State News

NWCDN is a network of law firms dedicated to protecting employers in workers’ compensation claims.

NWCDN Members regularly post articles and summary judgements in workers’ compensations law in your state.  

Select a state from the dropdown menu below to scroll through the state specific archives for updates and opinions on various workers’ compensation laws in your state.

Contact information for NWCDN members is also located on the state specific links in the event you have additional questions or your company is seeking a workers’ compensation lawyer in your state.

Now Considering Firms for Our Network in

Do We Love This Change?

The Division recently solicited comments on proposed changes to EDI Rules. According to our good friend Steve Nichols of Sentinel Governmental Affairs, the biggest issue is the short window of time provided for testing of the submission of claims EDI data.  In comments to the rule, Steve proposed additional time for testing so that insurance companies, EDI trading partners and the DWC could ensure successful claims data reporting. Steve cautioned the DWC and stakeholders to avoid a repeat of the NPI EDI data element change that resulted in enforcement actions, that could have been eliminated with adequate testing.  We await the DWC rule changes and hope that adequate consideration is given to these concerns.

We are pleased to announce that four of our attorneys: Matt Hoffman, John Land, Dave Marello, and Brian Schaedler have been elected as partners in the firm, effective January 1, 2022.

Matt has been practicing workers' compensation defense since he was admitted to New York Bar in 2014. He is expert in appellate practice and, notably, he successfully argued O'Donnell v Erie County, 35 N.Y.3d 14 (2020) before the New York Court of Appeals, reaffirming the obligation of partially disabled injured workers to demonstrate a nexus between their post-retirement reduction in earnings and their disability. Matt is also an adjunct professor at the University at Buffalo Law School where he teaches a course on appellate advocacy.

He is a member of the Erie County and New York State Bar Associations. Matt is resident in our Buffalo office.

John has also been practicing workers' compensation defense since his admission to the bar in 2015, following his graduation, summa cum laude, from the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School in 2014. While in law school, John won “Best Oralist” at the Midwest Super Regional Round of the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in February 2014. John's professional interests cover every aspect of workers' compensation claims from initial controversy to appellate court. He has also defended employers against illegal employment claims under WCL §120.

He is a member of the Erie County and New York State Bar Associations. John is resident in our Buffalo office.

Dave has been practicing law with Hamberger & Weiss LLP since his admission to the New York Bar in 2015. In addition to general workers' compensation litigation, Dave has developed a sub-specialty in representing our clients’ interests in third party actions before State Supreme Court and the Court of Claims. He also handles Loss Transfer arbitration hearings for our clients.

Dave is an Erie County native. Outside of the office, Dave enjoys playing sports and working on his golf game. He is a member of the Erie County Bar Association and is resident in our Buffalo office.

Brian is also a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School, where he not only served as a Publications Editor on the Buffalo Law Review, but graduated in 2014 with the honor of three separate awards: the Robert J. Connelly Trial Technique Award, the American Bar Association and the Bureau of National Affairs Award for Excellence in the Study of Health Law, and the Harold A. Dautch Memorial Scholarship Award for Academic Excellence. Brian is an expert litigator and has successfully defended our clients throughout the thousands of hearings and depositions he has handled.

When not in hearings, Brian can be found at the gym, playing sports, or watching the Buffalo Bills or Sabres. Brian is a member of the New York State Bar Association and is resident in our Rochester office.


Bram Lehman Joins H&W LLP as Special Counsel 


We are pleased to welcome Bram Lehman to the firm, who joined us as Special Counsel in December 2021. Bram has more than 30 years of experience in New York workers’ compensation. He was most recently a partner in the firm of Bond, McDonald, & Lehman in Geneva, NY where he represented claimants for 20 years. Bram graduated cum laude from Syracuse Law School in 1991, where he was an editor of the Syracuse Law Review. He began his workers’ compensation career in 1993 at the Syracuse defense firm Mackenzie, Smith, Lewis, Michel, and Hughes, where he represented a wide range of carriers, third party administrators and self- insured employers.  He then became a partner at another Syracuse defense firm, Whyland & Richmond, LLP, where he practiced until 2000. Bram was a Geneva City Court Judge from 2007 until 2014. He is a member of the New York State Bar Association and is resident in our Rochester office.


Practice Tips Regarding the 130 Week PPD Credit/MMI "Safety Valve" Provision


In 2017 the workers’ compensation law was amended to allow carriers to take credit for temporary disability payments paid to a claimant beyond 130 weeks (2.5 years) from the date of accident or disablement against that claimant’s maximum benefit weeks from a permanent partial disability award under §15(3)(w). This rule applies to all injuries with dates of accident or disability after April 9, 2017. However, the credit only applies if there was no intervening finding that the claimant was not at maximum medical improvement (“MMI”). Now that we are well past 130 weeks from April 9, 2017, this provision has become increasingly relevant and we have encountered a few different issues we want our clients to be aware of. 

1)         The amendment applies as a matter of law:

Our firm maintains, and the Board thus far seems to agree, that the amendment applies as a matter of law.  In other words, there is no need for the carrier to specifically note its entitlement to the credit at the time classification is decided. We have seen some cases where the claimant's bar disputes this and alleges that the existence of a credit must have been raised at the time of permanency. We are unaware of any precedent in support of this position. Should you receive any ruling from the Board finding the carrier is not entitled to a credit against the cap on the basis that it was not raised at permanency, please let us know.   

2)         All weeks in which payments were made after 130 weeks from the date of accident/disablement count towards the credit

We have heard some argument that the carrier is only entitled to a credit after 130 weeks of payments have been made, rather than the credit applying for any benefits paid after 130 weeks have passed from the date of injury. We disagree with this argument. The statute states that whenever the carrier has provided compensation beyond 130 weeks from the date of accident, it gets a credit for those payment weeks. It says nothing about an obligation to have paid 130 weeks of compensation.  Furthermore, Board Subject Number 046-936 says “The reforms … provide a credit for periods of temporary disability that extend beyond 2.5 years (130 weeks) from the date of injury. Insurance carriers may receive a credit against the maximum benefits payable for permanent partial disability for any periods of temporary disability paid beyond the 2.5 years (130 weeks).”  This language makes no claim that 130 weeks of benefits must be paid for the credit to apply. 

Accordingly, should you receive any decision where a WCLJ finds you are not entitled to credit weeks on the basis that they did not begin to accrue until 130 weeks of temporary benefits had been paid, please let us know. 

3)         Avoid MMI litigation when the outcome is uncertain

To paraphrase Sun-Tzu, “never enter into any battle you have not already won.” As noted above, the credit for temporary benefits disappears if there is a no MMI determination before permanency is ultimately found. Thankfully, this provision is worded narrowly. For the credit to be forfeit, 1) permanency must be at issue; 2) the claimant must have produced medical evidence he is not at MMI; 3) the carrier must have had the chance to secure an opinion on the question; and 4) the Board must have decided that the claimant is not at MMI.  

Therefore, it is wise to avoid litigating the issue if it does not seem likely the carrier will prevail.  Better to accept the opinion of a claimant’s doctor that he is not at MMI for the time being, secure in the knowledge that the benefits you are paying now will ultimately act as a credit, rather than litigate and lose not only the issue of MMI, but the availability of the credit. In cases where the Board sets the matter down for permanency on its own motion, and there is an opinion from claimant's doctor that he is not at MMI, it may be prudent to consider accepting that opinion, unless there is some obvious factual or legal deficiency.  We can then argue that the credit was not forfeit on the basis that none of the latter three events occurred.

We anticipate that the claimant's bar may ultimately argue for such cases to be disqualified from the credit, but we are optimistic about our position given the language of the statute. 


Governor Hochul Signs Workers' Compensation Bills at end of 2021


A number of workers' compensation bills were signed into law by New York Governor Kathy Hochul to close out 2021. The first creates a schedule for attorney fees and removes much of the Board’s discretion regarding same. The new law adds subdivisions 2 and 3 to WCL §24 and provides that the Board “shall” approve fee applications “in an amount commensurate with the services rendered and the amount of compensation awarded, having due regard for the financial state of the claimant” in accordance with the following schedule:

(a) One third of a week’s compensation for continuing payments
(b) 15% of a retroactive award increase over prior payments
(c) 15% of SLU and SFD awards less prior payments
(d) 15% of PTD and PPD classification awards less prior payments, plus a sum equaling 15 weeks of the weekly rate
(e) 15% of Death awards less prior payments, plus 15 weeks at the weekly rate
(f) 15% of Section 32 Settlement award and waiver of any prior fees awarded but not accrued.

Despite stating that fees shall be "commensurate with services rendered," the amendment seems to indicate that the Board must award fees in accordance with this schedule, regardless of the amount of work the attorney performed. The fact that the language provides that the Board “shall” award in accordance with the schedule implies that the Board has little discretion on fees. The Governor’s signing memorandum references some technical changes to the law, which are now the subject of Senate Bill S7762, currently working its way through the legislature. This bill will push the effective date for the attorney fee schedule to 1/1/23. Additionally, the bill will require written fee applications for fees more than $1,000.00. Significantly, the bill states that benefits allocated towards future medical expenses in Section 32 agreement shall not be included in the calculation of the fee. Senate Bill S7762 has been passed by both the Senate and the Assembly. Thus, the bill will presumably be signed by the Governor in the near future.

The next bill, signed on 12/23/21, concerns the Uninsured Employers Fund (UEF) and adds a new subdivision 6-a to WCL §26-a. The new subdivision provides that in the event the Board is unable to identify the responsible insurance carrier for an employer within ten days of filing of a new claim, it shall “appoint” the UEF as the insurance carrier “until such time as the responsible insurance carrier is determined.” At the time she signed the bill, the Governor announced that she had reached an agreement with the legislature to amend the bill to allow thirty days from claim filing for appointment of the UEF as carrier. The amendment further provides that “Upon such appointment, the UEF shall immediately commence payments and provide medical care…” (emphasis added). It remains to be seen just how immediate the UEF’s payments will be. Arguably, this legislation denies the UEF the opportunity to controvert a claim on basic ANCR issues. The amendment takes effect sixty days after signing (February 20, 2022) and applies only to claims filed on and after that date.

The bill most applauded by attorneys, signed on 12/22/21, takes away the Board’s power to deny applications for Board review and Rebuttals to same based on technical defects in the RB–89 and RB–89.1 cover sheets. The bill adds a new Sec. 23-a to the WCL which provides that notwithstanding Board Rule 300.13(b) and Board Subject Nos. “a mistake, omission, defect and/or other irregularity in a coversheet accompanying” an Application for Board Review, Application for Full Board Review, or Rebuttal shall not be grounds for denial of such Application or Rebuttal. The Board is to “permit any such mistake, omission, defect and/or irregularity to be corrected within twenty days of written notice by the board” of same, or "if a substantial right of either the party filing the application or party filing the rebuttal is not prejudiced, such mistake, omission, defect and/or irregularity shall be disregarded.”
WCL §23-a takes effect immediately but does not apply to previously denied Applications or Rebuttals.

Other bills signed near the end of 2021 include S.1022-A, which added a new WCL §17-a to the statute, requiring the Board to translate all documents and forms used by or issued to injured employees in the 10 most common non-English languages spoken in New York State. The new law also requires the Board to provide interpretation services to injured employees and to publish a "language access plan" as well as a point a "language access coordinator." The new law is effective 3/22/22.

Finally, in October 2021, the Governor signed the "Nigro Act" named for Anthony Nigro, a bus mechanic who died in 2012 of lung cancer from exposure to diesel exhaust. This law creates a new WCL §16-a that provides a one time, one year opportunity to file a death benefit claim for any cancer due to exposure to diesel exhaust that otherwise would be disallowed by the timely claim filing or timely notice defenses. The one-year window begins on 10/29/21 and ends on 10/28/22.

Please contact our partner Ron Weiss with any questions about the above legislation.


Contact Us


Hamberger & Weiss LLP - Buffalo Office
700 Main Place Tower
350 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202

Hamberger & Weiss LLP - Rochester Office
1 South Washington Street
Suite 500
Rochester, NY 14614


Thomas Coleman recently secured a favorable decision at the Office of Administrative Hearings in a case involving multiple claimed work injuries.

The first injury was alleged to have resulted from an accident involving a motor vehicle and a train, wherein the employee claimed to have suffered significant and permanent injuries to the cervical spine, bilateral shoulders, and back. He subsequently underwent cervical fusion surgery. The second injury involved a claim for PTSD, which the employee allegedly sustained as a result of another accident.

The Compensation Judge at the Office of Administrative Hearings found that the first injury was a temporary aggravation, which resolved within six weeks, and he denied any claims after that time. This included a denial of significant amounts of indemnity benefits and medical benefits, including the cervical fusion surgery. With respect to the PTSD claim, the Compensation Judge denied primary liability for the claim in its entirety.

This was an outstanding result in a case involving significant exposure and a possible permanent total disability claim.

On December 14, 2021, the Minnesota Supreme Court Summarily Affirmed the Workers Compensation Court of Appeals’ (WCCA) denial of the employee’s Petition to Vacate in Leadens v. Diversified Distributors.

CWK represented the employer and insurer in this case, defending against the employee’s Petition to Vacate a full, final, and complete settlement (the Stipulation had been settled and drafted by a different firm in 1998). The employee appealed the matter to the Minnesota Supreme Court after the WCCA held the employee had not established "good cause" to vacate the 1998 Award on Stipulation. 

The WCCA found that that there was neither significant evidence of a substantial worsening of the employee’s condition nor was there a basis upon which to vacate the Award because the employee was unrepresented by counsel at the time of the original settlement. CWK’s Responsive Brief to the MN Supreme Court was prepared by Emily Johnson, in collaboration with Parker Olson and Mark Kleinschmidt (who handled the case at the WCCA). The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed the WCCA’s ruling, denying the Petition to Vacate and thereby preventing the employee from reopening the case for additional compensation. 

Click here for the WCCA Decision.

Click here for the Minnesota Supreme Court's Summary Affirmance.

Summary by Emily Johnson.

CWK (Minnesota) has once again received a Tier 1 ranking on the Best Law Firms List from U.S. News and World Report. This list is chosen based on client and professional references, along with an attorney ballot system. Please click here to learn more.

We are proud of this honor and appreciate the recognition as a leader in our field!

CWK is excited to announce that Emily Johnson is our newest shareholder!

Emily does an excellent job representing employers and insurers in all stages of litigation, from initial consultations through final resolution. Emily is smart and creative, and her clients appreciate her responsiveness and calm demeanor. Recently, Emily has been very involved in the important case of Leadens v. Diversified Distrib. and Minn. Ins. Guar. Ass'n, and she wrote a brief to the Minnesota Supreme Court in that matter. The Supreme Court summarily affirmed a successful outcome for our clients.

Please join us in congratulating Emily Johnson on becoming a shareholder!

By: Peter Liu (Partner - Los Angeles

New WCAB Rules in effect today.  

Most important change is the meet and confer prior to the Mandatory Settlement Conference and the requirement of filing of Pre-Trial Conference Statement (PTCS) by the close of the MSC, which would arguably mean that the PTCS needs to be e-filed prior to the hearing for the telephonic MSCs the WCAB is currently conducting.  

The new rules also specify how hearings can be set for electronic hearing, the procedure if a party objects to electronic hearings, and requirement that if a party intends to appear electronically that good cause petition is filed.  

For now, it appears hearings will continue to be electronic and trials can be electronic if good cause is shown.  

See the details here, new regulations.

Lights…Camera…Termination: Surveillance Footage Wins Best Picture
Claimant was involved in a compensable work accident in 2016, when he was operating a construction vehicle that crashed and turned over, resulting in injuries to his head, face, neck, and back. Claimant was paid a substantial period of total disability benefits. On March 30, 2021, the Employer filed a Termination Petition seeking to terminate total disability.
Employer’s medical expert Dr. Gelman testified that at his defense medical examination, Claimant presented with a rolling walker and singled prong cane, moved slowly, dragged his left foot, and had trouble straightening his left leg. Surveillance footage, on the other hand, showed claimant walking without any limp, climbing into and out of a pickup truck, walking briskly, and not using any assistive devices. Based on this evidence and his examination, Dr. Gelman felt claimant could work in some capacity. Claimant’s medical expert, Dr. James Zaslavsky, testified that claimant could not work, surveillance notwithstanding, as it was his understanding that claimant did not take his medication on dates he was to be examined, which could have explained his worse presentation.

Claimant interestingly “doubled down” and testified at trial that he did not walk without a cane or walker, despite what was clearly shown on the surveillance. The Board issued a Decision indicating that they agreed with Dr. Gelman and the Employer, and granted the Termination Petition.

Should you have any questions regarding this Decision, please contact John W. Morgan or any other attorney in our Workers’ Compensation Department.

Joseph Frederick v. A-Del Construction Co., Inc. and/or Colonial Trucking, Inc., IAB Hrg. No. 1440955 (Dec. 2, 2021).

January 2022

New Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Claims

When an injured worker is required to travel to an authorized medical provider or facility located more than fifteen (15) miles from the injured worker's residence or workplace, then the employee may request reimbursement for their travel expenses.  Since 2011, the mileage reimbursement rate has been $0.47 per mile.  However, effective on January 2, 2022, that rate increased from $0.47 per mile to $0.585 per mile.

For any questions, please contact:

Fredrick R. Baker, Member
Wimberly Lawson Wright Daves & Jones, PLLC
1420 Neal Street, Suite 201
P.O. Box 655
Cookeville, TN 38503-0655
Phone: 931-372-9123
Fax:  931-372-9181

Kelly Hamilton - DWC Announces New TTD minimum/maximum rates for 2022.
Although there had been a prior notice that there would be no change to the temporary total disability  (TTD) rates for 2022, that notice had been rescinded as the final State Average Weekly Wage (SAWW) information had not been compiled.  This has...Read more
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Michael Mazzoni - EEOC May Recognize Long-Haul COVID-19 as a Disability, Creating Additional Hurdles for Employers
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions recognition that long-haul COVID-19 may be considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act is expected to increase employers potential liability, and could affect the...Read more
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Edward Hummer - COVID-19 Leading Cause of Work-Related Death in California
On Friday, the California Workers Compensation Institute (CWCI) issued a report finding that COVID-19 was the leading cause of job-related death claims in 2020, accounting for more than 55% of workers' compensation death claims. The report...Read more
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Edward Hummer - Amicus Brief Asks Court of Appeal to Reject Employee's Civil Suit for Wrongful Death of Spouse Caused by COVID-19
A recent Los Angeles County Superior Court case has garnered the attention of several employer-backed groups.  In Matilde Ek et al. v. See's Candies Inc. et al. the plaintiffs allege that Matilde Ek contracted COVID-19 while on the job at See's...Read more
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Michael Mazzoni - Growing Use of off Label Neurological Drugs for Injured Workers Poses New Risks
Managing pain can be a difficult task for injured workers who don't want to be subject to long-term opioid use, and the risks that those drugs pose.  Doctors are much more careful in prescribing opioids, especially in light of the opioid crisis...Read more
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