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The moment many
designated doctors have long awaited and lobbied (dare we say begged) for has
finally arrived. The Division has proposed changes to the billing and
reimbursement structure for certain workers’ compensation services that will
also benefit RME providers as well as treating and referral doctors. Who
knows, maybe the promise of greater financial incentive is responsible for the
recent bump in the number of designated doctors on the Division’s list that has
swollen from the 238 reported in March to a whopping 288 in November (all but
12 of the 50 being chiropractors).
The proposal includes adjusting fees once by applying the Medicare Economic
Index (MEI) adjustment factor for examinations performed 2009-2024; adjusting
the fees annually on January 1st by applying that factor in Section
134.203(c)(2); rounding the fees to whole dollars; creating a specialist fee of
$300.00 and including the much longed for $100.00 missed appointment fee.
The proposal also eliminates the current tiering structure so that for DD
and RME examinations, all issues addressed in one exam are paid at the
established fee and not reduced. An assignment number in the prior
authorization field of medical billing forms will be required to identify
DD-associated billing.
For more information about the proposed rule amendments, click here.
You can view the proposed changes here: Chapter 133 and Chapter 134.
A public hearing on the rules is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on January 23,
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP
The Division has revised the DWC-42 and PLN12 in connection with amendments to
the death benefits legislation out of the 88th Legislative Session. The
forms are designed to help eligible beneficiaries file claims for death
benefits with the Division or the Carrier. The new rule was effective
December 11, 2023 and the forms are available on the Division’s website here.
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP
The Workers’
Compensation Research and Evaluation Group (REG) released a new report on
health care cost and utilization in the Texas workers’ compensation system
between 2012 and 2022 that shows total health care declined 30% during that
period. Key findings include claims are down 20%, professional service
costs down 26%, hospital costs down 20%, and pharmacy service costs down 71%.
Click here for a drill-down analysis of the claim,
provider, service and drug types, among other categories.
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “decision” as an authoritative
determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or
law. Each month, the Division posts to its website a comprehensive list of “decisions” made by the
Division’s Appeals Panel and lists them by date filed and issue
addressed. In December, you will find two such decisions on the issues of
SIBs-Permanent Loss of Entitlement and Extent of Injury. If you are
hoping to find any insight or guidance on either of those topics, alas, you
will have to look elsewhere. Further investigation will reveal those
decisions to be of the “affirmed as reformed” variety. In other words, the
ALJ made a typographical error that was corrected by the Appeals Panel and no
substantive change was made. In AP No. 231626, the Appeals Panel corrected the
name of the claimant’s county of residence and in AP No. 231546, the Appeals Panel corrected the
name of the carrier’s registered agent. Perhaps a separate column entitled
“clerical correction” or “oops I did it again” would save participants valuable
legal research time.
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP
The Division will hold the first Carrier Quarterly Meeting of 2024 on January
10, 2024 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Updates will be provided from the usual
departments including Claims and Customer Service, Health and Safety, Business
Process and Operations and External Relations as well as a chance to hear from
the new Deputy Commissioner of Compliance & Investigations. For Zoom
Info and Agenda, click here.
Copyright 2024, Stone Loughlin & Swanson, LLP