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Abrased and Contused: Great Texas Work Injuries in Cinema

It never hurts to remember triumph over misfortune as a reminder that a work injury - even a serious one - is rarely reason to despair. Maybe you never thought about work injuries like that before, but if not, do you remember this movie? Hard as it may be to believe, it has been thirty years since the release of Dazed and Confused. That’s almost twice the span of time between its premiere in 1993 and the film’s setting: Texas, May 28, 1976.  Since it’s late May in the Lone Star state, it seems like the perfect time to revisit Richard Linklater’s coming-of-age classic, shot in and around the director’s adopted home of Austin. (Disclaimer: Events depicted therein are for viewing enjoyment only, not for emulating.)

The ensemble comedy has gained a fanatical following far exceeding its paltry box office grosses upon initial release, and some of today’s most recognizable faces got their big breaks from the movie, including Academy Award winners Ben Affleck, Renee Zellweger, and University of Texas alum Matthew McConaughey.  It turned the Texas capital into a viable alternative to Hollywood for independent-minded filmmakers: Linklater co-founded the Austin Film Society.  It also spawned arguably the biggest movie catchphrase in recent memory, albeit decades after the fact.

Melissa Maerz’s excellent book Alright, Alright, Alright: An Oral History of Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused (HarperCollins, 2020), is packed with insight and anecdotes about the making of the film.  Among those: the revelation that the movie’s two de facto protagonists, freshman Mitch Kramer and senior Randall “Pink” Floyd, were avatars for the writer/director at those ages, with his older, wiser self mentoring his baby-faced doppelganger throughout the film.  “Pink is me,” Linklater admits to Maerz. “And so is Mitch.”  (Eagle-eyed viewers will notice that the characters are even dressed identically in gray t-shirts, blue pants, and long brown hair when they first cross paths.)

When seeking the performers who would not only carry the film but embody its creator, Linklater did not have to look far for his Mitch; Austin native Wiley Wiggins happened to be outside a local coffee shop when the casting director, looking for non-professional actors, offered him a chance to audition.   

Finding the right person to play Pink, though, depended on an initially horrific twist of fate in the form of a Texas work injury.  

Jason London, who eventually won the role, never intended to become an actor either. In Alright, Alright, Alright, he recalls being fifteen and working construction for his father in DeSoto, Texas, until his left foot got caught in the lift mechanism on a forklift, amputating two toes.  As he tells Maerz: “My whole life at that point was all about sports, and the only way I was gonna get to go to college was through scholarships in sports or the military.  All of [a] sudden, that path was gone. I thought it was the worst thing that could’ve ever happened to me. But then I decided to take drama. I guess it was destiny. I had to think about life beyond sports, just like Pink.”  

London’s unfortunate Texas work injury inadvertently set him on an alternate career trajectory, fortuitously intersecting with Richard Linklater in Austin five years later and providing one of the most beloved Texas-based movies its co-lead.  The anecdote is one of triumph over misfortune and a reminder that a work injury—even a serious one—is rarely reason to despair.  As we reminded you at the beginning, if you never thought of triumph over misfortune before…  


Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP 

Spring has Sprung and Everything Old is New Again 

DWC Adopts Changes to DD Rules - Again

The Division, faced with a rapidly dwindling list of available designated doctors (current numbers show 60 MDs, 9 DOs and 169 DCs for a total of 238 designated doctors), has again changed things up in efforts to make more doctors available to field the number of requests they receive each year.  

The new rules change the qualification criteria to require less for certain kinds of examinations and add to the list of board-certified doctors qualified to evaluate traumatic brain injuries with the justification that those doctors are to send out for testing anyway and they can then incorporate that testing into their reports. These qualification changes are effective 6/5/23.

This is not the first rule change impacting the designated doctor suite of rules, and it likely won’t be the last, but here are the high points:

•  For DD examinations involving traumatic brain injuries, the Division added doctors who are or have been board certified in orthopaedic surgery, occupational medicine, dermatology, plastic surgery, surgery, anesthesiology with a subspeciality in pain medicine, emergency medicine, thoracic and cardiac surgery and family medicine.

•  For DD examinations involving injuries with multiple fractures, a single spinal fracture or rib fractures where there is no vascular injury, chiropractors are now qualified, in addition to MDs and DOs.

•  DD examinations involving spinal cord injuries including spinal fractures with documented neurological injury or vascular injury, more than one spinal fracture or cauda equina syndrome are assigned to board certified doctors in neurosurgery, neurology, PM&R or orthopedic surgery.*

•  DD examinations involving multiple fractures accompanied by vascular injury are assigned to board certified doctors in emergency medicine, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, PM&R or occupational medicine.*

•  Multiple certifications will no longer be ordered unless the Division orders them as the result of a Presiding Officer Directive. 

*These examinations are handled by the same specialties, but carve out the more complex fracture injuries for board certification while allowing chiropractors to evaluate multiple fractures, single spine fractures and rib fractures that don’t involve vascular injury.  

•  Doctors who passed DWC certification on or after 5/13/13 don’t have to test again for certifications that expire on or after 4/30/23.**

•  Doctors still have to take required training and reapply every 2 years.

•  The certification and re-certification rules have been streamlined.

•  None of the rule changes address billing and reimbursement for designated doctor examinations. (Specifically, there is no mention of increasing the reimbursement rate for designated doctor examinations.  In 2022, the Division posted and took comment on Rules 133 and 134 and the relevant sections relating to billing and reimbursement for designated doctor examinations. The second informal posting of those rules provided increased reimbursement for examinations and even provided a $150.00 missed appointment fee.  The comment deadline for those rules was 12/16/22.  There is no word yet on the status of this rule project).

**The rule allows the Division to require a doctor to take the test again on a case-by-case basis as part of a performance review.

Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP  

Interesting Cases in Texas Workers’ Comp Law 

Coming and Going Rule – A Question of Fact

The El Paso Court of Appeals recently reversed a district court’s summary judgment decision involving a coming and going case. Duane Cook was employed by an oilfield fishing and rental tools company in far West Texas. The company issued him a truck, which included tools, that he was to take to and from their yard and other job sites as part of his job.  He was allowed to drive the truck to and from home and the employer’s shop, but could not use it for personal errands.  He was the sole mechanic employee and was responsible for checking all of the company equipment before the crews took it to the worksites from the shop.  

The night before the accident in question, his supervisor told Cook to drive to the employer’s yard the next morning to inspect some equipment that was to leave the yard early in the morning to arrive on site at a designated delivery time.  Early that next morning, Cook began driving from his home to the yard and was involved in a MVA only one or two blocks from his house.   The Division held Cook sustained a compensable injury and had disability.  The Appeals Panel reversed and rendered a decision against Cook and found he was not acting in the course and scope of his employment.  Cook filed suit in district court and Texas Mutual filed a motion for summary judgment, which the trial court granted.  The El Paso Court of Appeals analyzed Texas workers’ compensation course and scope law and the coming-and-going rule with its exceptions and ultimately held that there was a genuine fact issue as to whether Cook’s trip originated in the course and scope of his employment or was in the furtherance of the affairs of his employer’s business and remanded the case to the trial court.  Cook v. Texas Mutual Insurance Company, 2023 WL 2919332, ___ S.W. 3d ___ (Tex. App. – El Paso, April 12, 2023).


Venue for a Cowboy?


In most Texas workers’ compensation cases, the question of venue is pretty straightforward. In the case of Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman, Alcus Reshod Fortenberry, however, it was less so. Texas Labor Code §410.252(b) requires suits to be brought in the county where the employee “resided at the time of the injury.”   In this case, Mr. Fortenberry was injured while attending training camp in California on 8/2/15.  He signed a 3-year contract in May of that year to play for the Cowboys.  He stayed in a hotel in Dallas County while attending team practices that summer beginning in May.  He sprained his knee in June and had to sit out practice for 2 weeks, but continued to attend and participate in other activities during that time.  Later that month, he traveled to Louisiana to rehab his knee, but stayed in touch with the team regarding his progress and returned to Dallas for a conditioning test with his teammates in July before training camp began.  On 8/2/15, he injured his knee and was added to the injured reserve list with an estimated recovery time of 9 to 12 months.  His contract was ultimately terminated in May of 2016.  He filed for workers’ compensation benefits and the Carrier denied them. The parties stipulated to venue in the Dallas Field Office at the DWC level.  Unhappy with his impairment rating, Fortenberry filed suit in district court in Dallas, and the Carrier sought transfer to Travis County.  Fortenberry alleged his residence at the time of the injury was the Marriott Residence Inn in Dallas. The trial court denied the Carrier’s motion and the trial went forward in Dallas. The jury returned a verdict for Fortenberry and the Carrier appealed. The Court of Appeals held Texas Labor Code § 410.252(b) did not apply and rejected his other venue arguments and reversed the trial court’s judgment. The Texas Supreme Court held the venue provision of Labor Code § 410.252(b) was mandatory and Fortenberry more than presented enough evidence that he “resided” in Dallas County at the time of his injury.  The Court further held that the fact that he was staying in a hotel for a prolonged period of time did not preclude him from qualifying as a “resident” and found it probative that the parties stipulated to venue at the Division level.  Fortenberry v. Great Divide Insurance Company, 2023 WL 2719475 (Tex., March 3, 2023).

Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP

Sunrise, Sunset – Well, Maybe Just Sunrise…

In an unexpected move earlier this month, the Senate unanimously passed an amended bill that would delay by four more years the scheduled sunset review for TDI, DWC, OPIC and OIEC. This will push sunset review of the Division of Workers’ Compensation and the Office of Injured Employee Counsel to 2029, rather than 2025 as originally scheduled. SB1659, which was introduced by Senator Charles Schwertner of Georgetown - current chairman of the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission - will now go to the House of Representatives for further deliberations. At this time, we have no idea what is behind the legislation to postpone review of these agencies, but the legislation seeks to modify the review process for more than 40 Texas agencies.  

Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP

New Rule – New Forms

No rule change would be complete without changes to the corresponding forms and no form gets more facelifts than our beloved DWC-32. Here are some fun facts about the changes:

•  She’s lost some weight – down to four pages now – really 3-1/2 since the 4th page is just signatures.

•  Just the facts ma’am.  The form has been streamlined to request very basic identifying information of the parties, their representative and doctors.  Gone are the questions regarding authorized agents and bill review agents.   

•  The accepted compensable injury is a thing of the past. Box 37 is gone – caput – no one cares.  Regardless of whether the designated doctor is asked to address extent of injury.  Fear not, dear reader - the designated doctor will determine the compensable injury during the examination.  

•  Interestingly, there is a “yes” or “no” box” where you can tell someone that a DWC-24, CCH Decision or final court order determining the compensable conditions exists; however, there is no corresponding place to elaborate on that determination. 

The New DWC-32 must be used starting 6/5/23 and can be found on the Division’s website at:

There are also new forms for the doctors to apply for certification and new DWC-68 forms for doctors to record extent of injury findings “more precisely.”


Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP 

NWCDN Conference in Charlotte, NC

The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network will host its Southeast Regional Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina May 4-5, 2023. The conference is set to focus on what is on the horizon for workers’ compensation, with the keynote speaker – Mark Pew – speaking on managing pain through technology.  The conference is fee to guests of SLS.  You can check out the course agenda here

While you are in Charlotte, be sure to swing by and visit the home of world-famous race car driver Ricky Bobby – in fact, if you like it you can even put in an offer as his palatial mansion is for sale!

Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP  

More Changes at DWC

SLS bids farewell to Administrative Law Judge Rabiat Ngbwa who presided over Contested Case Hearings in the Austin Field Office.  No word yet on who will replace Judge Ngbwa, but we wish her well in her future endeavors.


Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP  

One Girl’s Opinion – Editorial by Erika Copeland

If you live long enough things definitely seem to come full circle. I began my workers’ compensation career as a Hearing Officer in the field when designated doctors only addressed MMI and impairment ratings. As time went by, they added other issues to their repertoire and the list grew. Local treating doctors provided MMI/IR certifications and, if you didn’t like it, you requested a designated doctor. Then the scheduling companies moved in and doctors started traveling from Houston to Abilene to see patients and the whole landscape changed. Seemingly before we knew it, the tail was wagging the dog and the companies were making 60% of the amount billed for the examinations and recruiting doctors from all disciplines, demographics and age groups to be designated doctors. It was truly the wild, wild west.  

The Division, spurred by the Sunset Advisory Commission and the 82nd Legislature took action and in January of 2011, I was in Austin and was charged – along with many others – with making changes to the designated doctor program.  Many people at the Division spent untold hours working very hard to improve the program and developed new rules, qualification and certification criteria, testing, and training curriculum that met the statutory requirements and systems designated to ensure qualified doctors were selected for the thousands of examinations that were requested each year.  It was a complete overhaul of the system that was not without its fits and starts, but overall, we saw great improvement in the training, testing, and competence and resources available to the doctors charged with providing the opinions necessary for the system participants to use in resolving their disputes.   

All of these changes came with consequences – some anticipated and some unforeseen.  The requirements to become a designated doctor – or even a doctor certified to evaluate MMI/IR – were now more burdensome, time consuming and costly.  The number of examinations available no longer justified the cost for many and some made the economic decision to let their certifications lapse.  The training for years had been perfunctory and the testing was not monitored or meaningful.  Now, the Division was requiring a three-day training at no small expense and was requiring doctors to have access to the ODG and MD Guidelines – additional expense items.  Many doctors did not want to take the time to learn or maintain the certification.   

Some unintended problems with the way the Division selected the most qualified doctors - and the additional costs associated with new training, testing and administrative requirements under the new rules - pushed many MDs and DOs out of the system.  In September of 2012, there were over 1,200 doctors on the Division’s list.  As of the date of this newsletter, the list is down to 238 and less than 30% are MDs and DOs. 

Over the years, the Division attempted to solve the problem of the ever-shrinking list with rule changes.  In December of 2018, they implemented a rule change designed to change the way the examinations were assigned and modified the qualification standards, yet the list continued to shrink.  This new set of rules has the stated goal of maintaining and increasing participation in the designated doctor program and allowing better access to certain kinds of examinations.  While it may well achieve the latter, there is little hope of it doing the former for one simple reason.  In the April 10, 2023 rule memo, the Division clearly stated that neither rule concerns one of the most important issues that the Division has not changed in decades – billing and reimbursement.    While they may be working to address that issue, the status of the billing and reimbursement rules project remains unclear. In light of the current state of the list, a change to the fee structure could be, at this point, too little too late.

The medical doctors and osteopaths left because it was no longer cost effective for them to do the work.  The medical fee guidelines for designated doctor examinations have not been updated to adequately reflect the changes in the designated doctor program.  The administrative burden on designated doctors – with or without scheduling company assistance – increased considerably when the rules changed.  The complexity of the cases the board-certified doctors are asked to address – especially regarding the extent of the injury - and the sheer volume of medical records they are asked to review in order to adequately evaluate those kinds of issues – are not reflected in the medical fee guidelines.   There is no reimbursement when a doctor travels out of town to see a claimant that doesn’t show up.  There is no incentive for local doctors who feel as though they are being priced out of the market by traveling doctors.

The administrative burden has lessened to some degree, however.  The doctors, under the new rule, don’t have to test anymore.  Over time other requirements have lessened: training is no longer three days long every two years and much of it is available by webinar instead of live training; doctors are no longer required to have access to MDGuidelines or ODG, they just have to “apply” them.  The obvious casualty of these changes – report quality.

While the doctors have concerns that are no doubt legitimate, practitioners have their own concerns about the rules.  Notwithstanding the obvious concerns about the declining quality of the designated doctor reports, we are now back to square one (circa 2010) with the designated doctor deciding what is compensable – without regard for what the carrier has accepted or disputed – whether the doctor is addressing extent of injury or not.  The designated doctor will no longer provide multiple certifications unless the Division orders it.  This begs the question – how does this help us with informal resolution?

Meanwhile, the Carrier is required to pay benefits based on the designated doctor’s certification of MMI/IR – even if they have disputed the condition the designated doctor has rated.   The question then becomes, is this a voluntary payment according to the SIF when it comes time to seek reimbursement if the Carrier is able to get the MMI/IR determination overturned at a CCH?  How do we advise our clients?  

A lot of very hard work went in to making positive changes to the designated doctor program after the last Sunset Commission recognized the problems the Division was facing.  In this girl’s opinion the Division was on the right track with training and testing and educating a group of doctors to provide meaningful tools to aid system participants and the Division in dispute resolution.  

Unfortunately, just easing up on the administrative burdens and continuing to change the qualification criteria will not bring more doctors into the system.  Changing the criteria to make it easier for a doctor to “qualify” does not make a doctor more qualified.  

Copyright 2023, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP 

The burial benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $11,300.00 effective July 1, 2023. This benefit applies upon the death of an employee, resulting through personal injuries as defined in NEB. REV. STAT. § 48-151

Please select this link to view the latest news from the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court (

Cumulative Trauma - Sufficiency of Evidence 

Lexington Fayette Urban County Gov’t v. Gosper, 2021-SC-0386-WC (not final)

Claimant worked exclusively as firefighter and EMT for employer for 18 years. He presented to his treating physician, Dr. Balthrop, in December of 2017 with unbearable bilateral knee pain which his physician stated was work-related. He underwent two total knee replacement surgeries paid through workers’ compensation. Claimant had treated for knee problems for years and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in 2012. He had a prior right knee work injury in 2007 that led to a meniscectomy. Dr. Balthrop testified that Claimant’s physically exacting work demands combined with his varus deformity accelerated the gradual deterioration of his knees and his occupation worsened his arthritis. The employer’s IME expert, Dr. Prince acknowledged that sustained, repetitive, and strenuous work is a risk factor for arthritis and would have accelerated Claimant’s degenerative changes. Dr. Prince, attributed 75% of his left knee impairment and 50% of his right knee impairment to non-occupational factors, including his varus deformity and being overweight. He testified that without the work-related component, Claimant would likely not have needed the knee replacement surgery at the age he had it. Claimant’s IME expert, Dr. Burke, noted that while Claimant experienced intermittent knee pain, he continued to work, however by the end of 2017 his knees deteriorated to where he couldn’t function with regular duty activities. Dr. Burke diagnosed progressive development of bilateral osteoarthritis contributed significantly by the nature and duration of his work. The employer also had a report prepared by Dr. Lyon, who attributed 50% of Claimant’s right knee condition to work and 0% of the left knee condition. Dr. Lyon emphasized Claimant’s history of knee pain and bowleggedness.


The ALJ found that the nature and duration of Claimant’s work aggravated his degenerative condition into active physical impairment sooner than would have been, awarding PPD benefits with the 3x multiplier and medical benefits. The employer appealed, arguing that the Claimant did not meet his burden of proving a work-related injury, noting injury does not include the effects of the natural aging process. The Supreme Court of Kentucky held that substantial evidence existed to support the ALJ’s determination, finding that three doctors, including one of the employer’s IME experts, acknowledged that the Claimant’s job duties significantly contributed to the acceleration or aggravation of his degenerative knee condition.