct or neglect under Rule 10.1330. It thus became necessary for Claimant to retain an attorney, whose efforts resulted in an interim order requiring Defendant to continue benefit payments. Notably, because the benefits at issue involve ongoing medical coverage rather than a cash award, under the circumstances of this case Claimant has no other workers’ compensation-related fund from which topay his attorney for her work. If he is to be made whole, an award of attorney fees is necessary.”

Julie Mercier of Williamstown, VT, has joined the staff at the Department as a Workers’ Compensation Specialist II.  Ms Mercier has an Associates of Science as a Paralegal and a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies, both from Woodbury College.  She also has worked for the law firm of Zalinger Cameron & Lambek, PC, as a paralegal providing support for workers’ compensation and personal injury cases.  Most recently, Ms. Mercier served as a Docket Clerk for the Criminal and Family Court of Washington County, Vermont.

We also regretfully say goodbye to Lisa Brassard WC Specialist II who will be leaving the Department to join the Vermont League of Cities and Towns




Smiley v State of Vermont, 2014 Vt 42 (Mar. 6, 2015)

In 3-1 split decision, Court upholds Commissioner’s determination that statute of limitations barred claim and statute was not tolled by regulation requiring employers to determine impairment at time of medical end result. Carrier’s agreement to pay for an impairment rating after the statute of limitations had expired did not constitute a waiver as “claimant cannot unequivocally demonstrate an implicit wiaver under the circumstances of this case.” Court determines that new regulation requiring carriers to determine impairment at time of medical end result was procedural not substantive and thus could be applied retroactively. “In essence, the commissioner’s decision has expanded equitable estoppel or equitable tolling by reading a critical element out of each so that the employer’s inaction alone allows the limitation period to be suspended forever. This use of equitable doctrine eliminates the statutory limitation period in favor of one created by the commissioner. This is beyond the commissioner’s power.” Case invovles unique aspect of small impairment award with large interest award almost twice as large as impairment. “[I]nterest at the statutory rate is a form of penalty imposed on the employer, and if the claimant is not in immediate need for the money, the financial incentive is to delay a claim as long as possible to realize the high rate of interest. We conclude that this is prejdice as a matter of law.” Justice Robinson concurred and dissented from the majority’s opinion. She “emphasize[d] the clear state of our current law ...[that] the notion that a workers’ compensation case is open-ended, and that a claimant may not be statutorily barred from pursuing a claim for benefits years after an injury, and even years after the claim for benefits has arisen, is not particularly shocking or unusual. This is one of the most striking features distinguishing workers’ compensation from its tort-law cousin.” “[T]he Legislature’s elimination ofany distinct statute of limitations for permanent partial disability claims renders the majority’s appraisal of the former Rule 18(a) obsolete as it relates to injuries that arose on or after May 26, 2004.”                 

Marshall v. Vermont State Hospital, 2015 VT 47 (Mar. 6, 2015)

Reversing and remanding Superior Court decision and finding in favor of Defendant/Appellant. Subsequent disputes as to the propriety of an initial impairment rating is not a basis for determining that a Form 22 can be modified for mutual mistake. “While we conclude here that Dr Cyr’s allegedly mistaken medical opinion is an insufficient basis for concluding that there has been a material mistake of fact, we decline to hold that an impairment rating cannever be the basis for reforming a Form 22 agreement under the material-mistake-of-fact doctrine.”


Bohannon v Town of Stowe, Opinion No. 1-15WC (Jan. 5, 2015)(HO Woodruff)

Claim not barred by Statute of Limitations as equitable estoppel defense by claimant prevails. Hearing officer finds that: “ If [Claimant’s] claim was denied, he would have been seasonably notified and afforded an appropriate opportunity to appeal. Had he not done so within the applicable limitations period, his current claim would likely be time-barred.” Pursuant to the Odd Lot Doctrine, Claimant found to be PTD despite having no formal vocational rehabilitation assessment. “The language of the rule is suggestive, not mandatory, however, and the particular circumstances of this case justify a rare exception.See, e.g., Prescott v. Suburban Propane, Opinion No. 42-09WC (November 2, 2009). Although it is Claimant’s burden of proof, Defendant has not proffered any evidence, either from a functional capacity evaluator or from a vocational rehabilitation professional, from which I might conclude that he in fact has any meaningful vocational options.”

Thomas v. Engelberth Construction, Opinion No. 2-15WC (Feb. 6, 2015)

“I do not necessarily equate the requisite finding for issuing and interim order under 21 V.S.A.§662(b)- that the employer’s denial lacks ‘reasonable support’ based upon the record as a whole,see 21 V.S.A. §601(24) - with the finding required for an award of attorney fees under Rule 10.1320- that at the tine it denied the claim the employer had no ‘reasonable basis’ for doing so.Ploof v. Franklin County Sherriff’s Department, Opinion No. 13-14WC (August 8, 2014), citingYustin [v. State of Vermont, Department of Public Safety., Opinion No. 38-11WC (November 18, 2011).]”


Chase v State of Vermont, Opinion No. 3-15WC (Jan. 28, 2015)(HO Phillips)

Claimant’s treating physician’s opinions found more credible than Defendant’s IME opinion. Vermont Supreme Court’s “heightened burden of proof” in which aggravated symptoms “without a worsening of the underlying disability, does not meet the causation requirement”, (Stanard v. Stannard Co, Inc., 2003 VT 52) found inapplicable in the instant case. “Where the claimant is already suffering from a symptomatic, degenerative condition, it is often impossible to discern whether worsened symptoms during work activities are merely a manifestation of the underlying disease or alternatively, whether the work activities themselves have caused or aggravated it. No such ambiguity exists here, however.”  Claimant’s claim for reimbursement for naturpoathic supplements denied pursuant to statutes 21 V.S.A. §640(a) as “the employer’s obligation does not extend to over-the-counter medication, no matter how effective of necessary they might be.” 

Fifield v Heatech Inc., Opinion No. 4-15WC (Feb. 25 2015)(HO Woodruff)

Based upon treating medical providers opinions Sacroliac joint injection is reasonable and necessary medical treatment as opposed to IME doctor’s opinions. “As in so many areas of medical decision-making, the analysis required to make an accurate diagnosis is most oftn a question of quality, not quantity.”

Richards v C&S Wholesale Grocers, Opinion No. 5-15WC (HO Woodruff)(Feb. 27, 2105)

In rejecting IME doctor’s opinion as to causation, Hearing Officer relies, in part, upon Vermont Supreme Court decision inStannard v. Stannard, 203 VT 52 to determine that the “work injury caused his preexisting L5-S1 pathology to become symptomatic to the point where his associated disability came upon him sooner than otherwise would have occurred.”

Herring v Department of Liquor Control, Opinion No. 6-15WC (HO Phillips) (Mar. 24, 2015).

Claimant had accepted back injury with an alleged 0% permanent impairment and files a claim for compensability determination of shoulder condition. However, Claimant withdrew the claim and six months later files a new claim for 10% permanency benefits based upon the accepted back condition. At the informal level, an interiem order issued against Defendant which pays the full 10% impairment rating. Then Claimant seeks an award of attorney fees. Analyzing the request for an award of attorney fees pursuant to the 2008 amendments to the statute and the 2010 amendments to the WC Rules governing an award of attorney fees at the informal conference level, Commissioner awards most of the attorney fees and all of the costs Claimant had sought in this matter. “[T]he amendments have effectively eliminated employer or insurance carrier delay, unreasonable denial or misconduct as a necessary prerequisite to an award of fees at the informal level. Instead, in appropriate circumstances an award can now be based solely on a finding that but for the attorney’s efforts, the claimant would not have prevailed.... [W]hile the Commissioner retains the authority to award fees when a claim is resolved informally, she is by no means compelled to do so in every case. Exercising that discretion should further the goals of (a) maintaining appropriate standards of employer and adjuster conduct; (b) discouraging excessive and unnecessary attorney involvement; and © encouraging the parties to make effective use of the informal dispute resolution process. With these goals in mind, for example, an award of attorney fees might not be appropriate in a case that would have been amenable to informal resolution but for the attorney’s unnecessarily adversarial posturing. Similarly, where the claimant’s attorney prolongs a dispute by failing to obtain and share critical information promptly and voluntarily, fees will likely be denied. There might be other instances as well where the attorney’s conduct so undermines the informal process as to negate his or her entitlement to an award of fees. And last, there might be claims that are successfully resolved largely as a consequence of the workers’ compensation specialist’s efforts rather than the attorney’s, in which case a fee award might not be justified.”

Rayford H. Taylor
Of Counsel
Gilson Athans P.C.
980 Hammond Drive, Suite 800
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
770-512-0300 - Ext. 529
770-512-0070 - Fax

The Appellate Court found that the evidence supported the State Board

of Worker’s Compensation’s denial of benefits to the claimant


ABF Freight System, Inc. v. Presley

(Georgia Court of Appeals)


Employee not entitled to additional benefits because he could not establish he had sustained a “fictional new accident,” but rather had merely had a “change in condition.”



Employee had to prove right knee problems were a result of a fictional new injury, rather than a change in condition arising out of normal life.  He failed to prove a new injury, so not entitled to benefits.




Mr. Presley worked for ABF Freight System, Inc. as a truck driver and dock worker.  He sustained a compensable injury to his right knee, had surgery, and received temporary total disability (“TTD”) benefits during his absence from work.  He later returned to work without restrictions or limitations and continued to perform his normal job duties.  However, his right knee pain worsened and he was diagnosed with arthritis in the knee and was advised that he would eventually need a right knee replacement.


Mr. Presley also sustained a compensable job-related injury to his left knee, had surgery and again ultimately returned to work without restrictions or limitations and resumed his normal duties.  His right knee pain continued to worsen following his left knee surgery.  He had apparently suffered a tear of the medial meniscus to his left knee but continued his normal job duties even as his right knee pain worsened.


After an additional year of continuing to work in his regular job duties following his left meniscal tear, the doctor informed Mr. Presley that a total right knee replacement was necessary.  Mr. Presley had the surgery and was placed on a “no work” status and sought payment of TTD benefits, arguing that he had sustained a fictional new injury.  ABF argued that it was a change in condition for the worse, and the right knee condition and it was not compensable.


Whether an employee suffers a fictional new injury or change in condition is a question of fact for determination by the administrative law judge (“ALJ”).  In this case, the ALJ denied benefits, finding that Mr. Presley did not suffer fictional new injury and that the two-year statute of limitation barred his claim since he had last received TTD benefits for his right knee more than years prior.  On appeal, the State Board adopted that decision.


The parties agreed that there was no singular specific incident creating an immediate need for Presley’s total right knee replacement.  Instead, the dispute was whether Presley’s total temporary disability arising from his right knee replacement should be characterized as a fictional new accident or a change in condition for the worse.


A fictional new injury, or aggravation of a pre-existing condition, occurs when a “claimant is injured on the job but continues to perform the duties of his employment until such time that he is forced to cease work because of the gradual worsening of his condition which was at least partly attributable to his physical activity in continuing work subsequent to his injury.” Central State Hospital v. James, 147 Ga. App. 308, 309, 248 S.E.2d 678 (Ga. App. 1978). 


A change in physical condition, on the other hand, occurs when a claimant sustains an injury and is awarded compensation during his period of disability.  Subsequent thereto, the employee returns to employment performing his normal duties or ordinary work.  Then as a result of the wear and tear, ordinary life and the activity connected with performing his normal duties and not because of any specific job-related incident, his condition gradually worsens to the point where he can no longer continue to perform his ordinary work. 


Ordinarily, the distinguishing feature that determines whether that disability is either “a change of condition” or a “fictional new accident” is the intervention of new circumstances.  Whether an employee suffers a fictional new accident or a change in condition is a question of fact to be determined by the ALJ.  In this case, the Appellate Court found that under the “any evidence rule” the findings of the State Board and the ALJ had to be affirmed.






The article was written by Rayford H. Taylor, Esq., Of Counsel to Gilson Athans P.C., a law firm dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation and all other liability and commercial matters.  Mr. Taylor is admitted to practice law in Florida and Georgia and is AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest rating an attorney can receive.  Taylor and Gilson Athans are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN).  The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields.


Rayford H. Taylor
Of Counsel
Gilson Athans P.C.
980 Hammond Drive, Suite 800
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
770-512-0300 - Ext. 529
770-512-0070 - Fax

Employee Entitled to receive Temporary Total Disability Benefits


Burns v. State of Georgia, Department of Administrative Services

(Georgia Court of Appeals)


Employee entitled to receive temporary total disability (“TTD”) benefits following termination because Employer was found to have terminated her because of her work-related injury.




LaVerne Burns was a receptionist for the State of Georgia, Department of Administrative Services.  She was injured when the chair she was sitting in collapsed.  She received worker’s compensation benefits in connection with the injury, but continued to work in her position until her employment was terminated.  She then sought TTD benefits.  An administrative law judge (“ALJ”) awarded Ms. Burns TTD benefits, finding the reasons the employer gave for terminating her employment were pretextual and she was terminated due to her work injury.  The State Board’s Appellate Division upheld the award of TTD benefits.




Following her employer’s termination, the claimant sought TTD benefits.  The employer challenged the request on the grounds that her employment was terminated for reasons unrelated to her injury and because she had not sought another job.  After the trial, the ALJ awarded Burns TTD benefits and specifically found she was a credible witness and “the reasons given by the employer to justify her termination were pretextual and that she was terminated due to her work injury.”  Because the real reason for the termination was the work-related injury and claim, the ALJ determined Burns had carried her burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, entitlement to TTD benefits. 


As a general rule to obtain benefits, a claimant is required to show either that they have searched for another position or that they had been working in a restricted capacity when their employment was terminated.  The Supreme Court of Georgia inPadgett v. Waffle House, 269 Ga. 105, 498 S.E.2d 499 (Ga. 1998), clarified that showing a diligent but unsuccessful effort to secure employment following termination was a way of establishing the necessary element of causation.  However, in this case, by proving the work-related injury was the proximate cause of the termination, the claimant established the causal link between injury and her worsened economic condition.  Therefore, she did not have to establish she had searched for another position.  Finding the reasons for the termination were a pretext to avoid continued payment of benefits satisfied the proximate cause requirement. 


The Court said the issue was not whether Burns sought new employment or whether she was working under restrictions when the employer terminated her, but whether she demonstrated the necessary causal link between her work-related injury and her worsened economic condition.  The fact that the employer gave pretextual reasons for terminating her employment, which was due in part to Burns’ work-related injury, established the causal link.  The case was remanded back to address whether or not there was sufficient evidence to establish the finding of her termination based upon a pretext.






The article was written by Rayford H. Taylor, Esq., Of Counsel to Gilson Athans P.C., a law firm dedicated to representing employers, self-insured employers and insurance carriers in workers’ compensation and all other liability and commercial matters.  Mr. Taylor is admitted to practice law in Florida and Georgia and is AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell, which is the highest rating an attorney can receive.  Taylor and Gilson Athans are members of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN).  The NWCDN is a national and Canadian network of reputable law firms organized to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields.